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Posts posted by khwaibah

  1. 1,21,200 people believed killed in Typhoon Haiyan that hammered the Philippines, Red Cross official says CNN Breaking News.http://edition.cnn.com/00 people believed killed in Typhoon Haiyan that hammered the PhilCippines, Red Cross official says.

  2. where is the DL office in CNX anyway ?


    Land Transportation Department (LTD) highway 108 or Hang Dong Rd .. If you go past Big C heading south YOU WENT TO FAR, Its before Big C on your left going south just before Big C. GPS 18.744963, 98.962083

    • Like 1
  3. my license is valid for lifetime - never expires wink.png

    they dont make them anymore.

    My wife has one also Two weeks after she got her life time DL they stop it. Lucky.......

    Question ? Can you change your paper life time DL for the new smart card dl for life.?

    • Like 1
  4. The one year should be extended before expiry,


    You can only extend (replace with a five year) the 1 year Temporary License once it has expired.

    This is due to the fact that to get the 5 year license you need to have held a Temporary License for at least 12 months. Thus, it needs to be expired for you to replace it with the 5 year DL.

    Not necessarily the LTD has been known to issue a new 5 years with a month to go on your provincial DL. Also if you were on a tourist visa when you want to renew they will only give you another 1 year provincial DL.

  5. That is not the current Sisaket Immigration Office in the photo. Maybe one from days gone by?? I am not nit picking you helpful posts Khwai, just trying to save confusion.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not by gone but operational. Yes the main office is in Sisaket and setting drectly in back of it is the new

    Choam Sa-Ngam Custom House Complex and I mean complex...


  6. Warning

    "Typhoon HAIYAN"

    No. 2 Time Issued : November 09, 2013 At 04.00 a.m. (09 November 2013), Typhoon “HAIYAN” in the middle South China Sea was centered west of the Philippines or at 12.4 degree North and 118.2 degree East with maximum sustained winds about 165 km/hr. It is moving west at speed of 22 km/hr. It is forecast to move near the coast of Central Vietnam during 10-11 November. It will then weaken rapidly due to the impact of the cool and dry air mass from China to bring rainfalls over eastern part of the Northeast of Thailand.

    The advisory will be effect on 9 November 2013 at 05.00 p.m.

    (Signed) Worapat Tiewthanom

    (Mr Worapat Tiewthanom)

    Director-General, Thai Meteorological Department

  7. Warning
    "Tropical Depression in South China Sea"
    No. 13 Time Issued : November 08, 2013 At 4.00 a.m. on 8 November, the active low pressure covers the upper Gulf and the upper South Thailand. Abundant rain, as well as isolated heavy rain, is likely in the lower Central and the South, especially in provinces of Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Chumphon and Surat Thani. The strong wind wave is expected 2-3 meters high in the upper Gulf. People in the areas should beware of severe weather. Tomorrow (9 November), the active low will move to the upper Andaman Sea.

    Typhoon “HAIYAN” with maximum sustained wind about 240 km/hr is moving across the Philippines and the South China Sea. It is forecast to move near the coast of Central Vietnam during 10-11 November. It will then weaken rapidly due to the impact of the cool and dry air mass from China to bring rainfalls over eastern part of the Northeast of Thailand.

    The advisory will be effect on 8 November 2013 at 4.00 a.m.

    (Signed) Worapat Tiewthanom

    (Mr Worapat Tiewthanom)

    Director-General, Thai Meteorological Department

    Supporting link added: http://www.tmd.go.th/en/list_warning.php

    • Like 1
  8. I was going to start a thread on this, but may as well do it here.

    Who remembers Karen hut, the original PD's ( pappa dicks ), Lotus Hall ( with all the drama that that entailed.....) and the free for all (only 500 to 1,000 baht ) sexfests in the party room at cozy ??

    Caddies at Gymkhana who were also players..........

    They still are by all reports..whistling.gif

  9. Another Coup in Thailand - Hollywood in Chiang Mai Nov 7, 2013Others

    CityNews - Chiang Mai has been chosen location to shoot for ‘The Coup’, a film with some big Hollywood stars .

    According to a statement issued by the Public Relations Department, shooting has already begun this week and will continue until December 20th.

    ‘The Coup’ revolves around an American family which migrates to an Asian Country and literally finds itself in a coup. Is is directed by John Erick Dowdle and features Owen Wilson, Pierce Brosnan and Michelle Monaghan. The film is going to be released in 2014.

    Ms Ubonrat Kongkraphan, Chiang Mai Public Relations Officer has said that she is hoping Chiang Mai gets recognised for even more international films shoots in the future.

    Film Shoots in Chiang Mai are benefitting Chiang Mai in many ways. Firstly at the time of shoot, there is employment generation by hiring local technicians and extras for the film. Secondly, the movies that feature Thailand are attracting tourists from different parts of the world and giving Chiang Mai a prominent place on the Tourist Map.

  10. Just wait, the way things are going here ,fiction may turn into reality ,

    all to easily.

    regards Worgeorgie

    Could there be a coup sometime in the future? Yes, it's happened before and it could happen again. I hope not, but....

    Will foreignors be executed? Extremely unlikely, or I wouldn't be here. One thing I find admirable about the Thai's is that none that I've met blame their problems on sinister foreign forces.

    This could be a fun movie. I couldn't find a projected release date, but I'll watch for it.

    September 19 2006. The BIB's in Chiang Mai ran away like scared rates they did not show their face for a few days, bars did not closed, Party on.. Heck I did not see any army for 6 days...

    Well--don't bank on it happening like this next time--I think the brown stuff might hit the fan.

    It will be a repeat of 2006. Run rabbit run

  11. my wife and a friend worked as extras yesterday and Owen was onset, but Pierce was not to be seen.

    How much are they paying per day for extras ?They could not tell me ,but i guess its only pocket money ?

    for thais, it was 600 baht ... she had to be there at 5am and got let go at 6pm.. heard that they pay more for falangs... but don't know...the day she went, it was only thais and burmese and hill tribes that they had brought in

    ... from the hills

    Heck all they had to do was round up all the Burmese flower sellers and their kids from Loi Khro and the night market.

  12. It is all speculation until the next Police Order is published but my guess -- as earlier posted -- is that the main beneficiary of all this is intended to be the group tour bus operators who take persons to Luang Prabang and/or Angkor and thus re-enter Thailand via a land border and not those who are desirous of staying long-term in Thailand without the need to apply for a Tourist or non-IMM visa.

    Interesting point - there are certainly people coming back with 30 days (check out Thorn Tree.

    But it looks like there are still a lot of "expats" who want to abuse the system.

    There always has been. This is the reason they went to the 15 day visa exempt from 30 day land crossing back in 2007.

  13. Chiang Mai steps up transport safety

    CHIANG MAI, 6 November 2013 (NNT) - The northern tourist province of Chiang Mai has stepped up transport safety measures on the debut of its high tourist season.

    According to Mr Chanchai Keelapaeng, Chief of the Chiang Mai Provincial Land Transport Office, measures have been launched by the Department of Land Transport requiring all transport vehicles to have safety gear ready for passengers from this month onwards. Mr Chanchai said the Chiang Mai authorities would therefore follow the department’s direction by adopting the measures in the province.

    Checkpoints will be set up on roads and authorities will thoroughly examine transport vehicles, especially vans and buses, to see whether they meet the department’s safety regulations. Drivers and owners of vehicles violating the safety rules will be subject to penalties.

    The Thai government is striving to raise the safety of the national transport system after the ferry accident in the resort beach town of Pattaya that killed 6 passengers, including foreigners.

    -- NNT 2013-11-07 footer_n.gif

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