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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. <snip>

    she was locked in the bathroom (just about every man in a long-term relationship knows that this is just where women go when they don't want to continue the discussion....bathroom door closed=conversation closed) and he fired through the door.


    May I suggest a pretty good defence argument?

    They had a row. She locked herself in the bathroom.

    He said: "I'm going to shoot the lock, so get away from the door."

    She didn't.

    Manslaughter ("person-slaughter"?) for sure, but not murder.

    And he'll get a suspended sentence because he had recently become a widower.

    Not a criminal law lawyer and no clue about laws in SA, but wouldn't a transferred intent argument elevate mens rea to a higher grade crime? Intended act, unitended consequences, inherently risky behavior constituting assault, and knew or should know likely to cause outcome. These are crude elements that I making up from faint memory related to my appellate court clerkships back in mid 90s.

    Crime of passion might be better route maybe if she told him him she was doing the neighbor, the local bartender, or someone that stood taller in the community.

  2. Ammo company threatens to leave Colorado after gun control passes. Haha, just wiener little boys with inferior complexes wanting to be bully or show they have some power by taking their toys and going home.

    Okay. Sucks they put people out of jobs who perhaps have done nothing wrong just to proove a point or show they have some power. Hopefully, the next state will do the same.

    NRA needs to keep acting this way and eventually those with half an operating brain cell and an independent ability to think will take power away from them.

    Haha, love all the nut baggers saying people going to take their guns. Even Fox just now agreed they are nutty, but some people still act like they believe that.

    The fact is, Obama and sensible people just want some form of registration, close the gun show loop holes that put the ARs in the hands of any criminal that wants one, require mental background check (which is key based on what I have seen and read), and do away with high capacity magazines and ARs or AK knock offs which are just not necessary.

    Only a paranoid Montanna Freeman holding their ground against the government and IRS could see this as bad thing, but their opinion is a bit irrelevant and spurious.

    People with that mentality attack the messenger because they cannot attack the message . . . Rational people, I am just gained some hope after scanning through that Fox newscast, that even the irrational will eventually understand no one is trying to take guns away, but make sure only those socially responsible have them or buy them.

  3. Looks like the defence will be that he thought it was a burglar in his house, didn't know it was his girlfriend, so naturally fired 4 shots through the door as he thought his life was in danger.

    And if you believe that...

    I think I read somewhere that neighbors heard fighting immediately before. She probably locked herself in the bathroom for safety and then guns did there thing.

    She was a nice looking bad. Good enough to drive a man crazy for sure. Dudes just have to remember there is always another just around the corner.

  4. In such a densely populated place, how's it possible that (it appears) no one saw it about to happen or while the brutality was happening?!? Is it like Thailand, where most citizens can tolerate nearly anything offensive?

    Unfortunately, unlike Thailand it appears as if a lot of folks in India are just downright offensive and others are afraid to say it do anything so India is well beyond the just tolerating offensive behaviour stage.

    I thought India was a cesspool while I was there 10 or so years ago and appears not much has changed.

    • Like 1
  5. A cartridge is the ammunition. The magazine is what stores the ammunition. It's common knowledge. When I read this all it makes me think is this person knows nothing about guns.

    I think we all understand that they are referring to any kind of ammunition holder that can facilitate 30+ rounds to be fired in quick succession.

    I'm sure you can find a better argument against than the fact that they used the wrong word in the latest of a string of articles describing some of the measures already outlined.

    No, it is things like that that proves guns are really safe. Guns are also safe because someone could use a pencil and stick in someone's eye or ear and cause damage. Guns are safe because cars wreck and fried food cause heart disease. So, guns must also be safe because some women out there may not know the different terminology used to described the interworkings of a firearm like the Montanna Freemen do. That pretty much sums up the NRA argument.

