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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Mexico had gotten a very bad rep with gringos north of the border due to crime. Yeah usually it ends up wih someone being cut up.

    And as an aside Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws of any country...I see its workin out for them real well.

    You have no understanding of Mexico. There is zero enforcement of any laws in Mexico right now asany states have no police, no politicians and no judges. They have either been executed, went into hiding or are bought off and work for cartels.

    80 to 90 percent of murders down there are not investigated. These rapes will not likely be investigated and stuff like this generally only gets reported if happens to foreigners.

    Cops, judges , lawyers and mayors get kidnapped tortured and dismembered leaving no one to defend the civilians but the civilians themselves.



    Most jails and Mexican border control are all cartel or controlled by cartel. If they refuse, cartel kills there entire families, not just them.

    The only weapon enforcement will be if a US citizen takes a gun into Mexico that is not for cartel, but for themselves. They will then be arrested, placed in jail and will be instructed to call someone in US and say their life is in danger and they will die if they don't start sending money.

  2. I do believe, when you are born, you should be given a Glock and a M16. Fully loaded of course; with high capacity magazines and armor piercing bullets. For safe measure the triggers should be modified to be single pull and to reduce the amount of force required to pull the trigger. After all you can't expect a newborn to have the strength to pull a 5 pound trigger, I think 1 pound would be a good weight. You never know when a citizen will need to defend themselves from the tyranny of the US government.

    Yep, every man woman and child should be armed to the teeth as they are coming one day to take our freedoms away. If we barricade ourselves in and buy lots of groceries and never go outside, they cannot take our freedom away.

    Nah . . . I have a buddy that has an aresanal including class IIIs. He tells me he could hold them off for six months when the shit hits the fan so maybe I will just go over there. I am just not so sure who "them" is though.

  3. Global warming could actually throw Europe in a deep freeze

    Yeah, yeah, I saw The Day After Tomorrow as well; but that was Hollywood science fiction, not a documentary. And rather bad science fiction, at that.

    The keepers of the 'global warming' faith have been telling us for 20 years to expect destructive heat waves, droughts, lack of snow and the spread of disease.

    Now it's started raining, they tell us to expect floods from global warming. And now we get record low temperatures and more snow, they tell us that's global warming as well. Like all cheap hustlers, they change their story as soon as a new fact comes to light.

    Their attributing of single weather events to a pattern of global warming has about the same sense as me saying: "I saw a car with registration number KR 1189 on the way in to work today, what are the chances of that?"

    'Climate science' has little to do with the climate, and even less to do with science.

    And because the general public have a better nose for total BS than the elitists bargained for, they're simply not listening to these silly fables any more.

    That's all I needed to hear to understand you either lack objectivity or lack an understanding of the subject matter.

    Oh, I have zero idea about what happened in the movie you mentioned. My statement was gleaned from studies and reports by very objective mets which I respect, Jeff Masters for one. My baby's god parents did go on the Gore expedition Jan of 2012. I actually did take a lot of that with a grain of salt, but there is considerable data and objective findings down in Anartica that are somewhat alarming.

  4. Just a daily occurrence in Mexico. You know things are bad when the bad guys simply gun down the law even though the law cruises around armed with 50 cal mounted machine guns in the back of each pick up with 3 or four others armed with fully automatic assault rifles in the same truck. They also wear vests.

    The law got attacked because they were probably members of or being paid off by a rival gang. Not to long ago, a small police convoy ambushed and armored SUV carrying US special forces and diplomats.

  5. Who exactly are "Open Society Justice Initiative"?

    Who elected them, or are they self-chosen?

    Why do they think they have the right to lecture and pontificate about the correct methods of capturing terrorists who murdered thousands of people?

    Although I am not a U.S. citizen, I believe the U.S. government had the right and duty to destroy the people responsible, and organisation behind them, by any means possible. If that includes torture, then so what? It would not have been worse than what the people in the Twin Towers and the airplanes suffered.

    If other governments had the courage to act as the U.S. did, then this scourge of Islamic terrorism could be contained and reduced much more effectively. Thailand take note of what is happening in the southern provinces!

    If you believe that the US Government "had the right and duty to destroy the people responsible" then why didn't they attack Saudi Arabia first instead of Iraq and Afghanistan?

