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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Too funny.

    Putin now admits that Russian forces (I believe he said he rotated 43,000 troops in and out of the Ukraine before his unexplained hiatus) and Russian heavy artillery were used in the Ukraine conflict and that he had plans to take over portions of the Eastern Ukraine prior to Yanucovych's removal. These were all facts vehemently denied by people in this thread and our Russian propaganda trolls. Putin's admission only came after documents were leaked in Russia and evidence gathered by Nemtsov and others is about to go public.

    Having lost that argument, which is actually the topic of the OP, you guys want to revert back to the check or the egg argument. In prior threads, I outlined exactly what led up to and caused the conflict in the Ukraine, but you guys ignore the facts and the complete picture.

    Yanucovych and the Ukraine wanted IMF help, signed an agreement with the IMF. Russia then said don't you dare and forced Yanucovych through various economic and trade harassments and sanctions to renege on the IFM agreement and Russia forced Yanucovych to accept a Russian loan agreement that had terms worse than any loan one may expect to obtain from the mafia. Had Russia and Putin not tried to once again screw and keep Ukraine subservient through a horrid, mafia like bail out loan with no set terms or interest rates, Ukraine would have happily took the deal and things would be much different now.

    It is you that is too funny.giggle.gif You compare the Russian loan agreement to the Mafia but the IMF ( international Mafia Federation ) is considerably worse.

    The IMF seduces nations into handing over their wealth on false pretenses and once that wealth is in the hands of the IMF be it possession of land, gold, silver, business operations, etc. that wealth is permanently in the hands of the IMF unless voluntarily relinquished by the IMF, and can not be taxed by any taxing authority nor seized, confiscated, expropriated or otherwise disposed of through any legislative, executive or judicial proceeding of any nation.bah.gif

    Lol, here comes the guy the guy that has, uhm lets see . . . a zero percent track record in forecasting or predicting economic, social and, still laughing at the Ebola hysteria prediction of US being doomed by Ebola outbreak, situations in US, Russia or Ukraine. In fact, nothing you have ever said has played out or been remotely accurate.

    Humor us . . .

    (1) What were them terms of the Russian loan?

    (2) What were the terms of the IMF loan?

    The remainder of your post is just more nutty rhetoric comparable to your prior Ebola is crashing through the porous US, Mexico border and the US is doomed to Ebola outbreak hysteria.

    but I still doubt the number of times I expressed concern about Ebola during time the media were covering it every day equates to the number of times you have based your opinion on things because of what your wife says?cheesy.gif

    Surely you can do better than that . . . Nice answers to the questions! You're a real ringer when comes to making statements without a having a shred of knowledge of what the heck you are talking about.

  2. Here is what I posted a month ago on this subject that the Russian trolls and you ignored then and act like you don't know about now when making such statements.

    It would help if you didn't insult members.

    The IMF deal would have seen Ukraine plunged into debt-slavery, to the West. Just as has happened with many countries before it. The model is well established. "Join us and we will make you fabulously wealthy. we will let you keep the money and you can stiff the people with the bill". Privatisations, welfare cuts, increased taxes.

    After the violent overthrow of the democratically-elected government by Neo-Nazis, the 'democracy-loving' banker bandits said we will still give you this money but only if you pacify the restless Eastern Ukraine. 'Pacifier' battalions were sent in. Russia had a 'Responsibility to Protect' (R2P). Right?

    Btw. Russia is owed more than the amount the IMF was going to loan, by Ukraine, so Russia has a rightful claim to the money. That it hasn't pressed the claim shows just how wicked and evil those damn Russkies are. rolleyes.gif

    ??? More nonsense from the peanut gallery. You guys refuse to operate in subjectuve facts and persist at throwing out complete nonsensical subjective delluded hysteria that only someone living in a parallel plane of existence might buy into.

    Russia is not owed more than the IMF loan. Russia has an "alleged" 4.5 bn gas bill and a $3 bn bind. Unless you were taught math by a different method that I, 3 + 4.5 = 7.5 and 7.5 is less than 17.5.

    Now a out the benevolent Russians. The $ 3 bn is the 1st tranche of the horrible loan with no set terms that Russia forced Yanucovych to agree to instead of the IMF loan he sought out and that he and Ukraine wanted before Russia intervened.

    You guys seem to ignore that Yanucovych and Ukraine sought out and wanted the IMF loan that Russia forced him to cancel.

