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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. Well yes. So why should we be "curious if the people being transferred have a particular political affiliation?"

    It would be unscrupulous to just target the parties that have a different political affiliation. I think it would be a crime actually.

    I would be curious to see the red/yellow ratio on arrests etc the last 12 months.

    Is this a one sided situation I wonder?

    Absolutely. " It would be unscrupulous to just target the parties that have a different political affiliation "

    " Is this a one sided situation I wonder? " It would be logical to assume that a certain political affiliation will be likely to be in the majority, given that their political party was in power for most of the past 10 years.

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  2. May I propose a toast for our absent friends on this thread!!

    Cheers. biggrin.png

    Seriously, foreigners have no political clout. Yes Article 44 is draconian, but who among you is scared and really feels threatened right now? Do you fear for your lives, and that of your families? If so, are you still living here or have you made evacuation plans ? (These questions are for those who are actually living in Thailand and not merely overseas 'scribes') smile.png

    As has been noted by some of the posters, the Thais themselves seem to be calm and accept the current situation, which is lucky for Thailand. Thank God.

    A rebellion can only end in disaster for everyone. We don't need hot headed, subversive elements to cause a rebellion. That will be pure madness at this point. Destruction and lives lost.

    I never supported my country's government 20 years ago, and had to live through the awful period of terrorism, bombing etc in my home town, thankfully the eventual elections were peaceful, but people were very worried then, and many started hoarding food as a precaution to potential riots/civil war.

    My fervent hope for Thailand is that this period of rule will end within a year, peacefully and with perhaps some remedial actions in place to reduce corruption and be of benefit to Thailand and those people living here. IMO we have to just monitor the situation, and although many people feel strongly about the current political situation, there hopefully will not be any incitement. - "...the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully..." wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  3. "Thai officials are still trying to convince the world that no mistakes were made in the Tak Bai massacre"

    Why? Why don't they once and for all, lay the blame fairly and squarely on those responsible for the massacre, albeit it is probably too late for any punishment?

    This government has nothing to lose by investigating, otherwise this will continue to be a festering wound in peoples minds - quite rightly too. Perhaps this may also assist positively with future peace negotiations.

    • Like 2
  4. Wow, as many as 30 Muslim students called for lifting of martial law? That will definitely sway the government.

    Muhammad Saufir Asae said martial law in the three provinces was a cause for the unending violence. I wonder what their reason for violence was before martial law was implemented?

    "Insurgency-related violence continued in the deep South yesterday." All because of martial law ?

  5. Warnings on fag packets just dont work

    Wrong. There's plenty of evidence that suggest that they do. Google 'cigarette health warnings' you will find plenty of links. Here's just one http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/research/factsheets/pdf/0325.pdf

    In South Africa one of the health warnings concern the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant. I heard that some male smokers insist on buying those particular packs - because pregnancy does not apply to them. biggrin.png

  6. Funny stuff. A lot of what Prayut has done is to gut the income to the police

    from their corruption activities. So instead of cutting off the head of the viper,

    he has basically cut down the food source to the viper. What happened to Pongpat

    was a good example.

    So now the police are happy their feet have been

    held to the fire ?? Man you could not make this stuff up. I suspect at

    this point the police are terrified of being gutted from the bottom to the

    top, given their past horrendous history. So now time to suck up to

    Prayut and hope he does not wake up one day and decide to REALLY

    reform the police, not the namby pamby reforms from the past.....

    Yes, it seems as if a little C.Y.A. is in play here.

    (Cover Your A-- )

  7. It would appear that this Bonanza owner is the son of former red shirt leader Paiwong Taechanarong. LINK

    It would appear that Paiwong began accumulating this land in 2004.

    I wonder how many reds are on this list of 100. I hope the list is both sides of the aisle.

    "I hope the list is both sides of the aisle". Agreed, that would be fair, but given the history of past transgressors, IMO 'ruddy' is likely to be the colour of more than 50%.

  8. Hiring foreigners is a simplistic quick fix that will not work in the long term as they are likely to have standards and want to hold on to them along with their integrity. The powerful folk who have in the past used their position to get the desired approvals without worrying about minor things like compliance will not be happy with this.

    One of the other things required is people who can speak and comprehend acceptable English, the language of the international airline industry amongst others. (This is something the PM could with too given his embarrassing display this week.) Again another failure in the Thai system that will impact on the ASEAN integration with Thailand scoring some of the lowest scores in the region.

    A number of TV members have in the past, complained that Thailand seldom uses the expertise of foreigners, preferring to work with their own.

    Now, posters are being negative when there is mention of employing foreigners. sad.png

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