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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Mexico is more dangerous in some places than others. There are places I wouldn't go, and places I feel safe. The same is true of any country I've been in including The US, Thailand, Canada and the UK.

    Overall, Mexico isn't that dangerous. In fact, it has just a little more than 10% of the gun murders per capita compared to Thailand. Link

    In any country, you want to know where not to go and it will help a lot.

    I don't understand why these incidents are such international news. These and the rare airline crash are always big news.

    Highway accidents cause 1.3 million deaths per year, worldwide. That's a number far higher than gun incidents. Thailand ranks right up there too per capita. Link Highway accidents including multiple deaths and criminal driving kill fewer than 10% of what auto accidents do worldwide. Link

    It's always sad and frustrating to read about the gun deaths, and I'm sorry for those in Mexico who were killed. I just think it's overblown in the news.


    Problem is reporting. Most murder or gun crimes never reported or investigated. Many states have no law enforcement, judges or prosecutors because they and their families are assisnated. No crime reporting in those states.

    Kidnappings are estimated at 72 last year and the fate of those people is not reported, but many mass graves and dismembered unidentified bodies are found.

    This happened just last week. All main roads blocked with busses, trucks and road spikes. Listen to videos. This is a war zone. Estimated 50 dead, but only two deaths reported. Journalist are executed, some on video, and news centers shot up and torched who report cartel violence.

    See War in Reynosa link.


    • Like 1
  2. Happens everywhere. USA has one case in the media right now and Australia has had several. Usually alcohol fuelled teenagers.

    Nah, especially not this gang rape pack mentality focused on children we have been hearing about. Two high schooler taking advatage of high school girl while drunk is truly bad and is a big deal here. Jeez, we have large groups of males raping children like 12 years old and etc. Raping that poor girl and sticking a pipe up in her and then throwing her off the bus. This is a societal break down were women are apparently viewed as garbage and certainly less than a man. Rape certainly happens every where, but I don't get this 5 or 10 guys gang raping a poor girl. Disgusting vile human beings.

    Two high school boys getting drunk and taking advantage of a drunk girl is bad and they will get dealt with accordingly. This us a much different scenario to 10 guys gang raping and beating children and helpless women minding their own business.

    Were these Insian guys even wasted during any if these imcidents? At least that provides an excuse they were not think straight.

  3. First thing to do is square Thailand's phenomenally higher rate of gun crime as compared to the USA and Thailand's relatively restrictive gun policies.

    I get the impression that some people get their concept of the US from TV and movies. Try making a visit once and get out of the big cities where they have the most restrictive gun policies and higher crime rates and instead spend some time in the much safer, gun friendly rural areas.

    I'm about to drive over 2,000 miles through some of the most gun laden parts of the country and I can't wait. People are so much nicer out there.

    Yep, good wholesome people like this fine gentleman from Montana that stock piled assault weapons and armor piercing bullets, waterboarded his young children as a learning experience and broke his girlfriend's arm when she tried to stop him.


    Here is picture of that fine specimen of a man. What's up with the teeth of these survivalists dudes. They are either tooth optional or can eat corn through a chain link fence.


  4. You mean they were killed by a gun that wasn't even made in the US?

    Cancun has been relatively peaceful, as I understand it. I hope this excessive violence doesn't spread to some of the safer areas of Mexico.

    Getting markedly worse down there, but new president, EPN, has all but silenced the press in most States. Reynosa was a blood bath this week with reports of 50 or more killed in just one day in violent shoot outs after leader of CDG, El Gringo, was killed.

    They blocked major streets with busses and tractor trailers and went to war. Reports of grenades landing in Circus tent and civilians being caught in cross fire. No press reports coming out and EPN administration confirmed only two civilian deaths. Social media reports were reporting cartel loaded their dead into four or five pick up trucks.

    Federal police or millitary not even show up untilhours after. The convalesced were driving trucks with blue flashing lights and kid napping people from various condos. One guy was beaten in the street and tied to truck and dragged around.

