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Posts posted by Chads

  1. I've been in Phuket Town for 2 months and I've got a craving for the following Western food items. Does anyone know which restaurants/cafes I can find them, and where they are? Only places in Phuket Town please :)

    1. Ham sandwich

    2. Chicken pita

    3. Cheesecake

    4. Red velvet cupcake

    5. Honey BBQ wings

    6. Sugar donuts (not from Dunkin Donuts)

  2. The Indian tourist was pathetic! Running around Pattaya @ 1:00 am c/w $1000 cash in your pocket is near suicidal.Being 1/2 pissed is another marker, Ladyboys are knowmn thieves, accepting a ride from Ladyboys is more than suicidal.

    It baffles me sometimes, how little street-smart some tourists are. And he's from India, shouldn't he know better, coming from where he does? Maybe people have too much fun in Thailand like it's some paradise to the point they think less.

  3. They must have surveyed my ex-wife.

    And mine , now there is an interesting survey , how many T.V. readers have been Cuckolded ( sorry its normal use is gender based but use it in the broader sense) , I think that is the right term , or simply put been the victims of adultery , and how did you discover the awful truth .. For my part working away from home I fibbed about my flights and returned home late evening when I should have been on a plane ... it still stings a bit ...after many years ..

    Well being an old retired guy from the intelligence gathering field it was quite easy. One day I discovered a phone in her purse while I was searching for beer money. Turned it on and there were only two numbers for incoming and outgoing calls. The call log was full. I confronted her and she said it was not her phone it belonged to her aunt. Liar, liar pants on fire. So I told her ok no problem. I went to a website in the US that sells sw to capture all incoming and outgoing calls in the stealth mode (no beeps) and is hidden in the phone. Cost me $25. Bought her a new Nokia phone that the sw works on. She was very happy with her new phone. I had installed the sw on it. Each night when she was in the shower I would download the calls by blue tooth to my phone. Bingo. I also purchased a sims card reader and transferred all her SMS to my computer even though she had deleted them. Bingo. Come to find out she was seeing two Thai guys. I only wasted twelve years of my life with this winch. Could have been worse. But as they say, all's well that ends well. I made 20 CDs of her calls to these guys in which all maner of things were discussed including how stupid I was and their weekly plans to meet in the local "love motel" better known as a resort. I distributed these CDs to all her family and other interested parties in the village. Case closed.

    What a champ.

  4. I wonder why it's the case with so many Westerners. I'm Asian myself, and I've never heard of any other Asians falling for the traps that some of you have in Thailand

    I know a few Japanese who have, but in general you are correct. There's always some westerners who arrive at the airport with "Somebody, anybody, marry me quick" on their mind (not suggesting this was the OP's situation) and they rush into things far sooner than they normally would.

    the Hong Konger who originally bought the exclusive rights to the McDonalds franchises in Hong Kong made a fortune, and had it all legally removed from him by a hot piece of candy from the Philippines. He is flat broke now.

    Yes there are some cases like those. But generally I think it (unfortunately) happens more to Westerners.

    Anyway I'm not saying Asians are better/smarter. Maybe they're just more used to the style / have heard more stories of the scams that happen in Asia.

  5. It's any wonder that Thais have any respect at all for falangs when they see how easily some part with their money. The total stupidity of some falang with their money here just infuriates me. They give it away hand over fist and then start bleating about how they are getting ripped off. Som nom na. Wake up you bloody idiots, you probably worked hard for your money and yet you want to play Santa Claus.

    Yes I wonder why it's the case with so many Westerners. I'm Asian myself, and I've never heard of any other Asians falling for the traps that some of you have in Thailand.

    I know most of you are giving so much out of kindness and sympathy because you might think that these are poor, less educated people who haven't had much luxury in their life. But as you can see, they'll take you for a ride sometimes.

    Don't take that chance, never give too much. Maybe 10,000 Baht a month (for example) is not much for some of you to give your girlfriends/wives but it's a lot for a Thai person (they can pay their rent, settle food and transport costs, and do a little shopping with that much).

    If she can't love you for who you are, and based on the minimum you give her, then she doesn't really love you. Move on.

    And why give her parents so much money? Research, find out how much people like her parents usually need to live reasonably. Give them that much. It's probably very little when compared to your own currency, so you might feel like a cheapskate but you're really not. You're letting everyone know you're not a sucker and letting yourself know that she's still with you because she actually loves you and not your money.

    Probably because it's a completely different world and they dive in, heads first... I think a good idea would be to come here a few times first, do a little research... find out about the culture, living and how the general thinking is before you do anything rash but even though thinking is the humans greatest tool, many do not use it.

    Yes you're right. But you know it's easy to come to a place like Thailand and feel so freed up from the worries life, and feel like you can do anything because everything is so much relatively cheaper.

    This can also cause a lack of clarity when falling in "love".

  6. It's any wonder that Thais have any respect at all for falangs when they see how easily some part with their money. The total stupidity of some falang with their money here just infuriates me. They give it away hand over fist and then start bleating about how they are getting ripped off. Som nom na. Wake up you bloody idiots, you probably worked hard for your money and yet you want to play Santa Claus.

    Yes I wonder why it's the case with so many Westerners. I'm Asian myself, and I've never heard of any other Asians falling for the traps that some of you have in Thailand.

