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Posts posted by lostinisaan


     Please, guys keep it civil. An accident is an accident and I don't think that the driver had any intention to kill somebody, or hurt anyone.

    The Thai man's family have reportedly been visiting Tony in hospital every day.


               We all live under the same sun and shit happens. RIP and a very speedy and fully recovery for the injured one


             Nobody wants to do such things and harm other people, but shit happens all around the world, and it happens everywhere when we don't think about it. 


           Sorry for the loss of a daddy, friend and I assume a good guy, Cheers.-  


  2. 6 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Now a days  most drivers have dash cameras in their vehicles,  this is helping us all

    see the news stories with more detail, and gore.  What a world we live in.!  These mini vans are

    starting to look more and more dangerous, so I am glad there are still the big buses, and trains and

    planes to get around in Thailand with,   heck even a new ferry route from Pattaya to Hua  Hin to help the

    tourists and rich people avoid the hiways.




     More people can die in a big bus. The only safe way is Nakhon Chai Air. NCA.

  3. Just now, aussiebrian said:

    Your poor dog was only raped because you didn't look after her enough. Who lets their dog out to roam the streets when they are on heat? Oh, ok, you didn't let her out, she had the key to the gate and let her self out? What was that? Oh she jumped the fence? About time for a higher fence..what, the cops weren't interested in your husky? Maybe she is ugly..



     My st...aeehh sincere wife left the gate a little open, not thinking of the dog's hormone problems.


      One shot was enough. The hang together for an hour. Rapist. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, HooHaa said:

    you download the photo once, paste it into the documents once, print many times.


    i cant see how this is mor difficult than linking.


    one wonders who is the stupid one here.




     You should see me producing a worksheet, some of them with a few photos. There's no time t go the old way, sorry, didn't mean to insult you. 


     I'm sure it works with LAN, so it must be a WIFI problem. 

  5. 20 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Hmm. Possibly an erroneous proxy/network configuration in the internet settings.


    You seem to have a proclivity for installing strange software and fiddling with settings. I suspect that if you avoided doing both then you would not have these problems, but I'm just a retired IT consultant so what do I know?



        I'm connected to the Internet via a TP Link USB stick Everything else works well, but I can't get my MS Office online, plus the new browser doesn't work.


       Sorry for asking such a difficult question. 



    P.S. I just found out that I don't have access to the Store and plenty of the new gadgets that came with W 10 Pro. 



       It must be an easy setting, I can't get online via Google to get to the Microsoft shop. 

    Check your internet connection.png

  6. Just now, elgordo38 said:

    Are you not being a bit harsh I hear his name mentioned all the time on time. Its God da oh well better stop there. 



        I've seen "Waiting for Godot" in 1983 on Sri Lanka but I never ever waited for him. May "god be with you. " God save you." 

    When I was 8 months on crutches after my bike accident two Mormons came to my house and asked me: Hello, sir, can we help you? God the almighty is there for you.

     I said to him: " Oh yes, there's something you can help me with, please fragg off. The two Morons immediately took off and never came back. ( Thank god?)


    My Jehova's Witness ( ex-colleague) didn't get the message that I hated him for bringing me his freakin Watchtowers. I always told him that he'd be welcome at my place, but he must leave the bs outside of the gate.


      One week later he came back and brought the brochure in German because he thought I wouldn't understand the English version. The brochure became airborne when he left and he was never seen since then.


        May god or a dog be with him. Weird that a god can be a dog so easily. 


  7. 1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

    Dear enlightened one he is not dead just damaged pride and a few cuts and bruises. EnlightenedAtheist intriguing avatar name. 



        Enlightened atheists with enlargements are extraordinary dangerous when using a keyboard as a weapon. I don't see any enlightenment when the poster can't even figure out that the person on the Moped didn't get sent to Nirwana straight away. 

    A great tip would be to read the Jehovas' Witness brochures together with all the Watchtower bs and all posts on this godless forum. 



  8. 2 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

    Murderer. What a coward using his pickup truck to murder a poor innocent dog. Couldn't fight it man to dog. Cowardly filth. Someone should run him over with a pickup truck, see how he likes it.



