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Posts posted by howerde

  1. Sorry about her refusal, your friend should show where the money is and how it got there (crrebt account -savings. But the bigger issue here is her circumstances, she needs to show she has a reason to return, and the fininacial reasons she showed were not enough for the ECO, she needs to show the money going into her account from the business, before it is spent, is there a shop lease, receipts for goods from suppliers, she will need to show the money coming in from the business before it is spent,, tax returns? and applying for a 6 month visit who will look after the shop for that period., hope fully a few more replies will help, to make a future application succesfull

  2. Would it be correct to say because i resided in the republic of Ireland for a period that i have exercised my right to freedom of movement so if i was to obtain an Irish passport and go down the EEA route the outcome of the Mccarthy case would have no relevance to myself or my case.

    I don't believe this is correct your wife would have needed to live with you in the republic, and in any case if the period was longer than 18 months ago, then i think it would not be allowed. There were a number of challenges going through the european courts to the issues youy have mentioned, have a look through the immagration board i directed you to.

  3. I'm afraid the goal posts have moved for surinder singh route, you would need to move to the republic of Ireland for 3 months, and they are using guidelines that 'the centre of life has transferred, which means having to take kids if i read correctly. There was a post from Tony M a few days ago about this,, good luck i hope you will be together with uour wife soon

  4. You can get married in uk on visit visa, but would have to return to thailand to apply for the correct visa you can not convert a visit visa or apply for a spouse visa while in uk, this was true 8 months ago, so unless something has changed. recently, one issue is entering on a visit visa is just that 'visit', if immigration were to find out any intention to marry they might refuse entry to uk.as they would expect her to come here on fiance visa

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  5. I got lucky with a good family...I paid the Sin Sod and the parents gave it back to me! A great family one in a million never asked me for ANYTHING...but the fact that my wife and I are both 25 years old probably has a lot to do with it

    Ah…no. Its called normal. Normal Thai families have no need for your money or support. They marry in their mid 20s and have good jobs. You never got lucky at all. You only did what millions of other young adults do every year. Why would they need anything from you anyways? My dad retired as an airline Captain….would he now go around peddling for dam_n handouts from his children's' spouses now as they seem to relish so much in Issan?

    Its only the fact that so many TV posters are retirement age, married to destitute Issan Thais with another's man's spawn and limited education, then they decide to buy the cow and move to the farm. That's not normal; its called perverted and allows older men to hook up with younger girls in a third world country.

    Sorry if this hurts the grandpas here but it had to be said. This skewed reality I see everyday is like some sick Twilight Zone episode.


  6. yeah I know anyone who says anything about old farts buying young wives, is either a dumb beefed up young guy or a bitter Western woman.

    The fact remains, it is neither of them that got the OP writing : It was a 21 yo Lukkrung girl she said "it is not right", so don't come and lecture me about my imaginary bitterness.

    Hey 'old farts' have feelings you know, mature wordly wise/unwise sounds better

  7. Hi Jamie, i have read the rejection, and it is clear the ECO does not believe she is coming as a visitor, she mentions marriage and dowry, even though these may have simply been said to bolster the relationship,, another application with a shorter period in my opinion would not work, as they will be refering to her previous refusal, it is this fact that needs overcoming, the other documentation, seems ok, it is the talk of marriage that needs overcoming. I would consult with an OISC registered agent, and get their take on it. before you submit another application, i hope you get some more feedback, and sorry i could not be more poistive

  8. Without seeing the refusal letter (personal details removed) everything is a guess!

    If I was a betting man however my guess would be that the reason to return has not been dealt with adequately, and that it is a little ambitious asking for 3 months?

    Scan the refusal notice removing the personal details & post it, I am sure you will get some useful advice from the genuine experts like Tony and 7by7.

    Even if you asked for one week , you would get a six month Visa. Technically she could stay for the full six months as long as she exited the UK before the end date on the Visa.

    If you were to do that, i could see big problems trying to get another tourist visa, things have changed to the way they were done years ago, if you stay longer than you say on your application, make sure you address it in your next application

  9. Very sorry, I totally disagree with Howardes She was given a six month visa, which if as normal gave her a 180 day stay, then the fact that you honored the timings is in your favour not against you. You left with half the visa still valid. What is your worry ?

    And as a British passport holder, legally married to a non Brit, you do not need sponsorship letters, as your wife she has every right to enter the UK, either with you or on your behalf.

    There seems to be so many spurious postings on here.

    Things have changed over the last few years with ref to visit visas, i can assure you what i have said is not scare mongering, There have been a few posts on the subject, and it is not limited to people from Thailand.

  10. You will need to explain to the embassies satisfaction, why she stayed 3 months instead of the 2 weeks stated, They will probably cross check the application with her previous application, what

    reasons did she give for returning last time, if she said she had business/family etc etc, then they will need an explanation why she did not return after 2 weeks, if you can explain it, then i doubt there will be a problem. Not sure about a 2 year multiple entry due to the issue already raised

  11. You are going to have to show with evidence that you wife has been making all the decisions that affect her daughters life, ie choice of school, dealing with school and all that goes with being a parent, etc etc and the more years they have been apart the harder it is, were you/wife sending money to support her? do you have the receipts to show it, I am not trying to be unkind, but look at it from the embassys point why can she not carry on living with the sister. that should be your starting point getting the evidence

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