    EPN's office has been declared off limits from press. Rumor has it EPN wants to down play violence to make first 100 days in office appear to be a success.

    • Like 1
  5. Having seen a beheading and a shooting execution, albeit accidentally, wrong place wrong time, I don't know which method i'd prefer. Both will have a large crowd baying for blood and cheering on the execution.

    The sword does a quick job, depending on the crime. Particularly nasty crimes have been met with a blunt blade requiring more than 1 chop.

    Shooting involves the executioner standing around 5 or more metres behind the blindfolded kneeling prisoner. The gun is fired from the hip. A Dr checks the prisoner and if still alive he's shot a 2nd, 3rd or more times 30 minutes apart until declared dead.

    More than 30 minutes apart? Really? That is disconcerting. Sounds as if they want to inflict as much torture and pain as possible. Has somebody told them that the their is something called lethal injunctions that work quickly without making a mess or is that contrary to their goals.

    Mexican cartel members behead live victims and chop of various parts. The world condemns that as barbaric and inhumane. I guess it is neither barbariac nor inhumane provided it is done publically for all to see.

    I dont know what country you are from, I am from the UK.

    In Uk jails right now I can think of at least half a dozen murders and kiddy fiddlers that I would want to inflict as much torture and pain as possible, in fact I would want them to die a slow agonizing death.

    I would do it at the drop of a hat and not lose a nights sleep over it, the tree hugging bleeding heart liberals however saw fit to see thats no longer an option.

    Strange how they wont give a vote to the people for reinstating capital punishment, no the facist EU would degree its against their human rights.

    Google, Myra Hindley or Ian Huntley for starters.

    I hear the frustration with the system. I have been there.

    Having people executed in bloody manners on public display to me desensitizes people, especially children, to violence and death. The violent approach in Mexico and the beating and burning io people alive in some African countries has not been effective in curbing crime and violent behaviour.

    I am very pro death penalty and spent several years working for a State Supreme Court and doing mandatory review of all death penalties. My Justice correctly affirmed all of those. I do disagree with time and resources to affirm, but that does not mean that immediate public beheadings are the proper solution. That is dark ages stuff.

  6. One thing I have learned from reading this nationalistic attack against Saudi Arabia is that few, if any of you, have ever been to Saudi or know any Saudi citizens.

    The ignorance about the people there is quite apparent from the tone and tenor of the comments already posed.

    Yep, the voice of reason and voice of the only one that knows the "truth.". I don't need to live in a pile of shit to know that it stinks. In fact, those living in a pile of it becomes sensitized to it and start accepting it as okay.

    Based on your statement above, do you believe that Western countries should pull out all their expats, intelligence, military support staff & trainers, drone facilities, stop buying energy products and so on out of Saudi Arabia and cease all engagement with the Saudi regime right now?

    That has zero to do with what I said and is certainly beyond the scope. You can try to intellectualize or rationalize around an axiom to the point where you are just exercising intellectual dishonesty.

    You made a very damning statement about Saudi Arabia full of hatred, if that's what you believe, so be it. The question I posted is absolutely rational and querying your opinion of US support. You are being hypocritical.


    No, your mind hears race and hatred toward people when I only disagree with a certain conduct or accepted practice. For instance, if you live in a society that accepts abusive behavior toward women, that practice may be become morally acceptable due to desensitization even though the conduct is truly reprehensible. The shit analogy I though clearly illustrated this mentality and my response.

    It is unfortunate that some always want to take things further and out of context. This is another problem with world today that people views things only in a light that supports some internal agenda, but that is really opening another can of worms.

  7. One thing I have learned from reading this nationalistic attack against Saudi Arabia is that few, if any of you, have ever been to Saudi or know any Saudi citizens.

    The ignorance about the people there is quite apparent from the tone and tenor of the comments already posed.

    Yep, the voice of reason and voice of the only one that knows the "truth.". I don't need to live in a pile of shit to know that it stinks. In fact, those living in a pile of it becomes sensitized to it and start accepting it as okay.

