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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. Depends what I'm driving!
  2. Stems from one of their big local suppliers in 2008 using melamine in it which resulted in kidney damage, but the kids were really easy to wipe down????. They used to clear the shelves in HK until a limit was imposed on how much any person can buy. Illegal export was criminalised and the penalties were higher than for some dangerous drug offences.
  3. In my honest opinion most of this stuff is happening because he WAS president. A self centred, weak and ineffective buffoon who made decisions to enrich himself and who could be bought with flattery and golf tournaments. Knowing so little about geography, history and religious influences he approached every diplomatic situation looking at what's in it for him and without a care for the weak and oppressed. Justice and compassion are anathema to him. He took a strong, but admittedly flawed, nation and hollowed it out through outrageous lies and personal attacks using pathetic name calling against those who did not agree with him. For any enemy of America, he was a precious gift as he polarised elements of American society against each other. what better way to defeat any country than let it destroy itself from within.
  4. Hamas is A Sunni fundamentalist Islamic organisation and it would be unlikely that they operate at the direction of Iran as that country is Shia and supports Hezbollah, a Shia fundamentalist Islamic organisation. Islam's Sunni-Shia Divide, Explained | HISTORY
  5. "Jakkapong further disclosed that about 30,000 Thai nationals are employed in Israel, primarily in the agricultural sector. " It's not difficult!
  6. I did something similar. I got slaughtered at a work party in Hong Kong and woke up in the Philippines!
  7. The British did build a desalination plant at a place called Lok On Pai near Tuen Mun. The growth of population and attendant demands for water and vegetables could not have been met locally. How much backbone would be needed to feed and water a population of 6 million while trying to stop the Red Army from waltzing over the border? It was militarily and logistically impossible. The British military presence in HK in modern years was smaller than the presence that could not stop the Japanese in December 1941. Apart from certain rooftops you appear to know very little about the place.
  8. A bit condescending and based on incorrect information. Kowloon peninsula was ceded to the British in 1842. The area of the Kowloon peninsula north of Boundary Street now known as the New Territories was given to Britain on a 99 year lease commencing 1898 and expiring on 30 June 1997. The subsequent talks between Maggie Thatcher and Deng Xiao Ping in the eighties resulted in the Joint Declaration stating that China would resume sovereignty over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories on the 1st July 1997. Hong Kong and Kowloon were at that time so intertwined with the New Territories that it was impossible to separate them. Was I there - Yes Did I take part in the handover - Yes Rooftop - Yes, and many other weird places over the years.
  9. This is how we know there is intelligent life out there............they haven't made contact with Earth!
  10. For crying out loud America! How many times does 45 have to threaten payback to non-supportive media entities and individuals by vowing to shut them down or have them executed, for you to eventually notice these are the same tactics used by his mate Putin over the years. He recently called Biden the 'Manchurian Candidate'. Another case of severe projection?
  11. Have you heard of Hakarl (rotting shark) a delicacy in Iceland and Greenland. Or perhaps Surstromming (canned fermented sea herring) a delicacy in Sweden that is the entire fish, rotting guts and all. With regard to knowledge of the smell of vaginal infections I must bow to your superior knowledge and experience.
  12. At what point did you think 'hack' and 'moral obligation' belonged in the same sentence?
  13. The love of money is the root of all evil. Blame the people not the object.
  14. Only if you leave your bulging wallet on top of it so they steal that instead. But I'd like to thank you for the question, which I referred to my wife. I've learnt a lot of new Thai swear words!
  15. So much projection? To go off topic just to criticise someone based on supposition
  16. If he has done nothing wrong there should be no need for this claim. Even though it is conceptually absolute claptrap.
  17. Very difficult to find a source that backs up your claim! Global Social Capital Index 2022 - The USA, due to comparable high crime rates, low availability of health services, and rising inequality, is ranked 111, just below Nicaragua and above Ghana. 2021 Social progress index - USA ranked 24 In its global rankings, the United Nations Office of Sustainable Development dropped the U.S. to 41st worldwide, down from its previous ranking of 32nd. Under this methodology – an expansive model of 17 categories, or “goals,” many of them focused on the environment and equity – the U.S. ranks between Cuba and Bulgaria. Both are widely regarded as developing countries. The U.S. is also now considered a “flawed democracy,” according to The Economist’s democracy index. 2023 Index of Economic Freedom - USA ranked 25 The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...(Restricted language) - YouTube
  18. Bignok started a normal thread?! I must have missed that one!
  19. I'm not surprised, look at her judgement in men! ????
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