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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. But there is a certain extent there privacy as there is no way to prove who (which person) was actually downloading the file...

    Who's to say it wasn't your Grandma who came over and was using your computer?

    Suppose you get a virus on your computer and someone uses your computer to as a proxy to download torrents...

    I mean i'm sure you could still get cut off by your ISP given any of the above defenses, but I'd imagine it would be very hard to bring legal action.

  2. You think 17% is bad - I've just been presented with an increase of 25%!

    This is from April Mobilite, now called April International. It's a French company that provides an Asia Expat policy, tailored for expats in South East Asian countries. It seemed pretty good when I signed up last year--essentially $1 million coverage per year for around $1400.

    But now it's shot up this ludicrous insupportable amount.

    I intend to cancel and find another insurer, but really, 25% increase, how can reputable businesses try something like this on?

    That's interesting as the company I was with (ACS) was also French based and geared to expats. I'm probably gonna switch to BUPA, right now they have the best option that i was able to find.

    It's just crazy because at 25% increase in 10 years your premium would have gone from $1,400 to $13,038 (and that's not even considering your age increase yet). I also don't understand how companies can get away with it.

    I'm guessing their game is to just try and hook you with low rates, increase the rates like crazy; then bring out a new plan with new name and slightly different options with lower rates and do it all over again with the next crop of unsuspecting punters.

    Just don't listen to any agents that are spinning the "strictly governed policy" bull...

  3. Just out of curiosity:

    If you haven't paid rent while still under contract, don't you breach the contract anyway?

    And has the landlord therefore the right to keep the deposit?

    That's what i would have thought.

    Seems fair to me, you didn't pay rent for me month of 10K, landlord keeps bond of 10K, all equals out.

    Unless of course the contract says something a long the lines of "if the house is uninhabitable due to nature disaster no rent is payable"

  4. I have seen people jailed for bouncing checks.

    Do people actually use checks in Thailand? I can honestly say in all my time here i've never seen a hand written check (only printed cashiers checks from the bank). Do businesses here accept checks? Do banks issue "check books"?

  5. beware of the terrible exchange rates when sending money to Thailand via Paypal, it is way worse than anything else...

    Actually about 8% worse than the ripp off bank rates !!!!!

    Current Paypal rate: 29.9663

    Current Bangkok Bank rate: 30.70

    Difference: 2.39%

    Where are you getting 8%?

    There's usually a 3-4% fee on top of transactions also, unless its a personal gift which doesnt always work.

    Fees charged on sales transactions should be considering separately from transfer fees. Any bank is going to charge you processing fees if you start processing credit cards etc... (plus month fees etc..)

    There are no fees related to making transfers; for example if i have a Paypal account which is linked to both a Thai and US bank account. I could deposit funds into the Paypal account from US bank (no fees) then withdraw the funds to my Thai bank (again no fees).

    And as previously discussed you get hit with the bad exchange rate which essentially acts as the "fee".

  6. I'd suggest scraping together some cash (say 10K or 20K) then sit down by yourself and plan our a payment schedule that you could realistically meet.

    Then go to the hospital and talk with the billing department, pay the 10-20K that you brought with you, as a show of good faith, and tell them the plan schedule that you are able to meet.

    Note that if the plan schedule that you can come up with is something like "paid off in a year or so" then you may as well not bother and skip the country instead. But if you plan to stretch the payments out over 3 or 4 months i think they'd be amenable.

    And make sure you get out ahead of this; don't wait until you've already missed the first payment.

  7. beware of the terrible exchange rates when sending money to Thailand via Paypal, it is way worse than anything else...

    This is true, but note that they don't charge any transfer fee... (banks normally charge $25-$45 fee on SWIFT transfers etc..). So for transfers of less than about 30,000THB paypal is cheaper, over that then Bank transfer would probably be cheaper.

  8. She told me the land was registered in her father's name because she doesn't have a blue book and it appears that to register land in your name, you needed to have a blue book?

    This all sounds very dodgy. :whistling:

    If she has no Tabina Ban, then how does she have an id card?

