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Posts posted by chezy86

  1. I voted to remain but given the chance again I would vote leave. The outrageous claims from the EU makes me realise what a corrupt institution this is. Time to leave without a settlement now I say. What about the UKs share of all the investments in the EU?. When one gets a divorce are not the assets divided fairly between the relevant parties? Did UK money go into building all their fancy buildings and offices?
    Recently we have seen their type of democracy with EU backed Spanish stormtroopers crushing the Catalan independence claim I need no more proof that democracy is an illusion in the EU reminiscent of Russia’s rule of the Eastern Block.

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  2. On 20/07/2017 at 7:58 AM, Credo said:

    What they don't tell you is that the same medications used in the US are exported to foreign countries where they play 1/10th of the amount, and the companies still make a profit.   But there is no indication there is any effort to bring down the cost of medication.   I wonder why?



    On 05/09/2017 at 8:44 AM, W2Wang said:

    Geez, I didn't know there are so any people being so negative, I hope life will be kinder to you and make you see more light. 


    On 09/09/2017 at 8:29 AM, pattayadon said:

    "Retard" is an obsolete and extremely offensive word!! Try using a thesaurus.


    On 25/10/2017 at 9:11 AM, soistalker said:

    In pattaya and Jomtien, the police have checkpoints where they pull over any white person on a motorcycle. Then squeeze them for money. I have watched them. Most of the whiteys pulled over have helmets and are driving prudently.

    It is obvious to everyone in Thailand that the police have no interest in fixing the incredibly horrible driving conditions caused by Thai people's insane driving practices. Thais drive like little children.



    12 hours ago, nasanews said:

    You Brit suckers have only one chance to re-vote otherwise you are going down real bad.

    Is it too late to send in the EU stormtroopers to sort this out like they did in Catalonia,

  3. You can congratulate Obama for most of this.  You are aware that unemployment rates are lagging indicators.  Reflective of decisions made in the past, not the present.  So no, this is not due to Trump.  Congrats go to Obama.
    There has been a bump in the stock market.  One that was started during Obama's term.  235% increase.  Thanks Obama!  To really see what impact Trump had, you'll have to wait until his term has ended.
    You do seem to be reading biased and fake news outlets.

    You just never know where fake news is coming from do you? Like your post might be genuine but more likely leftie news outlet inspired propaganda.

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    It is not necessarily the post that violate the rules that is the problem but if you read the entire thread it has wandered away for the subject to something that perhaps would be better off in bedlam, where the children can play to their hearts content, while the rest of us can get on with the thread.
    There are 525 posts on this thread already.
    I am not going to waste my time examining each one to find ones that violate the rules.
    It is a simple request to get back on the subject.

    No leave it be!! It’s very entertaining when you have a spare ten minutes given me many a laugh.

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  5. Half the UK is a begging bowl with earnings behind many countries in the EU and large areas of social deprivation (which will get worse with the universal tax credits ).  
    UK average earnings only at tenth place in the EU having a massive cumulative 27 per cent in the last 3 years.
    UK not at bottom of the EU growth league.
    No wage growth but at full employment.
    Physician examine thyself.
    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    Thanks mainly to the Tory party starting with Thatcher who systematically pillaged the countries assets destroying whole communities in the process. Of course if Your from the south of England you won’t have seen all that. So why if we are behind on pay and growth were we expected to stump up a lions share within the union. Just asking like because for a thick northerner things just don’t compute.

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  6. I was a regular on mostly debating mathematics. But the 'who owns the bank of England?' question came up. I posted the names of 13 shareholders. Almost immediately it was removed.
    It is exceedingly difficult to gleen info on the Bank of England. It is shrouded in secrecy and has laws that are unique to the bank. 
    At the present time the 'tax payers' of the UK fork out 55 Billion a year (some 6 billion is returned as tax however) to individuals who own the bank.
    Most central banks of the world are privately owned on the B-of-E model.

    So it’s not true that Rothchilds own or control all banks apart from North Korea and Libya then (read this somewhere). Oh hang on the wife’s just piped up that Libya used to control their bank till they were liberated by the traitors Blair and Bush. Maybe North Korea needs some freedom now then!

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  7. May and her team? Did you say "team"?

    A group of people with a full set of complementary skills required to complete a task, job, or project.
    Team members (1) operate with a high degree of interdependence, (2) share authority and responsibility for self-management, (3) are accountable for the collective performance, and (4) work toward a common goal and shared rewards(s). A team becomes more than just a collection of people when a strong sense of mutual commitment creates synergy, thus generating performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members.


    Haha yes maybe team was a little extravagant

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  8. This thread is better than Game of Thrones had a great laugh watching all the Remainers spouting their doom and gloom nonsense and the Brexiteers bitterly defending their decision to leave.Then there’s our European cousins telling us they don’t care we’re leaving when really they do care but they’re afraid others might follow and break up the party.
    I’m sure Teresa May and her team are following this TV thread looking for ideas and advice so please keep it up can’t wait for the next episode.

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  9. Nonsense, they pull over both locals and farangs, you havent seen many checkpoints then.

    I’ve been through a few been brethlized twice but so were all the Thai drivers in the line. Seems pretty even to me. Only time I’ve seen a bribe given was when we were in the back of a taxi in Bkk and driver ran a red light(debatable)and he stumped up 100 Baht at the back of Taxi the missis heard him say it’s all he had.

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  10. I bought a brand new Suzuki, and red plates had been fitted.   
    Half an hour later I was stopped just out of town and hit for 100baht.    The reason was that it was 'out of district'.
    Was also told that red plate cars could not be driven after dark.  True?
    It took 6 weeks for the white plates to arrive.

    Yeah we were told that by the salesman no after dark driving. Also not to go out of Bangkok. But we had a week in Pranburi pre booked so I risked it. Salesman said if you write in the plate log book that he gave us the address we were staying should be ok.
    On way back went through 2 road blocks where they were stopping laden pick ups and motorbikes. Just wound the window down and they waved me through both times. Lucky then by the sounds of things.

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  11. In theory, referenda are the summum of democracy: the people decide.
    In reality, the people are not told what their choices mean.
    The British could only vote IN or OUT, they could not vote IN under what conditions or OUT under what conditions.
    They were given a nonsensical choice.

    Well I don’t usually agree with you but on this occasion I do there was not enough “real” information from either side to make a proper decision.

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  12. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion.
    But since you reached the conclusion " That’s why billionaires don’t like him because he’s trying to make a leveller playing field for the ordinary person and it cuts into their fortunes. " is the exact opposite of what is happening I don't think there is any point in an extensive answer.
    The only billionaires that don't like him are the more socially responsible ones.
    See that Attrayant is trying, good luck.

    Oh he’s trying alright thanks for the support [emoji23]

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  13. Ok Trumps got some issues like his tweets and Facebook posts. But you’ve only got to look at the results if you can get by the “fake news” such as falling unemployment, massive gains in the stock markets, America first strategy. IMHO I believe he’s done more for Americans than Obama did in 8 years. That’s why billionaires don’t like him because he’s trying to make a leveller playing field for the ordinary person and it cuts into their fortunes.

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