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Posts posted by pizzachang

  1. 22 minutes ago, pizzachang said:

    What is really interesting (IMO) going to the CDC website and looking up "deaths, all causes \,USA [for the last 20 years/2000  -per 100K people It's extremely odd that this data has changed very little in 20 years...so any reasonable conclusion would be that "pandemic" is the wrong terminology, for the minuscule situation. Most people suffer no ill effects, otherwise 'deaths per 100 thousand would be very high.

    Found this morning:   https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2021/06/03/why-axios-is-nixing-their-weekly-covid-map-n2590437

  2. On 6/1/2021 at 4:54 PM, Phillip9 said:


    Maybe they have read some of the CDC reports on covid in gyms, so they realize gyms are quite high risk.



    What is really interesting (IMO) going to the CDC website and looking up "deaths, all causes \,USA [for the last 20 years/2000  -per 100K people It's extremely odd that this data has changed very little in 20 years...so any reasonable conclusion would be that "pandemic" is the wrong terminology, for the minuscule situation. Most people suffer no ill effects, otherwise 'deaths per 100 thousand would be very high.

    • Sad 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    The only diseases that have ever been successfully eradicated are ones with no animal resevoir. E.g. small pox (and hopefully soon, polio).


    To eradicate a disease completely from the earth it must be eradicated in every species that harbors it, including species that are nto made ill by it.


    Obviously not possible with any of the coronoaviruses.


    However a disease can become quite rare and less lethal through acquired immunity in the human population.



    True for the most part. Some viruses mutate to a state of being that is no longer much of a problem. One I can think of is "scarlet fever". My parents and grandparents generations were worried about this. Now we hear almost nothing about this. Some, seem to go dormant; maybe even live somewhere we haven't investigated. It's even possible for one of the less problematic ones to mutate again, to something serious. Smallpox, exists in several labs and there is no guarantee in life, about the honesty, motives and agendas of human beings. Scientists gave us nuclear waste, so is science in the hands of greedy, motivated people, any kind of guarantee?

  4. 20 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    Indian variant arrives in Thailand..............okay, UK here we come.....had enough of this.....oh wait......???

    Doesn't this simply mean that a 'expected mutation' occurred? The virus is never "going away" - like any other corona virus. isolation is only a delay and a vaccine (that really isn't a vaccine) likely carries a higher risk than immunity (even partial) acquired from recovering. Until a long-term proof is available from inoculated humans, this seems the most logical way to think about this. Testing to see if you already have antibodies, also seems like a rational, pre-vaccination procedure. IMO

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/14/2021 at 10:26 PM, captainjackS said:

    When you use the power supply and LEDs light up, have you measured the current being drawn by the LED circuit?  If your DC power supply is fancy enough, it should show on the display.  Otherwise, use your DMM in series to measure DC current.  Is it possible that your your fully assembled configuration is starved for current and not lighting up?  Perhaps some component in your full configuration is not capable of suppying sufficient current to light up so many LEDs at the same time.

    Thanks for your reply. Enclosing 2 schematics The one using the ULN 2003 and no capacitor was designed using incandescent, single bulbs. I used the common available 12 volt LED, multiple car lights and have 100% success, in function on my breadboard, so if my soldering is good, should  work on the 9 x 15, double-sided pcb.  The schematic using the ULN 2803 and 4, 48 LED arrays, has been my problem. As I said, I can make the arrays light in tests, but as soon as the ULN and capacitor are in the circuit - zip. So, you might well be correct in suspecting too low current, somewhere. Or my solder job - other than the arrays/resistors pcb's has a fault.


    8 x 6 led array (5).pdf

  6. On 5/11/2021 at 11:06 PM, dingdongrb said:

    I never did see any posts indicating exactly what fixed the problem....or was it not fixed?

    Not fixed. But I do have some well-made, 48 LED matrices, that work until I connect the machine that I want to supply the actual signal to operate the LEDS

  7. On 5/3/2021 at 1:39 AM, blackcab said:

    Here is a news item from last year. The tracking wristbands were not implemented.


    Instead the government designed the ThailandPlus locator app and made it mandatory for non-Thai citizens entering Thailand with a Certificate of Entry to install on their phones.



    This would require an internet connected phone. Is an internet connected phone a new, legal requirement?

