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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. I can recommend Bangkok Bank on Thapae Road, at least to get information, in good English. I bank there as did a recently deceased friend of mine, and have needed to go there many times with complicated issues. There is a middle aged female manager, usually in the small office on the right side as you enter who seems to be available to answer the more complicated matters. She is extremely friendly and extremely knowledgeable from my experiences there.

    That's the same branch of Bangkok Bank that I have been using for years. Never saw any problems there for opening an account. Another good bank is the SCB just back up Thapae Rd towards Changkline RD. Will open up account on a 30 day visa exempt.

  2. are

    Banks at shopping centers are not full service banks. There are numerous services you will not get at these.and a tourist opening an account is just one of them. All ways go to a normal bank branch in town.

    The Bangkok Bank at Kad Suan Kaew is a full service bank.

    Ill rephrase this statement Not at a Big C or a Tesco Mall. Yes the ones in KSK and Airport Plaza are full service. I opened my account on a 30 day visa exempt at a Bangkok Bank and used my hotel as the address.

  3. Mayor Tussanai Buranupakorn re-elected


    Tussanai Buranupakorn, number 3 on the ballot, was re-elected as Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality. Here he is seen announcing his early resignation before becoming a monk on the occasion of his uncle’s death.

    Nopniwat Krailerg

    Chiang Mai’s Mayor Tussanai Buranupakorn re-took his seat as Mayor of Chiang Mai Municipality after giving it up one month before the end of his first term to become a monk to make merit for his uncle Pakorn Buranupakorn who passed away at the age of 50.

    Mayor Tussanai, number 3 on the ballot, won the election with 26,700 votes while number 1 on the ballot newcomer Thidarat Siriwittayakorn came in second with 20,873 votes.

    Third place went to Pornchai Jitnavasathien, who garnered 7,962 votes.

    ChiangMai Mail

  4. Tassanai Wins Chiang Mai Election Nov 4, 2013Politics

    CityNews – On 3rd November election results were announced revealing that former mayor Tassanai Buranupakorn again was victorious.

    The mayor helping to clean the moat last year

    Tassanai (No.3) received 26,700 points; Tidarat Siriwittayakorn (No.1) 20,873; Phornchai Jitnawasatian (No.4) 7,962; Wanlop Saetiaw (No.5) 2,338; Sampan Chatmongkolpan (No.2) 211; and Non Hiranchet (No.6) 158.

    The results of the vote were announced at 7 p.m. 64,001 out of 103,203 people came out to vote, which accounted for 62.01% of the people. There were 1,910 spoiled ballots (2.98%) and 3,849 people (6.01%) did not vote.

    ทัศนัยชนะเลือกตั้ง นั่งเก้าอี้นายกเทศมนตรีต่ออีกสมัย

    การเลือกตั้งตำแหน่งนายกเทศมนตรีเทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ ซึ่งมีการลงคะแนนเสียงเลือกตั้งเมื่อวันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน 56 จากจำนวน178 หน่วยเลือกตั้งภายในเขตเทศบาลฯ ผลการนับคะแนนครบ 100% เมื่อเวลา 19.00 น.วันเดียวกัน สำนักปลัดเทศบาลได้ออกประกาศผลคะแนน ปรากฏว่าผู้สมัครที่มีคะแนนสูงสุดคือ หมายเลข 3 นายทัศนัย บูรณุปกรณ์ อดีตนายกเทศมนตรีนครเชียงใหม่สมัยล่าสุด กลุ่มเชียงใหม่คุณธรรม มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 26,700 คะแนน รองลงมา คือผู้สมัครเบอร์ 1 น.ส.ธิดารัตน์ ศิริวิทยากร หรือทนายจ๋า กลุ่มเพื่อเชียงใหม่ มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 20,873 คะแนน ส่วนผู้สมัครเบอร์ 4 นายพรชัย จิตนวเสถียร กลุ่มอานันทภูมิ มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 7,962 คะแนน และผู้สมัครเบอร์ 5 นายวัลลภ แซ่เตียว มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 2,338 คะแนน ผู้สมัครเบอร์ 2 นายสัมพันธ์ ฉัตรมงคลพันธ์ มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 211คะแนน และผู้สมัครเบอร์ 6 นายนนท์ หิรัญเชรษฐ์ มีคะแนนรวมทั้งสิ้น 158 คะแนน ตามลำดับ

    ทั้งนี้มีผู้มีสิทธิ์ลงคะแนน จำนวน 103,203 คน มีผู้มาใช้สิทธิลงคะแนน 64,001 คน คิดเป็น 62.01% บัตรดี 58,272 ใบ คิดเป็น 91%บัตรเสีย 1,910 ใบ คิดเป็น 2.98% ไม่ประสงค์ลงคะแนน 3,849 ใบ คิดเป็น 6.01%

  5. Why do many Farangs miss pronounce Pattaya, many pronounce it Pet- tie-ya or Pay-tay-ya or Pie-tire ya, when it is Pat as in pat the dog, Pat-ta-ya , there is a song anyone can buy at any music shop about Pattaya and it is Pat - ta -ya, , or any Thai person can pronounce it for you, the BBC news this morning got it right with the news about the boat sinking in Pattaya and CNN got it wrong, most Americans do get it wrong.

