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Posts posted by siamesekitty

  1. I am not voting because there is no "depends" option.

    For some pairs, it is rather obvious, or at least appear to be suspiciously so. You know, the ones that have a certain "look". For most normal straight-looking guys together I don't assume it, especially if the Thai guy looks and acts "inter".

    I admit that I have inwardly made assumptions regarding some farangs and Thais together (both male-male & male-female) and accept that I have probably been the object of such assumptions myself. However, I don't let it bother me too much because I know I'm not a prostitute and nobody I know, if they had bumped into us, would think so either. But if I had been one I'd probably (ironically) be a lot more indignant.

  2. ... if she's not blasting out power ballads with her karoake machine, she has her TV and Radio so loud I can hear it in my apartment...

    Try recording her when she's singing off-key on her karaoke machine, then do the stereos-turned-towards-her-apartment-at-full-blast thing with the recording playing over and over again.

    Of course, you might want to leave your apartment for a while during that time, for your own mental health's sake. :o

  3. I know of the police hotline of 1194 but I don't know if there are any for actually complaining AGAINST the police themselves.

    As for the roundabouts, I agree that they are a pain in the a$$. Takes a while to get used to maneuvering through Bkk's "wongwian" (roundabouts). You have to start changing lanes from early on, just as you have started to enter the roundabout. If you stay in your lane too long then you won't be able to leave it in time.

    If you tried to change lanes where there is a solid line rather than a dotted line then that's definitely a no-no and I'm afraid your complaints will be dismissed.

  4. I have the Muppet Show greatest hits album on cassette tape. There is this great song, by Gonzo I believe, sung by a bunch of chickens. Blast this back at her 24/7 at 100 decibels and I promise she'll swan dive off her balcony.

    I have this album too. Second greatest album ever after "Dark Side of the Moon". :o

    Ohmigod... ME WANT!!

    (the album, that is, not the swan dive over the balcony)

  5. Which brings us nicely back to what I read as the point of the first post, the main activity of the police is 'resting!'


    Well, พัก doesn't necessarily have to mean "rest". It can also mean "stay" as in accommodation.


    ("We're going to Hua Hin tomorrow.")

    "อ้าว จองที่พักไว้หรือยังล่ะ"

    ("Really? Have you reserved a place to stay yet?")

  6. เกาเหลา (gaolao+) is ก๋วยเตี๋ยว (noodle soup) without the noodles! :o

    Therefore, it is a play on words with ไม่กินเส้น ("mai gin sen" = doesn't eat noodles), because ไม่กินเส้น is an idiom for "don't get along together"

    "อย่าชวนเอ๋มางานวันเกิดนีนะ สองคนนี้เค้าไม่กินเส้นกัน"

    "อย่าชวนเอ๋มางานวันเกิดนีนะ สองคนนี้เค้า"เกาเหลา"กัน"

    "Don't invite Aey to Nee's birthday party, ok? The two don't like each other."

    Different kinds of เกาเหลา:


    Notice the absence of เส้น? You eat it with rice instead.

  7. construction: X ก็ิ X แต่(ก็)ต้อง Y

    type of word(s): X is an adjective*; Y is usually a verb

    meaning: I/he/she is feeling so X, but still has to Y

    example: "ง่วงก็ง่วง แต่ก็ต้องพยายามถ่างตาไว้ ไม่ให้เผลอหลับไป"

    translation: "Even though I was so dam_n sleepy, I had to try my hardest to keep my eyes open and not fall asleep."

    * some examples: เหนื่อย, เมื่อย, โกรธ, ตื่นเต้น, etc.

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  8. I'd always thought it was short for "Rohng pak tamruaj", referring to the "place where police stay", using logic derived from knowledge of other "rohng" words:

    Rohng payabahn = hospital (place where there are nurses)

    Rohng rien = school (place where you learn)

    Rohng aharn = cafeteria (place where there is food)

    Rohng ngahn = factory (place where "work" (goods) are produced)

  9. I guess everyone has their own style of learning, but I'll venture a few suggestions:

    - Focus on the most commonly used letters, don't worry about memorizing every single letter of the alphabet

    - People may disagree with me on this one, but I think you can leave the tones out for now, lest the whole thing overwhelms you. Just getting the consonants and vowels right is hard enough as it is.

    - Once you have a general idea of how the consonants and vowels fit together to make syllables, and consequently, words, then you will be better equipped to understand the tone rules. I feel they are very difficult for those who are tone-deaf (which seems to be a majority of farangs :o) and a piece of cake for those who are good at music.

    - Key success factor: Determination and enthusiasm to learn what the words written and spoken around you mean

  10. Yes, similar to กิ้งก่าได้ทอง. The explanation actually got included in that post by accident: :-P


    เป็นสำนวน หมายความว่า คนที่ต่ำต้อยได้ขึ้นนั่งบนพาหนะซึ่งเป็นของเจ้านายชั้นสูง มีความที่ละไว้ว่า จึงแสดงท่าโอ้อวด หยิ่งผยอง เป็นคำเปรียบที่ใช้ว่าคนที่มีลักษณะเช่นนั้นให้เห็นว่า ให้มีความถ่อมตัว ไม่สุภาพ ไม่น่ารัก ไม่น่าคบ คางคก เป็นสัตว์ที่มีผิวหนังขรุขระ น่าเกลียด เนื้อนำมาเป็นอาหารไม่ได้ เพราะเชื่อกันว่ามีพิษ จึงนำมาเปรียบกับคนที่ต่ำศักดิ์ ไม่น่ายกย่อง หากมีโอกาสได้รับการอุ้มชูให้อยู่ในที่สูงก็คงจะลำพองใจ ทำท่าไม่น่ารัก

  11. Actually, if you can figure out the proper way to build the sub and the correct sauces to put on, Subway is overpriced, but not bad. I had a farang girl who used to work in one tell me what to put in several different subs and they were much better than my own experiments. :o

    Could you please share those combinations please? Thx :D

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