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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. When all else fails try the new Best Western in Buriram, it has a pool. or Muang Resort Buriram. They also have a pool and excellent food.Also Ryans Resort, nice place nice pool,good food and a good pint.




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  2. High quality lao khao may be the closest you will find. And yes, like good moonshine anywhere, there is high quality lao khao here.

    Good Lao Khao will put EverClear to shame.

    Where would one obtain such high quality Lao khao. I'm in khon kaen if you might have any idea


    All the locals (Thais)will know.[/quote

    Been here 10+ years only saw it one time in the south. Around here it seemsome everyone just buys the generic blue labeled rot gut

    Have never seen Everclear for sell in Thailand. That does not mean it is not available somewhere. As for the blue lable rot gut I agree its rot gut but its not lao khao. Its called 40 degrees by the Thais.


  3. There is an exception in the Immigration code. I saw the document.

    I see, the Thai government is willing to be flexible on the immigration, visas and work permits for something important, like filming a movie. On issues of no consequence, such as teaching English or volunteering to help the poor, they are strict and inflexible. Good to see they have their priorities straight.

    Makes no sense to me either but hey...must be because the film companies are bringing big money to be spent in Thailand. Money is more important to them I guess.

    There are short term (up to 15 days) W.P. available for special circumstances, especially if the job is one that a Thai is not able to perform, such as portraying a frangian expat.

    I have no idea why they need farangs at all. With the fixation this countries has for skin whitener creams that are sold they have plenty of them to do the job...whistling.gif

  4. Clarification. At Chong Chom the building that issues a Cambodian Visa is just for that purpose only a VISA for Cambodia. They should be charging 20 USD but we all know its normally 1000 baht, there are times they will try on a newbie 1100 or 1200 baht. After you get your visa you have to go directly across from this shack to another shack that says 'ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE'. It is at this shack that you are processed into Cambodia. If your doing a u turn they generally hit you for 300 baht,if your going into Cambodia they don't. BUT if you take a taxi about 500 meter up the highway directly opposite the turn off for O'Smach (Big Arch) the taxi has to stop to check out,they hit you here for the 300 baht.

    I have never experienced any 'shake down', after immigration, in more than a dozen visits.

    Some people don't and some people do. What are you paying for a Cambodian Visa, 20 USD or 1000 baht?

  5. As for Thai registered cars, it is possible to drive them into the no-mans-land (as long as Thailand let's you out) but to pass the Cambodian checkpoint is more difficult and a bit risky if you do manage it. It has been explained to me that you need advance permission in writing from a Govt. Ministry in Phnom Penh to drive a right hand drive car into Cambodia and there are quite a few checkpoints from Poipet onwards where you would likely be checked. You do see caravans of Thai 4WD vehicles on organised rallies passing through but I guess they have the relevant permission.

    Out of curiosity (having never travelled to Cambodia from Thailand myself), is the switch from the left-hand side of the road to the right-hand side when travelling by car managed in some orderly manner by any chance? If so, how and where is the change actually performed?

    Or are there mountains of smashed-up vehicles by the side of the road in no-man's-land which are testament to this being a chaotic free-for-all?wai2.gif

    Well for starters, the number of vehicles traveling between Thailand and Cambodia is so small I don't think it's an issue - you could probably count them on one hand. Secondly, all you need to do is keep right as soon as you hit Cambodian territory; the passport control and vehicle handling areas are designed with that in mind.

    If I was to count the number of vehicles that go threw Kap Choeng with Cambodian plates on a daily bases I would need a calculator.

  6. Warning

    "Tropical Storm PODUL"

    No. 9 Time Issued : November 15, 2013 At 04.00 a.m. on 15 November, the tropical depression in the lower South China Sea which upgrade to tropical storm and lay centered about 300 kilometers east of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam or at latitude 12.0 degree north and longitude 110.0 degree east with maximum sustained winds about 65 km/hr. The storm was moving west at speed 20 km/hr.

    It is forecast to move across southern Vietnam in the morning today and downgrade with move pass Cambodia and cover the East, the Gulf and the upper South of Thailand during 16-17 November. More rain and isolated heavy rain are expected in the lower Northeast, the East, the Central and the upper South, the areas include Rayong, Chanthaburi, Trat, Ratchaburi, Phetchaburi and Prachuap Khiri Khan. The stronger wind wave 2-3 meters high is likely in the upper Gulf of Thailand. Small ships keep ashore during the period.

    The advisory will be effect on 15 November 2013 at 05.00 a.m.

    (Signed) Worapat Tiewthanom

    (Mr Worapat Tiewthanom)

    Director-General, Thai Meteorological Department


  7. Calif. woman found dead near Cambodian resort

    Brett Kelman, USA TODAY11:39 p.m. EST November 13, 2013
    Katherine Ann Grgich was staying at the resort island of Koh Rong when she was found slain on a jungle trail near her hotel, according to her father.

    PALM SPRINGS, Calif. -- Police in Cambodia are investigating the slaying of a California woman who was vacationing on the tropical island of Koh Rong in September, according to the woman's family.

  8. Clarification. At Chong Chom the building that issues a Cambodian Visa is just for that purpose only a VISA for Cambodia. They should be charging 20 USD but we all know its normally 1000 baht, there are times they will try on a newbie 1100 or 1200 baht. After you get your visa you have to go directly across from this shack to another shack that says 'ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE'. It is at this shack that you are processed into Cambodia. If your doing a u turn they generally hit you for 300 baht,if your going into Cambodia they don't. BUT if you take a taxi about 500 meter up the highway directly opposite the turn off for O'Smach (Big Arch) the taxi has to stop to check out,they hit you here for the 300 baht.

  9. To late got hit yesterday afternoon for 90 minutes. Worked until 10 last night back out at 5 this morning.Just in to take a break. But thanks anyway for the heads up.Starting to get dark again. Kap Choeng.

  10. Edits:

    I just re-read my prior ThaiV posting about rip-offs at Chong Jom. I see that someone has subsequently responded that the 300 baht extra I had to pay was kosher and was because I was only a day tripper (visa run). Probably also applies at Choam Sa Ngam, where I always pass through to visit Camby properly. Sorry Camby border-guards!!

    This is a scam, there is mo extra charge for being a day tripper. I have done this crossing many times and only paid the extra once (first time). If you feel confident don't pay it, if you don't 300 baht is not a lot for the lack of confrontation. Personally I give them what I have to and stand my ground (though i don't like having to).

    Scam or not, the Cambodians will levy the 300 Baht charge if you are returning immediately to Thailand.

    This is why the border runs cost 1,300/1,400 Baht. The visa desk will only accept 1,000 Baht in such cases.

    I have never done a visa run, I have always gone on to Siem Reap. I have often thought that I would stand my ground with $20 in my passport (however long it takes), go over to Cambodian immigration to get stamped in and have a coffee/beer/water at one of the roadside shops, After about half an hour I would go back and, if asked) say I had developed severe stomach cramps and could not continue my journey and wanted to go home.....................

    I have always given them 100bht. Never a problem.

    At Chong Chom ?

    1,000 baht to Cambodian visa office - have you not been asked for money at the Immigration office ?


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