    Russia ha threatened to accelerate payment if the $3 bn bond based in one of those obscene terms Russia included about debt must remain below 60% of GDP. Sounds reasonable except debt was never below 60% of GDP when loan issued so Russia issued a loan under terms that caused Ukraine to be in immediate default? Who the heck does that except the mob.

    Finally, everyone else is willing to restructure Unrainian onds and debt to allow Ukraine to get back on its feet with the IMF loan EXCEPT Russia. Russia knows and is trying hard to keep Ukraine from a successful restructure by demanding and not restructuring the $ 3 bn bind payment.

    Russia wants Unraune to fail and doing everything in its power to cause Ukraine to fail because Putin cannot permit Russians to seer a Ukraine thrive when they are suffering and their economy is collapsing.

  3. In the South, 40's, 50's, 60's returned from Vietnam in 1967, left the redneck racist south for good in 1972 to devote full time to stopping that illegal, immoral war, VVAW. Justice William O. Douglas freed me. I would have hated to have gotten stuck with you as one of my lawyers, I had good ones, CCR for one. On occasion I would return to visit my parents and ride night patrol in local PD with a friend and fellow officer I grew up with. I did move back to that racist redneck place after a divorce from hell in the late 90's. If anything it was worse. Retired again in 2010 and haven't been back since and hope to never return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. I have to admit, I haven't completely read the entire report, skimmed it, but there is nothing in there that could possible be conceived as black against white racism as you right wingers are implying. If anything, I'd say a bit light on the PD and Ferguson management. I haven't had the time, been fishing and enjoying the company of non-racists expats, there are a lot of us.

    Vietnam, divorce from hell, rough childhood, legal scrape and etc. I feel for ya. Sounds like a rough life.

    • Like 2
  4. Too funny.

    Putin now admits that Russian forces (I believe he said he rotated 43,000 troops in and out of the Ukraine before his unexplained hiatus) and Russian heavy artillery were used in the Ukraine conflict and that he had plans to take over portions of the Eastern Ukraine prior to Yanucovych's removal. These were all facts vehemently denied by people in this thread and our Russian propaganda trolls. Putin's admission only came after documents were leaked in Russia and evidence gathered by Nemtsov and others is about to go public.

    Having lost that argument, which is actually the topic of the OP, you guys want to revert back to the check or the egg argument. In prior threads, I outlined exactly what led up to and caused the conflict in the Ukraine, but you guys ignore the facts and the complete picture.

    Yanucovych and the Ukraine wanted IMF help, signed an agreement with the IMF. Russia then said don't you dare and forced Yanucovych through various economic and trade harassments and sanctions to renege on the IFM agreement and Russia forced Yanucovych to accept a Russian loan agreement that had terms worse than any loan one may expect to obtain from the mafia. Had Russia and Putin not tried to once again screw and keep Ukraine subservient through a horrid, mafia like bail out loan with no set terms or interest rates, Ukraine would have happily took the deal and things would be much different now.

    It is you that is too funny.giggle.gif You compare the Russian loan agreement to the Mafia but the IMF ( international Mafia Federation ) is considerably worse.

    The IMF seduces nations into handing over their wealth on false pretenses and once that wealth is in the hands of the IMF – be it possession of land, gold, silver, business operations, etc. — that wealth is permanently in the hands of the IMF unless voluntarily relinquished by the IMF, and can not be taxed by any taxing authority nor seized, confiscated, expropriated or otherwise disposed of through any legislative, executive or judicial proceeding of any nation.bah.gif

    Here is what I posted a month ago on this subject that the Russian trolls and you ignored then and act like you don't know about now when making such statements.


    The US did not start the mess in the Ukraine. Ukraine has been a basket case for years. Revolution/protests in 2004 or 2005? In the last 10 years, Ukraine has been plagued by corruption due to Russian styled and influenced government, mismanagement, poor economic conditions, poor GDP growth, inflation and devaluation of currency and an absolute inability to obtain funding from public markets to try and correct its course and rebuild its economy and infrastructure.

    Ukraine remaining status quo and remaining subservient to Russia just was not working out well for the Ukraine so Ukraine and Yanuchovych sought a solution.

    Yanuchovych seeks help from EU:

    Yanuchovych initially sought help from both the EU and Russia to obtain funds. EU did not go looking for him. He entered an agreement with EU to obtain funds that HE SOUGHT OUT from the EU, but Russia said don't you dare so he backed off.

