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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. OK ... the ACTUAL facts (from someone who knows):

    1. 3.5 years ago plaintiff attempted to extort 500,000 THB and threatened with copies of passports and an arrest warrant. 2 plaintiffs - a) retired high ranking police officer & b ) employee of Thai embassy in London

    2. Defendants refused to pay and were arrested walking out of the meeting in Starbucks. Spent one night in jail - released on bail following day.

    3. 2 charges - a) theft of 5 pieces of furniture (from an UNFURNISHED house) 200,000 THB & b ) criminal damage of 192,000 THB (which they did not commit)

    4. Court verdict NOT GUILTY 18th Jan 2010

    5. Plaintiffs appealed ONLY ONE charge (criminal damage). First court refused to back the appeal and said that the charges cannot be split. Prosecutor backed the appeal and was therefore accepted by 1st appeal court.

    6. Appeal court verdict 4th Dec 2012 - NOT GUILTY

    7. Waited 30 days for documents to clear in order to handle immigration and be able to leave. Court confirmed documents cleared 10th Jan 2013

    8. 14th Jan 2013 - Documents revoked and immigration block not removed due to request by Plaintiffs to have a 60 day extension to allow appeal to be submitted to Supreme Court (still only the criminal damage charge).

    Hope that helps!

    Mr Chestnutt's parents, Pat and Bruce Chestnutt, said charges against him were dropped in 2011 but he could not leave the country then as his former landlord lodged an appeal.

    That appeal was not upheld in December ...

    You appear to have one date wrong and according to numerous news sources also the fact he was ever found not guilty. Charges being dismissed and appeal not upheld are significantly different than a Not Guilty verdict or being cleared of charges.

    Any link to the other info such as the 500,000 demand for furniture in an unfurnished apartment or even the landlord's name and employment? Also curious why the tenant has not filed extortion attempts against landlord ... seems the court is not impressed with his background and employment ... Also wonder why no mention of the landlords status and why nobody has petitioned the UK for the expulsion of this UK staff member who is clearly an extortionist of at least one UK Citizen.

    Above all links would be helpful or it will simply be another peeing contest between some internet poster who comes on to say it was 20k worth of furniture he was seen stealing.

    And this from the queen of uncommon sense and speculation.

    • Like 1
  2. Here is an amusing look at the absurdity of the current situation, amusing of course only if you have a very dark sense of humour. Credit to the author for nailing exactly the ironies I observed, plus a few more I didn't.


    The French are in Mali now, being shot at by Islamists armed with the very same weapons that France airdropped into Libya. Either those or the weapons that France sold to Gaddafi in the preceding period when European countries were competing to be his arms dealers. The joke is equally bleak, either way.

    So they neither had nor had access to any weapons whatsoever except those that France airdropped. Did they trace the serial numbers of all weapons being shot at them? Sounds like a bit of speculation, but even if they were why us that suprising. Kind of like trusting a bank thief with your money.

  3. Well it looks like deposing Gaddafi has done wonders for the stability of the region. Obviously the loss of innocent civilians is tragic, but perhaps events such as this may little by little convince western governments they are fighting an ideological mortal enemy, and the battlefield is as large as the world is.

    Algeria has been the venue for similar attacks in the past, so this is nothing new.

    In any case, subsequent to the Arab Spring, the attacks had declined. It has absolutely no connection to Libya. The hostage taking was a retaliatory action to the French taking on rebels in Mali.

    and where did the rebels in Mali get their military hardware from? I posted a link on the Mali thread concerning the fallout from the Libyan fighting, here it is at it is directly relevant.


    suffice to say, not for the first time western nations are having their own weapons used against them.

    Haha, that is some intellectual thought provoking reading for sue!

    "Iran sends monkeys into space – so can place nukes anywhere on earth"

    Maybe there are going to place nukes in my kitchen. If wife does nit clean, I will just turn it to marble for some new counter tops.

