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Everything posted by jeffandgop

  1. I have contacted the Office of Int'l Ops via the link on their website- [email protected] 3x over the past 3 months and have received NO response. I have tried numerous times to contact the Manila FBU via THEIR online https://ph.usembassy.gov/services/fbu-inquiry-form; after filling in all the information requested/required, after hitting the "Submit" button, I only receive this in response:
  2. I see that how I wrote my comment led to a misunderstanding of my intent. My comments described how my current electricity unit charges are much higher than the Government announcement and I do not expect for my unit charges to decrease any.
  3. I really can't make sense on how this applies to us here in Chiang Mai. The article includes the statement "ERC secretary-general Khomgrich Tantravanich said the ERC adjusted its calculation of the fuel tariff (FT) which was part of power tariff to be in line with the instruction from the council." I interpret this to mean that after all the cost elements are added to the basic usage charge (i.e., VAT, FT, etc.) the net unit charge to the household consumer should reflect 4.72B/Unit. As for my household, in January 2022 our charges with all costs applied equated to be 4.51B/Unit; and in December the bill, after all costs applied, equated to be 5.48B/Unit. December's usage was 4% less than January's. The key cost driver in December was the enormous increase in FT. In January the FT unit charge was .0139B; in December it was .9343B (nearly 1B per unit!). Earlier news stated that the FT rate in January would be increasing. I'll see what happens with our charges then....
  4. I can’t speak of the last date for your submission to avoid benefits suspension but Yes, if you don’t receive your February benefit you have most likely not been recorded as having submitted the form
  5. We mourn her loss as well. She provided knowledgeable information on pensions and taxation that benefited us greatly. She never failed to respond to my questions or comments.....R.I.P.
  6. Further, there's no similar requirement for those collecting SS in the U.S. Maybe that's where the SSA should focus.... https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr99uP9GZRjRvsRixVXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZANMT0NVSTA1M18xBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1670679165/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.nytimes.com%2f2022%2f12%2f02%2fus%2fsocial-security-theft-dead-mother.html/RK=2/RS=4WmeJHim.QV3f0SpXCO.lPXrd3g-
  7. I collect SS and NO, there's no requirement for any witness. I've been submitting the 7162 for years...
  8. Witness? Where do you get that requirement. And the SSA uses electronic signature to apply for benefits; so why can't they do the same for the 7162 form?????????
  9. Yet a completed 1st notice form sent to the SSA FROM a US Post Office in California in late Aug/early Sept, and yet receiving that 2nd notice dated up to 8 weeks after I mailed the first one from California?
  10. No guarantee that’ll work either. I sent my first notice response from a Post Office in California in August and yet got the 2nd notice dated 17 October last week
  11. I received the first notice/7162 in July and as I was traveling to the U.S. in August I took it with me and mailed it from a USPO facility- using the addressed envelope provided with the 7162. Last week I received the damn second notice; so thinking you're safe mailing it within the U.S. is not a guarantee. I suspect my first form arrived fine but hasn't been processed due to volume. I'll be sending that second notice by Thai airmail...
  12. Well I received a 2nd Request dated Oct 27. What really frosts me is I received the 1st Request dated June 27 and as I was traveling to the U.S. in late August I took the completed form and mailed it back to the SSA from a U.S. Post Office in California the beginning of September!!!!
  13. Well I received a 2nd Request dated Oct 27. What really frosts me is I received the 1st Request dated June 27 and as I was traveling to the U.S. in late August I took the completed form and mailed it back to the SSA from a U.S. Post Office in California the beginning of September!!!!
  14. Which was the same instruction for me. I was quite surprised that I had to que up. So lesson is that service is not guaranteed regardless of the hour or IMM commitment
  15. Yeah? I went at 1pm on my appointed day to pick up my marriage EOS stamp and still had to get a que number and waited 2 ½ hours in a totally full crowded facility just to get that stamp.
  16. We live in Doi Saket. 2 separate up and down jolts.
  17. Could there be a difference in O & OA Non Immigrant EOS in when a TM 30 is required for those returning to Thai to the same address? I didn’t need one for my recent EOS based on marriage (OA Visa originally)
  18. Could it be that it is not required but since you went to CM IMM to report they processed it anyway? I just returned last night from being outside the country with my re entry permit going back to my same residence of 10 years and don’t plan to report
  19. While you had your bank data rejected, I've always- for the last 10 years- used a Fix Deposit Account and NEVER have I had to make a deposit. The updated bank book and letter were all that has been required.
  20. Maybe it's related to Blinkin's visit to Thailand...senior consulate staff need to attend meetings in Bangkok & Consulate will re-open after the Secretary of State departs?
  21. Got mine 2 days ago. Appreciated that information re regular airmail being faster than registered. Inasmuch I’ll be in the US for a brief visit soon I’ll be taking my form w me and mailing it while I am there
  22. Go to Thonglor Animal Hospital- Outer Ring near Meechok Plaza. Highly skilled staff and this is in their wheelhouse. When a tumor was removed from our dog 2 months ago, they then referred us to the Small Animal Hospital for further treatment (the tumor was determined to be high grade cancer)- also good. (Our dog is doing well, no sign of cancer spreading)
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