    Terms of Russian loan:

    Russia forced Yanuchovych to cancel the EU agreement and borrow $ 15 bn from Russia payable in $ 2 bn tranches. Ukraine, however, was required to relinquish the Kerch peninsula. There was NO set Interest rate on the Russian loans payable in 7 tranches. Interest rates would be renegotiated every quarter (BAD idea to let your lender set the interest rate AFTER take the money or loan). Russia said it would cut the price of gas sold to the Ukraine, but the price cut was subject to rescission at any time. Russia said they would stop harassing Ukraine exports at the border and return to pre-2013 customs regulations. The deal was then sealed with illegal kick backs and bribes ala Yuriy Kolobov.

    REALLY??? Who the heck would sign such a deal. No set Interest rate. Give up valuable land. You might get a break in gas prices this month, but probably not next month. Sounds like a loan from the Mafia. No wonder people from the Ukraine with any sense were pissed off.

    Russia then started exerting economic coercions, harassing Ukraine exports at the border and threatened to turn off the gas to force Ukraine into releasing the 2nd $ 2 bn tranche. Meanwhile, Ukrainians with any common sense were pissed and protesting because they saw their chances at a new an better life slipping away due to Yunuchovych signing a heavily one-sided mafia like loan agreement with Russia (a lot which will be stolen by corrupt Russian and Ukrainian politicians) the conditions of which perpetuated Ukraine's weakness and subservience to Russia that Ukrainians wanted to escape.

    Who really is meddling?:

    So . . . who is really meddling? This is a question for the people of Ukraine to answer, not some Russian internet trolls with an agenda. Nevertheless, lets look at some facts and observations.

    Yanuchovych SOUGHT out the EU to obtain funds and to actually try and do something positive with the Ukrainian economy by tapping into world market. Russia did not want that and forced Yanuchovych to cancel his deal with the EU and forced him to enter a horribly one-sided agreement with Russia.

    Ukrainians were and are still pissed at Russia for meddling in its deal with the EU which Ukrainians believed would turn their lives around. Ukrainians are pissed at Russia because Russia tried to force an absolutely ridiculous loan down its throat designed solely to keep Ukraine subservient to Russia.

    • Like 1
  5. Too funny.

    Putin now admits that Russian forces (I believe he said he rotated 43,000 troops in and out of the Ukraine before his unexplained hiatus) and Russian heavy artillery were used in the Ukraine conflict and that he had plans to take over portions of the Eastern Ukraine prior to Yanucovych's removal. These were all facts vehemently denied by people in this thread and our Russian propaganda trolls. Putin's admission only came after documents were leaked in Russia and evidence gathered by Nemtsov and others is about to go public.

    Having lost that argument, which is actually the topic of the OP, you guys want to revert back to the check or the egg argument. In prior threads, I outlined exactly what led up to and caused the conflict in the Ukraine, but you guys ignore the facts and the complete picture.

    Yanucovych and the Ukraine wanted IMF help, signed an agreement with the IMF. Russia then said don't you dare and forced Yanucovych through various economic and trade harassments and sanctions to renege on the IFM agreement and Russia forced Yanucovych to accept a Russian loan agreement that had terms worse than any loan one may expect to obtain from the mafia. Had Russia and Putin not tried to once again screw and keep Ukraine subservient through a horrid, mafia like bail out loan with no set terms or interest rates, Ukraine would have happily took the deal and things would be much different now.

    It is you that is too funny.giggle.gif You compare the Russian loan agreement to the Mafia but the IMF ( international Mafia Federation ) is considerably worse.

    The IMF seduces nations into handing over their wealth on false pretenses and once that wealth is in the hands of the IMF – be it possession of land, gold, silver, business operations, etc. — that wealth is permanently in the hands of the IMF unless voluntarily relinquished by the IMF, and can not be taxed by any taxing authority nor seized, confiscated, expropriated or otherwise disposed of through any legislative, executive or judicial proceeding of any nation.bah.gif

    Lol, here comes the guy the guy that has, uhm lets see . . . a zero percent track record in forecasting or predicting economic, social and, still laughing at the Ebola hysteria prediction of US being doomed by Ebola outbreak, situations in US, Russia or Ukraine. In fact, nothing you have ever said has played out or been remotely accurate.

    Humor us . . .

    (1) What were them terms of the Russian loan?

    (2) What were the terms of the IMF loan?

    The remainder of your post is just more nutty rhetoric comparable to your prior Ebola is crashing through the porous US, Mexico border and the US is doomed to Ebola outbreak hysteria.