  4. Haha, sounds as if you guys are disappointed by US economy being on track. Market was above 13,600 yesterday, banks are close to resolving CMO crisis (BofA actually did it at about 1/2 of the 100 billion reserved for it), housing beginning to recover, gas prices retreating, and things seem pretty positive over here. Money and credit is loosening and people are going back to work. No reason to fake numbers and MOST Americans could give a hoot less about Benghazi or gun control. Both are pretty much non issues in US except for those vocal few at the extreme ends of the spectrum and some 24 hour news channels desperate for ratings. I would imagine the weather channel has way more viewers than those cheesy news channels examining all angles of the gun debate.

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  5. Of course, as usual, no one has considered that maybe she's had a stroke... You know, a real, and quite 'not fun' illness.

    All the classic signs are there.

    If you are right, that would be a much bigger cover-up than the Benghazi situation. It would be a huge advantage for the Republicans to exploit this if true. They should focus their efforts on uncovering that one as it would result in bigger net gains than beating this Benghazi horse to death.

    No, they should focus on their jobs and start doing things to benefit the country and nit themselves.

  6. Obama v. Nixon. Unlike Nixon, I have to think a huge part of these guys that won't let go of anything anti-Obama are motivated by race. These guys just cannot accept a black president no matter what or how well he does. Racism in certain pockets of the US is still as bad as it's ever been.

    Why do you liberals always throw around the race card when anybody opposes Obama?

    I personally don't care if he is pea green with purple polka dots, he's still just a sleazy politician from the Chicago political sewer.

    And that was my opinion well over four years ago on this forum, and it hasn't changed.

    Not sure I have thrown race around before, but if I have it is because it is true with him.

    Your opinion four year ago and your opinion has not changed . . . He was black four years ago and that has nit changed so not clear on your logic.

    There are so many that will never give him a chance and look to criticize everything he does because of his race. If you don't see that, then you truly have been away from the US too long and are out of touch.

    The irony to me is all of the impoverished white Americans from the South that are anti-Obama even though the Republican platform does absolutely nothing to benefit them and Obama's policies would. I cannot tell you how many people I asked to tell me how the Republican platform benefitted them or what the Republucan policies did to benefit them and they could not answer except to say they would never vote for Obama.

    • Like 1
  7. He's a defense lawyer, his job is to defend using the tools at his disposal, which is sexism.

    So the best defense he could come up with is...yes, my clients raped and murdered that girl but it wasn't really their fault because she "was asking for it". From the back of what cereal box did he cut his law degree?

    On this we can agree. The guy is a scum and such public statements would likely be scrutinized in US under catch all ethical rule of "conduct unbecoming if a lawyer." any lawyer having to resort to such tactics is weak and not honorable. I would rather look back on my life and believe that I not only served my clients well, but that I was honorable in my profession in so doing.

  8. I agree with you wholeheartedly neversure. If we are worried about deaths lets ban alcohol. It kills more per year than guns.

    Seriously guys, I do not think you realize how silly this stuff sounds. Just man up and say I want my guns, I don't abuse the right, and no one should take them away if I don't abuse my right to own.

    I heard guy on radio whining tonight about having to register his guns ever five years. How selfish and lazy can one be to worry about such a minor inconvenience.

    Stop whining, stop making silly excuses, take some responsibility and try to be less self absorbed.

  9. Okay, I just saw the NRA commercial about armed guards in school because Ovama's children is protected by armed guards and he is an eliteist.

    I am sorry, I just cannot see how any reasonable person could watch that and not roll their eyes. Look, I get people thinking they have a right to have their guns and etc. Just say that, but that commercial really make the oro gun people look completely nutty.

    Kind of nutty like this:


    • Like 1
  10. Interesting read, this one!

    There are people SO paranoid about the government, comming to take their guns, it would be quiet a laugh....if it were not so sad!


    Oh wow. A but disturbing actually that people really think that way. Does make Americans come off looking like mental head cases to those that do not realize that it those at the far extreme 1/5 percenters that make most noise and do stuff like flood a hero's in box with mental emails or show up at funerals with whacky protest signs. This is not mainstream America but it sure can come across as looking that way as mainstream Americans are never or rarely in the media.