    Mainly because the people that attacked in 9/11 were not representing a country. If a country took responsibility for the attack then it would have had a different outcome. The attack on Iraq was obviously premeditated for taking the control of oil away from Saddam.

    Shit, it wasn't even about oil. Been better if would have been about oil. It was just some bully big kid mentality of being for us or against us and a little revenge for hit attempt on daddy. I was all for first attack in 90s, but junior's little mission was a personal issue and an intended f-with the bull get the horns type of statement to the world that ultimately had big, big costs.

  6. "Although I am not a U.S. citizen, I believe the U.S. government had the right and duty to destroy the people responsible, and organisation behind them, by any means possible."

    I agree.thumbsup.gif

    Easy to agree when it is not you or someone you know that gets shafted and has their entire life ruined for no reason at all.

    I am not a terrorist and don't know any.Terrorists ruin other people's lives which is good reason to stop them.

    The people in those articles were not terrorists either. I appreciate your confirming that you believe you are not, but that was neither the point nor the question. The point was simply what if you were wrongly accused, placed into solitary for a year, labeled a terrorist and then just let go after a year, after which you could not get a job or return to your profession, lose your house, cars, girlfriend, friends and money.

  7. And people wonder why the US govt is so hated.

    They did also take innocent people with their renditions. Italy currently has warrants out for some US operatives who kidnapped a guy from the streets in Italy for rendition. It is ridiculous to say that those subject to rendition and torture were only terrorists. An Australian was tortured and has been paid compensation because it was a mistake.

    Most of the prisoners in Guantanamo have never been charged with anything. So to say that they are terrorists is just a complete lie because they actually don't know. Just round em up and torture them to see who they actually have.

    If all this was for the good of the people then why did the govt's complicit in this want it all kept secret? I remember it became public that the UK allowed a plane transporting one of those poor guys subject to rendition to use it's airspace. Of course the govt would have known but only when it became public knowledge and the uproar of it did the UK govt then pretend to throw a hissy fit.

    I have no doubt my own oz govt was complicit as we just bend over and take it up the ass for the US. Every time they ask us for help we jump. Though I would hope after the lies of GWB and the fact that these things are now becoming public that they will be a bit more cautious next time.

    I'm sure there are those that will simply not believe there was torture, even though GWB admitted he gave such orders. Who cares where the report comes from, comment on the report instead of the people who did it.

    Does anyone actually believe this didn't go on?

    Why did oz bend over and take it up the whatever as you say, because junior and his cabinet of thugs used terroror tactics to get their way. They did it here in the US which is what turned me against this party so much.

    If you questioned anything they did, or God forbid you speak out against them, they would ruin you. They did it over and over to millitary personnel, CIA agents and politician as they would start a smear campaign and set out to ruin careers and lives if you went against them.

    They truly had an inquisition mentality and they kept some public support by constantly going on the media and playing on their political base's fears through all of those evil thugs and axis of evil speeches.

    Point being, they did same with other countries. Junior's administration was a pretty much your for us, meaning let us do whatever we want, or your against us and you don't want to be against us type crap. Still makes me sick that people fell for this <deleted> and voted for junior and his thugs again.

  8. I have no idea as to the necessity of this, but it did make me sick that Bush's lapse resulted in our 4th amendment being eroded and that many were tortured and treated such a way all because junior messed up. Seems like everyone is and will be paying the price for junior's reign for many years or worse.

    The first part of your comment says it all. I didn't realize the 4th had anything to do with a Saudi, Yemeni, etc. picked up in Afghanistan, etc. but do carry on.

    This all stems from 911. Not real difficult logical leaps here guys. 911 resulted in junior going crazy to cover tracks and make sure it not happen again. Bush passes Patriot Act and used fear, axis of evil crap to completely erode 4th amendment. Wire taps . . . Expectations of privacy gone . . . Axis of evil, evil thugs . . . Torture and hold people in solitary indefinitely . . . More good ole boy Patriot Act type stuff all stemming from 911.

    Thanks for the explanation about your interest in Thailand.

    Now, back on topic, what does the 4th Amendment have to do with the alleged renditions performed on enemy combatants captured on foreign battlefields.

    As far as the Patriot Act is concerned, can you now explain what action the Obama Administration has taken to remove the allegedly egregious actions taken by Congress and signed by Bush?