    Heck most Americans thank that New Mexico is a foreign country..FACT!!

    • Like 2
  6. How many crops per year 1 or 2 ? What size bags?? Our bags holds 100 kilo,at 5 bags per rai for that would be 110 bags. Sorry but plenty of water and nice rice means nothing. Need to know how many kilo per rai and how many crops per year. Some areas get 800 to 1000 kilo per rai while others get only get 300 kilo per rai.

    • Like 1
  7. @SamSipEt

    "Politely suggest that you are not involved in anyway what so ever. At least not in any observable way"

    I have had my thoughts concerning that. E.g. me driving a truck loading/reloading the food cart/groceries (but besides that doing nothing), would/could that be considered as work and bring me in to any kind of problems with immigration

    Actually that would be considered work. Its not immigration you need to worry about it is the Labor Board. If the locals see you as a threat and report you to the police and Labor Board then they will fine you for no work permit which could included deportation by immigration.

    • Like 1
  8. Under Thai law the minimum daily wage is 300 baht.

    Never mind the kind of work, plainly and simply 300 hundred baht a working day of eight hours

    Of course, being Thailand, not everybody is upholding the law.

    Being a farang I would be very careful, do not hire yourself!

    I'm pretty sure you will find that the 300baht rule applies only to companies that employ full time a certain amount of persons. If the law was enforced that everybody had to be paid 300 baht whatever the circumstances, then the rice in Thailand would never get harvested.

    Even the rice labors are demanding and getting 300 baht per day. You comments on the rice not getting harvest is totally false.

    Just checked. Going rate here is 200 baht a day. There must be a labour shortage in your part of the woods.

    No woods about us. Still 300 baht and that's Thai to Thai. If you can get them for 200 better hog tie em so they don't escape.

  9. Under Thai law the minimum daily wage is 300 baht.

    Never mind the kind of work, plainly and simply 300 hundred baht a working day of eight hours

    Of course, being Thailand, not everybody is upholding the law.

    Being a farang I would be very careful, do not hire yourself!

    I'm pretty sure you will find that the 300baht rule applies only to companies that employ full time a certain amount of persons. If the law was enforced that everybody had to be paid 300 baht whatever the circumstances, then the rice in Thailand would never get harvested.

    Even the rice labors are demanding and getting 300 baht per day. You comments on the rice not getting harvest is totally false.

  10. I can't help you with a venue, but just so you know....

    .... your "midnight" games will begin at 1 am starting this week.

    Daylight savings time in the US ends tonight, so 2am will become 1am.

    Thailand will be 12 hours ahead of the US East Coast by kickoff time.

    and NO ALCOHOL TODAY. So you know what that means............

  11. Best way is to look for a house self and contact the owner.

    One house in my village just went up with 2.5 million just because a real estate agent is on it now.

    Ok everybody needs to make money , but 2.5 million for selling a house ?

    That's exactly how our house sold. Had it listed on 4 sites. It sold by someone using their common sense and not by a realtor. As for the OP question about CMP, yes had our house listed with them and others. CMP did a very good job of marketing the house. At the end of the day they are no better or worse than the other realtors.

  12. re

    Now if I can only find them.

    Any links appreciated

    here ya go smile.png

    green arrow .. un irish pub

    red ............... b and b sugar bar

    blue ............. the wild boar


    ps i doubt the un irish will open today coz of the election ... the other two probably will smile.png

    WOW how very expedient and helpful Thanks man.

    dave2 is in charge of the ThiaVisa Navigation Department.

  13. If I understand the replies correctly, I will not get a multi entry non o in Vientiane, but I will in Savanaket. Correct? Multi entry is what I want.

    Correct.Only Savannahket can you get the O-M based on marriage. M= multi good for 12 months and if you play your card correctly can get 15 months.

  14. You do know that it is very easy to order better quality, and better value products, don't you ?

    Please elaborate,you don't mean SK do you ?

    regards Worgeordie

    What is SK ?

    Have a look on the Western Food forum.

    I buy 3 scotch eggs for 100 Baht and they are (in my opinion, and for my taste - it is always subject) far better than the Yorkies product - or any other provider for that matter.

    I buy steak and kidney puddings 70 Baht, same price for S & K pies, minced beef and onion, etc. A large pork pie 70 Baht.

    There is a wide range of suppliers - which is great because you try various providers and settle for the taste/price that suits you best.

    I have bought from:-

    Asia West

    Western Wholesale Meats

    Tony Kwan in Pattaya

    Pattaya Pies

    Buriram Pieman




    Nookies Delights (for good value items)


    I now see that SK would be Sausage King - I haven't tried their products.

    Try.. http://www.sausageking1.com/contact/

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