    How did you manage to get legally married at the amour office?

    At the very least she will be on the Tabina Ban of her parents.....

    I don't think we, or perhaps you, are getting the full story.

    Could she have bought the land before she was old enough to actually have it put in the blue book, there for having to put it in her Fathers name.

    Our daughter who is 3 weeks old is already in our blue book so....unless she bought the land a couple of days after she arrived on this earth then this is really no reason.

    If she was not in any blue book the logically course of action would be to go to the district department and have your name put in parents book (which takes about 10 minutes), then go and register the land in your own name...if she is too ignorant to even do this what is she doing buying land anyways?

  9. Just do a hard reset. Unplug the router, stick a pencil in the "reset" hole for like 30 seconds. Then plug it in. Try all the generic user/passwords that you tried before.

    If that fails call TOT.

    username is usually your home telephone number 9 digits followed by @tothome, and then password is then the home telephone number alone.

    As keemapoot says this is the correct method for me

    That's the DSL user/password, not the router/modem user/pass. Also @tothome would depend on the package (not everyone will be @tothome)

  10. Why does everyone say "photoshopped" a brand name, I use PSP (Paintshop Pro) to digitally modify images?

    People say lots of things like "Google it", "Hoover the floor", "Eat some Jello", "Xerox this", etc... Ok Americans seem to like genericizing brands more than English, but both do it...i'm assuming English is not your first language, but we have many brand names that become used in this manner.

    (Not sure if Aussies do it? I'm assuming so)

  11. The main reason that serious developers look down on dreamweaver is when beginners use the WYSIWG (what you see is what you get) mode of it and call themselves web designers.

    Dreamweaver does make it easy for absolute beginners to make terrible websites. It is also a great tool for experienced people to make amazing websites.

    If you are serious about this and use dreamweaver make sure you mainly use the code view and just use the other features to save time.

    Any decent coder should be able to work in notepad, however colour coding of different syntax is very convenient.

    Also sometimes people use some of the (IMHO) terrible dreamweaver features such as the template system. If your site is big enough to necessitate template...please don't use plain HTML + dreamweaver template. Use a CMS as mentioned above. Even SSI includes would be better than dreamweaver template.

  12. Whats Dreamweaver capable of these days?

    It's not really what Dreamweaver is capable of...more what you are capable of, Dreamweaver will allow you to do it.

    If you are expecting Dreamweaver to magically do everything for you, you are in for a shock.

    It's kind of like saying "Are these tools capable of building a house"

  13. CSS3 makes things so much easier with the likes of border radius and box shadow, text shadow etc..

    I already use a lot of these things. I don't think it's a bit deal if someone is still using IE7 and seeing square corners instead of rounded. Having to use images for all shadows/corners/etc... is becoming a thing of past.

    Also javascript like this: http://typeface.neocracy.org/ now makes it possible to embed custom fonts (mainly for titles/headings etc..) In the past you'd always have to use images.

    JQuery makes animation easy. Most things that you used to have to use Flash for can now be done easily in javascript with JQuery .

  14. I thought group insurance was not based on your individual claims but on those of the group as a whole?

    I don't understand the group thing either? Do you mean to say that if you purchase insurance through a broker, then if anyone else who also purchased from that broker makes a claim then your premium goes up too? That doesn't seem to make sense?

  15. I don't understand how a person who seems to have everything, no history of depression or metal illness, kills them seem with no suicide note or anything...and the police say there was "nothing suspicious"...? <deleted> how can it be more suspicious? Is there something they all know that we don't?

  16. I purchased health insurance from what was Thaivisa Insurance last year. At the time they assured me that each year the cost would only increase "slightly" to account for inflation and that this plan was "governed by strict EU policies".

    Just to note that i did not claim anything this year on the insurance, and also did not move up to the next age bracket (premiums increase at certain age milestones); however just got an email saying that my insurance premium next year is 17% higher!

    I was expecting an inflationary increase of maybe 3-5%...but 17% is this kind of thing "normal"? When i had my previous Thai insurance (through AIA it didn't increase at all for the 3 years i had it)

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