    Yeah, Obama extended something like 3 clauses. Real damage started being done in 2004 when extended to suspected drug dealer, not terrorist, by placing gps on car without warrant and courts subsequently started upholding searches that violated 4th based on Patriot Act.

    Seriously, I am sorry about going off topic. I scanned this in between sets at gym earlier and thought they were condemning US actions on our soil also and etc. Still have not read closely so I will defer to you guys and go to bed. I think anyone that tortures and places people in solitary and tries to drive peope mad suck whether Democrat or Republican.

  9. I have no idea as to the necessity of this, but it did make me sick that Bush's lapse resulted in our 4th amendment being eroded and that many were tortured and treated such a way all because junior messed up. Seems like everyone is and will be paying the price for junior's reign for many years or worse.

    The first part of your comment says it all. I didn't realize the 4th had anything to do with a Saudi, Yemeni, etc. picked up in Afghanistan, etc. but do carry on.

    This all stems from 911. Not real difficult logical leaps here guys. 911 resulted in junior going crazy to cover tracks and make sure it not happen again. Bush passes Patriot Act and used fear, axis of evil crap to completely erode 4th amendment. Wire taps . . . Expectations of privacy gone . . . Axis of evil, evil thugs . . . Torture and hold people in solitary indefinitely . . . More good ole boy Patriot Act type stuff all stemming from 911.

  10. TTL.jpg

    Oppressive government. Give me a break. We live in the US and cam pretty do and be what we want to be as long as you don't break the law. My wife is from Russia and I know many hotties from there and the Ukraine. Everyone whining about the US keeping them down are just flat losers who should be grateful they don't live in places like Mexico, Eastern Europe, Africa, middle east where people really have problems. My wife used to have to wait in bread lines, in the snow having to spend your entire paycheck that day before it would not buy a loaf of bread.

    Oh and all of the fat loser slobs whining about not being able to get a job and how bad the economy. Stop spending your money on guns, get out of your bunker, take some Prozac for your delusional paranoid state of mind and get education and a job already.

    I know many European girls who can barely speak English that have 3 jobs and knocking down close to 6 figures and they are grateful for every little opportunity give.

    Oppressive government my butt.

    "I know many European girls who can barely speak English that have 3 jobs and knocking down close to 6 figures and they are grateful for every little opportunity give." (sic)

    We have lots of girls like that working in Thailand too. There are many of them in Pattaya and Patpong.thumbsup.gif

    Have you ever been to Thailand?

    Classy. You obviously hang around a different element than I. No, these girls are not hookers and they earn a legal and honest living without sitting around whining about ridiculous things of which they have zero knowledge. You alone complain more about a country you don't live in they I hear them collectively complain about anything over the course of a year.

  11. Dow back over 14,000 for the first time in a long while as well. Of course that might just be another bubble waiting to burst.

    That's merely a symptom of permanently high (and understated) inflation due to money printing, which is used to generate non-profitable jobs out of thin air. It's a classic snake oil potion selling scheme, yet these days it's labelled 'progressive'.

    Inflation can compress P/E ratios and can be bad for equities. If we were truly in inflation, people in the know would be in a rotation from equities to commodities. Interests rates would also be rising if there was true concern for inflation.

    You are wrong about the effects and purpose of QE. Most of this is actually ending up on foreign bank reserve balance sheets and was meant to assist in paying off bad CMO obligations. China was a huge holder of CMOs.

    I am hearing from my investment banker wife that some $207 billion of QE3 have made it to foreign bank balance sheets in just the last 4 weeks. This is the second highest surge of foreign balance sheets since the AIG bailout.

    The Fed is quietly keeping the world banking system liquid and reserves in line yet you guys bitch.

  12. "It's to assure the rights and the freedoms of individuals from government." and does it?? I am not anti gun ownership by the way, I had my first .22 at 12 and still enjoy shooting when i get the chance. However, I have never understood the argument that civilians armed with a variety of weapons could possibly pose any threat to the American military. Have you ever or can you imagine a scenario where a group of citizens have taken up arms against the US government and it ends well for the civilians?

    Yes I certainly can. First, you have to assume that members of the military would back an oppressive government and I'm not sure they would. Second, there are fewer than 2 million members of the US military and that includes National Guard and reserves. They are scattered all over the world. Compare that to 90 million US gun owners with what some are now estimating may own nearly 300 million guns and Lord knows how much ammo.

