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Posts posted by jeffandgop

  1. 1. You don't need or have to have a lawyer to prepare a will.  There's nothing in Thai law that requires one.


    2. The law office offering the download is in Thailand to the best of my knowledge.

  2. Addressing the OP's original question, I just spent the last two weeks researching Wills in Thailand so my Thai wife & I could effect them. I contacted 6 local law firms from a list on the US Consulates website.  Of the 6, 1 did not return my call, 4 quoted a price of 10,000B per will and the last quoted 15,000 per will.

    During my research I came across a website of a law firm that has templates of various legal documents that you can download for a small price and prepare the details on your own.  As to the Will I paid only 740B to acquire their template and my wife & I made our Wills constructed IAW Section 1656 under Thai law.


    Under the Thai Civil Code there are these types of Wills (excerpts from the Sections for brevity):

    1. Section 1657. A will may be made by an holograph document, that is to say the the testator must write with his own hand the whole text of the document, the date and his signature.

    2. Section 1658. A will may be made by a public document, that is to say: (1) the testator must declare to the Kromakarn Amphoe* before at least two other persons as witness present at the same time what dispositions he wishes to be included in this will.

    3. Section 1659. A will made by a public document may, upon request, be made outside the Amphoe Office.

    4. Section 1660. A will may be made by a secret document. The testator must sign his name on the document; he must close up the documents and sign his name on the document; he must produce the closed document before the Kromakarn Amphoe and at least two other persons as witnesses and declare to all of them that it contains his testamentary dispositions...

    5. Section 1656. A will may be made in the following form, that is to say, it must be made in writing, dated at the time of making of will and signed by the testator before at least two witnesses present at the same time who shall then and there sign their names certifying the signature of the testator.  It is IAW this section that we created our Wills, which are private, unregistered with the Amphoe, documents. 



  3. On 1/5/2017 at 3:22 PM, jonw8uk said:


    Technically minded has nothing to do with it! Constantly chasing and updating (usually) poor quality free streams that buffer anyway gets old real fast. Some would rather pay 3-500b to save the hassle - providing that the paid service is better than the free stuff

    I tried ilikehdtv. Too difficult to select channels, no TV guide, and a lot of what I'd like to see is only 480p. I sent them a couple of questions via their "Contact Us" link and never got a reply 

  4. 13 minutes ago, r136dg said:

    Thanks everyone. I have faith in my general but of course I haven't met the subs. I try to get out there daily & will make more effort when the walls are going up.

    Can wood doors be used in bathrooms with windows & exhaust fans. If so, should they be the vented ones (slots near the bottom)? Definitely would prefer solid wood doors.


    Our bathroom doors are solid wood. We have windows in the bathrooms for air flow 

  5. We supplied the interior & exterior doors when we built our house 2 ½ years ago. The door supplier we selected was Thaweepan. All doors were custom built to spec. The walls were constructed first and the door frames installed almost immediately after (or during). 

    As noted above the Thai technique for exterior doors is to swing outward as opposed to western style of swinging inward. If you want outward swinging exterior doors that has to be clearly understood by the design & installer so the frame is installed correctly. 



  6. 6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    He invented the Egg McMuffin too. I like both every now and again.

    He did not invent the Egg McMuffin. It was invented by Herb Petersen in Santa Barbara in 1972. I worked at that store at the time being one of the cooks who first served it up. 

  7. A couple of years ago after we exited the rental and received our security deposit returned 100% the  agent contacted us to demand compensation for taking household items such as an 8 foot ladder. We told here it was our property we brought from the US with our container of household goods and not hers/homeowner. She tried to dispute this and after we showed her our shipment bill of lading and the US mover's tag attached to the ladder she disappeared without so much as an apology. 

  8. 13 hours ago, 1337markus said:

    be patient jeffandgop they will ring your doorbell, all the expats here in this moohbaan at SanSai have had a BIB on a Honda CBR visit them from Mae Sai police station. And there is more; this week at CNX Immigration another new form for foreigners; and guess what its compulsory and copies same questions on the other 2 forms they brought in.