  11. Oh, and your version paints the Muslims in a better light?

    fact is he wasn't killed by a mob or a group of protesters who got upset by a movie.

    Can you refute this?:

    The ambassador was said to be among four US officials killed in a protest over a US-produced film that is said to insult the Prophet Muhammad.

    That are old news.and Islamophobes assumed something like that and Islamophobes wants to believe it. but it is not true.

    Search later reports if there is anyone still sticking to that angry mob theory.

    edit to add.

    and yes i know even the POTUS felt for that theory but that doesn't make it true.

    it just shows how much of this and baseless prejudice towards muslins seems to be acceptable by the people without recognizing what it is baseless prejudice and negative attitude toward Muslims.

    Do you or Muslims ever accept responsibility for anything or do you just always blame someone else? I would probably have more respect to someone or people that could man up and say "yeah I did it, what cha gonna do about."

  12. I think it is established the ambassador died from smoke inhalation from a riotous group setting a building on fire, an unfortunate incident but hardly an assasination.

    I always felt Kerry rolled over way too easy on the voting irregularities, he should have pushed hard to get rid of secret software tallying ballots.

    He was killed in a planned commando attack and not by a mob of rioters.

    The mob version is just a fabrication by people who are interested in painting Muslims in a bad light.

    Haha, this is why I live this site. Fiction writers could not come up with this stuff. Monikers like Jihad and Machine ala 8 mm dude with mask. You guys need to move over to the guns thread and add some entertainment value there.

  13. Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also.

    No, he never threatened or implied he would do any harm to President Obama.

    The things you guys focus on . . .

    Please see word "indirectly" in my sentence above. Here is what I wrote including part you left out:

    "Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also. Government ultimately found same and did not indict so I apparently have a grasp on interpretation of such matters."

    Now read articles. Many viewed what he said as an "indirect" threat to the president under 18 U.S.C. 871. The issue was sufficient to warrant an interview with and an investigation by the secret service.

    Like I said when it happened, Ted's statement did not met definition of "true threat" pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 871. His statement was hyperbole.




    You could have saved yourself a lot of link posting just by admitting that you weren't truthful or accurate in your representation of what Ted said.

    Actually, the links support my statements about what Ted said, but who really cares. My point is it was hyperbole and some funny shyt at that.

    Your subjective opinion seems to differ. That is not a basis for asserting that I am untruthful. Haha, the things with which you guys focus and your needs to levy personal attacks reflect something entirely different . . .

    Lose the guns, the anger, the self loathing or whatever and live life man. Things are really good. Be happy. Why want to live in an angry prison where are kids are under armed protection, we are holed up in barricaded houses and packing heat just in case someone steps out of line and needs a bullet.

    Why the desire to feel that politicians and every one is lying to you, trying to deceive you or out take your shit away. What a sad way to go through life. Focus on helping people rather than barricading and defending self with guns and armed guards everywhere.

    • Like 1
  14. I don't normally advocate this kind of thing, but I think that the lawyer Manohar Lal Sharma should be raped. He should be kidnapped in the back of a bus and sodomized with a metal pipe, and then afterwards someone should say to him that respectable men in India just do not get raped.

    Also, I don't think that people realize how skewed the sex ratios are in India (where there are abortion of female fetuses):


    It's 914 females to 1000 males. So there's 86 men out of 1000 that there's no female match for.

    I regretfully agree. I despise lawyers that cross the line and that cannot win being honorable. I have several I am up against at this moment . . .

    New defense, other than the unmarried girl deserved it for being out with her boyfirend to see a movie defense:


    Sadly, one cannot never really be sure what the truth is regarding torture and confessions in these parts of the world. Don't they have the boyfriend as an eye witness though?

  15. i was to busy chuckling at his accent to get incensed over its content

    I agree. It took me quite a while to realize he was speaking English. :-) While his statement sounds outrageous ,

    I think that is a somewhat standard rape defense. I wonder if he uses the same defense for acid attacks.....

