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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. Yes, she drove ambulances in London during the Blitz risking her life to save the lives of her fellow countrymen. Please enlighten us on what you have done selflessly for others.
  2. Have you seen how they drive in HK?
  3. Abject apologies, I got carried away. ???? a lot of people have recommended that I am carried away.
  4. The design of the crossing is good but the location is ludicrous. On a blind bend for traffic coming downhill who will not be able to see pedestrians crossing from the uphill side until the last minute! Potentially lethal road surface in the rain when spattered with grease and oil from vehicles or debris from leaves. Looks like the HK Transport Department are a bunch of muppets.
  5. From the fact that you seek relationship advice on this forum I would suggest you don't understand people, not just Thai women.
  6. Would that cooperation be similar to the submission of tax returns in terms of speed and full cooperation?
  7. Try pages 6 & 7 where it mentions the TS/SCI (Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalised Information), Top Secret & Confidential classifications of document seized.
  8. With a pocket-sized radio frequency scanner that can cost less than $100 or a smartphone equipped with near field communications capabilities, thieves can obtain the data from a credit card right through your wallet and purse, providing they stand close enough to you for a sensor to register the information. You can get special 'faraday wallets' that can protect the card from these attacks.
  9. I can't be a 100% certain but the comment by Alyx may have been said in irony. 'Why speculate, I wonder', is another form of speculation. But I'm just speculating.
  10. Not clear on this one. Is it measured in centimetres or minutes? ????
  11. Odds like that would never win an election............unless..........????
  12. Most would agree that he is a spoilt, impressionable child! Corrected your typos. No need to thank me ????
  13. In the excerpt you quoted from Webfact it does say - charged with drunk and disorderly AND assault. Would be difficult to prove a charge of attempted murder from the evidence unless he actually said he wanted to kill her. In many jurisdictions there are various levels of assault charges depending on the severity of injuries caused so it is possible the charges could become more serious.
  14. A person does not start at conception. The possibility of a person starts at conception but the foetus has to survive a 15-20% miscarriage rate, and a premature baby can only survive outside the womb after approx 22 weeks with extensive medical attention.
  15. I wonder what would be the position of the anti abortion activists if you could determine the child's sexual preferences before birth? A Christian preacher in Texas has recently advocated the execution of gays.
  16. To the best of my memory the side trip to Macau is an option but they become very suspicious very quickly when it is repeated. Female thais entering hk alone are often taken aside for questioning by immigration and that can waste up to 2 hours. Your simplest option is to go to immigration dept in wanchai and ask for an extension of stay by showing she has somewhere to stay, funds to facilitate the stay, your financial support, and no intention of working. Should take less time than going to Macau and back. Feel free to pm me if you want further info
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