  6. Well what could they do? If he hadn't been an LAPD cop he wouldn't have been allowed to purchase. But he did purchase legally as he was a cop. If you tried to arrest him for having illegal weapons the defense would have been I obtained these weapons legally when I was a cop. He bought them legally because a cop is a exception and at the time he qualified to purchase because he was a cop. He cannot be arrested for illegal possession. Even when fired, he wasn't required to turn them into LAPD since these were the weapons he owned. He bought them (with his stipend) but they were legally his and registered to him. he was fired from lapd but could have found a job at another department. like a car mechanic has his tools, a cop has his. Nothing that could be done really except if he was deemed mentally unstable then the guns could be impounded.

    You mean that a collection of weapons from handguns to semi-automatic assault type rifles is similar to a mechanic's tools?

    I must accept, I suppose, that the present laws allow a sacked copper to keep a collection of military type guns. My suggestion is that it's wrong.

    My brother was cop in one of the most dangerous high violent crime rste cities in the US before finishing his degrees joining the FBI recently. He has two pistols and a shot gun. Cops don't need AKs or ARs. I believe the law enforcement departments issues full auto assault style weapons to tactical forces when needed for certain situations, but not take home so one can sit in their couch, drink PBR and watch Wrestling while polishing their gun at night.

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  7. Good bless you people going through this. I cannot imagine and I lost my mother to MS which was a long, slow horrible death in her case.

    Alzheimer's and organic brain syndrome is much more complicated than diet. People are living longer. Primary risk factor is age. Oxidative stress occurs naturally with age and a few Fish oils or Huperzine a is not going to eradicate erosion of DNA and oxidative stress.

    I have worked with gerontolgists most of my career. Something in the body will break-down as people advance in age. It may be the heart, it may be organs such as the kidneys, or it may be the brain with a body kept healthy by modern science.

    We all have a biological clock and even though we may be able to turn back time on some factors related to that clock, we cannot currently beat natural aging in it's entirety.

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  8. Obama and the licence to kill American. on FOX news

    Here us the problem with that. Republicans are complete sour puses and would be singing the praises of drones if used by a Republucan president, but will condemn the action no matter what it is if done by a democratic president. At least most liberals can thing freely and independently of partisan politics. I am not talking about the liberals on welfare, I am speaking if those that form their beliefs and ideas based on logic than what somebody else, some church or some political party dictates.

  9. I'm sure she was otherwise a very healthy person right? Ate only salads and fat-free yogurt I bet. haha

    No doubt. I used to run across so many fat unhealthy people that drank like 10 diet cokes or those nasty TABS a day. Always wanted to ask how that was working out for them. I think that fake bs sweetner must be highly addictive and things still wreck the body and physique.

  10. The US government recommends sentences? Aren't the courts supposed to be independent from government?

    Federal prosecutors can and do recommend sentences and so do defense attorneys. Judges are typically bound by very stringent sentencing guidelines which provides sentencing range and enhancing and mitigating factors. This may or may not be applicable to espionage type of offense following Patriot Act created during Bush administration. I don't know for sure and I do not practice criminal law though I used to review sentences in typical conviction cases 18 years ago when working at appellate and supreme court level.

  11. Isn't Somalia a right-wing Utopia? No government restricting free entrepreneurship. No taxation. No gun regulation whatsoever. No abortions, not even in case of rape. You can stone your wife if she screws some other man. You can stone her if she doesn't do what she is told. There isn't even a word for 'feminism' in Arabic. God is the head of state, and all the comprehensible rules are laid down in a good book. Perfect. isn't it?

    And justice for stealing a few potatoes is beating with bats, placing tires around their heads, dousing them gasoline and lighting them on fire.

  12. From what I understand, the drone strikes are generally more accurate and less indisciminate that conventional strikes. Much intelligence occurs prior to the drone strikes and additional intelligence occurs to confirm targets while drone selects targets. F18s simply whiz high over head and fire on suspected coordinates. Drones actually examine target, return intelligence, obtain confirmation and them fire.

