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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. I identify as slim.....I'm translender!
  2. Try this Vision, mission and purpose statements – what is the difference? | Effective Governance
  3. Posters are not allowed to post anonymously; this is a good rule. Posters are allowed to post reactions anonymously; this doesn't seem right.
  4. I saw a post I didn't agree with - I'm free to form my own opinions I didn't get offended - if there are no personal attacks or slurs there is no need to get offended I didn't comment - it's a discussion forum and, from AN's point of view, the more clicks the better? I didn't feel the need to change their mind - I felt the need to voice an opinion or fact, or simply make people laugh I still like the person - I don't know the person therefore I have no reason to like or dislike I just kept scrolling - if that were to happen there would be no discussion
  5. Listening! Probably their idea.
  6. Palestine is Judea, the Roman name for ‘Land of the Jews’, The Roman Emperor Hadrian re-named Judea as Palestina in 135 CE. Since then, it was never an Islamic State. In the 2nd century CE, the Romans crushed the Jewish revolt and Judea was renamed Syria Palestina. The Quran mentions Israel as the land of the Jews. The Muslim people should be fully aware that Palestine referred to the Jews for 2,000 years. Islam was founded in the 7th century, almost 700 years later. There are no Arab Muslim Palestinians on record prior to the 20th century; the land was referred only as the homeland of the Jews. It is validated by a host of archives by many nations, and some one million Archaeological relics. There was never a time of no Jews in Palestine the past 2,000 years, as evidenced by the Crusaders, Islamic invasions and the previous Ottomans.
  7. To the best of my understanding, and from discussions with professional will agents, it is better to have a separate will for each country where you have assets. Every element of a will has to go through probate and issues in one country may delay other more easily resolved issues in another. It is probably best to seek professional guidance, which may or may not be available on here, in order to ensure that your estate goes to exactly who you want it to and as quickly as possible.
  8. The continent of Europe is 5.93 times bigger than the state of Alaska
  9. If the defence wishes to discredit any witness then their best option is to prove them to be lying, this will then colour the jury's view against all their testimony. If you read my post accurately I stated the Defence must prove the witness is lying and that would be Perjury; I did not say the Defence must prove the case of Perjury. Your TV law slur is laughable as I have advised both Police Officers and Lawyers on the giving of evidence. What next? Accuse me of having terrorist friends and speaking Yiddish?
  10. Rubbish, it only becomes Hearsay if she tells the court it was what someone else told her. Any witness under oath testifies as to their knowledge and experience of facts. It is for the Defence to prove that she is lying and that would be Perjury.
  11. Honey trap? Could have gone worse. A lawyer from HK was murdered in Vladivostok in 2005 when he attempted to negotiate/pay for the release of his girlfriend from the criminal syndicate that controlled her prostitution.
  12. David M. Friedman - Wikipedia Is this the David Friedman to whom you refer? I see no record of him ever trying cases and his speciality seems to be bankruptcy. As an adviser to 45's presidential campaign who was then given the position of Ambassador to Israel he might be a little biased?
  13. David M. Friedman - Wikipedia Is this the David Friedman to whom you refer? I see no record of him ever trying cases and his speciality seems to be bankruptcy. As an adviser to 45's presidential campaign who was then given the position of Ambassador to Israel he might be a little biased?
  14. You are talking absolute rubbish!
  15. I must be a victim. I read pointless babble from posters on here every day!
  16. I'm uncomfortable with the extent of the crimes 45 has committed
  17. They are already half way there with social media
  18. Artificial intelligence, created by people with Low intelligence for use by those with Zero intelligence. We haven't yet fully understood how the human brain functions but we are expected to trust something created by the human brain. What could possibly go wrong?!
  19. What?! No Santa Claus! Now you're just being silly!
  20. Quite scary, but hard to spot the difference between this and religious schools.
  21. In the first picture they are parading for inspection, guns do not HAVE to be worn. In the second picture you cannot tell if they are wearing guns from that angle. Prior to the mid to late 80's guns were worn on the left in a cross draw holster. In the third picture you have Chief Inspector Rod Mason as a Chief Inspector and company 2 i/c in a PTU Company. The multi coloured lanyard is a Commissioner's Commendation for some brave work cracking a drug smuggling syndicate as an undercover officer. The caption is wrong as he joined the HK Police around 1983. He has sadly passed away recently; so please be careful with what you say about him. Prior to WWII the HK Police were armed. Post WWII the HK Police carried - Webley (first issued in 1930's) Colt Police Positive S&W Model 10 S&W Heavy Barrel Model 10 Uniformed officers on patrol have been armed in HK longer than you have been alive.
  22. Close is not over! The HK Police has been an armed police force pretty much since inception.
  23. You must be over a 100 years old then! What day was this?
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