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Everything posted by jimmybcool

  1. The funniest part of all the whining hate of Trump is the way those on the left project what people who voted for Trump are. Racist, hillbilly, stupid, low information, etc. Pathetic. Just maybe many voters saw the direction the US was going was not healthy and a reset was needed. I confess some of his comments and actions concern me but so far most have turned out OK. We shall see if he is the end of the world as lefties project or the greatest president in history. I doubt he falls into a normal end of the equation.
  2. I forget how many cycles I was told the battery had. But they also didn't tell me that 50% recharge twice counts as one recharge. I suspect my golf cart will outlast me as I near the 70 year mark and per the above use about 2 cycles a week. Good to know. One thing I really liked was no more putting water into the lead/acid batteries. Ad when I leave home to come to Thailand for 2 months when I return the battery is still charged and I don't need a trickle charger.
  3. OK several people have mentioned that EV batteries usually out last the car. I am curious why this isn't true in my EV. I own a lithium-ion golf cart and was told there are a limited number of charges (a lot and probably more than this old man needs but limited). Why are EV cars different? """The lifespan of a golf cart battery depends on a number of factors, including the type of battery, how frequently the golf cart is used and charged, and how the battery is maintained and cared for over time. Lead-acid golf cart batteries last about two to five years with regular use, while lithium-ion golf cart batteries may last ten to 20 years with proper maintenance. Golf carts that belong to an individual person or household tend to last longer, about six to ten years, compared to fleet vehicles that are used by multiple people throughout the day. These fleet vehicles can get about four to six years out of the battery before it needs to be replaced."""
  4. I am curious if anyone here has owned an EV into the stage of life where the battery needs replacement and if that is possible in many of them. I have plenty of time to learn about this phase of it since my current ride is probably staying in service with me for at least another 5 years unless I just get antsy and decide I have to buy a new car for no reason. Wondering who has to do this. Manufacturer only? Cost?. Seems in the USA Tesla would have the most robust system for this but here in THA maybe some of the Chinese brands like BYD have a bigger sales and support structure.
  5. Having read this thread I think there is a common ground consensus. For saving the earth public transit is better and nations could improve there. There is a place for both EV and ICE currently I myself like larger vehicles. In the states. If I moved here with the tiny roads in Pattaya I would scale down size and cost to something like a Toyota Corolla. EV would be fine. In the US I have a BMW X5 ICE which is a mid/large SUV. 4 years old. Dealership emailed an offer to come test drive the new iX which is about the same size and type vehicle only all electric. So I did. Holy <deleted>. Liked it a lot. Still, withe less than 28K miles on my current ride no sale. I don't drive enough for any fuel savings to appear for about 25 years.
  6. Can't speak for Thailand where weather and distances are different from other places. I know if I lived in some areas where it gets REALLY cold I would avoid EV as some of them will not charge below certain temps and batteries drain faster. Also some folks needing long distance towing might prefer the 500 mile range of a diesel. My needs in Arizona are easily fulfilled by an EV. I never drive more than 100 miles in a day and always return to my house where I can charge in my garage. I could also easily add solar to provide the power. So when I need a new car I will look at an EV. At only 28,000 miles on my current ICE vehicle I am in no hurry and watch to see EVs improve in every area. But the attitude that only dinosaurs and future resistant people avoid EVs is projection. For some needs ICE is still superior to EVs. Having both options right now is the best world.
  7. I am paranoid about this. I do bring US currency with me as backup. I bring $100 notes I get direct from a bank and with zero defects. I wonder if this guy knew they were counterfeit or not.
  8. In Pattaya now. Sidewalks are crowded and Central Festival mall is always crowded.
  9. I have owned a Siberian Husky. They can be good pets and friendly animals. To people. But they are still a bit instinctive regarding smaller animals as prey. That one would attack a smaller dog, cat or chickens is no surprise at all. I don't condone killing this dog and the guy should have demanded compensation from the dogs owner and that he keep the dog under control. If refused and repeated then maybe a harsh response like a punch in the nose for the owner. Whatever. I can't give the dog owner a free pass either. I know TIT but it isn't right. Pets should not roam free. If it harms someone else in any way owner has to man up and pay. No good guy in this and a poor animal beaten to death because of it.
