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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Housing market is really picking up finally and new housing starts are hitting 1,000,000 in January after 954,000 in December which is highest in 6 years.

    The lack of building and the slow down in construction and housing starts really decimated our employment rate. The recovery of the housing sector and construction sector will finally start getting a big chunk of that unemployment rate back to work.

    Unfortunately, health care is a messy issue that very few understand. My firm does both regulation and the malpractice side. The system has been extremely broken for a while and needs a fix. No one will ever be happy regardless as to what is done here as someone is always going to complain when it impacts their pocket book.

    I can go into the reality of health care costs and show that any small business really worried about such costs probably have a business that is no longer profitable or competitive due to factors like technology, economies of scale and inability to compete price wise with large businesses like Walmart, and competition with lower over head and no brick and mortar store front ala Internet.

    Why complain about US when not here and really clueless about the reality here? High end restaurants are full, movies full, hotels full, sporting events full, transportation and travel sectors stronger, new construction including convention center and hotels around here and I don't really here anyone complaining. Families I know are buying houses with prices good and mortgage rates at 4 or less.

    The reality is things are really improving here and I hear no negativity here unless you flip on to certain politically charged shows and people that make their money by causing worry and panic in those prone to such and drawn to negativity and hate ala Limbaugh and selfish tools like Rove.

    Then again, there are those that still listen to and send money to televangelist and they are the one's primarily flipping back and forth between Fox and Jimmy Swaggart and wholesell buying everything said.

    • Like 1
  2. These guys should team up with the Westborough Baptist Church and the tea- baggers!

    If evolutionists are still searching for the missing link...half man/ half monkey, they are!

    And you should do a little research. Have a look at my link in post #413, it's already been shown there was no heckling, it was an editing hatchet job by NBC/MSNBC. And once again, no need to let the truth get in the way is there, that's why I and others can't take your posts seriously.

    Here's another link, I think video clip is included.


    Deference, respect and humility allude some or perhaps just common sense, class and respect. The guy lost his child. Anyone with class or dignity would sit there, keep their mouth shut and have some empathy. If you don't get it, you just don't get it and no reason to argue about it.

    I get it just fine and agree that silence would have been the better option. The argument from me, is apparently for some it's no problem if major news media misrepresents the situation, never mind the truth.

    Cool. The guy was just dealing with his horrible grief in whatever way he can. I just cannot imagine losing a child, especially that young in that manner or any manner. I just cannot imagine how horrible the last moment of their precious lifes were like.

  3. Just when you thought the pro gun nuts couldn't get any lower!


    These guys should team up with the Westborough Baptist Church and the tea- baggers!

    If evolutionists are still searching for the missing link...half man/ half monkey, they are!

    And you should do a little research. Have a look at my link in post #413, it's already been shown there was no heckling, it was an editing hatchet job by NBC/MSNBC. And once again, no need to let the truth get in the way is there, that's why I and others can't take your posts seriously.

    Here's another link, I think video clip is included.


    Deference, respect and humility allude some or perhaps just common sense, class and respect. The guy lost his child. Anyone with class or dignity would sit there, keep their mouth shut and have some empathy. If you don't get it, you just don't get it and no reason to argue about it.

    • Like 1
  4. If he ruled Thailand he would be back in Thailand.........is there anybody here who cannot follow this simple logic?.........Let us be clear about this Thaksin influences Thai politics from Dubai....nothing more.

    Correction "Taksin rules" not Taksin influences

    How's he doing then? Is there anyone able to do a better job? I reckon they're all about the same.

    While no one here probably has a clue as to exactly what is occurring behind the scenes. There is much truth to this. Thailand is doing reasonably well right now so why stop the butchin. More whining and gossip on these silly baiting topics than that which occurs in a women's sewing circle.

  5. There was an interesting article in yesterday's LA Times. It is now being debated and discussed on CNN Int'l extensively as I watch.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton leaves her post as secretary of State next month with a split judgment on her diplomatic career: She's won rave reviews from the American public and the president, but maybe not a prominent place in the diplomatic history books.

    I think I agree with these quotes.

    But scholars and diplomatic insiders say she has never dominated issues of war and peace in the manner of predecessors Dean Acheson or Henry Kissinger, or laid down an enduring diplomatic doctrine.

    I do agree that she has successfully changed US engagement diplomatically away from G.W. Bush's aggressive go it alone in spite of what allies think approach, and has put diplomacy back in the State Dept. I would say she has been a good steward of the position, and it has greatly increased her political currency and popularlity, but on the merits as Secretary, I'd agree she has not been a transformational figure.

    But here is her coup:

    Job approval ratings for the former senator and first lady are at stratospheric levels, suggesting that her four years as chief U.S. diplomat could be an important asset if she runs for president in 2016.


