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Posts posted by uncletom

  1. Although my story has no revelence to the jetski scam it has with the knife incident.Only this weekend I got into a fight with a group of Thai scum over a car accident in Rayong.To cut a long story short I was punched unprovoked by the one Thai that was involved at the time.After retaliating and giving the lowlife a hiding the usual scenario of Thai cowardice evolved.He'd got on the phone and a couple more lowlifes turned up.At this point the thing escalated to where I was being threatened with a machete.Luckily for me the police (I use that term lightly) arrived.I'll add that I also had my G/F and her brother and sisters young daughters with me.After making statements at the station and the police omitting the machete incident they were allowed to walk free.This is only an outline of the full story but gives an insight to what use the police are here in Thailand.What I find unbelievable is not just the fact that if the police hadn't turned up when they did I might not be here to post this reply,it's the fact no one's concerned that scumbags such has these are able to brandish machete's around when young children are about.The place is lawless.

    WAS IT A RENTAL CAR? And or local rental car? Or just your own?

    Makes no difference to your ordeal, but maybe it does.. Non selective..


    The car was my G/F's brother's,I was blameless for the accident has I wasn't even in the car when it was reversed into.But this has no revelance to the point I,m trying to make.

    Yeah, no it doesn’t in this circumstance.

    I have been through a ton, and having knives too. Ain’t logical or fair neither for what you and the family went through. J

    ust…TIT unfortunately.. Sorry you had that happen.

    Maybe will happen again. Heads up for the future!Take care. I can see you have spent some time here and know ssomthings personally.Many TV posters haven't even the foggiest. All talk...


  2. Although my story has no revelence to the jetski scam it has with the knife incident.Only this weekend I got into a fight with a group of Thai scum over a car accident in Rayong.To cut a long story short I was punched unprovoked by the one Thai that was involved at the time.After retaliating and giving the lowlife a hiding the usual scenario of Thai cowardice evolved.He'd got on the phone and a couple more lowlifes turned up.At this point the thing escalated to where I was being threatened with a machete.Luckily for me the police (I use that term lightly) arrived.I'll add that I also had my G/F and her brother and sisters young daughters with me.After making statements at the station and the police omitting the machete incident they were allowed to walk free.This is only an outline of the full story but gives an insight to what use the police are here in Thailand.What I find unbelievable is not just the fact that if the police hadn't turned up when they did I might not be here to post this reply,it's the fact no one's concerned that scumbags such has these are able to brandish machete's around when young children are about.The place is lawless.

    WAS IT A RENTAL CAR? And or local rental car? Or just your own?

    Makes no difference to your ordeal, but maybe it does.. Non selective..


  3. certain jet ski operators have taken a leaf out of the scam book made infamous by their Phuket cousins,

    This must be a first as usually Phuket takes after Pattaya but cant ever seem to get it right

    Connection to the Notorius Phuket - Pattaya idiots?

    Perhaps Just changed hands, being maybe a move and from related hands from the alleged and AQUITED?. Or was he aquited?

    Now an over sized knife. Surely the same people thinking in different technique and in a different neighborhood in Thailand. Big knife, is scarier that a gun in my eyes..

    So, my question is…What time, if any, did that scum bag from Phuket as in jail time get?, and then get out..if any?

    Search this out, and the timing now, and it may equivocate to the same.

    I saw the media on that operation, and I really hate that scumbag..Easy for him to go away if wanted is my thoughts from him being a worthless human being! NO SCUM BAG NO CRY...NO SCUM BAG NO CRY!!! TO BOB MARLEY MUSIC OF COURSE..


  4. jayjayO said:

    In your post you said all giving no room for a honest cop. I put in in bold print.

    I personally and sick and tired of people with that attitude. You condemn a lot of people when you do that. Just because you have a experience does not mean every body will have the same experience. Weather you like it or not there are a lot of honest cops as well as bad apples. I personally try to look for the good. I have only been here 5 years so I am still looking at the differences rather than the right and wrongs.

    As for the other comments look around. They are out there not every one falls into that category but a lot of them do.

    My Quote:

    The other question is, if you have ever paid a ticket at the station(and from your statement I think you have), even though it looks above board when you pay, is it?, meaning do they make it seem above board, and then behind the seen all of the tickets and officers books when used up are burned.

    I left out a question mark, but reading it shows what was meant. It is an up to you or what whomever wants to think because the jury is still out.

    Good cop, Bad cop regardless have to follow directives.