    Based on your statement above, do you believe that Western countries should pull out all their expats, intelligence, military support staff & trainers, drone facilities, stop buying energy products and so on out of Saudi Arabia and cease all engagement with the Saudi regime right now?

    That has zero to do with what I said and is certainly beyond the scope. You can try to intellectualize or rationalize around an axiom to the point where you are just exercising intellectual dishonesty.

  8. Having seen a beheading and a shooting execution, albeit accidentally, wrong place wrong time, I don't know which method i'd prefer. Both will have a large crowd baying for blood and cheering on the execution.

    The sword does a quick job, depending on the crime. Particularly nasty crimes have been met with a blunt blade requiring more than 1 chop.

    Shooting involves the executioner standing around 5 or more metres behind the blindfolded kneeling prisoner. The gun is fired from the hip. A Dr checks the prisoner and if still alive he's shot a 2nd, 3rd or more times 30 minutes apart until declared dead.

    More than 30 minutes apart? Really? That is disconcerting. Sounds as if they want to inflict as much torture and pain as possible. Has somebody told them that the their is something called lethal injunctions that work quickly without making a mess or is that contrary to their goals.

    Mexican cartel members behead live victims and chop of various parts. The world condemns that as barbaric and inhumane. I guess it is neither barbariac nor inhumane provided it is done publically for all to see.

  9. Either way they are DEAD.coffee1.gif

    True. But I think it would be a bit better for the executioner to live with for the rest of his life.
    Apparently not as he seems to be proud of his job.

    Saudi executioner tells all

    Saudi Arabia's leading executioner says he is "very proud to do God's

    work" and does not lose sleep over beheading several people in one day.

    In a rare interview, Muhammad Saad al-Beshi, 42, told the Saudi daily

    Arab News that he had executed numerous women, as well as men.

    "Despite the fact that I hate violence against women, when it comes to God's will, I have to carry it out."

    He expressed indifference about the number of beheadings he was required to carry out.

    "It doesn't matter to me: two, four, 10 - as long as I'm doing God's will, it doesn't matter how many people I execute".

    I sleep very well... I live a normal life like everyone else

    BBC News

    Nothing like throwing God's will crap around to rationalize irrational or immoral behaviour. Seems to be a standard in certain cultures. He enjoys this job a bit too much, but perhaps one way to keep a serial killer from targeting innocents.

    I am for the death penalty, but I am not not for blaming God or God's will for instituting it. The death penalty is the will of the people, or certain people, and perhaps necessary to maintain civil order.

    Man the frick up, accept responsibility and stop spouting anything about God's will to take a life, inflict injury or cause other's harm.

    • Like 1
  10. Little chubby wubby stating he can take on the Might of the Nation with the Power

    ....... ya, little prick-syndrome!

    If this idiot does take us down the path to more war, It is not going to be pretty.

    I hope the technology of 'remote control war-game' is fast developing.... the US army couldn't get its head out of its ass in Afganistan and Iraq how the hell could you ever expect to take on a massive army like they have......you gonna get yo ass kicked again....this time for real.

    And the good news if you can say any ... No more USA debt. 47% of the economy runs on war.

    Ya....same old insanity-mother-earth....."no trouble,no business"........ debt?.....so just keep printing money, that will work,right?

    The real scary thing is that America may be 'forced' into major war in order to keep from sliding into the (inevitable) abyss of economic collapse.

    At this point the world needs more than 'Luck'

    US is fine. Unemployment down to 7.7 and 246,000 new private sector jobs created last month. Best we have looked since right before the shit hit the fan in 08.

    Our problem is that after we level a country we stick around to try and stabilize. Probably the humane gesture or route, but very unwise in terms of American lifes and costs.

    I have a feeling we would just raize a couple of key Korean cities and targets and be done with it. Bunker busters and a few tactical nukes if they really step out of line. There is simply no need for US troops in Korea and Korea has nothing we need to preserve as far as natural resources that world relies upon.