    Anyone have a copy of the "new form"?

  9. Today I went to IM to process the 90 day and obtain a re-entry permit. 

    I arrived at 10:20 with both forms completed. The uni girl outside would only give me a que number for one transaction at a time. I chose to do the 90 day as I assumed that que would be busier. She gave me the FNIF to complete and said only my passport info and address and my emergency contact name and address was required. No photo. I was given question #56 and #53 was being served. I got my 90 day receipt in 15 minutes.

    Then I went back outside to the uni girl to get the re-entry que ##. Had to complete another FNIF again with the same minimal info, no photo. Was processed and out the door 25 minutes later. 

    NOTE: I tried to do the 90 day report online having been successful before. This time after submitting the form online it would not process further and that popup instructing me to contact IM was generated. This was my first 90 day report sine returning to Thailand in June. I recall many others have this same problem with the "first" 90 day report after last arrival into the Kingdom. 

  10. 19 hours ago, zd1 said:

    We are going to be doing this as well, we are in the process of selling or giving away a lot of stuff at the moment but we would like to bring some things mainly tools, our expensive mattress, a few bits of personal furniture, a couple of guitars and my old computer with all of our music on it. There is also a few bits of art that we would like to bring some one of pieces purchased in Cuba around 12 years ago and a couple of pieces by my Mrs sister. There is also some classic art Vermeer prints, Monet prints and a Constable print which were my fathers but we are going to sell these. I also sold my motorbike a hornet 900 which I had for over 12 years and wanted to take with us but found out it was going to be cost prohibitive.

    We would probably only need half a container if that but it would be interesting to know about other peoples experience in bringing their stuff in and how much it costs and if any problem with customs.

    We brought in a 40 foot container of household goods 4 years ago and I am on a retirement visa. No customs problems but did pay around $1000 in duty

  11. 22 hours ago, DaUke said:

    I just brought in a container full of stuff, including a couple pieces of artwork, medium size tool box, couches, a bed, tons of kitchen stuff, computer wiring and more.  Didn't pay any taxes... I may have been lucky, but that was my experience.  Where will you be living? House or condo?  Electronics are more expensive out here, so if you're due for an upgrade, buy before you fly. 


    FWIW, I brought way too much stuff, wish I had packed lighter.  

    U brought in a container by ship and paid zero duty? How large was the container and what were the ports of loading and arrival?

  12. Except for U.S. citizen emergencies, consular services at the U.S. Consulate General in Chiang Mai will be suspended from September 12, 2016 to November 1, 2016, due to necessary renovations to the Consular Section.  


    All nonimmigrant visa (NIV) applicants who intend to travel during this period should make appointments with the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok at http://photos.state.gov/libraries/thailand/591452/niv/how_to_apply_niv.pdf.  


    Applicants for all routine U.S. citizen services such as U.S. passports, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, and notarial services required during this period should make an appointment with the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok at https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/.  


    The American Citizen Services (ACS) Unit will remain available by email and phone for emergency U.S. citizen services such as death and welfare/whereabouts cases; and we will continue to accept voter registration, absentee ballot requests, and absentee ballots.  Also, please note that the ACS Unit will conduct several U.S. citizen outreach events in and around Chiang Mai during this period to process requests for U.S. passports, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad, and notarial services.  Information regarding these outreach events and other important updates will be posted on our website at https://th.usembassy.gov/news-events/ and sent out via email. 

  13. Need to go to Promenada Immigration office early next week to get new exit / re-entry stamp. Never been there before.

    Is it easy to find the appropriate queue? Should I get one of the 'agents' on site to help complete the application form?

    Any suggested best day / best time to go there?

    I found an old immigration document on line for the exit / re-entry application but it seems to be years out of date.

    Would appreciate if someone would please share a link to the up to date form.


    Unless it's changed since I was there, there is only ONE q. They give everyone a number for whatever service they require.

    The q is OUTSIDE the building and you need to go between the two buildings that make up Promenada to find it.

    I don't recall requiring any special documentation to obtain my re entry other than a passport with valid visa. Absolutely no need to have an agent do it.