    Seems like civil rights groups or the bad guys being attacked are just making a play with phrases like "suspected terrorists" to try and sway public sympathy against what is actually the most effective and accurate tool for surgically taking out enemy targets.


    This is just one of many reports that would suggest you understand wrong. It would seem to me that drones are a perfect terrorist creation device. For each civilian killed probably a dozen or so terrorists are created. It is self perpetuating, which of course suits the CIA very well, it justifies their existence , not to mention their huge, largely unaccountable budget. It's not rocket science is it. If The US blew up your daughter's wedding, or your brother's funeral with a drone, would you be more or less likely to hate America and seek retribution? Answers on a postcard to, POTUS, The White House, Washington DC.

    No one is a terrorist and everyone is always innocent. Not sure how B1 drooping bombs from 40k feet or higher is more accurate or how an F18 or Stealth dropping ordinance is less indiscriminate. Cruise missiles launched from miles away also seem to have less safeguards built in.

    I trust US millitary intelligence is not undertaking to intentionally slaughter innocents. That is the mode of operation of those that the drones take out. Drones are slower and can provide much better detail of targets to provide confirmation before the shot.

  13. My brother told me this morning that lots of snow in front of his walk-up in Greenwich Village in NYC . . . at least this time they still have electricity unlike during the last storm.

    Excellent infrastructure for the leader of the free world!!!

    I think Manhattan area not so bad. Some areas toward Hamptons got like 25 or 30 inches. Some place just across the way in Conn. got 40 inches. I have to go to NY Tuesday. Well see.

    I think the big issue was wind. Weather Channel last night was reporting hurricane force winds up and down the coast. That was taking out trees and powerlines perhaps. Big mess though considering Sandy damage still there.

  14. Nah, they get their guns from US and mostly from US. 80 to 90 percent of all weapons confiscated in Mexico came through or from US. They go to Texas gun shows and buy through the loop holes every AR or knock off AK they can find for $2,500 cash a gun. The gun dealers and manufacturers make millions as the guns are distributed by the gun dealers buddies who just buy and resell to Mexican cartel while sitting right next to licensed dealer they purchase from.

    Any wonder why so many are so against gun control. They make money and lots of it and most of these folks probably have nothing to fall back on, like education or valuable trade, if gun money is taken away.

    Seems like US arms most countries and terrorists organizations throughout the world. Nothing like getting rich off the misery of others.

    Regarding Mexican destinations, Cancun is still safe and the State of Yucatan is generally safe.

    Mexico had something like 22.7 million tourist in 2011 mostly to Yucatan and tourism is at highest levels every due to expansion of Yucatan. At least according to recent article I read about this rape case and impact the narco war has had in Mexican tourism.

    I do agree to stay the heck out if there though. Most people go because it is cheap and Yucatan is actually fun.

  15. This is what happens when medical technology keep people alive longer than they were intended to live. I have spent the good part if my career representing nursing homes and handling the neglect and abuse cases. While there are many examples if poor care, the majority of issues deal with geriatric patients kept alive through PEG tube feeding and dialysis. The body was ready to go when it no longer natural ingest food. We keep them alive and then other systematic failures occur particularly in the body's largest organ, skin. Decubitus ulcers occur and we get sued. Organic brain syndrome, hypertension and PVD all lead to this.

    Same with dementia and Alzheimers. People live linger than body intended and organic brain syndrome, dementia, and Alzheimers develop.

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  16. I think there is a contingent that sees the ideal US Secretary of State as John Foster Dulles... and Yes! I'm shocked! Shocked! that all you others don't realize that you're just a bunch of Lilliputians that can't agree on which day to put out the garbage let alone manage world affairs.

    Yep, it happens when life is so full of opportunities and great things to enjoy. We have to make this difficult daily decision like which movie to see, where to eat, which car to drive, what shoes to wear or purse to carry.

