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Posts posted by pizzachang

  1. On 11/15/2021 at 12:56 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Bangkok Bank will do a one year bank statement. It takes about a week to get it for a fee of 200 baht.

    I have gotten 3 of them and used them for my extensions.

    Some branches are reluctant to print these.  I had quite a time getting one from the Maejo branch and went to the Rim Ping Mee Chok branch - got one in about 1 hour. Really all it was, was a bank letterhead, with the deposits for 12 months, signed by the manager. They told me to give Maejo's branch their phone number/name and they did straighten out this reluctance - so this year, Maejo had no problem with my "statement".  Also had the 1 year "printout" but I O, hardly glanced at it.

  2. On 10/15/2021 at 3:39 AM, JCP108 said:

    So, "no quarantine" means one to two days of quarantine and the COE remains but with a name change. 

    Why wasn't this type of action done in the first place? (I realize that tests weren't rapid in Jan. 2020)  None of the isolation attempts seem to have done anything but delay the inevitable.  As soon as rapid tests became available, this would have save many businesses in Thailand.


  3. 19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    hey reduce both the risk of getting infection

    IMO, and from every bit of data, I've read, no vaccine of any kind, for any disease, prevents infection. Exposure to viruses and bacterial is a part of life and only isolation scenarios could prevent exposure. And then of course, the moment those cease, exposure is again a part of life. Vaccines of the traditional or killed type, simply give your immune system a head - start on infection.  IMO and it's only my opinion, there is not enough data to speculate about the mRNA drugs.  My daughter, (a nurse) was fully vaccinated and still became infected, along with my 4 year-old grandson (not vaccinated) He tested positive but his natural immune system, kept him from any symptoms that would have been obvious in any strep, flu or common- cold (if that is even a thing any longer) A slight temperature and a positive test! My daughter was ill for 3 days. Another very close friend (73 years old) working in the medical (physical therapy) field, unvaccinated, tested twice a week, felt slightly off and tested positive. 3 or 4 day recovery and then decided to get vaccinated. I will be curious to know how his later, twice weekly testing goes. My own personal experience; late Dec. early Jan. of 2019 in Chiang Mai, had contact on a weekly basis, with people from mainland China, (all of them wore masks at this time!) I became ill with the published symptoms but quickly recovered - the chest pain and shortness of breath was not fun and had residual phlegm for months. Shortly after Jan 2020, the world learned about the virus. This is only my opinion and personal experience, but I would trust a traditional vaccine ( such as the Johnson & Johnson or Sinovac before an mRNA. The freedom to choose is valuable.

    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

    The PCR testing is not interpreted correctly is my opinion. I didn't have Covid,

    From what I've read, a human can test positive 'because of the general nature of the "test". It may even be an different virus!  My close friend (of 25 years) not vaccinated with anything except a yearly influenza" shot, tested positive, felt very minor symptoms for 3 DAYS,, after his quarantine. he decided on an mRNA "vaccine". So far, he has not "tested positive" ( his medical field job required 2 tests per week) Did he have covid, or another virus? No lab test was administered (where a sample is cultured and then identified - most people do not get that one) So, we are actually going by symptoms, and an unreliable test or at least a hit or miss test. Then these figures are used to set policies.  I suspect that most people have already had covid 19 (going by symptoms). Covid also seems to follow (again, according to what I've read) the standard "more infectious/less lethal", direction of this type of virus.

  5. 10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    You're  missing my point.

    The question was why are we getting announcements that everyone will be infected when many of the exposures don't lead to infection.

    IMO, the post doesn't "miss your point".  The answer was specific and accurate. Announcements by various medical experts, may or may not be the answer and seem colored by different biases - possibly according to financial reasons.  Very few viruses, exhibit no "symptoms" in the body (as far as I've read) Most of the "flu or cold" types, cause only a slight "off" feeling" such as itchy eyes, or a "glassy" look to the eye - as many of us have observed in children. Asymptomatic is a bit vague IMO, since this is nearly always describing the infected person's "feelings" and not a medical test.  

    Does the extremely high survival rate of this virus's symptoms, imply that many people do not "have symptoms"?  Even one of the "tests" given, doesn't accurately determine which actual virus is present - just that one is.  All this is only my opinion, but it does seem clear that the virus is endemic; many people have already had it and have an adequate level of immunity to experience either, no "symptoms" or symptoms that are so mild, that they don't differentiate them from any other "feelings" they have experienced. So, the people you describe, are "infected", but the highest percentage of them belongs to the either the survivor group or the group which experienced little or no "symptoms".  Nothing has changed the conditions where the virus is successful in weak/ill/compromised humans. [from all I have read on CDC, etc, websites] People can "avoid" exposure by isolation, and possibly by super- hygienic practices, but the moment this ceases, there is always the possibility of infection. All (traditional) vaccines do not prevent exposure.  Just consider that each of us has probably been exposed to many kinds of viruses that we were vaccinated against and we did not go and get tested, every time we had a "symptom".  Personally. I have had "chicken pox" as a kid, and then "shingles", as an adult (about 35 years later)  The second was one of the worst set of "symptoms", I've ever had - felt like a really bad flu and one lesion ("pox" ) on my face. Long time recovery - about 3 weeks from the first symptoms.  Comparing that to my own and a few friends "symptoms" with c19, (tested) and there is no comparison. 

    • Thanks 2
  6. 1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:

    Then that means develop natural immunity, that must be something different from Herd immunity

    Yes, , it just means that so many have had a particular virus, that they generally don't get very sick the next variant they catch. Any flu can kill an immune -comprised human, or one that is ill with other disease. Nothing has really changed that fact.  This "c19" is now endemic, but money can still be made.

  7. 6 hours ago, freedomnow said:

    You can't pass tetanus on as far as I know - so it's an apples to oranges comparison. ????

    You are correct. It's actually a foolish and irresponsible statement (IMO) to claim "herd immunity " doesn't "work".  Virtually every 'virus' is similar in this characteristic.  At the very least, a recovered, naturally infected human gets a level of immunity. It's the foundational reason that "killed" vaccines work in the first place. Bangkok Hospital's website has  J&J, Astra and Sinovac, listed as these types  {a bit more complicated, but still developed on past successes} and are most likely (IMO) much safer.

  8. 20 hours ago, The Cipher said:

    But when has anything about this pandemic been even remotely logical or proportionate.

    Ever since "quarantine" began to be applied to people who aren't ill, I was confused. I know for example, that I can't transmit something I do not have. So a testing system (in retrospect) seems like a solution that might have avoided the panic of the pandemic and allowed world economies to function, instead of what we see. 

    • Confused 1
  9. On 9/16/2021 at 11:22 AM, Hummin said:

    Looks like some kind of liquid injected fish, but not sure. Did it taste like chicken? 

    Speaking of seafood, has anyone tried the frozen scallops sold in Makro?  I can tell you that "skate wing biscuits" do not taste like Pacific scallops.  I have seen first hand, Alaskan commercial fishermen, toss skate on the dock - no even seagulls will bother scavenging it. Bald eagles won't even perch on them to investigate.


  10. 21 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

    If you have an issue with the data showing majority of individuals are at low risk then nothing can overcome your made up mind and biases.

    Why should someone with a near 0 chance of dying from covid take the vaccine?

    Excellent point.  The actual risks from the "dread" virus are far less than risks from other diseases - which saw little or no quarantines.  Humans have always spread colds and in the abstract, we have likely "killed" others. The concerns are, IMO, more accurately applied to the potential (already evident) of permanently restricted travel, severe economic hardship and general loss of human rights. Many will argue, but facts are facts. I'm not sure a "disease and risk free" existence is normal.

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