  11. Neither Chaingmai kelly.

    We had rights to FTA set up via Austrade. We where also under way with getting BOI status however to much BS, asking us to change the very core of our business that would have direct repercussions else where. So we then went for regional distribution centre, again a pile of forms and corruption to overcome.

    Regarding Import customs always played with us.If not on duty then by sitting on goods and charging storage.Or by making there own delightful system of HS codes, even changing them from the original document.Offering connected businesses to assist with domestic freight to make things easier.

    Then there is the Thai banks, purely a one way system. Money in easy, money out to pay suppliers, a minefield thats forever changing.

    I wont even go into the difficulties with employing staff here, the law is there to protect them not the business owners.As for getting skilled workers that are non Thai involved, forget it unless you are looking at employing an army of Thais to meet the labor departments quota.

    We are not a small business and truly international in nature, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia, India, China and Malaysia all make life easier for our business. Of course all present challenges, but none are as rotten to the core business wise as Thailand from my experience. We now base our Asian HQ in KL so easy to set up it was a revelation.

    Roll on APEC in 2015 then Thailand is truly screwed, I'm of the opinion the next two years things will just get worse. As the greedy hands that run things here fill there pockets before the cash cows are culled.

    OK then. Why is foreign investment in Thailand this year going to reach 1 trillion baht for the first time?

    Has more to do with weaknesses in Euro markets and China being on an absolute path of implosion. Everyone is shorting everything China and China is facing trillions in defaults for for loans to build approximately 10 billion in square footage of vacant residential property. China reports whatever growth they want, but world markets and economists know the reality.

    QE money is currently flooding foreign balance sheets and will land largely in emerging markets, but for less flattering reasons than you advocate. QE in now flowing to lowest areas and following a path of least resistance, similar to water.

  12. "The Science and Technology Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry have always insisted to Nasa that this project is important for Thailand," he said.

    Then -

    "Even if Nasa uses an airbase in a neighbouring country, we will not allow them to survey or collect any data in our skies," he said.

    Boy that should bring them around. Be afraid NASA, be very afraid.

    most of the scientists at Nasa are foreigners. Another fact is that most of the patent these days come from China, Korea, India & Japan.

    Hahahaha perhaps a bit of research would assist you in your incorrect

    proclamations. China is not even on the this list. Stealing ideas and

    copying is more their style....


    I cannot be bothered to look up this original story about NASA, but I

    seem to recall being amazed that China had some input into it....

    China, India and Korea buy hand me downs and attempt to reverse engineer very old and outdated technology. China reverse engineering Mig and just now figuring our air craft carriers. Korea's little missle program is 50 + year old technology. India buys outdated Migs and Su 30s. These countries may provide good cheap labor, but have very little to offer from a cutting edge technology stand point.
  13. "The Science and Technology Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry have always insisted to Nasa that this project is important for Thailand," he said.

    Then -

    "Even if Nasa uses an airbase in a neighbouring country, we will not allow them to survey or collect any data in our skies," he said.

    Boy that should bring them around. Be afraid NASA, be very afraid.

    Yep, they got that Ded Zepplin to give chase to any NASA planes that step out of line.

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  14. Sad story for everyone. Not right. But exams are always stressful and his reaction at least showed he cared about them. I hope that some way can be found for him to continue his studies if he really wants to so much and punishment such that he will not act so stupidly again.

    Dudes a psychopath and needs to be treated for his disconnect and to serve jail time because such conduct is not acceptable under any circumstances.

  15. Fast and Furious put how many guns on the street compared to many guns cartels purchase illegal from US each and every month.

    The problem in Mexico is if you give weapons to government forces to fight cartels they just end up in hands of cartel. Lines are blurred and most police and federal officers are aligned with one of the many cartels in some form or fashion.

    The cartels also have MANPADs, RPGs, Barrett 50s. 5.7s, 50 cal mounted machine guns and whatever they want.