    She's done a good job in difficult times. Lot going on behind the scenes for sure from Israel, Eygpt, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Japan nuclear crisis, Russia, China, Euro derailing, Mexican Drug war, Venezuala, and Africa issues. Tough job.

    Almost forgot Syria, Afghanastan, Jordon and . . . Well just the entire Middle East.

  6. That's what we'd all like to know. Makes one think that there might be a "conspiracy" to stop them talking to the press.

    No, that's what a few like-minded zealots would like to 'know'.

    You see, the problem lies in continuously asking questions grabbed out of thin air and then expecting others to address them . . . and when you don't get the answers you want for these made-up questions these people go off on another cover-up rant.

    Haha, exactly what cospiracist are all about. Everything from UFOs to Bigfoot is a US government coverup to these guys and the political self declared pundits who create cover up due to the need to convince themselves they are right and the candidate they did not vote for was wrong.

    These individuals are probably rolling their eyes at such ridiculous notions and would presumably be part of national security if they were there in the first place. I doubt US is waterboarding our own guys or putting them in chains in shackles to keep them from exposing the truth.

    Wow, threads like these really open eyes to a thought process I never experience in day to day life. Perhaps because I steer clear of some instead of trying to understand the disconnect.

    • Like 1
  7. Calling Bush Jr. a pot smoker was too kind. Where does his cocaine and boozing busts fit into the picture? And his being AWOL from guard duty - his draft avoidance scheme? Nice to have a daddy who can bail you out of the tough spots. Not to mention his predilection for bankrupting successful oil businesses in his lead-up to bankrupting his country!

    I am not a GW supporter by any measure, but at least he didn't bankrupt the entire country, like his succesor is attempting to do. 17 trillion and counting!

    So Obama is responsible for all of the 17 Trillion debt? As I said previously, it was the Shrub that bankrupted the country. It's Obama's job to clean up the mess. He's actually cut government spending - at the same time revenues dropped into the toilet. Name another president who has managed that. (you can't , of all the recent presidents).

    Yeah, people apparently do not get that Obama's hands were a bit tied there for while. Every top economist, the Fed, Wallstreet and etc were saying that cutting certain programs an eliminating Bush's tax cuts would have thrown a weak economy back into recession. Do people not understand how bad things really were? All of our large national banks were insolvent! All large national banks had and had failed along with the largest insurer that had reinsurance on just about every segment of our commercial industry and also reinsured blocks of losses for smaller insurance companies.

    Seriously does not get any worse than that and I though the only thing to do for long term recovery was just let everything fail and naturally fix itself. The only other option was figure out way to pump money into the abys of debt to keep banks solvent to try and save housing market and maintain some consumer confidence to stop a run on banks for cash that could not be met.

    I think the Fed, who I don't like, and the government did the impossible and should be commended, yet a bunch of sour puses still continue to complain.

    • Like 1
  8. Conspiracy theories are just that, theories. Many whack jobs out there also saying Lanza dead day before Sandy Hook shootings and shot gun not AR-15 used. Government responsible for 911 and Oklahoma City. Same groups or mentality apparently believe Obama wants to take guns away so he can become a dictator. Sad to go through life so obcessed and paranoid. Step away from the news and watch something happy if it has this kind of impact.

    Where is the conspiracy theory in the linked article? All I read was an author writing a not so favorable critique of Hillary's so called Congressional testimony.

    Exactly. Just as a crazy person does not realize their crazy a conspiratist does not realize they're just theories.

    Let me try this again, this time in simple language.

    From the linked article:


    1. "I take responsiblity."

    "Taking responsibility is the classic dodge in Washington, where pols assume the mantle of leadership and them promptly do nothing to address the situation for which they are in hot water. What does it mean to take responsiblity for the absolute breakdown of security at a consulate where your ambassador gets murdered (along with three others)?

    2. "1.43 million cables come to my office."

    "The question is plainly not whether Clinton is reading every g**d****d communication addressed to her but whether she's got the right people in charge of assessing risk and making sure resources are apportioned accordingly."

    3. "What difference at this point does it make?"

    "Contra Clinton, it makes a great deal of difference because understanding how this all happened is the first step to making sure it doesn't happen over and over and over again."

    In short, there are four dead Americans as a result of gross incompetence in both the State Department and the White House.

    What difference does it make...indeed.

    Really, that's best you can do or the highlights out of how many hours of testimony? Sounds as if they need a real trial lawyer, not some wanna be posers, asking questions. Yawn. The little wayne depo excerpts are much better and more entertaining. Search for little Wayne threatens lawyer deposition video.

  9. Hillary Clinton nailed this hearing.


    3 Incredibly Outrageous Evasions by Hillary Clinton About Benghazi

    "Fair Use" means you'll actually have to follow the link to read the details. But I'd advise against it if you are one of those convinced of Hillary's divinity.