  8. Nor many "rich" retirees are going to invest  money in land, without real protections IMO.

    The reason people will invest in land in the USA, is because there are plenty of laws that protect real estate investment.  In Thailand you can rarely get a refund if you buy something unsatisfactory! The 90 day report may change...it's redundant and any nefarious activity has 90 days after a report to accomplish whatever it is, Thailand is worried about. I've always enjoyed the outing to make the report, but not the long lines and inefficiency of years ago. Ending the 90 day report, IMO, will not entice anyone, since it is actually a reasonable immigration request, but not really a necessary one for established expats.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    they still have time to totally screw it up and more than enough ability

    What is curious, to me anyway, is the fact that all past restrictions did nothing to "stop" the virus, nor will getting a "vaccination "stop" the virus. In some nations, getting a vaccination won't excuse one from lockdown restrictions. The "virus" is here to stay, it seems. Thailand is "planning" for the "big surge" by adding emergency beds - even separate from hospital grounds! What are the actual hospitalization rates? What is the ratio of "new cases" to hospitalizations? How do these two questions compare to the initial outbreak?. IMO, these are much more pertinent questions; ones that have a bearing on the well-being of the survival of the Thai economy and the health of it's population. All data (that I have read) indicates a greater risk for "indoor exposure", than any other source. And the all-important, high-risk groups have not changed.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:



    If you can get each string to light up like that, then try at the 2803 outputs (it's quite safe to short the outputs to gnd/0V).

    Take it step by step fixing each issue as you find it.


    Ok, have tested by using my bench supply connected at the power supply for one side (24 leds) and the cathode consolidation line (the line that runs to the ULN outputs) and the results:

    Both green arrays fully light (as a unit of the 24, lighting at once)

    One red led array (24 leds) fully lights and the other array of 24 has one string that does not light.

    One white array fully lights and the other 3 each have the sma problem - with one white array having 3 strings not lighting.

    Assuming I have damaged or failed to solder a quality connection on the non-functioning strings.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Have you yet powered the whole lot up from your 15V supply and shorted the "bottom" of your strings to gnd/0V either at the string or at the 2803?? Result??


    I'll do that today. I'm assuming by "bottom" , you mean the cathode of the last Led in the string?  I did get strings to light up by using the bench power supply, using the resistor connection and the last cathode leg in the string. I may have done something else wrong , as I couldn't get the same results on each of the strings for all the arrays.

  12. 17 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

    It's difficult looking at the backside photo and understand exactly what is above. Looking at the backside photo I can say it's a mess. I mean you seem to be having stay leads laying across and potentially touching nodes that they shouldn't.


    I didn't see a reply from Crossy's question, the one where it was asked if you have supply connections to the IC. If you take DMM what voltage do you measure at pin 10 of the IC when using pin 9 as the reference? (measured directly on the leads of the IC)

    The "backside" is all cleaned up and neat.  The important part is all my leds light up as they are supposed to , when tested individually - so they are connected according to the schematic that uses the 2803A ULN.  I can also  get the entire strings of 6 leds to light from the resistor to the end of the string, using an adjustable power supply. I have not been able to light the entire 48 Leds in the array, all at once.

    Are you located in Chiang Mai?

  13. 3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    So, can you answer any of my earlier questions?


    Sadly we're not in CM, but that's such a simple circuit you ought to be able to sort it with a little guidance.

    I've only tested the strings of 6 and individual LEDs. they all light - I have not tested the using the ULN 2803.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Your 2803 is not going to like having -5V on any inputs, are you sure that's what's coming from the controller? 



    I think that means up to 5 volts.   If you're interested, we could meet up somewhere in CM and you can examine what I've done. I have plenty of testing stuff.

  15. 9 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Can you post a couple of photos of what you've built?


    Did you design and etch the boards or are they commercial boards which you've just populated?


    The pcb's I used are double-sided [commercially available]and the 48 LED arrays should come on either 1 or 2 arrays at a time, according to the signal received. The original sending unit provides + or - 5 volts, when the LEDs are triggered and 0 volts at rest

  16. Hi all,

     Since I'm a novice pcb user/builder, I seem to have made a mistake in my LED project. I did, to the best of my understanding, follow the schematic accurately for the project. Basically, it's a 4 separate array (48 each array) intended to be used as an extension signalling light, powered by another unit. What I'd like to do, is have someone with enough knowledge to test and explain what I'm doing wrong. I can add that all the pieces I built, do function, e.g. all the LEDs light individually and in their resistor strings, but when I connect the original signalling unit, nothing happens. Monetary compensation is not a problem.

    Thanks in advance.

  17. On 4/9/2021 at 3:55 AM, RichardColeman said:

    Sure would like to see what data that 'severe' and 'complicated' is based, on as it flies in the face of just about every country's data and that from the WHO. And without pre-existing conditions, a micro % of deaths

    I'm with you on that line of analysis. How many people are actually getting sick enough to need hospitalization? Going to "the hospital" and testing positive, is not the same as actually getting seriously ill; the number of "cases" is irrelevant, for the most part - if the numbers of life-threatening complications is as low as reported worldwide. It's almost as if getting a severe "cold" ( all "colds" are either rhino or corona virus, as far as every virology paper, that I can find states) It is more than likely that lockdowns and destruction of viable economies will 'kill' more, in the long run. One good friend of mine in the USA (72 years old)  tested positive, was congested for 3 days, recovered completely [some residual chest congestion as most experience] and a week later was vaccinated...He obviously didn't "need" a vaccination for the exact strain he just recovered from, so I suspect peer pressure from the medical community he works for.

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