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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. Beautiful people. -------------- just a refresher - this is what the country was faced with. (of course there were obviously bad actions on both sides)

    Interesting read - Descent into Chaos - Human Rights Watch www.hrw.org/sites/.../thailand0511webwcover_0.p... Human Rights Watch

    "... While the UDD leadership has sought to portray the arson attacks as the spontaneous reaction of protesters to the dispersal of the Red Shirt protests, many leading UDD leaders had publicly called for such attacks months earlier in the event of a government crackdown. For example, UDD leader Arisman Pongruengrong told supporters at a rally at Army Headquarters in Bangkok on January 29 they should carry out arson attacks if the government tried to disperse them, warning they would turn the city into a “sea of fire:” ..... Similarly, during a preparatory rally in Chantaburi province on January 27, UDD leader Nuttawut Saikua warned: “If [the government] takes control [of the Red Shirt camp], we will burn the whole country. Burn it all down, I will take the responsibility. If they want to arrest or whatever, they can come to me. If they seize control, burn!”. Red Shirt leaders regularly called on supporters to burn and steal from stores during the Rachaprason protests, indicating incitement or complicity in the arson and looting attacks. For example, on April 8, 2010, UDD leader Nuttawut Saikua told UDD protesters how he was easily frightened as a child and used to run for cover whenever he heard loud noises. He then suggested that the Red Shirts should run into shopping centers and loot and burn them if they were similarly “spooked” by the army attempting to disperse them...."

    " Arsonists also set fire to (Big c) … dozens of other major buildings across Bangkok, including the Stock Exchange of Thailand, the Bangkok Metropolitan Electricity Authority district station, the Water Authority district station, the historic Siam and Scala cinemas in Siam Square, Center One store near the Victory Monument, and a significant number of branches of the Bangkok Bank,... as well as convenience stores and small privately owned shops in some areas...... '

    That some of them behaved like brainless moronic idiots, does not justify the army's use of live ammunition against fellow Thais!!

    The incitement was from their 'leaders', who are maybe brainless moronic idiots. No excuses there, but after months of demonstrating and incitements, agreeing to stop the demonstrations and then back tracking, building up to a potential "mob rule" which is contagious and dangerous, I can't any reasonable government not taking firm action.

    As per my first comment - this is what the country was faced with. (of course there were obviously bad actions on both sides)

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Can Thailand be called a democratic country before the coup? What value had that gave to the lives of Thais?

    State coffer being robbed, lives under armed threat, police inactions or used politically against oppositions, corruption rampant?

    "State coffer being robbed, lives under armed threat, police inactions or used politically against oppositions, corruption rampant?"

    But what was it like before the coup?

    Refresh your memory - Google is your friend.

  3. Descent into Chaos - Human Rights Watch
    Human Rights Watch

    "...... during a preparatory rally in Chantaburi province on January 27, UDD leader Nuttawut Saikua warned: “If [the government] takes control [of the Red Shirt camp], we will burn the whole country. Burn it all down, I will take the responsibility. If they want to arrest or whatever, they can come to me. If they seize control, burn!”

    Now is the time.

  4. The security officials, and many of the public in the South are under pressure due to terrorist attacks and bombings. However if the four people who were shot dead during the recent raid in Pattani were innocent, there must be no cover up, and a resolution must be sought. Punishment / Restitution. Terrible mistakes are sometimes made in haste and poor judgement.

    ( Some of the best armies in the world call their mistakes 'friendly fire' )

  5. Actually a smart move. Perception is very important. In past posts, many westerner's complained about 'Martial Law'. Take that away, and most people/tourist including some governments, perception will become less negative. Just saying.....

    "Perception" is the perfect word.

    Plus, "....in principle insurance companies overseas would offer coverage to policyholders who travel in countries that are not under martial law...." This will also benefit tourists.

  6. ".... "If you have done nothing wrong, why should you be worried?.." Why because there is no review, or appeal. No independent civilian control. Who decides what is wrong? History has shown how power can corrupt.