  6. Seeing as how not showing up for court is not the basis for the racism in the report, exactly what is your point? Just more right wing bullshit talking points, trying to take the focus away from the victims and lay blame on them, typical right wing strategy. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp (owner of Fox News, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Just another one of Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda rag. I suppose if you didn't have the money to pay a ticket, you just might not pay either, but then again you are wealthy so you can pay. And why are you breaking the law parking illegally in the first place? http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/12/17/who-is-gun-advocate-john-lott/191885 . I don't have anything at all against guns and gun ownership. I owned many, some would say a small arsenal before selling and giving to my friends along with 1,000s of rounds of self-loaded ammunition and re-loading equipement. I do have a problem with people like John Lott. Lott Created A Fake Internet Persona To Defend His Research in the above link. http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=John_Lott . Actually anybody dumb enough to not believe the report and the reason blacks were targeted has to be a racist unwilling to face the facts. Still waiting for evidence, and I'll be waiting for a long, long time. Just a thought, do you live in Ferguson or any part of the South, were you raised in the South? I was.

    Huh? You apparently have not read the report. I addressed the 3 primary points of the DOJ report. Ah yes, there were something like 7 emails between 2008 and 2011 that were described as offensive to blacks, Muslims, women, Obama and his wife. Wow, really? 7 emails spanning 4 years in a department of how many and out of how many thousands of email, the latest of which was 4 years ago. Dude, seriously? That is a witch hunt.

    Lol, what the heck are you talking about? Fox news? Fake internet research. Owning a small arsenal of weapons. You make yourself sound like a fruit loop. Let's see, you hate the US and moved away, yet you permit your deep resentment against the US for forcing you to fight as you say in an illegal, immoral war, to follow you around no matter where you go or live is kind of sad.

    Life is too short man or already passing you by and yet you continue to live in hate and worry. Step away from the news. Stop reading the internet. Find happy stuff and happy thoughts and try to enjoy your last few moments on this planet. Jeez, I need to take the same advice.

    BTW, I practiced law in Memphis, Tennessee, for many years and now live in and practice law in Nashville, Tennessee, about 6 to 8 months out of the year. Very familiar with the South and the CURRENT issues present in the South. LOL, when did you grow up in the South, 1950s and 60s?

    • Like 2
  7. Too funny.

    Putin now admits that Russian forces (I believe he said he rotated 43,000 troops in and out of the Ukraine before his unexplained hiatus) and Russian heavy artillery were used in the Ukraine conflict and that he had plans to take over portions of the Eastern Ukraine prior to Yanucovych's removal. These were all facts vehemently denied by people in this thread and our Russian propaganda trolls. Putin's admission only came after documents were leaked in Russia and evidence gathered by Nemtsov and others is about to go public.

    Having lost that argument, which is actually the topic of the OP, you guys want to revert back to the check or the egg argument. In prior threads, I outlined exactly what led up to and caused the conflict in the Ukraine, but you guys ignore the facts and the complete picture.

    Yanucovych and the Ukraine wanted IMF help, signed an agreement with the IMF. Russia then said don't you dare and forced Yanucovych through various economic and trade harassments and sanctions to renege on the IFM agreement and Russia forced Yanucovych to accept a Russian loan agreement that had terms worse than any loan one may expect to obtain from the mafia. Had Russia and Putin not tried to once again screw and keep Ukraine subservient through a horrid, mafia like bail out loan with no set terms or interest rates, Ukraine would have happily took the deal and things would be much different now.

  8. Sorry for the couple of days off. Been fishing and enjoying the company of ex-pats that don't have their respective heads up faux (not the) news ass. I have not seen one shred of evidence presented by the right wing spinners that the DOJ report was inaccurate. Nor have I seen one shred of evidence that the AG and/or the President plotted or caused any racial problems. I have seen a lot of white racism in America and in the DOJ report. Yes lawyer boy, I was born a bastard child, grew up, lived, worked, fought an illegal/immoral war for America, went to college, raised a family (all with a lot of government help, no thanks to you and your ilk) and retired-twice in America, I have all the room in the world to criticize it and people like you. Rich means nothing, it certainly doesn't mean you earn my respect. I have seen a lot of thinly disguised right wing racism on this thread. Racist right wingers will never be convinced to look at the facts or with objectivity to anything that is not on their agenda or spoon fed to them by faux (not the) news. You are entitled to the real facts, not your false set of facts. Ferguson is a symptom. Until blacks and all minorities are treated like equal citizens it will just get worse.