    Conspiracy theories are just that, theories. Many whack jobs out there also saying Lanza dead day before Sandy Hook shootings and shot gun not AR-15 used. Government responsible for 911 and Oklahoma City. Same groups or mentality apparently believe Obama wants to take guns away so he can become a dictator. Sad to go through life so obcessed and paranoid. Step away from the news and watch something happy if it has this kind of impact.

    Where is the conspiracy theory in the linked article? All I read was an author writing a not so favorable critique of Hillary's so called Congressional testimony.

    Exactly. Just as a crazy person does not realize their crazy a conspiratist does not realize they're just theories.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

    Compare that to "W", whose main campaign issue in 2000 was how to spend the budget surpluses. Flash forward 8 years and he left the country in the worst economic state since The Great Depression, in 2 unnecessary wars and with the country's credibility in the toilet.

    In Sept 2008 the economy crashed.

    In Nov 2008 Obama was elected.

    In Jan 2009 Obama was sworn in as POTUS.

    By mid-2009 to early 2010 the US economy was growing at over 3% per quarter for 3 consecutive.

    Then Obama policies started to take effect and growth tanked to almost 0%.

    By the end of 2012 growth finally came in around 3%.

    Thanks to Obama, we wasted at least two years - and millions of jobs - in what has been the worst economic recovery in history.

    Earlier this week, instead of "swearing in Obama" they should have held an event for "swearing at Obama" - then at least there would have been record attendance and it would have been worth watching.

    I guess you know better than all of the financial experts and gurus I have been listening to this morning on Squak Box. Your statements also reveal ignorance about the largest drag on our economy and what it tookto fix it, CMO crisis which the banks are just now recovering from. Most brilliant economic minds questioned whether it was even possible to dig out of this problem in 2008 because no one even had an idea how much money it would take to fill in the black hole abyss losses, to shore up banking reserves, and to keep SM, FM, and Ginnie Mae liquid due to the bs guarantees to induce China investments to artificial inflate Bush era numbers and make a select fee very wealthy billionaires.

    Public has no concept how bad banking industry and mortgage industry was in 2008 and what it tookto bail them out. TARP money was less than 5% and only a quick fix to keep 5 largest banks from imploding and being shut down.

    Ben Beenacke, the Fed and Obama's financial gurus are heroes and pretty much did the impossible. Haha, most people apparently are clueless as to purpose if QE1, 2 and 3. Your belly aching is either extreme ingratitude or just ignorance of what was wrong and what it took to correct the problem.

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  11. Congratulations to our FABULOUS and ICONIC Hawaiian-American president! We really dodged a bullet with that Romney character, who didn't even have the civility to show up at our presidents inauguration (an American tradition for the LOSER to do so). Yes he needs a second term. As they say: It Gets Better.

    The MAJORITY of Americans support our fine President Obama and if some foreigners ask, is that the best we can do, we'd say, are you tripping, he's the best we have done in decades! I could understand asking that silly question about W. Bush when even his own brother Jeb is clearly much better and even his Mom and Pop thought so too!

    Yes,let's celebrate the crowning of the Sugar Daddy in Chief. This term another 20 million on food stamps, extend unemployment bennies another 99 weeks and, oh yes, another $4000 drop in yearly a salaries. Time to rejoice our savior!

    Stock market above 3,800. Corporate America with historically string balance sheets. EPS for multiple large caps coming in this morning ahead of estimated earnings. Housing market picking back up. Gas prices down. Looks much better than the way Bush left us. Not sure what you guys in SE Asia are whining about regarding the US economy except that you aren't here to benefit from it.

    • Like 1
  12. Hillary testified today before the house and senate. It was a big bore but as predicted -- no scandal.

    She performed brilliantly ... as expected.

    She also looks healthy and well rested.

    Don't count her out for 2016.

    She is a national hero, well loved, and ridiculously popular. Possibly the best secretary of state ever following her amazing career as a U.S. senator.

    The Benghazi "scandal" is officially over. It never existed in the first place.

    Great use of time and resources by the GOP, almost as great as the time and resources they spent trying to impeach Clinton over a BJ. Sadly, this had very little to do with loss of life or a BJ and everything to do with politics.

    • Like 2
  13. Next NRA advise, an armed guard in every home?

    And every store, and every movie, and on every bus, and in every church, and at every arcade. And in every mall, and at every Walmart, and in every police station (two cops shot at New York police station a couple of weeks ago). Luckily we don't need them at gun shows at they just thrselves there if last weekend is any indication.

    So how many people each year arr shot and killed with a PS2 game controller? Maybe we should all just go to church 24/7 and come home and clean our guns. No TV, no computer, no driving, no movies, no music . . . Just gun cleaning.

  14. The sheriff will need to exercise care in what he calls a particular gun. There is a legal definition of an assault rifle.

    Do you think the NRA will sue him?

