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Surin steve

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Posts posted by Surin steve

  1. I don't know if it's me or not but it seems like every bar has at lest one girl from buri ram do other members think the same ?

    If not where do they think most bar girls are from ?

    Do they think there's any diffence between girls of essan and say northern girls ?

    Why do you rarely see south Thai girls working bars

  2. When you come to Thailand at first the food is strange and exotic you try this and try that and you like most things ( well I did ) but when you have been here for decades you realise just how limited Thai food is especially in the country side we have 3 cafe cum resterants in my village and counting up now there's only maybe 15 or so different dishes on offer .it's just as bad shopping for ingredients to make your own food in the village the same old stuff time and time again fish pork eggs noodles and rice some times I long for the endless rows of goodies on offer at tesco and sainsburys .

    We have a couple of the small tesco lotus outlets nearby which offer a few more choices but we have to traval 40 miles into the town centre for any real choice

  3. I eat Thai food all the time and enjoy it as well as farang food my 9 year old daughter likes to mix both types of food with sometimes bazar results last week I saw her make eat and enjoy a grasshopper and som tam sandwich

  4. I normally get a return heathrow Bangkok every year normally in september been doing it for years the last 4 years the cheapest has been jet airways and they have never let me down £340 -£380 return price no charge for one change of return date and only 25 quid any changes after that valid for a year the change over in Mumbai only 90 miniuts in my opinion they can't be beaten for value

  5. Alot of the people posting on this must be liveing in a different country to me I see no discrimination what so ever regarding my luuk krung son or daughters I have been to the army barracks my son is in and have talked to his commanding officers they are very impressed that my son had the opportunity to opt out of his conscription by giving up his Thai citizenship (he was born in uk ) but choose thailand

    I fully beleve that my son was chosen to serve in the royal Thai horse guards ( Thai equivalent to the British grenadia guards) partly because of his farang blood he is alot taller and more muscular than the average Thai

    I am fully aware that the Thai army has it's faults and is no match or can be compared with the likes of the British army but this is Thailand

    To the guys who say no way will my lad ever become conscripted I would like to say "up to you" but is it surly it's up to your son

    And to the guys who disagree with army's and wars in general I say of course everyone would like to live in pease but it will never happen maybe one day the fanatical Islamic mullers the Jewish and christian extremists and all the soldiers and politicians in the world will all sit down together in the sun and make daisy chains and decide to call there world "cloud cuckoo land"

    • Like 2
  6. Sorry pressed the post button by mistake

    My mate tried si sa keat border woth his motorbike he did all the paperwork and got though the Thai side no bother but they wouldn't let him into Cambodia they told him he didn't have the paperwork to bring into Cambodia and told him to leave his bick there and go get the papers in phnom pehn so he just turned around and came back the helpful Thais !!!! Then told him he should have gotten a import form from the Cambodian embassy so maybe it's just because it's a very small border point and they didn't really know the rules there I don't know

  7. You can do it with your own car as long as it's in your name ie the log book has your name on it you need to go to the custom offices usually near which ever border you are crossing at and fill in a couple of forms these papers get you across into Cambodia there you have to fill out more papers for your car permit they charge you so much per day and will fine you double that per day if you are late it's not alot a couple of dollars per day I beleave the border points I am talking about here are poi pet (Aran) and o'smach (Chong chom) surin the other border at kho khlang I'm not sure but I know my mate claudio tried to get across on his motorbike at Chong s'narm (si sa keat

  8. I used to go to Cambodia for my visa run round about 1990 -91 now that was very dodgy at that time you could only fly into phnom pehn and once there couldn't go more than a few miles outside the city limits

    Lots of story's to tell about that place guns all over the place hardly an hour went by without hearing gun shots nearby I was sitting in a resterant one night when 3 men where gunned down literally 10 meters from where I sat something you never forget

    Cambodia seems very safe now though there's still a bit of a be careful kind of feeling when I'm right away from the big towns I think life is still quite cheap there

  9. I know where I would sooner be in the middle of the night on my own and it's not uk some places in Nottingham are no go areas even to the police unless they go in mob handed

    On the other hand I've never felt threatened anywhere in Thailand and I've been to some dodgy places beleave me

    It all depends on what one interprets as "dodgy", do you have an example you would care to share?

  10. Read all the posts seems to me most of you have a negative opinion about Thai woman which really begs the question what are you doing here

    My opinion is that it's more to do with what the woman or wife or gf thinks about you because for sure the Thai girls I know with Thai husbands treat there men totally different to what I see everyday happening all the time between Thai girls who have farang partners

    I have had 3 Thai wife's and everyone of them have come from simple countryside background none them worked in bars or clubs I know most people will say that but in my case this is 100% true for the first few years with all of them life was fine but they change and the reason they change is they start to mix with other farang wife's

    Now I have always lived my life here like a Thai and I expect my wife to live with me like a normal Thai wife but when they mix with other farang wifes and see all the fancy clothes and gold and hear talk about maids and cooks and the life style of most of these farang wife's they start to wonder and ask things like why is it I don't get a monthly allowance or why don't you buy a tractor for my dad like fred did and so starts the slippery slope

    Now I'm not perfect I know that but I can see why so many Thai farang partnerships fail I see it though the eyes of my 23 year old son who is totally Thai he gets none of this greaf and I see how my son in law treats my daughter

    So now after 3 marriages I'm not interested any more I go from day to day enjoying my self and I have come to see what I always knew from the start do what the Thais do treat the women like shit and they will always be there if not go get another one

    Now I know this will piss off loads and loads of people but I don't give a stuff it's my opinion after 34 years in the land of smiles and would I change anything if I could not a chance !!!

    • Like 1
  11. Interesting experience couple of months ago I decided to put in 12 rai of cassava so I ploughed and put in my ridges and asked around for labour for planting 160 bt a day was agreed and half a dozen women showed first thing the next morning

    So off to the fields oh no I was informed that the price had risen to 300 bt a day Why was this because the previous night they had found out that the farang down the road had hired for 300 bt a few weeks ago so now the rate was 300 I tried my best to explain that just because he or as it turned out his wife was willing to pay nearly double the average there was no way I would they wouldn't back down so I fired them all off and I went to the next village and got my labour there 150 bt per day !!

    • Like 1
  12. True enough time to get behind the lads and give o'driscoll a chance after all he's better than Sven and rest of merry go round managers

    What forest need now is stability after all the termoil with the Billy Davis sacking wally with the brolly fiasco and the death of doughty we need a manager who's down to earth I was a bit disappointed at first but now thinking it over I think we have made the right choice in o'driscoll

  13. Agreed slightly worrying so far though o'driscoll is no mug and there's a fantastic team spirit now because he was the players choice

    I still think forest will finish higher than than the sheep and that other east midlands club I forget there name now !!!!

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