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Posts posted by mike1967

  1. 8 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

    To avoid what risk when hospitals in Thailand are empty ? (I know it because I live in Thailand and I have a very good friend who works at the Bangkok Hospital of Pattaya)

    Governments are concerned with new variants. Any country with a population that hasn't been vaccinated will be classed as high risk. The problem isn't how full the hospitals are now.

  2. 16 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    That's right, it's VERY late. 

    Having just seen the news where a world map was shown outlining where certain countries are expected to complete vaccination. Guess where Thailand was? In the very slowest group of countries not expected to complete vaccination until 2023 and onwards. If people are expecting any kind of travel "in the third quarter of this year", forget it. 

    16 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    That's right, it's VERY 



  3. 16 hours ago, keith101 said:

    This vaccine has been rendered pretty much useless against the new variants especially the South African one where its only helpful against very mild cases . If this gets into Thailand then they should maybe forget about their order 

    I haven't read past your quote but I can only imagine what people are saying. I think you should delete your own post my friend.

    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, Asspec said:

    Did I state that! No I didn't but you Did.

    Sorry but I don't understand the relevance of your original post. Or is it a case of "I'm alright Jack"? The population will always have people over 60, people with underlying health issues or both. Should we just let them stay shut away whilst the rest of us carry on with out lives as normal? We have a duty as human beings to take care of ourselves and other people. Whether you agree with the vaccine or not we all have a responsibility not to kill others around us.

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  5. 35 minutes ago, sambum said:


    Sorry, I think I do get it and I agree with what you say re there being a point where enough is enough.


    What I am saying is that it would take more to tip me over the edge than a 300 baht "surcharge". Being "invited" to stay in an overpriced ASQ hotel would be more likely to do it - or having to pay a Thai company  for unnecessary additional Covid insurance would also do it.


    The trouble with the Thai mindset is that they don't seem to consider the effect that some of their half baked ideas have - they think of the immediate profit available from current visitors without  considering the profit that they could have  tomorrow from more visitors if their plans/ideas were more "visitor friendly".  

    It's just insane to me. I can understand quarantine, although the price could be better, but to charge foreigners to put towards attracting tourists is beyond madness. Charge the very tourists you're trying to attract. To me that's just alienating them. What do I know though hey? 555. £1000 worth of quarantine gets me a long way towards another holiday. 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, sambum said:


    Really? 300 baht on top of the rest of the expense of the holiday "tipped you over the edge"?


    I am living here on a pension, and certainly not rich by any means, but come on, you changed your mind on a holiday because the price increased by the equivalent of the price of a taxi ride to your hotel?


    You really must be living on a shoestring!

    Uuumm, don't think you get it. What about if they charged you 300 baht for everyday you stayed in Thailand, would that be acceptable? There has to be a point where we have to say enough is enough. The problem with the UK is that we've lost our backbone. We just roll over and accept everything. If people didn't go then they wouldn't charge it. Oh, and by the way, I retired at 41.

  7. 8 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    I think they are not sure if asymptomatic vaccinated people can transmit the virus.

    If it is 95% effective it would be a small chance a traveler is infected.  I guess it will depend on where they are coming from and how much infecting is there.

    If 1 in 500 travelers are infected now, that would be maybe 1 in 5000 with a vaccine. Still not good enough.

    Not sure what school of maths you came from but any virus doesn't work like that. 

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Not surprised, they are not really interested outside the tourist areas.


    They should hire a lot of English teachers, a lot, and somebody that really can speak English and not the English teacher I spoke to in SiSaket many years ago, I didn't understand one word she was saying (Thai) and I felt sorry for her and her students. 


    Singapore is doing very well in this regard.



    Singapore, that speaks English, is doing well teaching English? I must be missing something.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Migrosmarket said:



    Sadly most of the stories show how naive these people are. They are foreigners.... or more bluntly aliens.... and have a visa which is no more than a temporary permission to stay.


    A change of government could see ALL visas revoked. This is a reality. Unlikely but possible. 


    Most people ignore the reality of being a visa holder. You have fewer rights and no security. Naturally most countries want foreigners to contribute to the economy and care less about them than their own nationals.


    My view is NEVER sell up and move lock, stock and (two) smoking barrels to a foreign country. Never give up your original life, bank accounts, property, healthcare etc..

    Spot on buddy. Couldn't have worded it better.

  10. 36 minutes ago, murraynz said:

    I own a condo ,car and thai bank acc with substantial funds.

    Im fortunate that i returned to thailand,just days prior to lockdown.

    At this stage..im happy to spend rest of life in thailand...

    But....i dont burn bridges with home country..

    I can  easily leave my belongings in thailand,should i wish to leave..

    I have funds to live elsewhere,if i want to.

    My point is..dont come to thailand if you cant afford to leave what you have here...

    Many expats move here,and they dont even have enough funds to buy a house...renting is ok ,but for those that need to get a mortgage in their thai wifes name...i dont feel sorry for you,should anything go wrong..

    It's horses for courses. Everyone has a different situation. I split my time between the UK and Thailand. I love both countries for different reasons. Your life can be ruined, in a second, in Thailand due to the corruption, not only from the authorities. We've all known stories where, through no fault of their own, people's lives have been turned upside down. My point is, Thailand isn't the place to get into trouble, caused by ones self or not. By the way, I would never put anything in a Thai persons name nor would I want to buy a property there, regardless of my financial situation. Just my choice, everyone is different.

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