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Everything posted by howerde

  1. If you have a trackling number try inputting it here https://www.ems.post/en/global-network/tracking i had an package from Ireland and the Irish tracking number worked on the EMS site, if you use a VPN you might have to turn it off
  2. You will not get good/excellent dental treatment cheaply in Thailand, Bangkok international dental center (bidc) or Bangkok dental Hospital(Bidh) have good reputations for implants or Aesthetics if you want quality work, run of the mill fillings etc are cheap at the many dental clinics, i would not use them( went once told i needed 3 fillings replaced, all 3 fell out within 18 months he never showed me the xrays so i now doubt the work ever needed doing), the prices for my implants was the same as the UK. you might try the dental centres in some of the hospitals, be careful
  3. I was at CW yesterday all the systems were down, took me 3 hours to get a resident certificate and there were only 6 people in front of me, tried doing a 90 day report with a new passport was given number 180 this was about 0900 by lunchtime they were only at number 66 looked back at 1400 they were at number 88 there were some still arriving and they were given numbers like 290, i just went home as there were at least a 100 still ahead of me
  4. I would say i had the review a few weeks ago, they checked my bankbook going back 4 years line by line(this may be because i had not gone to the supposed annual review), they also wanted the confirmation letter from the bank dated on the day(i got this downstairs from the bank) i had the last 4 years health insurance, but she only looked at the last years one and checked on a piece of paper that it was an approved insurer, they did not check it online against the insurance database. i am sure the TM30 check and 90 day report were just out of spite as it forced me to go downstairs to get them printed off
  5. As well as all originals i took copy of passport photo page and visa copies of all yearly insurance, they check to make sure it is from an approved insurer bank book, and a letter/ statement dated same day from the bank additionally they wanted the last 90 day report and a copy of the TM30( i had to go to ground floor to get those printed)
  6. This is where it gets interesting, when i went to CW in 2020 i was told no need to report just come back when you have new passport and we will transfer the stamp, i asked 4 different officers, the same story, i then saw a 5th officer and showed her the requirements that i had printed off the London website, her answer not our rules, ask London why they have put that there, great, fast forward to last month when i went with a new passport to transfer the stamp, no this must be done at the airport, stood my ground til a supervisor came looked at all my documents and asked why have you not been reporting every year, well you told me not to. they accepted this but said make sure you come back every year from now on, she was ok but the IO was not happy, and from the website you mention it also states than an O-X can be converted to another category inside Thailand i did not dare to ask the IO i decided to quit while i was ahead
  7. I got mine in London, took them about 3 days, this was before covid if applying there make sure you follow the Thai London website rules to the letter, be aware my insurance has jumped to 80 000 baht a year after a small 15000 baht claim last year. i'm 61 also all the insurance companies said the cover was for 3 million the same as the O-A visa IT is not O-X requires 40000 outpatient 400000 inpatient cover, i just transferred my visa to a new passport a few weeks ago it took them 5 hours, they really had no clue how to deal with it, kept saying it can only be done at an airport eventually 2 supervisors came and told the IO to do it, she was not happy read all my documents line by line, at the time i tried using an agent in Thailand to do it they wanted 40 000 baht lol
  8. I hold an O-X visa i tried at CW they said no have to get abroad, it was a suitable visa for me, as i did not live in Thailand, i had been using visa exempt entries for about 5 years but immigration were starting to question all my entries, it does require 3 million in the bank at the time i would get 0% in my home country so the 0.5% i got at the time was better. The rules say after 1 year it can be reduced to 1.5 million BUT the 1.5 million must be spent in Thailand with no rules showing what they will accept as proof If you are living full time in Thailand then i see no advantage to the O-X, Another disadvantage is you require health insurance from https://longstay.tgia.org/companiesox they are not competitive,
  9. That advice might be good for a westerner but His partner is Thai, there is no way he is going to eat a diet like that, Thai giving up rice is not going to happen, you have to work with what you can buy easily and importantly you like and can eat, forcing yourself to eat food you do not like will mean you give up. Monitoring you GI index is they way to go if you want to eat a balanced diet with different food and not stuck on some restrictive diet eating the same meals day after day. I Was told my blood sugar level was 214mg/dl and an hba1c level of about 9.5 2/12 years ago. i cook my own food i never add sugar/salt but i can eat everything i like including rice, pasta. i am not on any medication for the last 8 months, on my last hospital visit my sugar was 86 mg/dl and hba1c 5.0 all my ldl levels were fine, and as important as diet so is exercise, i cycle at least 8-10 km a day well 5 days a week as a bonus my blood pressure is way down it was usually near the top of the medium range
  10. How often is his blood tested daily? with a kit or every few months? he should have or should have been given an HbA1c test this would show his sugar level over 2-3 months, and regular monitoring
  11. Thai doctors i have found are lacking on the advice when dealing with diet, i saw a few their was no advice on diet they just concentrated on the medicine, anything else was look on internet, i saw a few Endocrinologists, they were all the same.