    I do know some seemingly good cops in Chiang Mai, and they are the ones who are the cops doing the traffic and helping students of all grades and sizes from kindergarten to high school cross the streets at their schools. Jovial, sincere and genuinely friends with the kids, but then after they do their school duties in the morning for the 1 hour and then in the late afternoon for the 1 hour, who knows what they are up to in between. But my guess being traffic managers, they more than likely go out on traffic duty collecting money.

    The schools have to pay the cops to do this duty, if not, they don’t come. Going monthly rate from each school, 3000 baht. Protect the children, but only for a for a price.

    For instance, at my kids school we have to pay 5 baht per semester per kid, all kids, to have the police come do the duty.

    At apartments or room rentals having the red box on the wall, if the owner doesn’t pay to have the police come patrol on their duties (1- 2 times in a day at best being 30 seconds) and then sign in the book in the red box, the police don’t come. Going monthly rate from each business, 3000 baht. Protect the business, but only for a quick visit in and out and only for a price.

    Driving with out a license is illegal, but doesn’t, make a bad person.

    My view and attitude is real and FYI it takes years and years of being immersed to get the true view.

    Put it this way, one of my company lawyers is an Ex Thai Senator, and another was very high in the THRC and is now the #1 senior executive counsel for a tv station. With both friends, but the second, very good friends.

    I have learnt: Speculate in saying without pointing a finger, but in actuality……………

    I don’t know who you are conversing with on a daily or non daily basis bringing you this resentment. We all are entitled to our opinions but really need to watch what we say for persecution purposes, so we need to tell it in exactly the most legal appropriate way to not get into trouble.

    Bad attitude no, sometimes get upset for how it is, yes.

    Don’t stress over too much or people ‘s comments if you can help it. No need to go on with this topic any further, because it is now nonsensical..

    Good luck on your fact finding for yourself.


  5. Let's save the lifes of all these Bordeaux addicts and increase the tax on these Chateau Margaux bottles! At least they can do something good for the flood victims.

    But remember: studies show that 75% of all alcohol consumed in Thailand is so-called "white alcohol" (aka moonshine) without any tax.

    Many years ago I use to make my own Vodka and become an addict but I am dry since 9 years and very happy I stop.

    Why not the government increase the penalty for illegal made alcohol?...

    Ok I should have read farther before my last post. But I hit it on the nail. You DON’T drink and are putting your thoughts on the TV people the same as a Christian missionary would do for what they are preaching. NOT GOOD!

    I will drink for life and will never be forced to quit because of being not able to handle it or bodily dependent.



  6. Alcohol is much to cheap in Thailand and a tax raise would do good for the country...ex. alcohol tax to support the poor population.

    100 THb for a small beer sounds ok and 200 THB for a big one.

    Do you even drink? Most main stream BKK bars already charge that, so according to your statement that would hostage the small beer off the cost's charts. Chiang Mai is 3/4 of that price in a bar. Think about just from a 7-11. I find that an absurd statement, and maybe i would start brewing and moon shining my own same as the Thai' will do.

    Just an unbelievable statement.

    The tax would never go to support the poor, but it might creat a bunch more of them.


  7. Thailand's SET up +16.14 pt after Democrat Party survives dissolution by Constitution Court

    I bet fair to presume the stock market rising was not anything to do with something like insider trading and no one from the Red or Yellow sides benefitted from the court’s decision via the stock market. This would be sacrileges if it was contrived!

    Is that it or can an appeal be filed or new filing complaint be lodged that something was screwy and back to scratch one. And the bets are on...........?

    Anyway, would be neat to see someone analyze the stock market activity to see who were the big winners.


  8. But the Thai government will award him free lodging.

    biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifAnd he will have plenty of opportunities to improve his skills over the next 10 + years. Unless he joins the Viktor Bout circus and gets extradited back to France.

    Do the Thai banks take that personal like the the one Thai company (corporate mix of companies that invested)did against the Thai couple who worked at the Gas station who were apprehended? Then if so, he could get thousands of years in a Thai jail depending on the amount of money or times he pressed the magic ATM buttons.


  9. Might just help to close more bars and bankrupt families. Once a drinker, always a drinker, and proud of it!, I always say. Drink until you die, but in moderation for the most times....

    Decrease deaths from drunken driving … HardlyI would think!


    To elaborate on my post. I meant to say, that more families will be going bankrupt because the man of the house will still drink at home and or still go out and drink. Nothing changes except for the taxes. Great way to keep on increasing the gap between the rich and the middle and lower class, and or financially decrease the foreigners staying here. What more is there to life when we get the chance in between our daytime activities and family life if you have one?


  10. It's gone too far now. The people who are bent wield a bigger stick than the ones who want them called to task. It'a bit like having cancer which was treatable in the initial stages but doing nothing and letting it spread until its incurable.

