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Posts posted by howerde

  1. Same as everywhere, illegal, but this is Thailand so a lot is possible providing you show dough

    Legal in Holland, (by a 3rd party),

    Pretty stringent requirements, you better be in a wheel chair with only one eye brow working, where you can actuate some device, ie, Hawking, etc,

    Must also be diagnosed as terminal by several physicians, and be of sound mind, etc.

    Sound mind, would rule out quite a few Falangs

  2. Thailand is not a place where i would be upsetting neighbours even if i was in the right, i am surprised your girlfriend hasn't said something. How long have you been living in Thailand?

    So the alternative is simple to just back down, even if you are in the right?. No wonder Some Thais think they can get away with anything, if it evolves a farang.

    No the same thing would happen to a Thai, And they can wait a long time if needed, Falangs arn't that special, Thais are also victim of corrupt officials, but they know the score before they start anything.

  3. In my observation, local house sets up the "card den", word of mouth spreads, busy all day and night, more so on weekends stopping about 3 am. People coming and going all hours, house takes 10% of every game pot.

    This house has been running now for around 7 years, as guess who owns the property?............

    C'mon you guess...........local buisnessman?,......Ferangs wife?........nobody special,?.........Policeman?.....Puu Yai baan?

    Answer revealed later dependant on how many are interested .

    I tick yes to all the above rolleyes.gif , but it is big business, and for people who think that their wives are only playing for small money,with friends, cheesy.gifcheesy.gif , friends has a very broad meaning, and you won't see a fraction of the real money that is being used, until it's time to pay, and debts are payed one way or the other.

  4. perhaps you could start by attracting older falang males(plenty here), You would need to be moving in the rich Thai circles, maybe start looking at some up market karaokes, but i think we need to see photos before we can part with anymore advice.

  5. Yes much clearer, the information she used on her 1st application is being used against her, and they do have some valid points, such as stating she had no friends in uk, but can't explain what she was doing, amongst other things, until you can sort these issues out and baring in mind they also have the information in her last application, i think you will need expert advice on overcoming these issues for a visit visa, i would take up Tony M''s advice

  6. You need this person out of your life, they will eventually move on when you/wife are of no use to him/her, you might try contacting local health authority they might have a deparment that has an interest in Hiv sex workers, but it very true that some Thais do stongly believe in this magic, and the ladyboy will use this to get your wife to do all sorts of things, and will try to split you up, definatley time to contact the police, once he/she sees you are doing something she/he will move on to easier pickings,

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  7. There really are some vile specimans about i'm afarid, i'm not sure if this creature is still bothering you, if so contact the police simple, if they have moved on then you need to turn your anger into something more positive and that means letting go, no matter how hard that might be, think of your familys future don't let the LB destroy your future hapiness, people like this will always come unstuck in the end, but that's not your problem . How can she cause problems in Thailand i asume she knows family etc etc, in that case even more incentive to walk away now and not escalate things, one thing that always helped me when i was naive enough with people like this was to write the persons name on paper and wipe my arse with it, lt always made me feel better, and made me much more carefull who i befriended

  8. Nothing! Why spoil the women with a holiday created by the dam_n candy/flower/greeting card industry. Stop perpetuating the insanity. (Treat them nice everyday, treat them special as a surprise, and you don't need to do Valentines Day).

    yes, mine always gives me a pinch and a punch on the 1st of the month, cause she loves me,

  9. Well, here's the perspective of an married retired woman living in Chiang Mai. If the OP has to ask about this, then (I'm sorry to say) she's got reason to be concerned. I have to assume she's done some traveling or else she wouldn't be retiring to Chiang Mai. Everywhere in the world, the sex trade is confined to geographically defined parts of town. Nowhere is the entire country one big brothel. She's got to know this.

    As has been pointed out -- it's not the sex workers who are a concern -- it's the friendly cashier at the coffee shop, the lady in the condo office, yes, even the lady who does your laundry. They'd all like a "sponsor" and who better to sponsor them than that nice, new arrival -- your husband. If you suspect your husband "played around" with a co-workers before he retired, but had the good sense to keep it from you, then he's going to have a lot more time to engage in his favorite hobby now that he's retired. And, unfortunately, his money is going to be worth much, much more in Thailand, which will make him much more appealing to women much more attractive than Doris in Accounting -- remember her? The one who was past her sell-by date, wore too much make-up and clothes that were way too tight and revealing , but always laughed at your husband's jokes at the company parties.

    It's time to have a really frank talk with Hubby. As for me and my Hubby, you simply can't deny a man all the beauty and flirting here. My "rule" is a firm "look but don't touch rule". I don't mind him going out with friends once or twice a month to look at everything on display. I have other friends with a "don't ask, don't tell rule" who don't mind their Hubby's having a mia noi. Personally, I don't think our finances could handle that and Hubby says he doesn't want that much drama in his life. Instead he just listens to his friends try to manage their wives and mia nois. Yes, it's a challenge.

    Yes Bar girls are not likely to be your problem, it is that waitress/shop assistant, that is more of an issue, that smile that lasts a little longer than most customers get, the running to get you a table, just lingering a little too long at ordering, only glancing up at the counter ensures she is at your side at mach speed, she seems always to be in eye view where ever you look, these things really do things to a mans ego, even though you know its money, these woman are very patient.

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