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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. In my home country there are various warnings on the cigarette packs, one is about the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant. Apparently many men actually ask for these packets because they know this warning does not apply to them.                                                 (maybe this is just an urban legend?  smile.png)

  2. many beaches are public and still allow some licensed traders to sell on it......there are certain things some tourists want to be offered while at the beach.....

    Problem is, if they have a public auction to allow 100 chairs operating in a small space, within a month there will be 1000.

    It really is a case of all or nothing.

    Should be OK if it is policed properly and law and order is maintained. I personally enjoyed the convenience, but agree that they did take over the beaches.

    • Like 1


    You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 


    I'm with you on that Bob. I've listened to so much nastiness from so many people here, disparaging her character left right and centre. When she shows them to be significantly wrong about something, they just start off on another angle. It's disgusting in the extreme, and I'm embarrassed to be a farang in Thailand when I know some Thais will lump me in with these petty, mean-minded creeps.





    The Shin supporters / apologists have suddenly resorted to attacking anyone who dares comment against their beloved Shins and trying to suggest that doing so makes you a low life - and then add a barrage o rude insults.


    What's disgusting is a PM can act illegally, lie, shirk responsibility, avoid doing the job she swore to do, cry to gain sympathy then be caught laughing when she thought the cameras off, and not bother to stop or investigate assaults and murders of those who oppose her family. 


    You resort to nasty insults as you simply have no arguments for the truth. It's embarrassing that some Thais might think all farangs are Shin arse lickers.


    "not bother to stop or investigate assaults and murders of those who oppose her family".     That was definitely the worst of it.

    So much violence and so little sign of empathy for the injured or dead, of one side of the recent conflict. 


  4. With the topic here haivng k. Veera saying


    "When asked whether he voluntarily came to the meeting, he said "No"."


    and at the same time KhaoSod


    ""Now that he has seized power and assumed the role as the leader of [the junta], he should take the position of Prime Minister for himself too," said Virakarn Musikapong, a leader of the Redshirts' umbrella organization the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD).

    ... ...

    "I want all the disputes to end. Can you do that, brother Veera?" Gen. Prayuth said to Mr. Veerakan, using his former name.

    Mr. Veerakan smiled and nodded his head."



    The article on TV today also mentions this - "Former red-shirt leader Veerakan Musigapong did not seem to enjoy Prayuth's joke about the legal cases faced by him.

    "What do you say, Brother Veera? How many cases? … Let it be up to the courts to decide then," Prayuth said.

    Veerakan later told the media he was surprised to be a subject of Prayuth's humour as they were not close friends. He said he attended the event following the military's invitation although he was not so eager to come."       Not exactly forced - more like 'reluctant'       ;

    • Like 1
  5. Wouldn't this have been considered populist under previous administrations?


    Probably yes.......if 'previous administrations'  was a reference  to 'political parties?

    This is in line with the Junta's Happiness campaign and seems to be voluntary, and does not appear to be subsidised by the Junta, merely facilitated by them.


    Well done to everyone concerned, especially the participants

  6. I would of thought someone like Churapong and his family who are obviously being targeted for misdemeanors would of found time over the last few years to remove such obvious illegal material!


    The 'illegal material' was not really obvious, it was buried 3 meters in the earth.


    They probably did not have 'the last few years' to remove the wood because the need to cover their tracks only existed since the Junta took over. What need was there prior to the recent law enforcements? 


    It seems that IF  Churapong and his family, were being targeted (?) for misdemeanors, then it has been absolutely justifiable. 

    • Like 2

    But he is a yellow shirt and this can't be happening, Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism.  Maybe now people may just start to understand that corruption and other criminal activities are spread across both sides and not exclusive to red shirts.


    As you term it, I think you'll find that the majority of the "yellow shirt" supporters on here would applaud the taking down of ANYONE who has broken the law, whichever color shirt they wear or whichever side they support. Unlike the "red shirt" supporters who still seem to labor under the illusion that their hero's are squeaky clean and any charges against them are "politically motivated" or "biased".


      Definitely agree.              Well said.  


     I thought by now it would have been apparent to chooka that most anti- gov supporters only want law and order. Why does he say, sarcastically, that "Yellow shirts are squeaky clean and beyond criticism" , who has ever stated that?

     I imagine most of the anti- gov supporters already know that not all criminal activities are exclusive to red shirts.

    • Like 1
  8. Oh, is this the guy who supplied the weapons to the "popcorn gunman" , the one who shot and maimed the elderly grandfather? Or did those weapons come from a different source? Maybe he provided the guns used in the murders,shootings, bashings, interrogations, torture...some of which were overseen by the poisoned monk. This is a multi-faceted story.


    Nope. THis is the suspect who " allegedly supplied arms to red-shirt thugs"   

    • Like 2

    Sounds acceptable. Now put him on trial for the crimes he committed. Guilty as hell he is. And please don't forget his Buddy Chalerm. Please don't let him go same Jattuporn with two probation convictions. Criminals should be send to prison.

    I presume you also include yellow shirt criminals too


    There always seems to be a 'tit-for-tat' response to any legal action against any red. Judging from the comments from most of the TV members (who agree that all wrong doers be punished equally), and the recent actions by the courts, the playing fields are now level.    

    • Like 2
  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Just goes to show how moronic the mindless sheep who followed the PAD and their reincarnations up until the PDRC.

    The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin! Well i think most people with half a brain new this already.

    Pity the self portrayed 'educated' middle class who followed them are so brain dead!

    The only mindless thing is your misguided gloating, painting everyone and everything that goes against Thaksin and his minions as being Yellow Shirts and Sondhi's "sheep".

    "The leader of the group being as corrupt as Thaksin!" Well said.

    Hopefully both will receive appropriate suitable jail time if found guilty. (Yellow or Red).

    • Like 2
  11. Boooo!  Parrotfish is so good, makes great sweet and sour, keleguin, or just simply fried. 

    I am curious to see what their data is as to how fishing parrotfish is harmful to the ecosystem.


    Parrotfish "scrape algae and other plant matter from the surface of the coral. This maintains the health of the reef by keeping algae in check, which could otherwise overwhelm the delicate reef ecosystem".

    BTW - " An unusual feature of parrotfishes is that they are able to change sex, with females becoming fully functional males .... If the male should die, the most dominant female will become the dominant male, her ovaries becoming functional male testes".

    • Like 1
  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>



    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    It is fair that she can submit further evidences as long as they are true. However, there is a hard evidence that many rice farmers were screwed by the Yingluck administration. I am curious to see how she defends the charges.      

    This case has nothing to do with the farmers being paid.   


    You sound like a guy who's just fallen off his bar stool in a drunken stupor and that's the first thing that came out of your mouth . . .


    This case(s) is about malfeasance, corruption, negligence . . . farmers killing themselves because they didn't get paid would certainly have a LOT to do with how well the Thaksin rice scam was conceived and administered.


    But up to you . . . keep those blinders on and keep living in your own little blinkered fantasy world if it helps you get through the day . . .


    You live in a Yellow world.   Wake up and see there more colors than just yellow.  Good think people like you don't judge others in a court of law.

    Yes, nothing like a good think....



    But the courts never convict a Democrat or their allies?



    All the Shin supporters always claim that.



    Let's hope all convicted wrong doers are punished.


    That didn't take long did it? I presume you missed this;


    "The court initially sentenced Chavanond to two years in jail and a fine of Bt100,000 but suspended the jail term on the grounds that he has never committed a crime."



    Similar to Jutaporn ??


    ... and, has Chavanond Intharakomalsut ever been found guilty of committing a crime? 

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