    Now realize that the military, even if it followed orders (which I doubt) couldn't just nuke cities. The Powers would need to preserve the infrastructure. They'd have to go after individual civilians, not knowing which ones they even wanted. No, they couldn't take the general population under those circumstances. I don't think individual pilots would fire on their own people, nor would other military members. Now you're down to the few who might, and they are far outnumbered.

    There are more military style rifles in the hands of civilians than are owned by the US military, and the people know how to shoot.

    Oppressive government. Give me a break. We live in the US and cam pretty do and be what we want to be as long as you don't break the law. My wife is from Russia and I know many hotties from there and the Ukraine. Everyone whining about the US keeping them down are just flat losers who should be grateful they don't live in places like Mexico, Eastern Europe, Africa, middle east where people really have problems. My wife used to have to wait in bread lines, in the snow having to spend your entire paycheck that day before it would not buy a loaf of bread.

    Oh and all of the fat loser slobs whining about not being able to get a job and how bad the economy. Stop spending your money on guns, get out of your bunker, take some Prozac for your delusional paranoid state of mind and get education and a job already.

    I know many European girls who can barely speak English that have 3 jobs and knocking down close to 6 figures and they are grateful for every little opportunity give.

    Oppressive government my butt.

    • Like 2
  13. Maybe perhaps when Americans fought for the right to bear arms all those years ago (tell me when) they really did need it. But what was necessary a hundred years ago is surely not necessary today. Therefore they need to bring their gun laws up to date !

    And stop this constant 'whingeing' about their rights, by a few idiots.

    I happen to be one of your "idiots" and I have no idea why your flaming and personally insulting posts are tolerated. Let's back up and reiterate why there is a Second Amendment.

    It's to assure the rights and the freedoms of individuals from government. That removes all of the reasonableness of arguments against having military style rifles. If I ever have to exercise my Second Amendment rights it will be a battle and I won't want a bird gun. The Second Amendment mentions a militia, which at the time was an ad hoc group of citizens rising up. It is a military purposed amendment.

    ALL of the arguments about why people in certain areas such as cities shouldn't have guns, or about what types of guns people should be allowed to own are moot.

    There are statements all over the place in this thread about what types of guns are necessary. Someone said that hunters should be limited to such as shotguns. That person hasn't seen the US. There are vast open spaces with nothing but sagebrush where you can see your prey for a mile or more. You have to figure out how to stalk it to get within a more reasonable distance like no farther than 600 yards. You should see some of the rifles and high powered scopes and spotting scopes and range finding (distance measuring) scopes those hunters have.

    Yes, the law and court precedents over time allow guns for hunting too.

    But primarily they are for defense, and I want the best defensive weapons I can get.

    Also, as to the OP, I have a state issued license to conceal a handgun. That's on my person or in my car. A person without that license may not conceal a weapon in his car. He may carry it open in a holster or on the seat, but he may not conceal it. If he wished to leave it concealed in his car he must remove the ammunition and store it in a different place than the gun, and the gun may not be within his reach. For most people that means putting the unloaded gun in the trunk and the ammo under the seat. Laws vary state to state on the subject, but that's my state.

    Again, if the owner of private property bans guns from that property, I must obey or I'm a trespasser subject to arrest even with my license. It's his property, even if rented.

    Some things are worth dying for, and freedom is one of them. Apparently some people will never understand that. A lot of Americans understood that in WWII and thousands of their graves are in Europe, thanks to Hitler, and thanks to the loyalty those soldiers showed to their fine friends in Europe.

    "It's to assure the rights and the freedoms of individuals from government." and does it?? I am not anti gun ownership by the way, I had my first .22 at 12 and still enjoy shooting when i get the chance. However, I have never understood the argument that civilians armed with a variety of weapons could possibly pose any threat to the American military. Have you ever or can you imagine a scenario where a group of citizens have taken up arms against the US government and it ends well for the civilians?

    Those that really believe they need guns to fight off our government are exactly those that should not be allowed to have guns.

    • Like 2
  14. The Bureau of Statistics just moves people out of the workforce category if out of work for a long time, it is in reality much worse. Whats more many jobs are part time which is a worrying trend occurring. In other words the statistics lie.

