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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. As many exit and reentries as you want in a row. That was their police on 15 day and they are keeping it for the new 30 day. Most crossing have limited this to 3 in a row but Chong Chom is wide open on this. I have seen a few people stay in the area for 6 months by doing this. I would expect the day will comSisaket e when they clamp down on this but for now its wide open. As for G7 Long stayers you would be amazed how many questionable people are about

    nice to know

    Choam Sa Ngam crossing in Sisaket is only 3. BTW the two crossings are only 60 km apart.

  2. According to an article in todays Uk Daily Mail, Pierce Brosnan is in Malibu filming 'How To Make Love Like An Englishman;

    Long way from Chang Puak market...

    So who do we trust on Pierce Brosnan where about's ? The Bangkok Post, The Nation, Thaivisa or The UK Daily Mail.????Heck I go with the Daily Mail.

  3. Kwaibah's post might benefit from some context setting.

    For those who have not seen this rule change on the more general immigration threads, Thailand has relaxed the visa exempt entry stamp you get for passport holders of all G7 nations with effect from 1-November. For the last 7 years passport holders of many countries have got a one month visa exempt entry stamp when entering at an international airport in Thailand, but only 15 days if entering through a land border crossing. Now passport holders from G7 nations will get 30 days at land crossings as well as airports.

    On the general immigration threads there has been speculation that the rule may not necessarily come into immediate effect at all land crossings (speculation based on Thai immigration's previous record of 'messages not getting through top all outposts' on a timely basis.

    I'll ask at Sisaket immigration later this month (unless someone else gets and posts an earlier update) in respect of Choam Sa Ngam. Perhaps someone can do the same re Chong Mek in Ubon province and likewise for other Isaan border crossings.

    Why G7 is being given favoured nation status at the moment ... who knows? And just when all Brits were surmising that Thai immigration were starting to clamp down on them (cf Hull becoming a seemingly pariah consulate).

    Sorry to all my Aussie and Scandi mates - it has been confirmed (as we Brits always suspected) that, despite your deep pockets and cultural wealth, you are not of most-favoured nation statustongue.png.


    What do you mean by unlimited entries Kwaibah? Surely they are not letting the floodgates open to unlimited stays with monthly "visa-waiver runs"??!! Can't see this change being of earth shattering importance to most G7 long stayers otherwise, but it could be useful for our mates who visit us from our home countries in Isaan for regional land-travel tours, taking in places like , Laos and Cambodia and who then want to come overland into, and spend more than a couple of weeks in, Thailand.

    As many exit and reentries as you want in a row. That was their police on 15 day and they are keeping it for the new 30 day. Most crossing have limited this to 3 in a row but Chong Chom is wide open on this. I have seen a few people stay in the area for 6 months by doing this. I would expect the day will come when they clamp down on this but for now its wide open. As for G7 Long stayers you would be amazed how many questionable people are about..

  4. Yes, well, if you're Dutch you have to understand that helping them for FREE with advice and a master plan for flooding (which they have not implemented yet) during last year's flood puts you at a disadvantage....cheesy.gif .I say and keep repeating: An eye for an eye. If they don't allow long term visas here for your country, do the same in your country. If you are not allowed to buy land or houses here, do the same in your country. That'd help I am sure, what, with toxin investing abroad.... biggrin.pngclap2.gifcheesy.gif

    That is along the lines of a post I put up. An eye for an eye.

    What is Thailand getting in return from these counties.

    I bet it is still just as hard for me to take my Thai wife on a holiday in the States.

    My wife has had here 10 visa for the US since 2007 and has been to the US a few time, the last time was March this year. She got her visa in Chiang Mai AND she had no problem with the US Consulate. Sorry HD but your comment is totally out of place.

  5. If you are really dedicated to the game, if might be worthwhile to subscribe to NFL GamePass and watch the games live on your PC. And if you only need it for a short time, they have a 7 day trial that you could use for free for 7 days and then cancel.

    Yea good advice and I would but my internet connection isn't fast enough at home to watch a game

    without constantly losing the signal.

    At home or at your guesthouse? Internet connections definitely can be bad here but there are some glimmers of hope. For instance, I successfully watched some of the post-season baseball games with the wifi at Riders Corner (a friendly restaurant & guesthouse on the northeast corner of the moat). Apparently they have a fibre connection and it benchmarks above 20Mb/sec sometimes.

    I watch all my MLB and NCAFF & NFL on the net..

  6. Those NY pizzas in the photos look OK. Being a professional artisan bread and pizza baker, I've made thousands, I do see some problems with those pizzas though. The crust is too blonde. The oven temp should be hotter(more char and oven kick). Also the crust is too tight. The rim is flat, no life and bubbles. The dough was over mixed. Too much mixing over oxidizes the dough and makes the gluten matrix too tight. This results in a bland and lifeless crust. In the pizza world, Crust is king.

    You are correct but it beats ANY pizza in Thailand..

  7. How about money, i still have 800USD from a previous holliday, will this be enough or should i purchase more USD before we leave for the holiday

    I will arrange and pay for the accommodtion before we leave

    Depends what you do and where you eat. Of course 800.00 is enough but you will not be high-rolling. USD 80.00 will come out for Angkor Wat 3-day pass, transportation (Tuk-tuk is about 18.00 a day but you would need a car for Preah Vihear and Kho Khor), guide????

    Beers on Pub Street are $ 050.00, but if you do not like that particular circus, beers are anywhere from $ 1.00 to $ 7.00.