    70,000 US weapons confiscated in Mexico in five years. The 2,000 fast and furious weapons have zero impact down there and just something else to politicize by people who really do not even care about the plight of theMexucan people or else they would focus on something that mattered.

    Since you claim to be an attorney, I am certain you would want all the facts to come out on the alleged 70,000 US sourced weapons that have been found in Mexico during the past five years.

    You do realize this number also includes US MANUFACTURED weapons legally exported to other countries by the manufacturer and purchased abroad don't you?

    The cartels having heavier weaponry than semi-automatic rifles and handguns also means they were not purchased legally in the US, since none of the weapons you mentioned are available for across the counter purchase in the US.

    You seem to believe 2,000 weapons are insignificant in the total picture. Try and tell that to the family of Brian Terry.

    Your plea on behalf of the Mexican people is commendable. What have you done lately to help these poor souls?

    Logic and analytical ability is completely lacking. The sole point of 70,000 confiscated is that 2,000 is insignificant and made zero difference in what is going on down there. 70,000 is a small fraction of total guns.

    These cartels have huge stock piles of weapons. Here is an article stating 2,000 US weapons entering Mexico EACH DAY back in 2007.


    Of course SOME of the weapons are purchased illegally . . . Cartels, however, drive over the border and buy anything they want at huge premiums. Many weapons are purchased through various loop holes in US.

    Excerpt from Article cited above:

    The U.S. weapons -- as many as 2,000 enter Mexico each day, according to a Mexican government study -- are crucial tools in an astoundingly barbaric war between rival cartels that has cost 4,000 lives in the past 18 months and sent law enforcement agencies in Washington and Mexico City into crisis mode.

    These drug traffickers, with their steady supply of U.S. weaponry, are the target of President Bush's proposed $500 million U.S. aid package to help Mexico battle cartels. Officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, or ATF, hope that some of the money will be used to give Mexican police chiefs greater access to U.S. databases for gun traces. Currently, the traces can be made only through federal police headquarters in Mexico City. Many police chiefs do not even bother to make requests because of the inevitable bureaucratic delays.

    Corrupt customs officials help smuggle weapons into Mexico, earning as much as $1 million for large shipments, police here say. The weapons are often bought legally at gun shows in Arizona and other border states where loopholes allow criminals to stock up without background checks.

    Logic and analytical ability works both ways.

    What you are claiming is since the 2,000 weapons sent to Mexico is such a small drop in the bucket to the 70,000 US "sourced" weapons found, the DOJ and Obama administration did nothing wrong and can be excused.

    To an upstanding attorney such as yourself, I would have thought you would be particularly upset that the government would be complicit in a gun running operation to drug cartels in Mexico.

    Please advise if I am incorrect in interpreting your written comments.thumbsup.gif

    As is usual, when reasoning and logic is against you, you revert to misrepresentations and personal attacks or attacking the messenger.

    I do not condone Fast and Furious, but I believe the focus should remain on the bigger issue from which the actual problem arises.

    Disingenuous to make such a huge deal about 2,000 guns under Fast and Furious yet condone the gravamen of the problem that permits the same amount of guns to enter Mexico daily.

    Something about not seeing forest for the trees comes to mind. Difficult to tell if intentional or incapable.

  16. Isn't all this stuff about Fast and Furious a smoke screen to divert attention from the fact that the US has a sickness that needs to be dealt with?

    Absolutely. Smoke screen is best one can do with such a perverted position . . . and then acting like they suddenly care about Mexico over something like Fast and Futious when their policies place the same amount of guns in Mexico every day. Then again, we are dealing with a mentality that hates the government and thinks the ATF is evil.

    • Like 1
  17. 20 % is bad, real bad. I would get my money out of there ASAP. US banks were hitting troubled asset ratios between 10 and 25 percent in 2008/09 and would have failed absent massive TARP infusion, Fed stepping in rerating and buying troubled assets.

    20% is definitely bad, bad. I'd be pulling my money also.