    Not loving and eating the toe jam from Prayuth's feet is wrong. Submitting yourself 110% to prayuth is right, give him your soul and first born and you will have nothing to fear.
    crass - definition of crass by The Free Dictionary
    www.thefreedictionary.com/crass So crude and unrefined as to be lacking in discrimination and sensibility.
  7. I think Prayuth is doing his share to divide the community. Now if we can do away with his propaganda show each week, stop both sides from fuelling the fire.

    You live in Australia. Do you watch the PM's show weekly?

    You often make comments as if the current situation effects you so personally. dry.png

    • Like 1
  8. The NCPO told the media last year not to criticize the NCPO, its staff and related persons. Failure means an immediate ban and legal action.

    Social networks cannot invite or interview former civil servants, scholars, former court employees, independent organizations or former judicial office workers in any manner that can confuse society, create or escalate conflicts, or lead to violence.

    Also, no one is allowed to post confidential government agency information, including video clips, images or voice recordings. Further all channels must broadcast and inform all viewers of all information issued by the NCPO.

    So what exactly did the two stations do that displeased the NCPO?

    Confuse society?

    Create conflict?

    Not broadcast Prayut's lectures?

    Criticize NCPO, et al?

    So closed with no due process of law. No freedom of expression nor freedom NOT to be part of Prayut's propoganda machine. NCPO's idea of national unity is a nation in lockstep with the drum of the military machine that controls their sovereignty, their rights and liberties. So for the sake of NCPO's reconcliation and reformation, the tiniest bit of democracy must be be dissolved in the acidic vat of absolute power.

    Well done General and Democratic Soldier Prayut.

    For your convenience and ease of reference -

    1. Martial law is the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.
  9. Concerns should be expressed about Transport Minister Prajin Juntong's management, and nice of him to change his mind and join the meeting at the ministry to discuss the problem.


    There will be a domino- effect.

    Yet another long existing problem to be resolved as a matter of urgency.

    so you think this problem has existed for only 8 months or so

    If there is anyone that is willing or able to do something to correct this it will be the current administration, previous governments had only interest in feeding money to themselves and the same goes for the boards and directors they appointed to state agencies and organisations who enjoyed huge salaries and little or no interest or expertise in the posts they held again only there filling their pockets, airline safety in Thailand is all about the budget and how much of it is allocated to what area of the business - top management being the highest of priorities - forget about compliance with safety standards which are well down the priority list but are probably the most important, compliance coming from a series of coverups and lies

    Another fine example of everything that is wrong in this country - the greed knows no boundaries and the lies are easy told

    I believe PM Prayuth Chan (O) Cha is being very restrained and conservative in his approach to the very obvious problems here, I honestly wish he'd take the gloves off and give this country a good routing and cleansing - it has been needed for years

    and yet we have still got discussion about amnesty - what is that all about

    You - "so you think this problem has existed for only 8 months or so" No. Me - "Yet another long existing problem to be resolved as a matter of urgency." (see above)

    I believe PM Prayuth Chan (O) Cha is being very restrained and conservative in his approach to the very obvious problems here, I honestly wish he'd take the gloves off and give this country a good routing and cleansing - it has been needed for years ----------- I agree

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  10. >>"The ICAO has warned us since 2005 about our aviation management and asked us to improve our systems," he told reporters Monday.<<

    And for 10 frecking years they have done nothing!!

    They deserve every punishment coming their way!!

    Playing with passengers lives, because of the mai phen rai attitude.

    Anyone still doubt, that Thailand is a third world country??

    Agreed. I wish 'they' would punishe those who should have followed this up.

    • Like 1
  11. General P would have generated a lot more respect and credibility internationally if he had admitted the shortcomings and problems Thailand has in this area. Now he comes across like a man about to sweep the facts under the carpet.

    Plus, it would have helped if the government had kept everyone updated - "869 trawlers inspected to date, the current government had punished 65 since the military seized power last June" albeit some may have considered it propaganda.

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