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Everything posted by jimmybcool

  1. Reading comprehension is a good skill. Learn it. No where did I say he was found guilty in a court of law nor that he was removed from office. In fact I said the opposite.
  2. My statement is 100% correct. Being impeached means he was tried. The outcome is irrelevant. Impeachment is the act of having the hearings. Totally separate from outcome. And so far in the recent impeachments they have had correct outcomes IMO. Trump was being politically harassed and merited acquittal. Similar to some of his legal charges only they are held in far left enclaves with leftist judges and DAs so he isn't always acquitted. Clinton was found guilty. Yeah I know a lot of people didn't catch that. He committed perjury and was caught. And the punishment was appropriate for his crime. What he did was stupid and illegal but he was a second term popular president and it was a personal issue unrelated to his duties so removal from office would have been over the top punishment. Since he wasn't removed lots of people think he was also acquitted. Wrong.
  3. Actually he was impeached twice. The outcome doesn't change the fact he was impeached. Same with Clinton. People think he was acquitted because he stayed in office. In fact he was found guilty of the charges but the punishment wasn't removal from office.
  4. The cult are those who think these legal attacks are legitimate. Of course the worst of them all was the false attacks on Brett Kavanaugh. No court in the world would have even allowed charges based on the claims made against him but we had to allow it in his confirmation hearings. The pain it must have caused his family is despicable and Cristine Ford should be in prison. But she is probably a hero to cult members like yourself.
  5. I disagree. Some nebulous comment about corporate infiltration is too vague. I believe he owes any fan of his that paid money for a ticket specifically to see him a response on exactly WHAT changed.
  6. I feel he owes it to any of his fans hoping =to see him there to explain WHY.
  7. As far as I can tell no one. Lucky for everyone the USA is like a huge ship that course changes take a long time to make an impact and storms don't sink it.
  8. LOL, I don't live on internet forums. Some of us have real lives.
  9. Aw that is cute. Denying JT intends the "dark times" to equate to Trump being elected. It's OK live under a rock. No one cares. 🤣
  10. Reaching that magic 70 number in 2025. I can no longer drink a lot or a lot of THC. 2 drinks is about it, and I can't smoke anything so one gummie and I'm smiling.
  11. It was in at the thread title. But deny it if you wish. I'm not complaining I'm laughing.
  12. Post turtle. That will be how he is remembered. You know, you see a turtle on the side of a road perched on a fence post. No way it climbed up there itself. Not competent to be there and no idea how it got there.
  13. Interested in how sympathy for Hamas runs when reading things like this. Let's include they built military bunkers under hospitals and schools and use their own people as human shields. Israel is in the right to wipe every Hamas member out.
  14. Dark time? Bwahahahaha. Don't worry. There is light coming January 20th. End of the Biden regime.
  15. The reason death costs more is they are including the costs of courts, appeals, lawyers, etc. All of that is also part of life in prison since they always appeal. And our legal system could be streamlined on the rare instance the crime merits a death sentence and the evidence is overwhelming. It need not take 20 years. which BTW they are including in the costs of a death penalty.
  16. OK if it's a choice for a death row convict.
  17. I can only respond based on stories I've read. And the stories include assertions he went cheap on safety and pushed the envelope on cost savings including an inexperienced armorer. Based on that data I believe he is liable for the womans death. Criminally Legally? Apparently not. But I bet there will be a substantial result in civil court. And really since OJ haven't we learned criminal courts don't always get it right?
  18. This might surprise some here reading my posts. Yes I am in favor of the death penalty properly applied. Despite all the nonsense posted it can be a deterrent and can be closure for victims and their families so I favor it. ANd despite the nonsense it costs more to put them to death that is hogwash. They are including costs totally unrelated to the actual act. But... and there is always a but. I am not in favor of uncivilized prisons. Yes, society has a right to deprive criminals of their freedom or even their life. But we do not have the right to torture them. And prison conditions where "prison justice", rape and conditions where they are deprived of human rights are not right. While incarcerated it is OUR responsibility that they are not victims of criminal acts in custody. See I am OK with the ultimate sentence of death as determined by society in a legitimate court and carried out without anger. But if the sentence is 5 years or life either way a prisoner should not be the subject of cruelty. Their freedom is taken and that means we as a society are responsible for seeing that they are protected from other criminals while we punish them with incarceration. Yeah sounds weird to some but that's how I feel.
  19. Can't speak for him and he shouldn't have the same excuse as me coming from the USA. But I am frequently walking along the beach in Pattaya at dawn when I first arrive having been awake a few hours already with jetlag. But I am only carrying a secondary wallet with ID, copy of passport and about 200 baht so what HE was doing with 21,000 baht I have no idea.
  20. I agree the act of pulling the trigger is not his fault as they fire guns with blanks all the time and when told it is cold they believe it is safe. Problem is HE was the producer and HE hired the incompetent inexperienced armorer for the set. So clear for actually pulling the trigger OK. But he was partially responsible for the fact the gun wasn't properly cold. BTW OJ got off for two reasons. One was good lawyers. The other was a jury of complete racist morons who didn't care that he did it. Had OJ been white and not a football star no lawyers in the world would have found him not guilty.
  21. I have mixed feelings overall about HOW the death penalty is charged and prosecuted. If there is undisputed PROOF of a heinous crime then I have no problem with it and doing it quickly not dragged out for 20 years. That proof would need to be surviving potential victims/eye witnesses and video etc. Unfortunately HOW it is applied is usually to poor people and people of color at an unequal rate. So I respect your position. I am not against the death penalty for some people. But it needs to be tightened up to make sure only the guilty are put to death.
  22. Some would advocate that justice is better served taking the life from evil people. SOme would advocate that the families of their victims find closure seeing the evil terminated. It assures society that they will NEVER escape or be released into society again to perpetrate evil again. It might also deter others with evil intent from acting on their urges. Yeah, I l know the debate rages as to the deterrent effect. I don't think most psychos think that far ahead but if their execution was public their whimpering as the needle goes in removes any cool factor the killer had. They might envision themself in a similar position if they act on evil urges and might control themselves. No way to know for sure. Lastly, why should society spend millions imprisoning a true scumbag for 40 years when a bullet and cheap grave are available? Just a thought.
  23. OK, back on the subject. I wonder how everyone will feel if scientific evidence concludes Floyd died from a congenital defect and over-exertion and/or drugs? What IF Chauvin merely held him down in an unsavory poorly thought out visual but was not the cause of death? Would everyone agree he would deserve to be set free? I mean yeah it was wrong and he needed to lose his job but jail? Which BTW is so hazardous for him he was attacked and stabbed 30 times by another inmate early December. IF it is proven Floyd died due to drugs and a bad heart THEN I would vote to release Chauvin. How say you?
  24. I don't have a problem if they operate a Sharia court system UNTIL it crosses the national legal system. If they want to enforce fasting during their religious days or the like fine no conflict. But once they decide their laws are higher than national laws you have a problem. No idea how Britain will solve their issues. They have allowed far too many immigrants. No hate for immigrants but they need to assimilate and until they do the door is closed. Not what is happening in Britain these day.
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