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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. Hope it doesn't go down as easy as the cold bxxr! (I don't want to promote anything)
  2. Compared to the Wuhan Kingold scam this is peanuts. https://www.businesstoday.in/latest/world/story/biggest-gold-fraud-busted-in-china-83-tons-of-fake-gold-bars-used-as-loan-collateral-262661-2020-06-30
  3. Belt and Road - the seizing of strategic resources through toxic debt!
  4. It's actually statistically safer to go home with a stranger as the majority of sexual assaults are carried out by someone the victim knows!
  5. She wrote the letter to Charles AFTER she had publicly accused the royal family of racism.
  6. It's a bit like going to Pamplona and getting annoyed because you've just been gored by a bull.
  7. It's a bit like the Mayor of Amity Island telling people to go swimming because sharks are a natural phenomenon!
  8. I can't attest to the mollycoddling of the cigars as I don't smoke, but Whisgars on soi 23 bangkok is a very nice place. Various 5 star hotels offer cigar lounges on the premises, and Paddy's Irish pud and grill at Mabprachan pattaya advertises a cigar lounge.
  9. Eureka, I've figured it out. SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade because with all the school shootings they were running out of targets!
  10. Not really sure how you can refer to that flimsy metal box as a 'safe.'
  11. It doesn't end after you get the Visa; you have to be ready to deal with aggressive questioning on arrival in UK. Before marriage I took my wife, then girlfriend, to UK. I went through the UK Passport holder channel as directed and waited behind the visitor channels. There was a choice of old man, young man, old woman and young woman; I guessed the last one would be worst. That's the one she got. Imm - why are you coming to UK? Wife - for a holiday, Imm - where are you going to stay? Wife - I'm not sure. Imm - what do you mean? Wife - I'm staying with boyfriend's parents. Imm - who is your boyfriend? Wife - he is standing behind you waiting for me. (I was 39 but looked 49, wife was 29 but looked 19) Imm - aah, are you going to get married while you are here? Wife - no, he is already married! I was in the process of a divorce from previous wife at the time. Imm woman turned round and gave me the filthiest look imaginable as she seemed to think I was some depraved married Brit bringing back a young Thai girl unbeknownst to his poor Brit wife. Couldn't prevent entry to UK as she had not only told the truth but had proved that it was impossible for her to enter for the purposes of getting married.
  12. Yup. Police cells Remand centre Prison Drug addiction treatment centre Illegal immigrant detention centre Not done High security prison Psychiatric asylum But there's time yet!
  13. Let me see if I have this correct. Putin directed a special military operation (invasion) into Ukraine because they wanted to join NATO and he didn't want NATO troops or weapons stationed near his border. But now he intends to station tactical nukes in Belarus, basically a client state, that has borders with 3 NATO countries. No hypocrisy to see here then!
  14. Or trying to show loyalty so that anyone who has dirt on him doesn't release it?
  15. So, the lawyer is a convicted felon and liar but the person who he represented had nothing to do with the lies and crimes? Cohen committed the crime against the wishes and direction of his client?
  16. Their definition of unsuitable books for children would also include the bible; it's quite a raunchy read!
  17. I have used Quaker oats (the quick, just add hot water type) instead of rusk and found they did a similar job of absorbing liquid and binding the sausage together. Oats are good for the heart and reducing cholesterol so you can consider them a 'health food' sausage! ????
  18. Maybe so, but a calculator next to the till is a sign they may be ripping the owner off.
  19. It's actually only one of many ways; and not very effective. A till that is never short may make the owners think everything is good and nobody is taking money from the till. However, there are numerous ways to defraud the system and make a tidy profit. There are digital analysis systems that spot fraudulent behaviour and create alerts for loss prevention teams or management to act on; every retail operation is vulnerable. I have seen videos of staff at one outlet in UK taking approximately 40k Stg out of the till, which always balanced. This was their flagship store with all management and returns setting exemplary standards for others.
  20. and send back the kidnapped children!
  21. Throw Trump in the local nick. Ok, who is writing the next line of the poem?
  22. Think it should be 'plus the Moskva' as that is now permanently stationed in the Black Sea.....at the bottom!
  23. You missed out Easy Mark!
  24. According to Thai law (VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROTECTION ACT B.E. 2550) neither should be named. Section 9 Upon information under section 5 or complaint under section 6, no person may print, publish or distribute to the public by whatever means any picture, account or information likely to negatively affect the person committing the act of domestic violence or the domestic violence victim who is party to a case under this Act. Any person who contravenes the provision of paragraph 1 shall be liable to imprisonment for not more than six months, or a fine of not exceeding sixty thousand baht or both.
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