    One would have to have either not read the DOJ report or be pretty much dumb to buy into it if they actually read it. I mean seriously, Ferguson is discriminatory because blacks are issued a warrant when failing to show up to court for a ticket. HUH????? Try not showing up for your next court date if you are white and see what happens!!!

    Then you gotta love the discriminatory issuance of parking tickets. Hello, does the EMPTY cars parked at expired meters have flashing neons saying "BLACK OWNED VEHICLE" on it? Hate to break it you. My cars get tickets when my meter runs out so I should ask the DOJ to investigate because they are obviously ticketing my car because I am white and not because I failed to pay for parking.

    It amazes me that someone could be dumb enough to buy into this stuff without actually thinking it through, but the DOJ knows its audience will buy whatever it says without thinking it through.

    FACTS . . . here are some:


    Ferguson fake-out: Justice Department’s bogus report

    The Justice report doesn’t prove disparate treatment, let alone discrimination. In fact, it looks more like something ginned up to distract from the embarrassing fact that Justice (in another report released the same day) wound up fully validating the findings of the Ferguson grand jury.

    Racism is serious, and those engaging in it should be shamed — but we should have real evidence before accusing others of it. And every one of the Justice report’s main claims of evidence of discrimination falls short.


    Starting with the primary numerical claim. The report notes on Page 4: “Ferguson’s law-enforcement practices overwhelmingly impact African-Americans.

    “Data collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African-Americans account for 85 percent of vehicle stops, 90 percent of citations, and 93 percent of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67 percent of Ferguson’s population.”

    Those statistics don’t prove racism, because blacks don’t commit traffic offenses at the same rate as other population groups. The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2011 Police-Public Contact Survey indicates that, nationwide, blacks were 31 percent more likely than whites to be pulled over for a traffic stop.

    Ferguson is a black-majority town. If its blacks were pulled over at the same rate as blacks nationally, they’d account for 87.5 percent of traffic stops.


    Another major complaint in the Justice report: “Most strikingly, the court issues municipal arrest warrants not on the basis of public-safety needs, but rather as a routine response to missed court appearances and required fine payments.”

    If you think that this is unique to Ferguson, try not paying your next speeding ticket.


    • Like 2
  9. The rhetoric against Prez Obama and Attorney General Holder has long since reached the level of being incendiary and of being more than suggestive incendiary. This occurs as an unknown number of the most extreme right wingers in the United States continue to spend their weekends in the woods dressed in combat fatigues with assault weapons in live fire exercises or 'games'.

    The latest rantings from the far right focus on Ferguson to make the wild claims Prez Obama and AG Holder are the armed assailants, figuratively speaking. I guess the whacko right that says these reprehensible and incendiary words must figure saying them often enough will cause bullets to fly in the opposite direction. If so, this would unquestionably be repugnant.

    There is however a significant difference between Giuliani as a self-serving seeker of publicity and the discussion board posts that state directly and unashamedly that Prez Obama and AG Holder caused or even in a sense did the shootings of the police officers in Ferguson municipality. The discussion board posters do not seek publicity in their schemes, they instead want to encourage someone else to stride out and do their dirty work for them.

    Reprehensible sedition.

    Nope, this occurred when people with common sense that are not even political simply used the power of observation and common sense.

    Even democrats such as I that voted for Obama realized we had been duped and had made a serious mistake in 2012.

    Obama and Holder have done nothing but fuel these issues and create more hate and racial divisiveness.

    I swear, Obama hates white people deep down inside and will do anything to reduce their voice and voting power even if it is horrible for the country as a whole such as letting in millions of uneducated and poor Central Americans and absolutely horrible people from various African countries that are lazy, uneducated, dishonest and do nothing but drain our system and scam out elderly citizens just as they do when they reach Thailand or other countries. Yet, Obama welcomes them in with open arms and keeps hard working, educated and intelligent people out from Asian and Eastern European countries.

    used bold to highlight word

    OH Ok, If you swear.... whiy did you not say so earlier in this Thread, it would have eliminated a lot of unnecessary discourse laugh.png

    Wow, that is impressive and insightful.

    • Like 1
  10. The other issue that doesn't fit your "profiling against Black people is justified" excuse is the fact that the vast majority of warrants and arrests of Black people were not for "crimes".

    Internal Ferguson documents proved that the focus of police activity was NOT public safety and was NOT catching criminals. The focus of police activity was to make money for the city coffers. That is shown time and time again in the internal emails and policies.