    So you are saying there is no hope it will be like this for the next 100,000 years. B) I don't agree there i hope. If you look around you will see it. Here in Chiang Mai the BIB aren't that willing to take your money for no helmet.[/u] There is 60 companies committing to it. The fact of the matter is Thailand is no different than the rest of the world. It has been and always will be with us. But Thailand is making starts to lesson it. Why any one would want to dish them for that is beyond me. B)

    Oops forgot MONEY :(

    Some go in their pockets right then and there (selective) and the rest goes into the collective fund which then gets distributed, but from the top down, how far down is the question. The other question is, if you have ever paid a ticket at the station(and from your statement I think you have), even though it looks above board when you pay, is it?, meaning do they make it seem above board, and then behind the seen all of the tickets and officers books when used up are burned.

    Somehow I have a hard time thinking that the money collected from the tickets actually is documented and put into a real police up above board province or city fund.


    Al I said was Thailand was starting to do some thing about it. I made no reference or implication that all the BIB were honest. You on the other hand implied that there is not one honest BIB.

    I am being serious can you tell me why people with your attitude towards Thais stay here.

    I am well aware that there are people here with a sex and drug problem and there are people here who are socially unacceptable back home. And then there are the people who hate themselves so badly they can only feel good by putting others down.

    I also know there are people here who can't make it financially back home. But to do it here they have to lie and cheat.

    Can you give me other reasons.B) They would be appreciated.:)

    Hey jayjayo,

    I was not contradicting nor bashing your post. I have paid tickets, been let off oodles of times and just recently paid one that required no ID and they wrote only my first name and it was totally wrong. Pretty hilarious. Actually it cracked me up laughing, so I have to thank them for the chuckle. They didn’t care, it was a money factory, and this was apparent from looking around the station, funky. I have also paid at the same traffic violation station once before as well, all the same, felt normal for paying the ticket.

    I have sat and watched them on the street take and put away in pocket and also write and give out for the person to sign. And this has been quite recent. .

    And whom are you referring to when you say “ your attitudes towards Thais”? I hope you are not referring to me and my 18+ years here. The cows have already come home I have been here so long, and I am privileged with a full fledged Thai family including my own half American half Thai kids (2)..

    I have no inhibitions nor trouble talking about this subject. In my post I left some of what I said to be left to questions to reason from, not actual finger pointing saying it is how I say it is.. Who knows, but for the most part without leaving questioning for reason, this is how their system is set up, and that ain’t gonna change soon.

    Now corruption of taking money for no helmets may be thought of by them as Ok and not corrupt and is their true given right of passage to do so, as in it being just a way of normal life to make more money than their below meager salary to survive (and this has always been standard as for them to make extra money to feed their family or extra curricular activities), while on the other hand they may really think that real CORRUTPION IS LIKE THAT OF taking bribes from mafia figures to let drugs flow past, or taking money from a bar to not bust them for illegally aged girls or even owned slave girls. Who knows where they draw the line as acceptable or non acceptable.

    I almost say traffic is acceptable either way. No blemish on anyone’s driving record because there is none, so no insurance hikes. A#1 if you ask me! And we help support them and their families! Ok with me.

    As for some of your other comments, no comment!, because they seem and are off base. Maybe true but I don’t seem to understand from where they came from considering the topic. But it is ok, everyone is allowed to lash out with stuff that doesn’t make sense from time to time.

    Would you care to elaborate on the last 4 statements in your post? ie; 1. Attitude towards Thai’s 2. Sex n drug problem 3. @ home socially unacceptable 4. Putting people down to feel good, and where that applies to anything me or anyone else said would be much appreciated.

    And this is not bashing, just asking for clarity.



  11. It's gone too far now. The people who are bent wield a bigger stick than the ones who want them called to task. It'a bit like having cancer which was treatable in the initial stages but doing nothing and letting it spread until its incurable.

    So you are saying there is no hope it will be like this for the next 100,000 years. B) I don't agree there i hope. If you look around you will see it. Here in Chiang Mai the BIB aren't that willing to take your money for no helmet.[/u] There is 60 companies committing to it. The fact of the matter is Thailand is no different than the rest of the world. It has been and always will be with us. But Thailand is making starts to lesson it. Why any one would want to dish them for that is beyond me. B)

    Oops forgot MONEY :(

    Some go in their pockets right then and there (selective) and the rest goes into the collective fund which then gets distributed, but from the top down, how far down is the question. The other question is, if you have ever paid a ticket at the station(and from your statement I think you have), even though it looks above board when you pay, is it?, meaning do they make it seem above board, and then behind the seen all of the tickets and officers books when used up are burned.