    Maybe in India, but that is not the standard rape defense in civilized cultures. His statement is a reflection of a cultural issue wherein it apparently is okay to forceably rape or gang rape a women if you have the subjective belief that she deserves it.

    A defense is they did not do it or she consented.

    OK, assuming the jury believes that the woman did deserve to be raped...how will they feel about murder? The woman did die as a result of the attack after all. Even in India, isn't murder of a female by several males considered bad?

    Not my defense. I view such statement as conduct unbecoming of a lawyer. I assume he believes that no self respecting woman would ever be in a position to have a metal rod shoved into her with sufficient force to cause internal damage and lacerations to her intestines resulting in sepsis, septic shock and systematic organ shut down.

  16. Unfortunately, not really. It seems that as a result of Sandy Hook and all the media focus on the "evil assault rifle", sales have surged for assault rifles:


    If the purpose behind the gun control lobby was to take these guns off the shelf, well mission accomplished. They're off the shelf alright...they all got bought up. The manufacturers are ramping up production to keep up with demand. I can't even find evil "assault rifles" for sale in the stores anymore because they're sold out. On the gun boards the dealers are reporting that two years worth of merchandise was sold out in 1 month.

    Not to worry. Senator Schumer (D-NY) has that all covered. He's asked gun dealers not to sell any more guns while Congress works out the gun control legislation.

    I hear it from a reliable source he is going to next ask Baskin-Robbins to stop selling ice cream until the US obesity problem is under control.

    Guess what! Schumer is a graduate of Harvard Law School.whistling.gif


    Sen. Schumer Asks Gun Retailers To Stop Sales As Congress Debates

    January 13, 2013 2:46 PM

    NEW YORK — Sen. Charles Schumer says retailers that sell assault weapons should stop offering them for purchase while Congress discusses gun regulation legislation.

    Schumer on Sunday released a letter he sent to major retailers asking for a voluntary moratorium.

    The New York Democrat says consumer demand for guns has gone up in the weeks since the December mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

    More here: http://washington.cb...ngress-debates/

    Does seem like a lot of smart people are liberals and go to Havard . . . What is wrong with Havard. Where did you go? Why need to bash his education just because you do not agree with his political views?

    Haha, the best part though is my girls are so conservative it ain't funny . . . Over Christmas, my oldest was asking me for a deposit for a trip this month with her church. I was like sure, where are you going. She said DC. I said cool, what for. She said "Pro life." I was like, okay I am giving you a $ 1,500 so you can stand outside holding a sign telling women what they should and should not do with their bodies. My 17 year old then retorted "don't be an ass hole dad." That was the first time she ever called me a name! I had to laugh.

    Sorry, but I'm smart enough not to post all my personal details on an anonymous internet forum. I will tell you I graduated from Sam Houston Institution of Technology.

    Give me an "S"...give me an "H"...give me an "I"...now give me a "T". Our team mascot was a brahma bull.

    That was our favorite yell at football games.

    Where you went to college back in the days of Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble does not exactly qualify as posting "all" your "personal details on an anonymous internet forum." Haha, the funny part is you apparently post under your name unless ChuckD is just a cool moniker and you are using those CIA diversionary tactics you learned while working for the secret service like all the expats in Thailand.

    Awesome, bring the bull out and let it trash the other team mascot pre game. That could actually be pretty entertaining.

  17. I can go buy ten of your "assault weapons" off the dealer's shelf today

    Unfortunately, not really. It seems that as a result of Sandy Hook and all the media focus on the "evil assault rifle", sales have surged for assault rifles:


    If the purpose behind the gun control lobby was to take these guns off the shelf, well mission accomplished. They're off the shelf alright...they all got bought up. The manufacturers are ramping up production to keep up with demand. I can't even find evil "assault rifles" for sale in the stores anymore because they're sold out. On the gun boards the dealers are reporting that two years worth of merchandise was sold out in 1 month.

