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Posts posted by jeffandgop

  1. I too went to the AP IMM office yesterday morning to follow up my mail in report. I had mailed it in via EMS on the 15th of Jan & it was received by IMM 18th Jan.

    I went to the desk on the side of the waiting area, gave my passport, and my next report date slip was provided- all within 5 minutes of arrival. My wife talked to the IO and at no time did he state that mail-in's were no longer permitted.

  2. I'm not so sure that being able to complete the 90 day report online is predicated on having left Thailand after a long period and then recently returned.

    Last year I was able to complete the one & only time I tried to do the online report and I had not left in 3 years prior.

    As you may recall from my earlier posting to the online reporting thread I left Thailand last October and re-entered after 5 days with a new passport. I was unable to complete a 90 day report so I mailed it in. I will post separately on that experience....

  3. Hubby and I took a little overseas holiday and returned 75 days ago, so it's time for another 90 day report. Those who know me, realize I'd welcome the excuse for an authorized visit to interact with Chiang Mai Imm, but I thought I'd check out on-line reporting.

    In the past, I've never been able to do it for myself, but I've always been able to input on-line reports for Hubby -- for reasons we never could determine. Note, that previously we'd had separate overseas holidays. I'd heard, too, that the first 90 day report once you return to Thailand HAS to be done in person -- no mail-in or on-line reporting.

    So, yesterday I sat down at our dowager computer -- the 10-year old HP with the lighting fast graphics card that reluctantly agreed to run Explorer older version whatever (she's a Google Chrome lady) and next thing I knew, I was working my way thru the Imm. website,quickly, with everything being accepted, following the instructions Tywais has meticulously laid out in this post: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/557382-90-day-report-procedures/

    Admittedly, it wasn't as easy to use as Amazon.com, but I marched thru the pages quickly and soon was able to print out a page that showed each 90 day report as "pending".

    Today returned to the website and found the 90 day reports had been approved and was able to print out what they called an "appointment slip" which looked much like the slip they usually put in your passport when you report in person,

    I know I should be happy On-line reporting worked just great for Hubby and me. But, shucks, I was so looking forward to an excuse to visit Imm. Prom. again.

    Seems that the the online 90 day report works for people that have been out the country and returned recently but not for those that haven`t left Thailand for a long periods.

  4. We are required by law to report every 90 days. In return, Thai Immigration has the obligation to perform the necessary requirements to facilitate that compliance. Thai Immigration has promulgated on their websites 90-day reporting may be accomplished in-person, online and/or by mail. However, by severely limiting the number of people that may report in-person each day, and constraining usage of the online reporting due to deficient systems, and not processing mail-in reports to their full extent, Thai Immigration is willfully creating an environment that prevents lawful compliance by the foreign community.

    For those of us that are mailing in our 90-day report & have proof of delivery to the Airport Immigration office, and which in return these officials are not mailing the TM47 next report-by date slips back to the applicant in the their pre-paid return envelopes, why would it be necessary to make a trip to the Airport Immigration office (or call) to find out verbally (since they're not providing these slips even when visiting their office) the next report-by date? I'd just use as the next report-by date 90 days from the date that my last mail-in application was received by Airport Immigration using my EMS proof-of-delivery; and then attempt to use the online system for the next 90-day report. Failing that, mail it in again or submit in-person; and if challenged as to the lack of a current report slip or the correctness of the current report-by date, respond that that date is what was verbally provided in a visit to the Airport Immigration office (or by telephone to the the Airport Immigration office) from the last submittal by mail.

    Food for thought.......

  5. Thanks MadMac & CMs....I do now recall seeing the mention of having to report in person the first time...since I did my one & only 90D report last Sept I got a new passport and left Thailand for a brief holiday and upon my return assumed my new passport info would be in the system....so my Entry Date as well as the Departure Card are different than last Sept....I was able to get to both dropdown menus using IE7 btw..but no doubt my failure seems indeed due to needing to report in person or by mail w/my new documents... I mailed it in today & hope I'll get the slip back soon...thanks all for your help & advice!

  6. MadMac- it DID work for me first & only time I tried- last September. CMsojourner- thanks for the help but still the same- no drop down yet I get all the way to "Submit" & click and no response from the server. NancyL- Keep up all your good works- I follow closely. I think that it is the inability to get the drop down which is preventing my being able to process it this time....am going to mail it in now

  7. No matter what I've tried today using different browsers & settings, I can only get as far as "Submit", hit the button, and no server response at the point.....the drop down menu for "Nationality" doesn't respond, so I don't know if when typing "USA" in the box is an error preventing the processing....I'm within the 15-7 days online window...

