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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. Stay away from the ladyboy streets then!
  2. A plausible theory, were it not for the fact that 45 has shown on many occasions that he is incapable of keeping his mouth shut. He usually opens his mouth just to change feet!
  3. Most men take their junk with them!
  4. Well, there we have it, incontrovertible truth. Frank 83628 is 'pretty' sure!
  5. Kinnoch actually said, 'he's such a chancer, he's so superficial'. But it still sounds like he doesn't like him!
  6. War is an armed conflict between two or more groups of people. The war started when Russia invaded Ukraine. You have already stated that Zelenskiy campaigned on the basis of peace with Russia; it seems that Russia did not want peace. Russian attempts to undermine other independent governments in various 'ex-soviet' states also cannot be classified as war until such time as war is declared or one attacks the other.
  7. Taiwan is in no way similar to HK. The first is an independent state that did not fall to the Communist Revolution but became a successful and effective democracy. HK is geographically more a part of China but only the New Territories was leased to the British for 99 years. But with your logic I suppose that you are ok with Tibet being claimed as a 'historical' province of China, that the LAC between China and India should be given to the Chinese? Or perhaps that China is right to claim pretty much all of the South China Sea because they drew some lines on a map even though International Courts have decreed otherwise as those areas are the territorial waters of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines?
  8. Was that before or after Russia invaded?
  9. Look at the Confirmation hearing for Kavanaugh where, under oath, he stated repeatedly that no one is above the law.
  10. Dunno, which category do you fall into? Are you unpleasant, criminal or problematic?
  11. Hang about, I won't grow up to be an old lady either! Which is a bit of a relief actually.
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  13. The family are Indian and 2 of them managed part of the business from UK. The employee abusing member of the family lived in Switzerland and committed the crimes there. The staff were recruited by the Indian arm of the group in India. Please explain how we get to a broad attack on the British upper class?
  14. Russian involvement in foreign wars since 2000 (your preferred cutoff point) - Chechnya, Georgian, Ukraine, Syrian, Central African Republic, Mali, Jihadist insurgency in Burkhina Faso (Total 7) And not forgetting the use of Wagner Group since 2000 - Donbas and Crimea before and after Russian invasion, Belarus, Syria, Sudan, Central African Republic, Libya, Mali, Venezuela, Moldova, Nagorno Karabakh, Serbia (Total 11) US involvement in foreign wars since 2000 - Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, North West Pakistan, Somalia, Anti piracy – Operation Ocean Shield, Libya, Uganda, Niger, Syria, Maritime Security – Operation Prosperity Guardian (Total 11) I am so mortified to be considered biased I thought I'd help out with some facts. Looking forward to your next insult.
  15. For me to be hypocritical would require that I say something in favour of USA and the actions you refer to, which I have not done by the way, but derogatory to Russia. The simple fact that you now choose insults without justification weakens any valid point you may have made.
  16. All of what I say above is true! Now who is using deflection? You continue to use to deflection with complaints about USA without acknowledging the current wrongs of Russia today in Ukraine. Interfering in virtually every country in the world is why every country in the world has embassies!
  17. I know that you now consider this as ancient history and therefore not worthy of consideration, but the reasons you quote at number 2 are the self-same reasons that the Nazis used to annex Sudetenland. Whereas their real objective was to deny defensible land to the Czechs in order that they could march in unopposed a short time later. They are also the same reasons that Russia used to invade Eastern Poland. After the Germans had used false flag operations to masquerade as attacks on Germany by Poland to justify that invasion in the first place. They transshipped concentration camp victims to be the 'victims'. Beginning to see a trend? It seems that Russia is keen to use historical research before the year 2000 to formulate its tactics today. You may also wish to research the Nuremburg war trials where Russian judges and prosecutors were shocked to be informed, by Ribbentrop himself, that the non-aggression pact signed by Molotov and Ribbentrop on behalf of their psychopathic leaders, included a secret annex outlining the plan to invade and separate Poland. Eastern Poland being inhabited by many Russian speakers and therefore needing the protection of Stalin.
  18. Paying attention to history is deflection?! Why do you, or Russia, get to choose the cut off point? 1979 is within the living memory of many on this forum. Russia is also a bully all over the world, and you know it.
  19. I'm not sure a special military operation scheduled to last 2 weeks, but still going 28 months later, can be classed as Blitzkrieg!
  20. Was Russia not the invader who was humiliated during the period I quoted? Were they welcomed with open arms? Did they leave as liberators and heroes? The conversation is about Russia and your inability to accept any wrongdoing by them but simply quote others wrongdoing to absolve your beloved Russia; Russia seems to be as a big a bully as anyone else you cite.
  21. Russia lost 27 million due to a combination of factors. The psychopathic murderous leader of Russia at the time had done a deal with Hitler in order to facilitate Russia's annexation of Eastern Poland when Germany invaded. The paranoid leader at the time fell for disinformation from the Germans showing him that most of his officer corps were disloyal, so he had them rounded up and executed. An army shorn of its best and brightest leaders was poorly led and could not respond to what was a new type of attack requiring quick thinking and exploitation of success. Their most effective tactic was to throw thousands of soldiers at the Germans as the advance slowed; some of them were even given guns! The others had to pick them up off their dead comrades. The paranoid narcissistic leader at the time traded bodies and land space to slow down the German advance. The paranoid narcissistic leader now trades bodies for land space! I do not insult the memory of their sacrifice, just the memory of the people willing to sacrifice them for their own personal survival.
  22. Which horrible invaders were the Afghans defending against from 1979 to 1989?
  23. I don't smoke.....I was being sarcastic. And you've missed out quite a few others!
  24. Russia/USSR has never overthrown democratically elected governments, usurped power in foreign countries or interfered in another country's internal politics and democratic processes? You can't accuse one side without acknowledging the sins of the other.
  25. We know how it may end, but we do not forget how it started.
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