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Surin steve

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Posts posted by Surin steve

  1. Shame about the whole Munto nonsense I was genuinely happy for you when it looked like notts getting back among the big boys

    I've always been a forest fan but like to see notts and Mansfield do well I think most forest fans feel the same Which might be unique among local rivals though I suspect notts fan might not share this togetherness

    As for the sheep though that's a different matter

  2. Don't know if it's still the same but way down on the Thai Malay border a place called Padang bahsa there was a kind of no mans land packed with bars and brothels they where all Chang mai Chang rai girls with alot of northern hill tribe girls Karen meew and Aka probably to cater for the Malay men who like there girls White skinned

    It's twenty odd years since I've been down there so it might have all changed now

  3. Fair point above post but the fact is that life isn't that hard anymore noone go's short of food anymore in isaan

    Anyone wanting to better them selfs fair enough go for it but don't go bleating on about having to sell your self just to live because it's boll****cs

  4. True enough I here it all the time the girls moaning about clever farangs they can't ripp off

    How about this story happened this year a well known farang catcher arrived in the village with her latest victim a 30 year old ozzy he stayed a couple of days bought 3 rai of land in her name for 250,000 baht (worth 100,000 max) he then went home and sent her money to build a house about 8 months later there it was a large 6 bedroom house a granny flat for mam and dad along with a 3 car garage all enclosed in a fancy block and railing wall so this farang arrived in the village to view his new house he was there less than a week before a brand new car and 2 new motorbikes where added he slept in his house exactly one week then she kicked him out he came round to my house asking what he should do and I had to tell him the truth nothing he wasn't married to this girl and all deeds and paper work was in his girl friends name to boot I had to tell him that it was common knowledge that this girl had a Thai husband who sends her off regular to pataya to rip off farang and he was to my knowledge the 3 rd fanang in as many years she's conned

    Footnote to this story is the fancy house is now in the hands of a finance company to clear her husbands !!!! Gambling depts

  5. The girls that go working in beer bars to get a farang or just to get money to help there family I can understand I would probably be doing the same the girls that really boil my piss though are the girls who get a farang bleed him dry then go get another I know girls in my village who have 2 or 3 farang all sending them money every month to stop them working the bars yet there they are working away trying to con more gullible farang it just turns it all into a joke and makes us look stupid

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  6. I think it's more to do with the fact that isaan girls have less hang ups about working in bars some might say less pride take hua hin for example plenty of local girls working in the resterants and burger bars but take a walk down soi bin ta ban (pick up bars) and it's wall to wall isaan

  7. Is isaan still the poorest part of Thailand ? What about northwest Tak,Mea hong son that's pretty remote and poor as is most of the north if you take out Chang mai traditionally it's been poor parts of the north where brothel girls come from the Thai type brothels that is

    I'm unsure, Tak is Central whilst Mae Hon Song is far North so two different regions there and I don't know of three areas which is the poorest, my sense is that North North East may be a strong contender.

  8. Is isaan still the poorest part of Thailand ? What about northwest Tak,Mea hong son that's pretty remote and poor as is most of the north if you take out Chang mai traditionally it's been poor parts of the north where brothel girls come from the Thai type brothels that is

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