I really can't make sense on how this applies to us here in Chiang Mai. The article includes the statement "ERC secretary-general Khomgrich Tantravanich said the ERC adjusted its calculation of the fuel tariff (FT) which was part of power tariff to be in line with the instruction from the council."
I interpret this to mean that after all the cost elements are added to the basic usage charge (i.e., VAT, FT, etc.) the net unit charge to the household consumer should reflect 4.72B/Unit.
As for my household, in January 2022 our charges with all costs applied equated to be 4.51B/Unit; and in December the bill, after all costs applied, equated to be 5.48B/Unit.
December's usage was 4% less than January's. The key cost driver in December was the enormous increase in FT. In January the FT unit charge was .0139B; in December it was .9343B (nearly 1B per unit!).
Earlier news stated that the FT rate in January would be increasing. I'll see what happens with our charges then....