  10. What good is a lawyer when you have no lease? Clearly the reason he is evicting you is money. Either offer to pay an additional 2000 a month (the current going rate per you) and everything is cool. Or move out because he has every right to evict you with no lease.
  11. Anyone projecting 4 years out is guessing at this point. Much of who will win will be determined by the results of the next 4 years. If Trumps policies leave a sour taste in the mouth of voters then the DEMs have a strong chance. If his policies result in a booming economy and new world wide respect and peace then a GOP candidate running a good campaign has a strong chance. A DEM candidate once said it clearly and was bang on the nose. It's the economy stupid. That more than the inane leftist policies of the left were the biggest reason the middle class turned away from Harris and the DEMs. They forgot the economy for the middle class isn't the stock market. It's inflation, wages and job security.
  12. Dude, get a grip. Misspelling isn't an important issue when sharing opinions.
  13. This was my dream car. No idea why I never drove one and wasn't aware of the maintenance issues associtaed with them, I just wanted one. LOL
  14. Columbia caved because they were clearly in the wrong. Every nation on this planet has sovereign rights as to who they allow to enter and for how long. The US is no different. And every nation clearly has the right to deport a foreign national that has been arrested for committing a crime and entered illegally to start with. Columbia prez tried to be macho and stand up to Trump. Trump said OK let's wreck your economy for being an <deleted>. Colombian prez realize the backlash of a trashed economy might end with him removed from office and dropped the charade of outrage. Sanity prevailed. Trump was right. I know it's hard for you to accept that last sentence.
  15. While all these cars stir memories I would not drive one today on a bet. Give me a modern car. So much better in almost every way except in some cases style. OK I posted my first car but my favorite car as a young man was my 67 Camaro. V8, in dash AC (rare should have kept it) and automatic (bummer would have preferred stick). Mine did not have the spoiler or covered headlights otherwise this is exactly what I had.
  16. In this case it is legitimate national rights. If the same exact thing happened here in Thailand no one would bat an eye. You must have permission to enter a nation you are not a citizen of. Any nation. If you sneak in and get arrested for a crime every nation has a right to deport you. In this case the implication (and I believe it) is this first wave is mostly scumbags who committed crimes in the USA and have long records back home as well. perfectly within the US national right to reject them and send them home.
  17. Oh yes. I remember it well. Not a very good car but only $200 and it was reliable. 1964 Mercury Comet Caliente. Had a 6 cylinder 3 speed standard shift on the steering column (3 on the tree). It represented FREEDOM to me. Mine wasn't this nice and was burgundy color.
  18. Yeah I have a few friends life there and confirmed.
  19. Question is how long will her really serve? Time off for good behavior and the like chances are he will get out of jail some day. And he shouldn't.
  20. I love the laugh when they first see how big it is. Good job catching it. Anyone know which condo building this is?
  21. He shouldn't be breathing by the end of the week. I know the death sentence isn't popular among many but society merits vengeance and notice to others with similar intent we do not coddle perpetrators of such evil.
  22. I have driven very little in Thailand. Usually have friends with cars to golf and in Pattaya I don't need a car. Funny story is the FIRST time I drove in Thailand (scary for a yank driving on that side and that chaos) I am driving a rental down second road in Pattaya. A car pulls out in front blocking my lane so I have to either swerve around him or stop until he moves. So I stop not being in a hurry. A few seconds later (enough time to see I'm stopped in broad daylight) a young thai guy on a motorbike rear ends me. <deleted>kkkkk I get out and look at bike, him and car. I ask him he OK? Car looks OK to me and I'm like OK no problem thinking I can drive away. He pulls up next to drivers window and knocks on it. I'm thinking he is trying to shake me down but when I roll down the window he reaches in the shake my hand and drives off. I guess he appreciated the fact I didn't react in anger or make a big deal of it.
  23. But this was about road rage wasn't it? I mean it wasn't withholding payment or something. I get it. A person here earns 300 baht a day and someone tries to cheat them of 100 baht I might consider violence to collect. But road rage? Gotta just let it go.
  24. I can not believe people let their emotions get this far out of hand. Can a young man get angry with all that testosterone in him and punch someone? Yes. One with limited control issues. But to kill them with a car? Well I suspect he has a very hard life ahead of him now.
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