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Posts posted by Shaksey

  1. Ice head gets busted, tries to gain points by grassing the Farang saying he's dealing. They bust him and his Thai (Indian looking) BF with a whopping 0.5g. Doesn't look like they're dealing on this evidence, in fact in any fair court of law they could never prove someone was dealing finding only this amount....of course this is Thailand so we shall see.

    However...how many LEO's to bust these two losers, how many involved in charging them, trying them etc. Cost to bust 2 people for 0.5g of very likely personal use only gear is going to be massively disproportionate to the amount seized, a complete waste of time and effort by the authorities.

  2. The only reason for me to visit Patpong is Safari.

    Just a relaxed atmosphere about any hassle with very music.

    Also a lot of expacts are using this bar as their watering hole.

    Ah! So Safari is still there. It had a reputation as a relaxed place way back in the late 70's and early 80's. There and the Grand Prix were to nice places to hang out.

    I know Safari is still there, but what venue is Grand Prix now?

  3. Another 50 odd planes by 2017 ?? They have given these numbers before and delayed the delivery, look back over the years on visa with these Thai ordes, surprising, NO. Get a decent European to run the airline, and you may see some improvement. Too many government officials involved here to do much good--they seem to cater for themselves/friends and Hi so's, free B's---- rather than the long suffering customers---- Of course there will be satisfied customers among posters so please do not think I am just wanting to bash Thai.

    Indeed, and if you're unlucky enough to be in Biz or First on one of their flights when some TG officials, friends, Hi-So's, politicians etc turn up last minute then you can expect to be moved to Eco with no discussion so they can accommodate these fine people in the class they deserve.

  4. They had sme proper A-List DJ's on over the years, were the first Bangkok club to offer that I beleve and along with Q turned Soi11 into what it is now attracting the other (so called) "high-end" venues to open. It wasn't very good last time I went a few months ago but back in the day it could be a great night out. Times move on. I bet the closing party and last few nights will be good though for a last hurrah.

    Edit - Reading the PR release from Bed, they also mention how when they moved into soi11 it was nice house/gardens and Q bar. Now it's a shithole full of drinks vans and street bars etc. Far enough point. They also mention some of the top moments including Laurent Garnier DJing and everyone going crazy. Never saw Garnier at Bed but have seen him at other places and he is an epic DJ and i can fully imagine how good that moment would have been at Bed. Can't see that happening or being close to repeated at any other Bangkok club now or in the future, especially one that small that could create the intimate atmosphere that Bed could.

  5. Think there might be more in this than people realise. I walked around my local lake the other day and was disgusted to see after a hot weekened there were a fair few empty bottles and cans left dumped. So rather than whinge about it in the pub or on the internet and moan about how it was all Eastern European's who'd left the rubbish (which it was) I Returned the next day with a big refuse sack and in a brisk 30 min walk completely filled it, picking up all the chucked items, about 15kg worth. That was 30 min with randomly dumped rubbish. Someone going for where people dump 100's of bottles/cans etc on a daily basis is gonna get a pretty good amount collected over say 2-3 hours.

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  6. Pick your night. If it's just a "normal" night, i.e in-house/local/regular DJ's then it's not all that and is just a high(er) class pickup joint.

    If it's an outside and usually European promoter running the night it can be very good and a lot more like a traditional club night you'd get in farangland.

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