    No, but hopefully they will keep up the effort to educate the public, so that it's understood the same thing could be accomplihed with a handgun, or shotgun.

    Educate the public about what, gun safety. And these are the responsible gun owners were are supposed to trust on educating us on this issue?


    • Like 1
  15. The U-6 unemployment rate for December 2012 is 14.4%. Hardly a ringing endorsement for the current policies.

    Edit to add link: http://www.bls.gov/n.../empsit.t15.htm

    Haha, citing U-6. U-6 includes people working part time for economic reasons. Perhaps if Bush had not destroyed economy leading to the marketing tanking, a lot of fixed incomers out there would not now be short and considering part time work. Sad part is all of the fixed incomers that rotated from equities to bonds in 2008/2009 instead of waiting it out and those stuck in hedge funds or bond funds heavily weighted in CMOs, CDOs, junk bonds and munis. That is greed on their part though seeking those 18 % plus returns. I have arbitrated about 300 of these . . .

    Fact is, things are pretty good here. My little lazy beach town has off the chart best years ever tourist figures and my other residence in hugely progressive city is rocking out economy wise. Housing market looking solid, home values are crazy high and being sold, lots of new commercial construction and a massive new convention center and hotel going in as we speak.

    Stock market closed above 3,600 Friday, gas coming down, companies hiring again and etc. The only thing holding the economy back, now that banks have all resolved securitized mortgage issue, is stupid debt ceiling and budget dead lock which most people don't really care about as evident in Dow numbers.

    Congratulations. Run out and buy another Lamborghini.

    Lambos are luxuries of a higher education and knowing how to invest, all factors in staying off U-6.

  16. Sad story Pastor and community leader and his family shot by son with AR-15. Sounds like they had a small arsenal in house.

    The article I read in Yahoo says nothing about the shooter being a son or that he used an AR-15. No details have been released that I am aware of.

    Please post a link if you have more current information.


    From the article:

    "Covington said detectives were working to positively identify the five victims as well as the teenager's relationship to them."


    "Authorities said each victim suffered more than one gunshot wound, and several guns were found at the home, one of which was a semi-automatic military-style rifle. Investigators were trying to determine who owned the guns."


    Just illustrates how really in the dark you are trying to formulate opinions about what is going on in US when you have nit lived here in over ten years.

    News channels I guess are more update that your Yahoo source. Could have Googled like I just did and seen name if father shot dead and name of shooter they are saying is his son.


    I simply asked for a link. That is hardly cause for you to get on your soapbox and throw sarcasm at those who might have questions about your posts.

    Like I would just make that up . . . Not understand why you cannot Google it rather than imply I am wrong.

  17. Sad story Pastor and community leader and his family shot by son with AR-15. Sounds like they had a small arsenal in house.

    The article I read in Yahoo says nothing about the shooter being a son or that he used an AR-15. No details have been released that I am aware of.

    Please post a link if you have more current information.


    From the article:

    "Covington said detectives were working to positively identify the five victims as well as the teenager's relationship to them."


    "Authorities said each victim suffered more than one gunshot wound, and several guns were found at the home, one of which was a semi-automatic military-style rifle. Investigators were trying to determine who owned the guns."


    Just illustrates how really in the dark you are trying to formulate opinions about what is going on in US when you have nit lived here in over ten years.

    News channels I guess are more update that your Yahoo source. Could have Googled like I just did and seen name if father shot dead and name of shooter they are saying is his son.


    Nehemiah Griego, 15, Accused of Killing Pastor Father and 3 Kids in New Mexico Shooting


    Albuquerque shooting: US teen boy Nehemiah Griego, 15, kills 5 incl. his parents

  18. The U-6 unemployment rate for December 2012 is 14.4%. Hardly a ringing endorsement for the current policies.

    Edit to add link: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm

    Haha, citing U-6. U-6 includes people working part time for economic reasons. Perhaps if Bush had not destroyed economy leading to the marketing tanking, a lot of fixed incomers out there would not now be short and considering part time work. Sad part is all of the fixed incomers that rotated from equities to bonds in 2008/2009 instead of waiting it out and those stuck in hedge funds or bond funds heavily weighted in CMOs, CDOs, junk bonds and munis. That is greed on their part though seeking those 18 % plus returns. I have arbitrated about 300 of these . . .

    Fact is, things are pretty good here. My little lazy beach town has off the chart best years ever tourist figures and my other residence in hugely progressive city is rocking out economy wise. Housing market looking solid, home values are crazy high and being sold, lots of new commercial construction and a massive new convention center and hotel going in as we speak.

    Stock market closed above 3,600 Friday, gas coming down, companies hiring again and etc. The only thing holding the economy back, now that banks have all resolved securitized mortgage issue, is stupid debt ceiling and budget dead lock which most people don't really care about as evident in Dow numbers.

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