    So when you see that Black people were disproportionately targeted, and you know that police activity was just focused on making money...you see how much more unjust the whole situation is. Black people were targeted because they were vulnerable to targeting, NOT because they were committing crimes that required a police response. The courts adjudicated the cases as they did because they were trying to get as much money for the city as possible, NOT because they were interested in dealing out justice or keeping the city safe.

    The vast majority of warrants issued in Ferguson were for failing to pay a fine on time, or for missing a court date. The vast majority of the initial infractions that led to those arrests were parking tickets, traffic tickets, minor housing violations, and made-up police judgement calls for things like "Manner of Walking", "Failure to Comply", and "Failure to Obey". The vast majority of the 3 warrants/household that Ferguson was giving out last year were for infractions that would almost never warrant jail time in normally-run communities. Over and over Black people were arrested in situations that clearly violated their 1st and 4th Amendment rights.

    If the 9,000 warrants that Ferguson issued last year were for actual crimes, then maybe you could try to make a case. But they weren't. Most of them were for things that would never warrant jail time in other places, and 95% of the warrants that had started with simple parking and traffic infractions were made against Black people in the community.

    That's why it seems so oppressive.

    Wake the <deleted> up. Every police force in the US is constantly under pressure to get out and write ticket or issue citations to help get money for city to meet operating budgets. This happened in all communities, not just black communities and perhaps even more so in white communities.

    The instruction is not make up violations of city ordinances. The message is enforce city ordinances. I can say unequivocally and without any doubt whatsoever that after being on the force for a while, cops do not want to and avoid writing tickets and citations. They hate the paperwork and it is hassle. They are given quotas because otherwise some of the very good and more senior cops in small communities would not write and tickets or citations.

    Failure to appear for traffic fines will get a warrant for your butt whether you are white, black, green, yellow, purple or alien. So why then is not Holder and Obama investigating all white smaller communities where the cops are given the exact same directives about tickets and citations? simple. Because there would be the same findings and then they could not use that as a race directed issue.

    • Like 1
  11. As for the actual shooting, witnesses both from the crowd and the police have been stating that the shots were fired from about 125 yards away, nowhere near the protesters themselves.

    St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, said police did not return fire and asserted the gunfire came from the middle of the crowd of protesters.

    "I don't know who did the shooting, ... but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,"


    Yep, and those fine citizens standing around the gun man or gun men are all coming forward and doing the right and honorable thing . . . Pathetic human beings, both the shooter and those standing around the shooters that do nothing. Then we have those being interviewed on the news saying the cops deserved it or it was just cops shooting cops to make blacks look bad. Not sure who is more pathetic, those doing the shooting or witnessing the shooting but saying nothing about or those happy about the shooting of innocent police officers trying to do a very difficult job.

    • Like 1
  12. The rhetoric against Prez Obama and Attorney General Holder has long since reached the level of being incendiary and of being more than suggestive incendiary. This occurs as an unknown number of the most extreme right wingers in the United States continue to spend their weekends in the woods dressed in combat fatigues with assault weapons in live fire exercises or 'games'.

    The latest rantings from the far right focus on Ferguson to make the wild claims Prez Obama and AG Holder are the armed assailants, figuratively speaking. I guess the whacko right that says these reprehensible and incendiary words must figure saying them often enough will cause bullets to fly in the opposite direction. If so, this would unquestionably be repugnant.

    There is however a significant difference between Giuliani as a self-serving seeker of publicity and the discussion board posts that state directly and unashamedly that Prez Obama and AG Holder caused or even in a sense did the shootings of the police officers in Ferguson municipality. The discussion board posters do not seek publicity in their schemes, they instead want to encourage someone else to stride out and do their dirty work for them.

    Reprehensible sedition.

    Nope, this occurred when people with common sense that are not even political simply used the power of observation and common sense.

    Even democrats such as I that voted for Obama realized we had been duped and had made a serious mistake in 2012.

    Obama and Holder have done nothing but fuel these issues and create more hate and racial divisiveness.

    I swear, Obama hates white people deep down inside and will do anything to reduce their voice and voting power even if it is horrible for the country as a whole such as letting in millions of uneducated and poor Central Americans and absolutely horrible people from various African countries that are lazy, uneducated, dishonest and do nothing but drain our system and scam out elderly citizens just as they do when they reach Thailand or other countries. Yet, Obama welcomes them in with open arms and keeps hard working, educated and intelligent people out from Asian and Eastern European countries.