    Not to worry. Senator Schumer (D-NY) has that all covered. He's asked gun dealers not to sell any more guns while Congress works out the gun control legislation.

    I hear it from a reliable source he is going to next ask Baskin-Robbins to stop selling ice cream until the US obesity problem is under control.

    Guess what! Schumer is a graduate of Harvard Law School.whistling.gif


    Sen. Schumer Asks Gun Retailers To Stop Sales As Congress Debates

    January 13, 2013 2:46 PM

    NEW YORK — Sen. Charles Schumer says retailers that sell assault weapons should stop offering them for purchase while Congress discusses gun regulation legislation.

    Schumer on Sunday released a letter he sent to major retailers asking for a voluntary moratorium.

    The New York Democrat says consumer demand for guns has gone up in the weeks since the December mass shooting in Newtown, Conn.

    More here: http://washington.cb...ngress-debates/

    Does seem like a lot of smart people are liberals and go to Havard . . . What is wrong with Havard. Where did you go? Why need to bash his education just because you do not agree with his political views?

    Haha, the best part though is my girls are so conservative it ain't funny . . . Over Christmas, my oldest was asking me for a deposit for a trip this month with her church. I was like sure, where are you going. She said DC. I said cool, what for. She said "Pro life." I was like, okay I am giving you a $ 1,500 so you can stand outside holding a sign telling women what they should and should not do with their bodies. My 17 year old then retorted "don't be an ass hole dad." That was the first time she ever called me a name! I had to laugh.

  18. Do you think the Secret Service would have your clear vision if someone on a talk show suggested get an "assault" rifle and "popping" President Obama? Yeah, yeah, I know... that isn't the same because he is part of the protected elite and he really does have to worried about nutjobs trying to do him harm...or his children harm and that's why it's OK for his children and the children of other elites to have armed guards at school but not OK for anyone else.

    Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also. Government ultimately found same and did not indict so I apparently have a grasp on interpretation of such matters.

    My children attend private school costing around $20k per child per year and there is no armed guards. We have zero private schools with armed guards in my city and we have more children of stars and celebrities attending school than any city in US other than LA.

    The school where the President's children attend unfortunately needs armed guards for a completely different reason than Newtown. This should be readily apparent to anyone not blinded by passion or hate.

    You guys are out of touch with reality. Perhaps this is related to the fact that some of you have not lived here for many years, have no children in school here or are just a bit brainwashed. I find it comical that some guy who gave up on America and left over 10 years ago to live in SE Asia would call anyone un-American.

    The other reality is that 99.99 of the nation's armed security guards would be helpless against someone in body armor with assault weapons. This comes from FBI brother who also said they use teams of four to take down such targets.

    Why not listen to law enforcement instead of NRA gun nuts. Newtown cops said last night on National TV that assault weapons and 30 shot clips must go. Lanza had more firepower than the police he said.

    So much for elitest theory. Just heard driving to work this am that the Sheriff is putting off duty police officer in each public school in this city. No such "luck" for the private schools . . .

    Let them use some of that $40,000 per year to pay for protection. Two weeks or so ago, your claim was it cost $34,000 for your children.

    Inflation...or imagination?


    The above posts says costs 20K and the other one you link said what I pay . . . One of my daughters has a $ 4,000 yearly scholarship for scoring the highest on the freshman placement test or whatever test they take to get in (1,000 applications for maybe 120 slots each year) and both get another $ 1,000 off tuition each year for scoring over a certain % on that same placement test.

    Two weeks ago I apparrently didn't think about the nice little surcharges we get hit with every semester and I just wrote another check so now its fresh in my mind. My check this semester comprises tuition + computer fees (Lease/purchase MacBook for each student each year) + books + uniforms + cafateria plan (they have to eat and get their morning Starbucks) + atheltic fees and etc . . . Grant total is still right at $ 20k even with the scholarships . . .

    The school just built a new technology center complete with Starbucks in the huge entry way and lobby and high end computer labs. They also just built a new soccer stadium. Much rather see the money go there than paying some Barney Fifth dude to fumble around with bullets and accidentally shoot a student.

