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Posts posted by Diggerbasher

  1. With all this talk on bird watching, I am surprised that so far, nobody has mentioned the most famous bird watching point in Thailand. This small strip of land with several watering holes, is the year round home to one of Thailand most beautiful birds. Every year, thousands of bird watchers visit Thailand and stake out this veritable plethora of native bird display. Situated in the province of Chonburi, this wild life sanctuary is home to one of the most beautiful birds in South East Asia – the Siam Brown Tit.

    On every forum there is always someone who loves to come along and hammer the average IQ of contributors to a thread,coming as they do at the bottom end of the IQ continuum,way,way from the peak of the Bell curve. Most people cluster around the average (IQ 100) but some like to inhabit the lower quartile,often it seems living in a place such as Pattaya.

  2. A guesthouse in Isaan would have to be near a transit point like Nong Khai town to get the flow of farang.Otherwise farang stay with the in laws for a few days or more.Out in the wilds you have no chance of making money,who is going to stay and why would they travel to your area unless it has a big cultural attraction.

    There's a New Zealand guy in Nong Khai who has decided to give up and his Bigsnake guesthouse in the middle of nowhere is up for sale.Just never got any visitors except for two days of the year.

  3. The reason i ask is because the market seems to have been really *ucked up by a farang who came up from Pattaya and paid five times the going rate.Cannot believe he did not check the market first.The fact that he stuck a huge model of a chicken on his gate post speaks volumes.Now every Tom,Dick and Harry wants a MILLION Baht a rai when previously lots of land traded hands at 200,000 per rai.(near Bundidnoi school).The price for the 10 rai that is filled and has a house on it went up form 2 to 10 million overnight.

    I'm now talking about a little further out.

  4. No parties when my children were born,just stuck some cash in an account.

    Living in the moment is a core of buddhism so Thais tend not to worry about the future and rack up the biggest dept possible through spending all they have.Thats why they have so little and all the Chinese and Vietnamese own all the businesses.

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