    Life is good and us lilliputians have to look hard to find something worthwhile to complain about.

    Happy people don't obcess about stuff over which they have no control . . .

  17. Approx 850 young people aged between 1 & 19 killed every year by a gun kept in the home they live in. Is it too hard to keep the guns in a safe?

    Of course!

    If you keep them (in a ) safe, how would you get to them quickly, if a maroding, looting and raping gang is entering your house or the potentially fascist (fill in communist, socalist, marxist, maoist, if you prefer and don't know what you are on about anyways) Obama- government snaps and takes away all your freedom!

    No rocket science really...isn't it!?

    Let me explain that aspect of gun safety.

    If you don't expect to need to use your gun or you aren't at home, you lock it in a safe, unloaded. If you think you might need to use it, during the night for example, you keep it by you. You might keep it loaded at that time or you may have a clip or quick loader for a revolver handy.

    On a serious note, you are correct. Its all of those oh I am safe people that suddenly has their toddler pick up a weapon and discharge it.

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  18. You never know when a citizen will need to defend themselves from the tyranny of the US government.

    Yep, every man woman and child should be armed to the teeth as they are coming one day to take our freedoms away.....I have a buddy that has an aresanal including class IIIs. He tells me he could hold them off for six months when the shit hits the fan so maybe I will just go over there. I am just not so sure who "them" is though.

    "Incident at Ruby Ridge":


    Long story short: Randy Weaver was a Vietnam veteran. The Federal government entrapped him into selling a sawed off shot gun to a Federal agent so that they could force him to testify against Randy Weaver's friend. Weaver refused. The Federal government then attempted to arrest him. During the arrest the U.S. government shot and killed Weaver's 14 year old son, and shot and killed his unarmed wife while she was holding Weaver's 1 year old daughter in her arms.

    One man with a rifle held off 400 armed Federal agents in a siege for 10 days.

    Weaver was subsequently acquitted by the jury who found that he was acting in self defense. The Federal government ultimately settled the lawsuits filed by him and his family for multi-millions of dollars.

    Yes, sometimes people do need firearms to defend themselves from the tyranny of the US government.

    Apologies for the several typos in my previous post.

    Ruby Ridge and Waco are examples of what I wrote. They won't play with you, they'll just wipe you out, man, woman and child.

    The US government law enforcement agencies as as besotted with the off the wall gun culture as some of the ordinary citizens. It's no wonder that they too commit massacres. However, I don't see any possibility that the government will, wholesale, take away citizens' rights at gunpoint. They are doing it by legislation and the more horrors citizens perpetrate, the more the freedom to kill your neighbour will be taken away by legislation.

    Yeah, I can only hope and pray the cooler heads will prevail and peace and love for mankind will rule the day. Peace can never be accomplished through fear and force.

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  19. Uhm, maybe the dumbass should have turned his butt in and stood trial if he was so innocent before they shot and killed family members. Numbnutts acquitted by gun nuts in where Blah. Not reality . . .

    Glad you think so much of whack jobs like the aryan nation, Montana Freemen and Timothy McVeigh. It is people like you that don't need guns, but are too whacked to get it.

    Happy the FAKE LAWYER demonstrates that he is a FAKE LAWYER by supporting the extrajudicial killing of unarmed people by the Federal government. Unlike you I had to take an oath to uphold the Constitution, which people posing as FAKE LAWYERS do not have to do.

    While I do not support the aryan nation, or Montana Freeman, I do support their Constitutionally supported rights to freedom of speech and to maintain an opinion. Too bad, as a FAKE LAWYER, you don't understand that.

    Did I mention you are a FAKE LAWYER?

    Zzzz, wake me when something intelligent is said. Dude, I really hope your not a lawyer. Civil RICO not having anything to do with interstate commerce, Florida not requiring release mental health records, and I quoted US Supreme Court language from Westlaw to show you were wrong about Heller. I guess you cannot afford Westlaw or something. . .

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