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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. Only if you leave your bulging wallet on top of it so they steal that instead. But I'd like to thank you for the question, which I referred to my wife. I've learnt a lot of new Thai swear words!
  2. So much projection? To go off topic just to criticise someone based on supposition
  3. If he has done nothing wrong there should be no need for this claim. Even though it is conceptually absolute claptrap.
  4. Very difficult to find a source that backs up your claim! Global Social Capital Index 2022 - The USA, due to comparable high crime rates, low availability of health services, and rising inequality, is ranked 111, just below Nicaragua and above Ghana. 2021 Social progress index - USA ranked 24 In its global rankings, the United Nations Office of Sustainable Development dropped the U.S. to 41st worldwide, down from its previous ranking of 32nd. Under this methodology – an expansive model of 17 categories, or “goals,” many of them focused on the environment and equity – the U.S. ranks between Cuba and Bulgaria. Both are widely regarded as developing countries. The U.S. is also now considered a “flawed democracy,” according to The Economist’s democracy index. 2023 Index of Economic Freedom - USA ranked 25 The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...(Restricted language) - YouTube
  5. Bignok started a normal thread?! I must have missed that one!
  6. Needs to find a bar girl wife? That'll keep him busy.
  7. I disagree! It was the height of delusion to hitch his wagon to the Trump train in the first place.
  8. George Washington - I cannot tell a lie, it was me that chopped down the cherry tree?
  9. They could never arrest me for indecent exposure...........insufficient evidence.
  10. It appears you are suggesting that Biden would pardon his son in the future (we will have to wait and see), whereas Trump has already pardoned the father of his son-in-law. So you are hoping that Biden will be as bad as Trump in this regard?
  11. Does the fact that he would pardon him mean that he thinks Trump is guilty?! Tell me it's not so!
  12. Personally, I'd apply for American citizenship to vote for anybody running against Trump!
  13. Everyone knows that you quote a 'news' source that has paid an out of court settlement to Majed Khalil, developer of Smartmatic software, paid 12M USD to a Fox Producer, 787M USD to Dominion voting machines and is subject to a lawsuit of 2.7B USD from Smartmatic. All for telling lies?
  14. Good try at twisting my words to suit your message, you must work for the Russian propaganda ministry?
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