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Posts posted by animalmagic

  1. I am not sure that local economies actually get much financial benefit from zero sum tours.  All the money goes to the Mainland China organisers and the Chinese owned businesses that they patronise where they travel.  

    To the average Chinese tourist it's all about saying you've been there, and showing the photos to prove it.  I had a Chinese guy working for me in HK who took great delight in showing me millions (actually only a slight exaggeration) of pics from his family trip to Disney.  They had every permutation of pick 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 from 5 at every place of 'interest'.  There were almost 20 pics of them standing outside the gates of the place.

  2. Sad to say but the reaction of the western world is, realistically, unimportant to them due to the economic pressures they can bring to bear in terms of oil and arms sales.  Eventually things will die down.  A few hissy fits and diplomatic expulsions and the west will claim they have made their point.  Further action explained as being too damaging to home economy and jobs as DT said earlier.

    Sinister to say they are also quite pleased that the news is out in order that other critics, both inside and outside their country, will definitely think twice before carrying on.

    Very similar to the attempted murder of Skripol in Salisbury.  Their reach is long and they will get you if you annoy them too much.

  3. 15 hours ago, Yeahbutwhytho said:

    Has anyone noticed any differences in Chinese guest numbers around the malls and attractions? Has there been a noticeable drop off

    Can't really answer your questions but can offer possible reasons - 

    (5) The Chinese citizen is prohibited from exiting China as decided by the relevant competent department of the State Council because the national security or interest may be compromised; or

    (6) Other circumstances as set out by laws and administrative regulations under which the Chinese citizen is prohibited from exiting China.

    Above extracted from Mainland China laws relating to entry and exit visas.

  4. Just now, canuckamuck said:

    For the sake of brevity I will keep my response short as this forum is often intolerant of these discussions.

    Your initial comment that the devil is not in the Bible is patently false. The New Testament is loaded with references to the devil, as I have proved. The article you have linked speaks nearly entirely about the Hebrew bible, which is essentially the Christian Old Testament. And although the Devil (the accuser) does feature frequently in the Old Testament. The usage is often more figurative there and open to some interpretation. The primary focus of your article is making the case that the serpent in the garden is never spelled out to be Satan. This is true, There are a lot of things in the story of creation which are handled uniquely and have been vigorously studied for thousands of years.  Obviously most people consider the serpent to be a 'type' of the devil (the accuser). When the the two testaments are considered together, a more complete picture occurs.

    To get into this further would require tons of links and some ponderous translations of Hebrew and what not.

    But the devil is certainly mentioned in the Bible.

    Sooooo, does that mean Voldemort is the Devil and Nagini is the serpent.  They both died in the last movie so we can't blame them any more!

    (p.s.  not a dig at you, I enjoyed the information)

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  5. Just now, Ctkong said:

    What do you expect when you promote sex shows to the ‘rural’ Chinese reinforcing their perception that pattaya IS A SEX CITY ?Chinese place sex workers low in their social structure and a country that has a whole Sex city lined up is not high up there  in their mind.

    What utter cobblers.  Pattaya is not a 'whole Sex city,'  It has a raunchy nightlife area but that in no way covers the whole city.  You'll be telling me next that there are no sex workers in China, or that there are so few they are almost invisible!

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