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Posts posted by howerde

  1. You shoud have bought her more gold, the price has been falling for a year or so, maybe she thinks you are a cheap charlie, or simply feed her fast food, watch her pile on the kgs then only you could love a 'fatty' you need to think out of the box. you could never be alone in Thailand.

    • Like 2
  2. Yes sorry about that,

    1/ yes

    2/ no

    3/ no

    No english test is required for visit visa


    1/ NO

    As a visitor she would not be a resident of the UK


    If applying for a Schengen visa through the French Embassy, you MUST be a resident of the UK (excludes Scotland), France MUST be the main destination of the initial trip taken on the visa. 'Main Destination' is defined as the most time (nights) spent in a particular country on that initial round trip. Proof of all hotel reservations, and flight/travel itinerary confirmation for the whole trip must be supplied as part of the application.


  3. Hi So ? I really don't know if I have met any in Thailand,I have met Rich people,who lacked that intangible Sparkle,which I would call HiSo.

    In the UK I have met many true HiSo's who do not flaunt wealth or power,they have a definite charm and allure about them that radiates,they don't look down their nose at you,neither do they Lord it over you,in fact quite the opposite,they have a definite interest in you as a person and love to hear about your life.They can talk on any level,and be as interested in what you have to say,as if you are the only person worth having a conversation with,in the room.

    I suspect,Thai so called HiSo's would be a long way from this kind of person! HiSo is not just about wealth!

    Indeed sir, you have hit the nail on the head, That is class. Even when one elderly gentleman at Henley addressed me as 'boy' ( i was 28 at the time) it was done it such a way he simply oozed class. that i was after a decent tip

  4. I do recall a very hi so gathering, a bday party for their dog, they had a cake and everything, the cake was a pig in a bikini and the hi so woman was in a g string and topless whilst being served by hotel staff poolside.

    Hi so does not mean respectable, I will take respectable first anyday, that sweet girl who is a friend I know who cleans the shitters at big c, she would never do anything like that.

    Good and bad in all classes, hi class does not mean better.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    That video you saw--it's infamous--was not just of "a very hi so gathering," it was a video of members of a certain Thai family that we are not allowed to discuss on TV, at least not in relation to things like that video. I suggest that unless you want to get banned, you don't mention it again.

    I take back my peasant comment, then. oops

    • Like 1
  5. I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

    That's my point, you are of the opinion all tv members are with bg, why.

    Bit of a generalisation.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    That was a bit tongue in cheek, only kidding, but the Ho so dog party. are these really hi so people or just peasants with money,, i use the peasants in a joking way,, Why worry if you are happy go with it, i am open to an invite to any hi so function

  6. I doubt any farang would ever meet let alone move in hi so circles, it's not money it's your family history that matters in the uk and Thailand, maybe different in places like usa, you simply can not buy you way in. of course Thai visa posters only marrry' hi so or medium so' woman who just happened to pop into a pattay bar,

  7. A schengen visa is basically a single visa that is good for travelling in Europe, so no need to apply to every country you want to visit, the uk and ireland are not in this scheme. you would apply at the embassy of the country where you are planning to holiday, ie going to spain for 2 weeks apply to spanish embassy, but the visa would be good for travelling through france to get there and other eu countrys, or just apply for a visa for the first country you enter. thats is in simple terms, hope it helps

  8. Your wife will have to wait another year for naturaliastion.

    Permanent residence under eea rules is much the same as ilr, so yes if she is outside the uk for over 2 years she will likely lose it.(it'snot really permanent)

    i'm not sure about your kid though, but once your wife has naturalised, she can not use the eea route, so not sure what happens to any dependants still using eea route, worht checking out.

    And she will need a schengen visa for europe, but the republic of ireland will accept.

  9. Does it matter how long they have been married? What if a 65 y/o man marries a 20 y/o woman and dies 1 year later. Surely she would not be entitled to money from the UK for the next 80 years.

    Myself, I've not paid enough years into the Pension scheme to get one anyway.

    It is my understanding that expat wives are no longer entitled to a pension based upon their deceased husbands

    NI contributions. All part of the new austerity cuts.

    yes i believe the date is 2016 when this takes place, and not likley to get any better in the coming years

  10. if on limited funds there are very few options, Care of the elderly is for family, unless you have money to afford some sort of private care, sadly getting back to the uk seems the best option for him, at least here the state will provide all you need, compared to thailand.

  11. Hi good fellas. I am a long time reader and first time contributor to this very fine and extremely informative forum so feel free to deconstruct my request for advice .

    here goes I am a 50 year old English/Irish national married to a 45 year old Thai national for 5 years we have a home in the UK and in Thailand my lovely wife has visited me in the UK on a holiday visa but has been refused a settlement visa which has now gone to a first tier tribunal and will be heard 18 months after the initial refusal further more the entry clearance officer has failed to provide supporting evidence to the first tier tribunal within the allocated time . the visa was refused on my apparent inability to provide for my wife

    many thanks

    Might get better notice if you started your own thread. and it might help to post the refusal notice leaving out your personal details.

  12. To be honest, howerde, very little seems to have changed to regulation 9, other than inserting general points which were already being considered in such applications anyway. Such as considering the amount of time the couple have lived in the other state.

    The effect being that the couple really do need to have been living in the other EEA state, rather than simply staying in a hotel while the British partner took a temp job, for example.

    Whether or not this complies with the principle of the actual judgement will be, as you say, for the courts to decide.

    However, I disagree that this rewriting of the regulations puts the UK out of step with the rest of the EU. Whilst I have no direct experience, all indications are that other EU (and EEA) countries are often a lot stricter in their interpretation of the EEA regulations than the UK!

    I hope you are right 7 by7, but my understanding of the changes effect 1 jan ,mean they also take into account your integration see this link, the last page talks about the changes


    on a postive note it seems that rc issued in other eu countries will be accepted by the uk, as usual time will tell

  13. Yes please, a99az. Post your solution here, I'm in the same pickle!

    I suspect the poster is talking about the Surinder Singh route, which is why i posted the above link, the uk government is trying to clamp down on what it sees as a loophole, ie people using Surinder Singh to get around the uk national route, advantage of eea route, no fees, no english test, no accomodation requirment etc etc

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