    We have security or monitors. They are not armed. Never have been and never will be hopefully.

  19. I guess seeing the difference between hyperbole by a talk show host versus threats from nut case who actually has guns and is perhaps dead serious about using them if he does not get his way eludes some.

    Do you think the Secret Service would have your clear vision if someone on a talk show suggested get an "assault" rifle and "popping" President Obama? Yeah, yeah, I know... that isn't the same because he is part of the protected elite and he really does have to worried about nutjobs trying to do him harm...or his children harm and that's why it's OK for his children and the children of other elites to have armed guards at school but not OK for anyone else.

    Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also.

    No, he never threatened or implied he would do any harm to President Obama.

    The things you guys focus on . . .

    Please see word "indirectly" in my sentence above. Here is what I wrote including part you left out:

    "Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also. Government ultimately found same and did not indict so I apparently have a grasp on interpretation of such matters."

    Now read articles. Many viewed what he said as an "indirect" threat to the president under 18 U.S.C. 871. The issue was sufficient to warrant an interview with and an investigation by the secret service.

    Like I said when it happened, Ted's statement did not met definition of "true threat" pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 871. His statement was hyperbole.




  20. Look at the debate again. I think it is near the one minute spot when the male guest suggests Piers should get an assault weapon and go "pop him". This comment brought much hilarity to both Piers and his other guests.

    In the context of this particular conversation "pop him" would mean to shoot him in the US.

    I guess seeing the difference between hyperbole by a talk show host versus threats from nut case who actually has guns and is perhaps dead serious about using them if he does not get his way eludes some.

    Do you think the Secret Service would have your clear vision if someone on a talk show suggested get an "assault" rifle and "popping" President Obama? Yeah, yeah, I know... that isn't the same because he is part of the protected elite and he really does have to worried about nutjobs trying to do him harm...or his children harm and that's why it's OK for his children and the children of other elites to have armed guards at school but not OK for anyone else.

    So much for elitest theory. Just heard driving to work this am that the Sheriff is putting off duty police officer in each public school in this city. No such "luck" for the private schools . . .

  21. Look at the debate again. I think it is near the one minute spot when the male guest suggests Piers should get an assault weapon and go "pop him". This comment brought much hilarity to both Piers and his other guests.

    In the context of this particular conversation "pop him" would mean to shoot him in the US.

    I guess seeing the difference between hyperbole by a talk show host versus threats from nut case who actually has guns and is perhaps dead serious about using them if he does not get his way eludes some.

    Do you think the Secret Service would have your clear vision if someone on a talk show suggested get an "assault" rifle and "popping" President Obama? Yeah, yeah, I know... that isn't the same because he is part of the protected elite and he really does have to worried about nutjobs trying to do him harm...or his children harm and that's why it's OK for his children and the children of other elites to have armed guards at school but not OK for anyone else.

    Ted Nuggent made such statements indirectly implicating the president and I stated this was hyperbole also. Government ultimately found same and did not indict so I apparently have a grasp on interpretation of such matters.

    My children attend private school costing around $20k per child per year and there is no armed guards. We have zero private schools with armed guards in my city and we have more children of stars and celebrities attending school than any city in US other than LA.

    The school where the President's children attend unfortunately needs armed guards for a completely different reason than Newtown. This should be readily apparent to anyone not blinded by passion or hate.

    You guys are out of touch with reality. Perhaps this is related to the fact that some of you have not lived here for many years, have no children in school here or are just a bit brainwashed. I find it comical that some guy who gave up on America and left over 10 years ago to live in SE Asia would call anyone un-American.

    The other reality is that 99.99 of the nation's armed security guards would be helpless against someone in body armor with assault weapons. This comes from FBI brother who also said they use teams of four to take down such targets.

    Why not listen to law enforcement instead of NRA gun nuts. Newtown cops said last night on National TV that assault weapons and 30 shot clips must go. Lanza had more firepower than the police he said.

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