    Somehow I have a hard time thinking that the money collected from the tickets actually is documented and put into a real police up above board province or city fund.


  12. Unlucky lady, but you knew the risks and you have a kid. You may only be the mule, but at least it's one less mule.

    Long story short, he was dabbling and got messed with hard by them...by them as a guinee pig, ther were 12ve fold more in their paln. But he will not serve or die here..Ga dee! and I love him..


    You know, you don't have to keep flashing up your nick on every post; it's there for all to see in your profile.

    You know, it is a very dull day when such a Trivial comment is made from something that happens to be of no consequence or of importance in nay direction.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Where would I be without ever having such advice in my late years in my life.


  13. Nice to see another Albert King fan, brahmburgers. The sky is still crying.

    Make that three...

    Sorry, Eric.. best to leave this one to Albert...


    Your other stuff is great, so no worries.

    I saw Albert King a couple times in Oakland California at a great night club. Albert the GOD, just amazing. Saw BB as well, but BB and Albert you really can't compare. Both great in their own rights though, but when coming out just from seeing Albert, you just couldn't stop shaking your head for how utterly amazing mind blowing he was..


  14. I feel bad for the woman... Usually it's someone very desperate, gullible or naive to resort to smuggling.

    It seems a lot of times the group organizing it tricks someone into the attempt and use intimidation and coercion to make the person go thru with it...

    some definitely make it thru but the getting caught would have to feel like falling down a bottomless pit to a person already feeling powerless.

    That is quite a ordeal....

    WHen I was in South America coca leaves/tea are basically legal and cocaine powder is quasi illegal are but very common and minor issue... Society hasn't imploded there... In fact one needs the coca tea to cope with the altitude of Peru and Bolivia and the headaches.

    Seems bizarre to make cocaine a death penalty. Lighten up Islamic hardliners.

    Had a friend who got bamboozled in San Paulo last year and he is male. Good friend, everyone likes him in Thailand ( actually I would venture to say all of you would love this chap), long time guy here any way. He had to make money, but got f...cked, actually knocked up and spat OUT THERE BY the Brazilan MAFIA.. Brutal how they made him a worm.. .Not good for him, and not good or whatever..all the same he got nabbed, but he will be free short time coming and did not face the death penalty of being nabbed in Thailand. Maybe they did him a little favor, but still a pawn.

    I do know something about their, maf.., crap actions.


  15. Very cool, I haven't seen him on a big stage in years.

    I met him 'at work' in NYC, a really nice mellow cat.

    What is your affiliation to music? Makes me wonder and I don’t like that, well to wonder what is. I have a strong one to certain musicians from playing personally before... But you…B ack stage only, or are you? Elaborate is best..


  16. She twitched, she looked down, she murmured, she stuttered. She had a stamp in passport from Buenos Aries.

    Doesn’t sound so sophisticated, but she balked, they felt something, they nabbed her. Innocent, but un-innocent pawn. Not trained well. Little money and almost there. But did not make it.

    Poor girl! I feel sorry.

    Little money is so tmepoting, unless she was pushed black sytle, Mafia, and her everything if she did not had all to lose.this goes to firnds, famaly etc... What would you do being illiterate of all senses.


  17. rkidlad

    Posted 2 minutes ago

    I had the pleasure of meeting Ad out of all places in the Bathroom next to the domestic baggage claim at Suvarnabhumi about 6-8 months ago. We were vying for who was gonna go to the stand up first, but ended up standing side by side, urinal to urinal relieving ourselves at the same time.

    We met in a bathroom would have sufficed.

    Hey! True story, and just met in the bathroom leaves too much to wonder or ponder.


    If there is some discord or disdain, tending to be based on foreigners, or foreigners overtaking his country, then it was not showing. Nor did I relate of my understanding of his feelings back to him and relate my bewilderment seeing the foreigners coming and staying here every year over the years by unmentionable folds over my 18+ years of stay.

    No, we just talked about normal small talk, about where from, music, penis size and so forth. But thanks for asking!


    And did you have a chance for discourse on Carabao's xenophobic stance via his er, music? Jingoistic shill.

    OOPS. wrong palce to paste.. Now my response...

    If there is some discord or disdain, tending to be based on foreigners, or foreigners overtaking his country, then it was not showing. Nor did I relate of my understanding of his feelings back to him and relate my bewilderment seeing the foreigners coming and staying here every year over the years by unmentionable folds over my 18+ years of stay.

    No, we just talked about normal small talk, about where from, music, penis size and so forth. But thanks for asking!


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