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Everything posted by howerde

  1. If she is in the UK what is her immigration status? Not the case if he registered a marriage in Thailand then it is automatically recognized in the UK, if divorce proceedings take place in the UK then all assets anywhere in the world can be taken into consideration(Scotland an N Ireland might have some differences. See if you can talk to her and see what she wants And get a consultation with a UK solicitor as mentioned
  2. It would not affect your UK status, the UK allows more than one citizenship. more than two if you want it
  3. You do not get a work permit or any of the other points you mention if you are using the Foreign retirees option 'Wealthy Pensioner', if you want to work or set up a business then you need to use 1 of the other 3 options https://www.boi.go.th/upload/content/LTR.pdf
  4. Sorry deleted thought you were putting in your name
  5. I speak as someone who has been coming to Thailand for 30 years, met countless guys with Thai wives, all i can say lending money relending money and it goes on, seems almost to be a way of life, i came to conclusion to stay out a long time ago, you will have better chance of nailing jelly to the wall, than getting a straight answer in Thailand, all the best and hope it works out
  6. Your wife gave some money to this woman and now has the bike, your wife does not need any money at the moment are you sure your wife is not the guarantor? trying to getting a straight answer can be frustrating to say the least, i hope i am very wrong
  7. Eva have returned, but only 3 times a week an their fares are not that cheap out july 26 back 16 Aug nearly 2000 pounds economy return , though out Sep back october cheapest 800 return, i don't dare look what xmas is going to show, lets hope prices do fall, time will tell
  8. Yes what i would do, they have a return ticket, i doubt check in will notice. immigration will not care, but good to have a back up
  9. Not strictly, if they enter on a 60 day tourist visa, then the return flight/onward travel needs to be within that 60 days, of course we don't know if check in will notice the return is over 60days, depends on your risk appetite,
  10. IF you have a return ticket then they do not need to ask as the can see your return booking, i have always been asked when flying out on one airline and returning on another
  11. If entering on a 60 day tourist visa this can be extended in Thailand at an immigration office 1900 baht for 30 days, no need to leave the country unless you want to, a return ticket or onward travel may be required by the airline in this case within the 60 days(finair state this on their website), when i entered on a single ticket i was always asked for a return flight(eva air and thai). up to you if they want to chance it, it can be any ticket to anywhere within the 60 day visa there are cheap one way tickets out of thailand just look on internet,
  12. My Toyota service interval is 10 000km or 6 months which ever is earlier. i have 30 000km on it over last year, i stick to service interval (cost i think about 5000 baht ), i have a 5 year warranty on the car 2 years parts and labour and 3 years labour, i do not want Toyota wriggling out of any claims by saying you have not had it serviced in accordance with the manual.
  13. You can only bring in 1 litre of alcohol, there is no paying extra duty on excess alcohol, go through red channel and drop off you excess bottles, no come back, go through green channel and get caught confiscated and fines https://www.customs.go.th/list_strc_simple_neted.php?ini_content=individual_160503_03_160905_01&lang=en&left_menu=menu_individual_submenu_01_160421_01#:~:text=all types combined-,No more than 1 litre of alcoholic beverage,prosecution will be carried out.
  14. If you investments/savings are in joint names/company etc, how do you know you will qualify. everything might need to be in your name only, as per other visas, not having a go just curios, i don't qualify for this, but i have an 0-X visa that gives me 10 years and dont need anything like the proposed visa requirements, and as a bonus i was told i do not have to attend immigration every year to show my documents.(of course you need to be from 1 of the 10 countries that can apply)
  15. My limited understanding is that these LTR visas can only be applied for outside the country, via embassy and consulates, details seem rather sketchy and not much info on the health insurance requirement( i wonder if the wording required will mean you end up having to purchase the insurance via a Thai insurance company) i very much doubt the money can sit in your home country, but lets see. and you have to visit immigration every year "lets see what immigration want to see"
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