    I arrived after 11am to do my 90 day and went straight in to do the re entry.

    Wrong on all counts....there are 4 different queues to line up to receive different colored que cards depending on the service you require. For re-entry you need to have completed the proper application form with a passport photo affixed and copies of the appropriate pages from your passport attached to support the re-entry application.

  14. There is no requirement for the bank book being updated the same day as applying for the extension.

    The requirement is that the date of the bank book update & the bank letter "certifying" the fund amount in that account ARE the same date.

    I obtain my bank book and letter anywhere from 3-5 days before applying for the extension and there has never been a problem.

    Actually, for most of us using a term bank account as support for the 800k requirement, there is no "update" usually available. I obtained my annual extension based on retirement last month and base it an appropriate amount I keep in a SCB term account (11 months starting last September) and, while I always stick the bankbook in the update machine just to see what will happen, the machine always spits it out and indicates on the screen that "no update is available."

    For those maintaining only one account and using the same account for expenses, I know that it's critical that the bank letter and the bank passbook (and copies) show exactly the same amount; however, I've never heard that that the update of the passbook has to be the same date as the bank letter.

    There's no question from my experience and observing others that the bankbook needs to have an update- whether by a transaction such as a deposit- approximate to applying for the extension AND the bank letter "certifying" the same both dated the same date. Sitting next to the guy last week when we both were applying for our retirement extensions his application was rejected because the bank passbook and letter were not dated the same even tho the deposit amount was the same.


    Arrived at the Retirement/Medical que at 0440. Took seat #5.

    By 0515 13 people in the que; by 0600 approx 30 people.
    At 0840 personnel handed out que cards; I got #6- some guy had rolled up in a wheelchair at 0700 and set himself at the front & got #3. I asked him later if he had someone holding his spot and he said “no” but thought he was entitled because his “kids were sick” at home. He was not feeble-bodied and if I see him next year I’ll have him take his place in line just like the rest of us.
    At 1000 I was called. A single IO was processing the applicants. I presented my passport, extension of stay form, bank book and letter. No tm30 or residency data was asked for. By 1015 the IO had completed her reviews, asked if I had an extra copy of my departure card which I provided. She took my photo and said to return at 1500 to pick up my passport.
    Prior to my turn, I observed one person having to go next door to obtain new passport photos with a blue background as his application had a photo with a white background; and the person before me had the wrong color passport photo as well and his passbook date was 5 days prior to his bank letter- that the deposit amount was the same was immaterial (of course). He had to go out to correct these errors.
    I arrived at 1500 and at 1520 the passports arrived and I was called 10 min later. I went next door to make a copy of the passport page with the updated extension of stay date and reported with the application form to the outside desk to obtain a que ## for a re-entry stamp. My number was called 10 minutes later and I received my single re-entry stamp. I observed that at the retirement desk due #25 was called and serviced.
    I left at 1630.
    All told, 20 minutes of face time with the immigration officers over the 12-hour day.
    The IO’s were polite at all times.

    Has anyone doing extension at Prom had a problem with the bank book not being updated same day as the application? Is there access to a bank ( Bkk bank in my case ) machine to update bank book before banks open- first in line can't go to the bank after it opens.

    There is no requirement for the bank book being updated the same day as applying for the extension.

    The requirement is that the date of the bank book update & the bank letter "certifying" the fund amount in that account ARE the same date.

    I obtain my bank book and letter anywhere from 3-5 days before applying for the extension and there has never been a problem.

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  16. Yes, but in getting there at 7 am, would he even had received a queue ticket? According to jeffandgop's excellent report there already were 30 people in the queue by 6 am. Recent report are that they're just distributing 30 queue tickets a day. I wonder if his cutting the queue resulted in someone who'd come before him not getting a queue ticket.

    No doubt someone who should have rightfully received a queue tix did not. I told him that he had no shame for cutting in front of others and all of a sudden "my English not good I don't understand". Let's also point out he had to stay at Promenada all day to wait for his passport to be returned......................

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