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Surin steve

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Posts posted by Surin steve

  1. With regards to the Lao language it's spoken all over isaan in various forms as a rule the northern isaan provinces speak a purer type more like the official Lao language of Laos I live in surin where maybe a third of my village are ethnic Lao but there's a marked difference to the Lao used by my wife who's from nong khai

  2. Khmer although originating separately from Thai should be classed as a isaan dialect because it is spoken as a first language in three provinces of isaan namely surin,buri ram and sisaket the Khmer dialect used here is different from the Khmer spoken in Cambodia though very close native isaan Khmer speakers would not be understood in phnom phen

  3. Same as above post I never take chances

    One scary thing about the facts above though what if the girl had HIV and was taking medication ,if she gets a farang boyfriend and for what ever reason dos'nt want him to know she will show up negative on a blood test could the farang then catch HIV from her

  4. I was lucky enough to come to Thailand in the early 80s so had 4 or 5 years without the worry of AIDs then we went through the 90s with sex workers sometimes demanding 2 condoms be used together now it seems there's more and more girls prepared to take the risk ,when I ask now if I need a condom the usual answer is "up to you"

  5. I've had 3 conversations just lately that's made me wonder the first was with a group of lads age 18 -20 they where talking (bragging ) about all the girls they've slept with,and when I asked them aren't they worried about AIDs there answer was "why if you catch it you don't die anymore"

    The second conversation was with a 65 year old farang he told me he wasn't bothered about H I V any more because a cure was just around the corner

    And the last conversation was with a group of middle aged Thai women they where talking about a friend of there's who had H I V and where saying stuff like it's not so bad , look how long she's lived so far, she don't look sick est est one of the women even went as far as to say it was all most worth having H I V for the small income she receives every month from the state

    My point is alot of Thais and even some farang seem to be less worried about catching H I V and this could cause future problems

  6. Lived in Thailand 30 odd years and Have never heard any Thais complain about farangs smelling exepting the hippy type back packers and Arabs and Indians

    I do beleve though the sence of what smells good or bad between farang and Thai is very different we cooked a joint of lamb once and all our Thai friends complained about the terrible smell while they sit and eat fermented fish (pla lar) which to me smells worse than a burning tire

  7. Why not try surin lots of expat farang places if you want some advice or a chat loads of clubs discos nightclubs all within walking distance of town (try tantawan deeng nightclub for meeting girls you can't fail in there) lots of Khmer culture dance and stuff only 50 odd km from Cambodian border worth a few days

    Friendly locals who all want a Husband/House/ Honda Jazz/ 150cc scooter/iphone5 all within the first 5 minutes. Also have no idea of the price of P2P in other part of LOS.

  8. You think learning Thai is hard try living in my village the only Thai you hear is on the telly everyone speaks Lao Khmer or Sui it really puts the average farang to shame when you see 8 year old kids fluent in 4 languages

  9. Please can someone explain to me where the 150 bt go's to when I use my uk bank debit card in a Thai A T M machine and why is it that if I go into the bank and draw the money over the counter useing the same card not only can I go over my cards limit but I'm not charged the 150 bt

  10. A couple of days ago me and a mate decide to go out on the pull so off we go down pataya way walking street just about to go in a bar when my mate jim says

    "tell you what I'm feeling really really lucky tonight I bet you a case of beer I can pick up any girl in this bar right now you just pick one out "

    So in we go imagine my delight on seeing a indian girl dressed in the full traditional gear sitting on her own in the corner she had on the saree the head shoul the nose rings the lot so

    "there you go jim there's your girl"

    So off jim go's saying a bets a bet fair enough he go's and sits with the Indian girl to my suprise he leaves with the girl 20 miniuts later giving me tha thumbs up

    So the next night we meet up again and I ask jim ok come on tell me all about last night

    "well Steve she took me back to her house she lived alone she cooked me the best Indian meal I've ever eaten then we went to bed we made love all night long it was the best night I've ever had and you know the best bit. We where laying there together in the morning after making love yet again when I looked it her and you know them red spots all Indian girls have on there foreheads well I peeled it off and won a car !!!!!

  11. I don't live in pataya but I traval down there often for some fun I was talking to a bar girl a few weeks ago she was telling me a farang was interested in her she knew him for quite a while and he had asked her to stop the bar work and move in with him but to do so she told me she had to pay off the mafia 5,000 bt to get out of her "contract" and stop work she seemed genuine and knew I wasn't a typical tourist who just take in all these sob story's to back a few extra baht and she wasn't asking or expecting any money from me but it made me wonder first if this kind of thing still happens and second what kind of power do the mafia Thai Russian or other still have here

  12. Fair enough it was arrogant of me to assume you where new to Thailand sorry for that but even though I take your point about the H I V papers not being up to date the fact remains that after living here in Thailand for 34 years i have seen or heard of dozens of people dieing of aids and none of these to my knowledge have been pataya workers mostly it's Thai men visiting brothels then passing it on to there wives or girl friends who then pass it on themselves

    Given the choose of unprotected sex with a pataya worker or a ordinary girl picked up in a club or disco up country I would choose the pataya girl every time

  13. Just looked at the stats for Thailand out of curiosity population wise essan 20 million , central 15 mill north Thailand 12 million and the south just 8 million so that go's someways to explaining why there are more isaan girls though the percentages don't add up

    Poverty wise buri ram isn't the poorest as one poster said it's yaso thon followed by Nakhon phanon then sisaket and amnat charoen several north Thailand provinces also poorer than buri ram

    The richest Provence in Thailand man for man By far rayong

  14. We have a mini bus that fills up with people every day coming and going to pataya that's just our small district of half a dozen or so villages it's a on going thing elder sister works there do's ok so younger sisters all follow there's whole famerlys there sometimes it brings in money to the village and makes a real difference

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