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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. They take the numbers from the tourism ministry, so this is flawed from the beginning. Only interesting point was this:


    "The value of merchandise exports dropped by 1.5 per cent from the same period last year. Excluding gold, their value continued to contract for the 11th consecutive month at 3.3 percent. "


    Meaning they sell gold which is a hard, freely convertible currency, and declare it as an export. Which it is not. Everything else is declining.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

    Glyphosate (Roundup®) is the principle pre-harvest systemic herbicide used for desiccation of a wide variety of crops.

    The ban is not only for Glyphosate. I'm not an expert what is used for what. but as I said, the import ban for such treated products as mentioned by the US letters sent to TH would be the only reason. Why otherwise would they stop to import it in such signifcant amount?


    The chemicals itself cannot be it as they are produced locally and not imported.

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