    I know most of you are giving so much out of kindness and sympathy because you might think that these are poor, less educated people who haven't had much luxury in their life. But as you can see, they'll take you for a ride sometimes.

    Don't take that chance, never give too much. Maybe 10,000 Baht a month (for example) is not much for some of you to give your girlfriends/wives but it's a lot for a Thai person (they can pay their rent, settle food and transport costs, and do a little shopping with that much).

    If she can't love you for who you are, and based on the minimum you give her, then she doesn't really love you. Move on.

    And why give her parents so much money? Research, find out how much people like her parents usually need to live reasonably. Give them that much. It's probably very little when compared to your own currency, so you might feel like a cheapskate but you're really not. You're letting everyone know you're not a sucker and letting yourself know that she's still with you because she actually loves you and not your money.

    • Like 2
  7. ♪♪ Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak

    Somewhere in this town

    See me and the boys we don't like it

    So were getting up and going down ♪♪

    Nah - The Lizzy are too 70's, you need some PE in FULL effect:

    "And then I threw up my steel bullets - flew up

    Blew up, who shot...

    What, who, the bazooka was who

    And to my rescue, it was the S1Ws"

    And don't ever forget: It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back - bouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuy !

    Peace wai.gif

    Cool musical taste :)

    • Like 1
  8. I understand what you mean, and I agree with it to a certain extent. But as I asked before, has it done much good for Thailand since the root cause of corruption seems to be greed?

    As a result of "greed" (i.e. profit motive / capitalism), Thailand has become an industrialised nation, which has advantages (higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality, education opportunities, millions more humans, etc) and disadvantages (e.g. corruption, pollution, less trees, etc).

    I think Thailand is better as an industrialised country but if you would prefer to live in a world without greed, I believe there are a couple of tribes in the Amazon rainforest that still live the old-fashioned way... doubt they even have Facebook.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Haha. I'm not interested in Thailand remaining an undeveloped nation, and I'm no "hippie", if that's what you think.

    I understand what you mean by "greed" bringing about development in Thailand. However, it's also "greed" that's preventing it from achieving it's full potential, and causing so many problems for the country.

    Anyway, I wouldn't pay $1 a month to use Facebook, I rarely even use it now. A free alternative will be set up soon after with all of it's features (one that pays for itself with ads), and most will migrate to it I believe. The person who sets up the alternative will also be in to make a nice profit.

  9. Facebook is already making so much money from the ads that they display, so why does a $1 charge even need to be mentioned? Guess greed knows no boundaries.

    Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

    PS: Adam Smith explained this in more detail in The Wealth of Nations (1776) if you don't believe me.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Has it done good in Thailand? I'm alright with my life here but just thinking about all the corruption and other things which stem from "greed".

    The modern world as we know it all stems from "greed".

    Prior to greed (the motive for personal profit) which really took off with the industrial revolution (and has been with us ever since), life was a constant battle for survival with life expectancy of 20 - 30 years and infant mortality rates of 40 - 50% (not to mention that "life" for most people was not exactly a good laugh.

    Obviously some of the less desirable of today's industrialised world are linked with greed, because everything is linked with greed, because without greed we would have nothing (not literally but nearly literally as few of us alive today could ever have even existed without greed).

    Greed is good.

    PS: I am on my computer so my automatic iPhone signature will not show below asking you to forgive any typos, but please do so (as well as any other nonsense in my post above) because I had a (small) bottle of Singha this evening (while watching the football) and hence I am rather drunk.

    I understand what you mean, and I agree with it to a certain extent. But as I asked before, has it done much good for Thailand since the root cause of corruption seems to be greed?

  10. Facebook is already making so much money from the ads that they display, so why does a $1 charge even need to be mentioned? Guess greed knows no boundaries.

    Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

    PS: Adam Smith explained this in more detail in The Wealth of Nations (1776) if you don't believe me.

    Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

    Has it done good in Thailand? I'm alright with my life here but just thinking about all the corruption and other things which stem from "greed".

  11. Buy a New House--New Car--Big Bar ALL in her Name thinking She will take care of you when your Old and sick~~~

    Classic Thai story

    I don't know why people do this in Thailand, it's just too risky. You wouldn't do that with a girlfriend/wife back in your own country so why do it in Thailand??

  12. Firstly I would never date anyone from a bar. There are lots of Thai women out there who have regular jobs. Try getting to know some of them. Most would not know as much English as the ladies from bars, so brush up on your Thai. You'd probably get a better woman who is more trustworthy.

    Secondly, if you want warmth, communication, and tenderness in a relationship then you should know you're not going get it with the woman you're currently with. So leave her. And if all Thai women are giving you the same experience (or you haven't met one who's good for you), then maybe you can't date Thai women.

    I know leaving a relationship may cause heartbreak initially. But better get over something that doesn't make you happy, rather than being unhappy for years. You may even lose your partner after all that time so who was the biggest loser?

    Thirdly, I like the post where someone said try going to some bars late at night with your guy friends without informing her. See how she reacts. If she gets angry tell her she did the same before, so you thought that it's ok.

    Lastly, my personal opinion is that you should never give your partner too much money. It's best if she works too, so her time is taken up by work routines, she has a social circle with colleagues, and earns her own money.

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