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Posts posted by jeffandgop

  1. Maybe I didn't see it but the TV issue is not so much as power conversion but that in the US they use the NTSC system and any TV you purchase here in Thailand runs on the PAL system- the TV purchased in Thailand WON'T WORK in the US.

  2. Tagging on these spec discussions, can anybody tell me if the normal water pressure in Thailand from an outdoor spigot can deliver at 19L/minute (1140L/hour) at 1.38 Bar? I brought from the US an Excell Model XR2625 pressure washer and hope that after I spend the money on coupling interfaces I can use it because water delivery meets my washer's minimum requirements.


    There's no standard in Thailand - some areas might do it, but most areas won't though.

    You'd need your own tank and water pump to reliably get that kind of flow rate from a tap.

  3. 1. Don't bring US electronics to Thailand. TV's won't work as Thailand runs on the PAL system and US is NTSC. Other electronics would require massive transformers bigger than the electronic unit to convert the power.

    2. The ability to bring in household effects without duty is limited to those that have Work Permits or other qualifying conditions- if you are coming over on a non-immigrant O-A ("retirement") you will have to pay duty. June 2012 I shipped a 20 foot container and because of my O-A visa I had to pay just under 28,000 baht in duty.

    Maybe this attachment will help....


  4. Tagging on these spec discussions, can anybody tell me if the normal water pressure in Thailand from an outdoor spigot can deliver at 19L/minute (1140L/hour) at 1.38 Bar? I brought from the US an Excell Model XR2625 pressure washer and hope that after I spend the money on coupling interfaces I can use it because water delivery meets my washer's minimum requirements.


    The common mistake when buying a pressure washer is going for the highest pressure ......its not high pressure you need it is the Best flow you can get, as all have enough pressure but most have low flow which only give a small jet spray which takes forever to do large areas...

    Checking the Karcher and Zinsano catalogues the sort of size machines I am looking at deliver between 300 and 400 litres/hr. The higher the flow rate you want the higher the pressure rating, and so the cost goes up quickly. The Zinsano Arctic I posted the photo of above delivers 360 litres/hr at 120 Bar which sounds OK - what do you think?

    The Imperial Airman had a fine flow rate but unfortunately I have no idea what it was.

    360L/hour is decent, and 100 bar+ is enough to do the job, especially from Karcher or Zinsano who have trustworthy ratings. 600L/hr is awesome though wink.png

    If there's not much difference in price, I would recommend the Karcher simply because they have such a huge support base in Thailand- parts are readily available in-stock, and they also have a huge range of accessories.

    For prices, google for:

    Krieng Thai Watana (Karcher distributor - ask for a price and you'll get lower then what's on their website)

    Thai Washer Car Club - the for sale section there has several vendors selling Karcher and Zinsano at cheap prices.

  5. Sorry to clarify this but if I go on 22nd, will the "visa" start on its due day, the 30th?

    As Jingthing has, I think, made it reasonably clear in his post, your extension of stay (to use the correct terminology) will, indeed, start on the 30th:-

    "You do not lose any days on your NEW permission to stay by going in early."

    For your information, I will shortly be setting off to my local immigration office for my next retirement extension, even though the existing one is not due to expire until 11th August. I am 100% confident that, as in the case of each of my 3 previous extensions of stay to date (which I have applied for at around the same point in time), it will be dated until 11th August 2014.

    I agree Pauleddy...my latest one year extension commenced the date of the application and not the expiration of the prior permission to stay...

  6. Facing intense speculation that he would be "demoted" in a Cabinet reshuffle, Chalerm painted a gloomy political system where the most powerful pulled all the strings, ministerial appointees are clueless about their assigned jobs but have to accept them anyway, and government politicians won't talk about massive corruption or major state policies in danger of breaking the laws until they are kicked out of key posts.

    So start talking Chalerm!!!





  7. I will be building a 1-story home in Chiang Mai starting in a couple of months. Thru Internet research I have come up with the following list of Thailand sources....I would appreciate any comments/experiences you may have had with:


    2. A.R.C.


    4. VIGNET


    6. WINDSOR (I have visited their BKK showroom).

    And if you have any other recommendations on uPVC windows I'll gladly accept them.....Thank you.

  8. I understood retirement visa does not allow you to import used goods without paying tax

    I beleive on a work permit you can, however you would need to re-export

    Also, as someone pointed out if you pay tax its on, the cost of goods PLUS transport costs, packing costs etc

    This is correct if you are a foreigner- there is no household duty free for a Non Imm O-A visa. Duty exempt is available if you have a work permit.

    When I brought my 20 foot container in last year under my Non Imm O-A visa I was expecting a one-time relief on duty...not so...I paid a duty but fortunately not lot as my inbound agent took care of it.

  9. Chiang Mai is not Kansas Dorothy!

    Just goes to show us that there is always someone out there with an opinion or an unwelcome remark no better than a hemorrhoid on a Munchkins ass.

    seems you don't like facts. that's ok... keep on dreaming.

    Sure I like facts- that's what I asked for but you didn't provide any. I have lived and worked here off and on for 25 years. I know what I'm getting into.

  10. Does anyone have any experience with any home inspector in CM that they'd recommend? I am looking at single family homes and want to find someone capable to do a complete inspection of the structural integrity, electrical, plumbing, roof, flooding potential, termites/pests, etc. to understand the house condition and faults before I buy.

    Thanks for your feedback.


  11. We also had great experience with Chiang Mai Removals, but I don't know if they would move someone here from Bangkok. Certainly worth contacting them to ask. Google them -- they have a good website.

    Thanks- I did contact them and they said that they do provide move services from BKK to CM........

  12. My wife & I currently live in Bangkok and will be moving to Chiang Mai in July. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the quality, professionalism, cost and fulfilling commitments from any of following moving services companies I located on the web:

    1. Big Move Thailand


    3. Intermover Thailand

    4. ABS-Relocations

    5. Relocation Thailand Vpack

    Thank you in advance.

  13. I highly recommend JVK. Very professional. Large team of workers, so packing/unpacking done quickly. Handled assembly and reassembly of flat pack furniture competently. No damage in transit. And much cheaper than the other three companies I approached. Absolutely no complaints at all. The only slight oddness was that they wanted to be paid in cash in full on the day of the move itself.

    Good feedback, thanks...I presume you used them for a domestic Thailand move? Any price insights you can give me? Payment on the day of the move not new to me- when I shipped my household from the US to here I had to pay in full before the boat left the dock....

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