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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. "Prawut said people with different political stances should seek solutions peacefully"

    Like using military coups and martial law to suppress political differences and impose nondemocratic leadership to abolish the rights and liberties of people in conflict?

    "Prawut said people with different political stances should seek solutions peacefully" Is that not a good suggestion ?

    People. Not coups, cars, cupcakes, laws, beers...............but people.

    • Like 1
  2. As the weeks go by....Thailand's freedoms are being quickly taken away.

    In May 2014 they protested the military's order to shut down Redshirts-allied TV channels, yet they are still operating 2 TV channels.

    Cannot say that this freedom was "quickly taken away". 10 months down the line........ wink.png ....... and are they perpetuating confrontation and friction?

    • Like 1
  3. IMO the 'thanks' were probably a little sarcastic, definitely not genuine.

    Very interesting articles about Head - this one in particular ;-

    The BBC's Jonathan Head - Alt Thai News Network ATNN
    He is a biased supporter of Thaksin and the PTP
    "Jonathan Head of the BBC is well informed, knows right from wrong, but either is told to, or willfully chooses to deceive his audience."
  4. "BANGKOK: -- A NETWORK of credit union cooperatives called on Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday to help stop the media from shaking public confidence in their cooperative system. " They know where to turn to for help.

    "Chainarong also urged Prayut to try to restore the dip in public confidence via his weekly "Returning happiness to the people" programme. "

    Obviously people feel there is some merit and do watch this program.

  5. Martial law is like a light bulb. It's either on or off. There is no in-between with martial law. If Prayut wants to curb martial law, rescind it.

    The military has control of the police and DSI to keep the DOMESTIC peace. There is no EXTERNAL THREAT to Thailand's national security, especially now with Thailand's security agreements with China and Russia. So why martial law?

    Prayut realizes he must have martial law to MAKE people do his bidding, to use martial law devices to cower and intimidate people, to quickly suppress ANY opposition to the coup, its clone organizations, and its self-contrived laws and charters. Don't expect with the passage of a new charter that martial law will be lifted any time soon, especially if the new charter is not approved by Thais in a referendum.

    Ofetn Prayut often states, "I WILL DECIDE." How can that be against the will of 60 million people? It's not his shining personality, good looks or campaign promises - it's the 120,000 paramilitary, armor, navy, and airforce controlled by the NCPO that backs up his claim of soverneignty over the Thai people.

    Similarly, a lady is either pregnant or not. Yet the actual pregnancy conditions experienced by the lady can either be considered good or very bad (or in between) smile.png

  6. The guy is a professional trouble maker who deserves a flogging. If it had been a bunch of ordinary Thai's I would be behind them 100%.

    Where does it say he is a "professional trouble maker" ? Any links to substantiate your accusation?

    Point who is not a trouble maker in the Country ? If you stand up for your rights, you are trouble maker. If you usurp power and install military law, you are a trouble maker. If you do nothing, nothing will change.

    Please see phil's post phil2407 He's already going to police station on the 16th for a previous demonstration -

  7. Well I guess if its possible that the head of the Thai Government isn't to be allowed in we should perhaps view the ones that are welcomed with open arms.....The list of dictators is so long on Google I have just chosen a few

    Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Equatorial Guinea

    Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

    Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan

    Look Just Google, the list is so long, & I am talking about the present day list a lot of them Like Marcos etc supported for decades are gone----even against the USA wishes.

    & you really do not want to go back into history or you will be finding guys like this being allowed in.

    Adolf Hitler


    Breckinridge Long was the US Secretary of State at the time Hitler was in power. While he gave Henry Ford permission to buy Nazi tanks, he purposely prevented Jewish refugees from entering the US (recommended read: The Voyage of The Damned). Also, Breckinridge and Roosevelt gave permission for a few US Companies to continue trading with Germany during the war– I.T.T.,General Motors, DuPont, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Davis Oil Co., and the Chase National Bank. Why? Because money and the stock market and not wanting to give these corporations a big sad.

    Yes Thailand is such a big bad repressive dictatorship ---that's why we come on here everyday & write / Print just about anything we want to......................coffee1.gif

    Thanks for a really informative, good post.

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