    • Like 2
  13. I am all for pulling police out and letting them have Ferguson. Use this as a bit of a social experiment to see just how well a town like Ferguson can function without law enforcement keeping things in check.

    Within 6 months, the community would be devastated and they would be looking outside the community for new resources such as food, money, TVs, rims, booze and etc., just like bacteria or cancer spreading into healthy parts of the body.

    • Like 1
  14. Pub:

    Personalize it?

    Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

    I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

    What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

    What do you do, but sit on your high horse

    Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

    The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

    Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

    You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

    Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

    What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

    Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

    Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

    Your constant reference to your money, beautiful wife and her great car really dents your credibility. I occasionally find some brilliance in your arguments but that need to be better off than the rest of us really kills it for me. The best part is, you actually have no idea whether you are better off than the rest of us.

    No reference to wife or car and only throw out how much taxes to show why I am truly sickened when those getting a free ride and pay nothing still want more.

    Never said I was better off than anyone and I don't care. Completely comfy with my life regardless who has more and many do.

    If you have more, I am happy for you and I love the success stories as opposed to the constant whining and bellyaching about how the world just ain't fair.

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  15. Pub:

    Personalize it?

    Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

    I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

    What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

    What do you do, but sit on your high horse

    Sell the old nag to the rugged individualists who obsess and sweat about their manifest destiny as they make sure they are not the ones the system leaves behind.

    The DoJ Report impacts me, same as the people, incidents and events that precipitated the Report impact me. Still, you pronounce me as the only one who is abroad and on a high horse. That is disparate treatment counselor wink.png but then as you'd know I'm not a member of a protected class under Title VII and that neither are you. You and I are in fact the people the Civil Right Act of 1964 as amended was created to protect certain others from.

    Which brings us back to the DoJ Report, counselor.

    You cannot answer simple questions without ridiculous, nutty, non-responsive bs.

    Again, I pay 6 figures in taxes a year that subsidizes a bunch of losers that make no effort to get a high school, much less a college, education, that don't work, and that get everything free from Obama and now they want to loot and burn businesses, shoot at innocent cops and complain about their situation caused by their own failure to do anything or take any responsibility. And you want to defend them??? Says a lot about you, especially when you don't live here and carry the financial burden for taking care of these pathetic drains on our country.

    What do you do? How much do you contribute to the US economy or do you just take money or draw from? Candidly, it only seems like those taking from the government instead of contributing to economy are the ones whining.

    Of course the DOJ fond racial stuff, because the DOJ is run by racists with an agenda that want to find racists stuff so everyone working for the DOJ will give the racists running the DOJ exactly what they want to find.

    Every police force in the country has quotas and pressure on them to write citations and bring money in for city governments, but this is the case whether the community is white, black, yellow, red, green, purple or alien. That's not racial profiling. That is pressure on cops to do their job who generally hate to write tickets as it is a hassle.

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  16. Pub:

    Personalize it?

    Besides you insinuating that I am a racist and a red neck, heck yeah I personalize it.

    I am busy busting my tail working my butt off and paying 6 figures a year in taxes to support a bunch of losers, thugs, criminals and genuinely bad people who do nothing but complain. Heaven forbid they work for it or do respectable things to earn respect.

    What do you do, but sit on your high horse in a far away land and complain about things that don't impact you? Boy, that's respectable and makes a lot of sense.

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  17. Morons playing this KKK race card type bs are disgusting and out of touch with reality. I supported and voted for Obama. I was actually happy for blacks America and was glad to see that they had a voice and waited nothing but good things for our country. I have many posts on here defending Obama up until about 2012 when his true agenda and true concerns began percolating to the surface.

    Boy was I wrong and many in the US feel completely duped. Obama does not care about the country as a whole. He cares only about and serves only a very small, but now vocal minority in the US who frankly are the creators of their own short comings and failures. Why should successful, hard working people be constantly forced to allocate more and more of their income to take care of not just losers, but genuinely bad people. Most of these protesting thugs in Ferguson are genuinely bad people who have done very little or good or positive things in their life or for others.

    The true heroes and good people go unnoticed because they are not out creating chaos and whinning about or blaming others for their shortcomings and failures.

    The below article is about a genuinely good man, a teddy bear of a cop, that got off duty one night and was gunned down from behind and shot seven times by three black hoodlum, loser thugs (probably on Obama care, Obama food, Obama housing, Obama BMW entitlement, Obama million texts a month cell phone plans) and then robbed.