    Basic meals are a couple of Dollars a pop, but you can also easily spend over 100 Dollars for 2.

    ATM's are widel available so you could always pull more money I guess. Do not change into Riel, there is absolutely no need.

    and you have nightlife..http://www.xbar.asia/

  8. Confirmed 30 day land crossing at chong chom.

    I have just had it confirmed by Kap Choeng Immigration that the nationals of UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Canada and Italy get a visa exempt entry of 30 days at the Chong Chom Border Crossing. BTW Unlimited entries.

    Hopefully this does not get closed or moved.

  9. Ha, finally a bit of positive change on this old-world game of border crossings as opposed to the more rational (is there a word for that in Thai, I doubt it) idea of simply going to an office and paying a fee. My non-B has just expired and I was about to organise my every-two-weeks trip from Chiang Mai to Mae Sai. Now.... getting 30 days like 5 years ago, GREAT NEWS! However, I recall that the one good thing about the 14-day "walk" rule was that it was unlimited, whereas the old 30 day walk had a limit to it, either 2x or 3x. I would appreciate any news on how many times one can use the 30 day visa... it may be limited again.

    Confirmed 30 day land crossing at Chong Chom Border Crossing.

    I have just had it confirmed by Kap Choeng Immigration that the nationals of UK, USA, Japan, Germany, France, Canada and Italy get a visa exempt entry of 30 days at the Chong Chom Border Crossing. BTW Unlimited entries.

  10. "Air Asia now have direct flights from Phuket to San Reap and we are thinking about going to see the temples

    Does anyone know how long to stay there and see everything worth seeing without getting bored"

    Bored ?

    You have to be joking. three days or more to see Angkor Wat , Can be done in a day for highlights. Then a week on Pub Street.Use Google.

  11. I agree with you on both counts, but absolutely no one in Thailand has a crust that I like - a real New York crust - and The Duke's is better than most.

    U.G. you are right. Thailand needs real NYC pizza! NYC pizza is king of the world! Authentic Neopolitan pizza (when done well)has an excellent taste(char from 900f ovens,"00" flour,San Marzano tomatoes, Bufala(sic) mozzarella are all excellent). But, it is hoity toity. Too delicate and prissy to be called world's greatest. Leave the Neopolitan pizzas to frat boys named Biff.

    The best NYC pizza is far more robust and significant. Of course, more times than not, you'll hear it discredited on Thai Visa, by some "bloke from the culinary wasteland UK". Who once tried crap pizza in a Times Square tourist trap, and knight's himself "Sir condemnator of all that is NYC pizza".

    It's sad to see the ignorant, indoctrinated masses, favor tradition over true superiority. To say Neopolitan pizza is the greatest, "because pizza was invented in Italy"(debatable), is foolish. It's like saying the Egyptians invented beer, therefore the world's greatest beer can only come from Egypt. Or the first artists were cavemen, so caveman must be history's greatest artists. It's SO F@+K#*G STUPID !

    Finding great NYC pizza in NYC is not easy. Maybe 1 out of 20 places. Finding a great NYC pizza in Thailand? All of us New Yorkers are still waiting.

    Is 71 cuda a 71 barracuda

    a serious hot machine..


  12. Yes they were looking for extras the week before last .I applied but have not heard anything since .;-(

    Emmm, Anto....perhaps they wanted to see your face?

    Well they did see my face and they took many photos ,but it seems the face did not fit .lol


    Just like when American Gangster with Denzel Washington was filmed in Chiang Mai 2006 I tried for Denzel double but they could not stop laughing again. Warrot Market was used as the back ground.

  13. Just wait, the way things are going here ,fiction may turn into reality ,

    all to easily.

    regards Worgeorgie

    Could there be a coup sometime in the future? Yes, it's happened before and it could happen again. I hope not, but....

    Will foreignors be executed? Extremely unlikely, or I wouldn't be here. One thing I find admirable about the Thai's is that none that I've met blame their problems on sinister foreign forces.

    This could be a fun movie. I couldn't find a projected release date, but I'll watch for it.

    September 19 2006. The BIB's in Chiang Mai ran away like scared rates they did not show their face for a few days, bars did not closed, Party on.. Heck I did not see any army for 6 days...

  14. I saw a VIP cavalcade last night, figured it was a pollie. Perhaps not...He

    Heck when Rambo finished filming Stallone took over Foxy Lady for the night. You should of seen the security on

    Soi 1/Thaphae rd. Un real..

  15. Is this OP a wind up ?

    Once again dress smartly - dirty jeans, trainers, a sweaty T-shirt and flip flops impress no one !

    Just walk into any bank with a wad of notes (any currency) and a passport.

    They will fall over themselves to open an account and issue your with an ATM card (and charge you TB400 for privilege)

    Tell them you wish to transfer more money from whereever and ask for their SWIFT number.

    This will be their HO in Bangkok who will exchange your currency into US$ before converting it into Baht for onward transmission to your branch.

    I've been coming and going here for 17 years and have NEVER known a Thai bank to turn money away smile.png

    You are uninformed. There is a government crackdown at the moment. They will not "fall over themselves to open an account and issue your with an ATM card". They probably have more money than most people trying t open an account and are not impressed. But again, the government has cracked down under pressure from the USA and EU.

    We opened one yesterday for visiting client.

    Took 20 mins, no docs required and no problem.

    Bangkok Bank.

    Location please...

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