  12. Yes mango and Durian should be avoided, you can eat plenty of guava and avocado
  13. Not sure about the Japanese rice i have not been able to see the GI index, but i suspect it is better than Jasmine rice, i mainly use indian Basmati rice
  14. Yes i think so i would say it is purple, when cooked it looks like sticky rice(it is a good rice), i found it fine, i just don't like the sticky texture. sadly the normal jasmine rice is not good a high GI index, i have seen low GI jasmine rice in villa, look for the packaging it should say low and it should state GI below 50 or around it, some packaging just states low GI without figures i give those a miss, jasmine rice can be between 70-80 Gi, and it is not only the rice, it is the sugary sauces Thais eat with it, i always find noodles no problems it is the sauces that thais add that seem to be saturated in sugar and salt. no need to give up fruit just cut down
  15. Is he taking medication? his reading of 160mg/dl would be high if on medication, if it is sticky rice/jasmine rice they are very bad for diabetics, he should try gabba rice and i have seen low GI rice on sale in supermarkets, and there are mixed rice options, but probably as important is exercise, i have seen low GI pomelo on sale, avocado is awesome in lowering you Sugar levels, it really does mean changing your lifestyle, google diabetes complications it should ne enough to change his mindset
  16. What is your partner doing about managing his diabetes?, a level above 126 mg/dl indicates diabetes, as mentioned a high level can interfere with the healing process, a few years ago i had a small op, the doctor told me they would not operate if the reading was above 180mg/dl, as the risk was higher then the not that important op. he also mentioned that Thais do not heal as quick or as well as westerners
  17. Bangkok Bank, i ask every time i go there, same answer not for foreigner 6 years been going there, i do get the impression they are lazy
  18. My deposit rate was increased to 1% from 0.8% recently, when i asked about other accounts' was told not available to foreigners, they might be lazy/simply do not know how to do it or might be true.
  19. I used the official site here was accepted by Thai embassy https://www.acro.police.uk/s/ As stated by others look at the non o retirement no police clearance and no tied health insurance insurance
  20. Remember your contact will be a sales person, they will not be the ones going through any claim you make.
  21. Has she told you how much money she owes?, these are not friendly games!, you might not see the money change hands but it will, at some point the losers will have to pay up, the more desperate a gambler becomes the more reckless, if you don't give her the money, loan sharks WILL, there will be a day of reckoning, she will end up going to you. They are not her friends but she will not see it, and unless you remove her from the current environment this will continue
  22. I would only insure with a foreign insurer who has an appeals process if that fails you can appeal to the ombudsman, all these protections do not exist in Thailand the insurer is judge and jury, your quotes will increase massively every year as they try to get rid of you.
  23. After my experience with a Thai insurer, i now self insure, i had a minor claim about 15000baht(first claim in 5 years), first they refused to pay out as i had not notified them within 24 hours, lucky for me my doctor sorted it, i to had a annual health check nothing was found but in my 60s usual thing get fit etc etc, after 3 months of my claim, the hospital contacted me and said the insurer wanted my hospital records i really had no choice but agree, then 2 months later they upped my premium 88% with loads of exclusions, even though the health check showed nothing, i did not renew.
  24. Just had my renewed passport back, took 6 weeks not bad, was expecting 11 weeks
  25. The British embassy no longer issue residence certificates, you will need to go to immigration
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