  8. Our home was designed and built by Top Design. We selected Top after interviewing many other companies in CM as well as visiting homes they built comparable to our requirements.

    Top has done may projects for ex-pats and did an excellent job on time and on budget. He assisted us in sourcing suppliers and materials and was flexible when changes were requested during design and construction.

    Here's his website:


    And FB:


    IM me if you want any more info......

  9. I have a will specifying my wife is the sole inheritor, also that she has the absolute sole decision re disposal of my corpse (she knows i want BBQ at the wat). This will is short, simple and was checked over by a very competent lawyer. Then notarized at the USA embassy. I also left a special file with a list of instructions re my bank account with the PIN for the debit card and all my computer passwords, including a list of email recipients re sending notice of my death ... just to keep them from wondering (in case they care at all).

    Did you write the Will in Thai ?

    Have you made your wife aware that she will be committing fraud if she uses your PIN/bank codes after your death ?

    (i am not saying that I wouldn't do exactly the same thing - I am just asking if your wife understands the legal position).

  10. I am having my air con units serviced and will need to pay for topping off/filling the depleted freon gas....If you have had to add gas to your units what price per kilo or per pound of gas were your charged?

  11. On your next visit to immigration have your visa transferred from your old passport to your new one. Immigration will then make any notations on your new passport related to stamps/extensions of stay.

    There is an immigration form needed to be completed/submitted with your request for the visa transfer.

    If you have your visa transferred when applying for your annual extension of stay (as I recently did) you FIRST must complete the transfer of the visa THEN your extension of stay is processed. In CM these are different hues not handled by the same immigration officer.

  12. I just went through the process last week. I obtained a new passport & an Embassy letter requesting the Thai authorities to "transfer the bearer's immigration stamp or visa from his or her cancelled passport to the new one" a few weeks ago. I went to CM Immigration last Wed & obtained the transfer of stamps from the old to the new & then obtained my extension of stay.

    No charge for the stamp transfer but be sure to process this request first prior t processing any extension of stay.

    And note at CM Immigration there are different ques for these separate activities so be sure to obtain separate tickets.

  13. Hi Guys, i just wondered about the Retirement visa ... so do they need to look at a bank statement /passbook etc to show it has 800,000bth in the account all of the time .. and each time aftyerwards to show it is always in the bank account .. or is it only done the first time applying for the Ret visa ... just not sure how it works when going for renewal each 90 days .. Thanks :-)

    It's 800K (in your name only, no joint account) & the funds must be in the bank minimum 3 months prior to applying for the extension of stay for the retirement visa. It's 2 months minimum for when applying for the visa the first time. It has nothing to do with the requirement for reporting your address every 90 days- no banking/funding info required for that just your passport and proof of your address.

  14. Word is that 'in there' will be changing locations. The CM Immig Office is said to be moving to new location at Prom Mall, very soon. Next year may be different for you, and others.

    What word? rumors and inuenndos which is ridiculous. There should be something concrete out there by now. Next year changes I doubt it. Even if the air/con worked that would be a welcome change.

    I processed my retirement extension of stay this past Wednesday & asked the officer if/when they are moving to Promenada Mall. Her response was (paraphrasing) "we will move to Promenada Mall temporarily in July". I asked if this location would be handling extensions of stay as well as 90 day reporting and she said "yes".

  15. Good for you, FG! How old was your bank letter, and do you know if there is a standard on their validity?

    The bank letter must be dated the same day as the passbook update. The letter & passbook update are good for up to 7 days prior to applying for the renewal. CM Immigration has a handout that lists what you need to provide for a retirement extension of stay. Ask for it at the info counter.

  16. any idea how one would get a fresh update of a term deposit (CD)? Or would the maturity dates be good enough, with a fresh letter? THX!

    are you referring to a fixed deposit? If so, the maturity date is not relevant for a renewal of an extension of stay for retirement...the key is that the funds (800K) are deposited 3 months prior to applying for the renewal.

  17. Good recommendation but some of us still need a home country credit card to conduct transactions in our home country & so need to be able to receive from our home country the credit card....

    Not sure what would be best or if you are getting direct or is bank sending to a relative for onward shipping? My last two card done that way from Texas zip code got lost for months in mail (in one case know was sent to wrong country) - Thailand does not seem to be in geo knowledge base of postal workers from that state. That said have never had any issues with direct mail to Bangkok but believe I get all my mail (do provide New Years gifts). So expect it will be a case of what your bank is willing to do. Obviously registered mail or commercial signed service should be reliable.

    If you are planning to remain here would suggest you get a Bangkok Bank debit card for use here and remit funds with ACH (domestic transfer) from your bank to Bangkiok Bank New York number for credit to account here.

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