     Would a Thai write such nonsense no problem. "Murder an innocent dog"?


       Please send me a prvt. message and you can have all our unwanted Soi dogs for free. Plus food for three days. 


              Many of these dogs are evil bastards and bite everything that's moving.


             Okay, euthanasia would be a better way.  Especially the one who raped our Siberian Husky and made her pregnant.


    The cops didn't seem to be interested. 

  9. 3 hours ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

    Sorry, I didn't know I needed to be a poster of the year to post here.


    Her nationality is not your concern and doesn't matter.

    She is very healthy and can travel.

    Her passport is valid but she doesn't want to go anywhere. Al three of her husbands have died and she has no relatives left abroad.


    There's a few friends give her an amount of cash every month. Frankly, you should learn from us and look after your friends. this includes finding out how she could be saved from possible jail or deportation.


    She;s an old friend of 20 years and has lived here for over 40 years.


    Thanks to all the positive replies.



         A good one and I fully agree.


    I do some voluntary work for an organization that helps certain nationals in emergency situations but I haven't seen anything that she needs a babysitter. 


     Reading the OP, I don't want to know her nationality. That would only be of interest if she'd need immediate help. 


        Can you imagine- if American- she might be sent to a "concentration camp" in the States by the helpful poster? 


        Or they might convict her to become a Mormon or similar? Let it be.....


    "Take your time for your friends before time's taking them away from you." :stoner:



    • Like 2
  10. Those people who don't give a <deleted>' about anything don't burn to death.


      Enough proof that there's no god around who's watching his sheep.



    3 hours ago, Emster23 said:

    Headline should read "Drunk driving by drunk woman.." not crazy. Let us not insult crazy people. This is right up there with son of red bull, except the cop was still with the bike while it was being dragged.... any updates? Does he still have the flu?



     The headline is crazy driving, not crazy woman. And that's indeed crazy driving.


    Even after 99 shots I'd figure out that there's something very wrong. 


            Let's call it the intelligent, but drunk driver with a low IQ then. 


    BTW, she's driving way better than most people in my province S. when sober. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

    Blame the Big Biker, Blame The Small Biker, Blame the van driver, Blame the Car driver that's all I read here


    How about everyone blaming The Ministry Of Transport Head and the government for not enforcing the rules of the road


    Education and the lack of training is the problem here, as nothing like this happens  (numbers) like it has in the last few days here,  In other countries it never happens on this scale day after day a senseless waste of life because people don't care.



     + 1 Education is the keyword to the problems. All foreigners who visit places countryside and see plenty of students sitting on top of the roof of a Songtaew, because it's so crowded, all alerts would go on and foreigners will immediately call them dumb and not having "common sense."


    Certainly, there's a different type of "common sense" when growing up in a developing country such as Lieland.


       Neither do the students know that they just fall off when the driver has to hit the brakes nor does the driver understand Murphy's laws.


      Common sense isn't given by birth, it's something that we all develop independently when we grow up, burn our fingers at a stove, etc..


    And people in LOS do have a completely different type of common sense. 







  12. 9 minutes ago, 01322521959 said:

    Obviously the big bike was traveling at too higher speed, smaller bike illegal. It all came together to make a perfect storm. Same everyday here. Oh and the copper thought the 650 was like a big fino.

    Sent from my i-mobile_i-STYLE_219 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



     What a damn stupid post after a biker has lost his life. You ain't no biker, are you?

    Where's the "obviously"? Big Fino?Are you on the wrong meds?

  13.   Happy New Year,


                    I'm having this problem for a while but no idea what it's causing it. It's my private PC I bought for my school because they don't have enough money to do so.


        I did the upgrade from 7 to 10, run W 10 Pro with MS Office 2016. I'm using a USB stick to connect to the Internet wireless and everything is working well, excluding inserting an online photo into a Office Word document ( always tells me I'm offline)



             And I can't get online with the Edge browser.  It would be great if there's an easy solution as a direct connection would be a lot of work and I'm not planning to stay here anyway.



               Thanks a lot for any information. I'm using google, can have 8 windows open and all other stuff is working well. Cheers-


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