    Yep, where is that disgusting President and AG of ours actually lobbying for and talking about the good people in life that are really targeted by racial hate crimes and by black loser thugs enjoying the Obama ways and Obama free stuff.

    Oops, Obama and Holder no where to be found when it comes to good people harmed or targeted by black people because . . . THE VICTIMS ARE NOT BLACK and they could give a hoot less about them because they are not that loser vocal majority that falls within Obama and Holder's racially motivated agendas.


    Deputy Wood had completed his shift at 1 a.m. and was returning home when he stopped at the 7-Eleven. As he made a purchase, the suspects entered the store in an attempt to rob it and shot Deputy Wood. The suspects also robbed Deputy Wood personally and then fled the scene.



    Even more sickening is how relatives of the true victims that are actually good people in this world are not out in the streets acting like morons and animals. They are speaking or forgiveness.

    American has learned a valuable lesson in the last couple of years. It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.


    I pray for those people because there must be something not right in their life to do something so harsh.

    Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article12689156.html#storylink=cpy

    It will be a very long time before the vast majority of America (not the vocal majority idiots) will trust again and we will take back control of our country very soon.

    Since election day, November 2008, this has been the dream of every redneck whether it was the immediate dream or the later occurring dream.


    That what the lies and the "reverse racism" are all about, entirely, completely, without limit, bounds, shame.

    Current projections are that in the November 2016 elections Hispanics are likely to vote 80+ percent Democratic party. The previous Hispanic high last election was an astounding 72 percent Democratic party, so Hispanics would begin to approach the 90% Democratic party voting rate of African-Americans. You don't wanna hear about Asian Americans and their coming vote.

    Suck on that for a while.

    I am far from a red neck and so are those Americans working and carrying the heavy load here unlike those sitting on their butts in far away lands doing nothing but belly aching and contributing nothing. Not a red neck v. anything issue. It is responsible hard working good people v. loser genuinely bad people issue.

    If having a wonder life, beautiful bride and anything I want within reason qualifies one as being a red neck, I would say being a red neck bets the heck out of loser any day of the week.

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  18. I am not supporting the Ferguson PD. I am pointing out that you and people like you are the other half of the problem and you can't see that because you are blinded by your own unwarranted self righteousness. If you took the time to listen to some of the other sides you might find that the talking points you parrot are based on more lies then you might care to accept.

    I am in fact nothing close to being a right winger - I am just not a left nut job. To your face - why did you want to also prove you a volatile nut case that can't control himself. If your going to discount a person simple because they are black and don't follow your assumed roll for them it makes you what you are - pointing that out is for your own good. I don't see why you should get upset unless it hits a nerve.

    Anyone hovering around the political center as claimed would offer a criticism of both left and right.

    Maybe in this instance that will happen over time or perhaps it has happened over time. All the same, it is not evident anywhere in the present tense.

    So the claimed political centrist might consider making a note to the self about an alleged balance.

    An equal opportunity lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer.

    "criticism of both left and right."

    I never offered any on ether side to begin with - I responded to the hep of hate I got for a simple statement about the source of a claim someone had made. So the point was made toward the source that it came from - no need to balance anything in that regard. A hate monger is just someone that attacks mindlessly with talking points they really don't even understand and if it comes from the left I respond to them and not both sides - where is the need to balance that - what good does it do to point out anything other then the error of that one person that is calling me a right wing racist because I stated the mans name - maybe I am not up on the latest PC and did not realize that is not allowed anymore.

    " lecturer, scolder, finger-pointer."

    And the shoe fit - just because some of your volatile left wing nut hypocrites and racists by evidence of there own words have no power of the obvious does not make me the source of their problem.

    That person made an obvious racist statement. I really don't see where you should feel the need to be defending it unless you agree with it. Are you supporting the idea that a black man is an Oreo if he disagrees with you too? Where is the balance you will be presenting us while you defend that position.

    I responded to a clear cut case of being called a racist without a reason for it and that same person then uses racist remarks to make what I guess you would call a balanced retort from the left.

    It cross a few posts so connect the dots.

    Make a note to yourself - if your going to give a lecture about a need for balance - do your homework first - make sure the lesson plan applies to the class..wai.gif

    The posts self-righteously keep criticizing the center-left and the left while ignoring the right except for empty rhetoric about criticizing the right, so keep the line moving plse thx.

    You don't speak for or represent the center left. You represent and speak for an outlier, very smal but very vocal minority that does not espouse the views of the vast majority of Americans.

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