    Ben is printing but getting less GDP per buck as time goes by, also GDP includes the massive government spending and still is now going backwards.

    Debt is now counted in the trillions. The stock market is a manufactured bubble and certainly no indication of strength. With interest at zero only the banksters are making money. Long term pensions are unfunded, states amd municipalities are going bankrupt.

    You could write books on this stuff, that economy is stuffed, just like Europe and Japan, just waiting for the piper. If some one can actually get excited about any western economic news then they either live in denial or are unwavering optimists.

    This sounds as if you read and regurgitated an outdated article by Alex Jones and has little to do with the reality of corporate balance sheets at present, the reality of where QE funds flowed and why QE was necessary, and Meredith Whitney's 2010 municple bond forecast never materialized.

    I am still at a loss at how people on the other side of the world have all of this insight about true unemployment here. Things were bad, no doubt, but right now people seem to have gotten back to work and I rarely if ever hear people complain about an inability to find jobs now.

  15. Speculate all you want, it doesn't stand up to any scrutiny, and it's little more than a pathetic personal slur.

    Another voice of those who do not wish to see obama held accountable for his malfeasance.

    You are not alone NBC ABC CBS CNN & MSNBC share your view .

    Just to be clear, are you saying he knew they were in danger, had a chance to save them, he did nothing and he then intentionally let them die?

  16. I guess taking guns to work even when you work at a gun range doesn't really help either . . .

    Another sad story.

    Chris Kyle, Author Of 'American Sniper,' Shot And Killed At Gun Range



    Chris Kyle, a former Navy SEAL who became known as the deadliest U.S. sniper was one of two men murdered on Saturday at a gun range in Erath County.


  17. Hillary may be missed by few but I still miss former US Secretary of State (under George W Bush) Donald (Rummy) Rumsfeld:

    There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

    (From Wikipedia): The above statement was made by Rumsfeld on February 12, 2002 at a press briefing where he addressed the absence of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups.

    Haha, I read that and it sounds like defensive double talking from a babbling idiot. All of that to say one does not know what one does not know. Brilliant! This was about consistent with many of his press conferences and his inability to answer very straight forward and simple questions. No doubt he was placed in a difficult situation, but was was a very poor orator which made him seem either senile or just "not a smart man" to quote Forrest Gump.

  18. I never believe anything the guvmint says. In real numbers the unemployment is closer to 20 to 25%. Just like illegals being 11 million is more like 20 million plus. It doesn't make sense that they would lie about everything they put out.....Just builds more mis-trust in them.

    1 in 4 or 1 in 5 is an amazingly high number. I know and come into contact with 100s on a weekly basis I only know 2 guys looking for jobs. One is on unemployment and won't take anything that pays anything bear unemployment and the other guy told me he is not taking a job at Macy's or something to fill in the gap. I think the 1st guy got a job back in his field here recently.

    1 in 4 or 1 in 5 is great depression numbers and means us here in US would know a lot of people unemployed. That is not the way it is here.

    Government cannot lie about those numbers and Wall Street would ferret that out pretty quickly as would politicians wanting to use bad information for personal gain.

    Companies like Radio Shack are suffering due to outdated business model and products. We also have severe market saturation with consumer purchasing cheaper products from Internet drop shippers or companies not having to support costs of multiple brick and mortar sites throughout the country.

    Business in US will really have to examine strategies to compete is this day and age here in the US. When something works, everyone rushes to that and saturates.

  19. So that is the official pie in the sky figures, what are the real figures? Call me Dave is just the same, rampant inflation, especially with food and he's still able to deny it with a straight face.

    I agree that CPI is a moving target and the changes in methodology in 82 and 99 in particular have caused much controversy as to real CPI.

    I cannot believe I am saying this, but I actually have confidence in the Feds ability to controls CPI at the present time. Inflation is certainly a concern due to QEI, II & III which was unfortunately necessary to save banking and mortgage industry. We would have been in bigger trouble and in a deeper recession or depression right now had the Government and Fed not figured out a way to keep banks, SM, FM, and GM solvent by resolving CMO problems.

    So complaining about extra money in circulation is a but ungrateful as you would have to ignore the resolution of a much greater problem that could have quiet literally taken down not just the US, but the entire world banking and financial system. Every cichlids country banking system tied to US and China would have gone down.

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