    According to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, even during the very recent Great Rescission/financial crisis which many are still trying to recover from, U.S. non-performing loans (no loan payments made in at least 90 days) peaked at a little under 6% and normally runs around 1 to 4%. See this Link for a historical graph of U.S. non-performing loans.

    Maybe it's just the fine difference in definition of trouble assets and non-performing loans.

    Definition of 'Troubled Asset'

    Assets for which banks have overpaid such as loans that are made to borrowers who cannot afford to pay these loans back. Troubled assets are often secured by collateral that is valued less than the value of the loan itself. These personal or commercial loans were made to borrowers to cover the cost of homes, automobiles, equipment or various other items of value.

    Definition of 'Nonperforming Loan - NPL'

    A sum of borrowed money upon which the debtor has not made his or her scheduled payments for at least 90 days. A nonperforming loan is either in default or close to being in default. Once a loan is nonperforming, the odds that it will be repaid in full are considered to be substantially lower. If the debtor starts making payments again on a nonperforming loan, it becomes a reperforming loan, even if the debtor has not caught up on all the missed payments.

    Your numbers are accurate. I threw out such a big spread because I was too lazy to look up precise numbers. 20 % might not sound bad to some, but it is down right alarming perhaps to those that understand or work in banking or financial industry.

  18. Fast and Furious put how many guns on the street compared to many guns cartels purchase illegal from US each and every month.

    The problem in Mexico is if you give weapons to government forces to fight cartels they just end up in hands of cartel. Lines are blurred and most police and federal officers are aligned with one of the many cartels in some form or fashion.

    The cartels also have MANPADs, RPGs, Barrett 50s. 5.7s, 50 cal mounted machine guns and whatever they want.

    70,000 US weapons confiscated in Mexico in five years. The 2,000 fast and furious weapons have zero impact down there and just something else to politicize by people who really do not even care about the plight of theMexucan people or else they would focus on something that mattered.

    Since you claim to be an attorney, I am certain you would want all the facts to come out on the alleged 70,000 US sourced weapons that have been found in Mexico during the past five years.

    You do realize this number also includes US MANUFACTURED weapons legally exported to other countries by the manufacturer and purchased abroad don't you?

    The cartels having heavier weaponry than semi-automatic rifles and handguns also means they were not purchased legally in the US, since none of the weapons you mentioned are available for across the counter purchase in the US.

    You seem to believe 2,000 weapons are insignificant in the total picture. Try and tell that to the family of Brian Terry.

    Your plea on behalf of the Mexican people is commendable. What have you done lately to help these poor souls?

    Logic and analytical ability is completely lacking. The sole point of 70,000 confiscated is that 2,000 is insignificant and made zero difference in what is going on down there. 70,000 is a small fraction of total guns.

    These cartels have huge stock piles of weapons. Here is an article stating 2,000 US weapons entering Mexico EACH DAY back in 2007.


    Of course SOME of the weapons are purchased illegally . . . Cartels, however, drive over the border and buy anything they want at huge premiums. Many weapons are purchased through various loop holes in US.

    Excerpt from Article cited above:

    The U.S. weapons -- as many as 2,000 enter Mexico each day, according to a Mexican government study -- are crucial tools in an astoundingly barbaric war between rival cartels that has cost 4,000 lives in the past 18 months and sent law enforcement agencies in Washington and Mexico City into crisis mode.

    These drug traffickers, with their steady supply of U.S. weaponry, are the target of President Bush's proposed $500 million U.S. aid package to help Mexico battle cartels. Officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, or ATF, hope that some of the money will be used to give Mexican police chiefs greater access to U.S. databases for gun traces. Currently, the traces can be made only through federal police headquarters in Mexico City. Many police chiefs do not even bother to make requests because of the inevitable bureaucratic delays.

    Corrupt customs officials help smuggle weapons into Mexico, earning as much as $1 million for large shipments, police here say. The weapons are often bought legally at gun shows in Arizona and other border states where loopholes allow criminals to stock up without background checks.

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