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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. He's not a politician, is he.

    Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

    Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

    I know plenty of people who are sincere, loyal to the king and country, but they are not pretending to be PM"s!!

    That's as it should be. There is only one PM at a time. Currently it is the General.

  2. Note the national police chief claims the bribery list goes back two years.

    If this is accurate it's reasonable to wonder why corruption on this scale existed without being known about and acted upon.

    It's also reasonable to suggest an answer as to why a blind eye was turned and why it's suddenly being jumped all over.

    What will the general do if some of his ' people ' are found to be involved or will the investigation be very selectively tailored. .

    The 'records' only go back 2 years.

    It seems action will be taken against the military- " Trio get their ranks stripped. Prawut gave more details about the Akharapongpreecha men - former Army major Nuttapon, former Army sergeant Sitthisak, and former Bureau of Royal Household official Narong," whereas "Prawut said the RTP was considering whether to strip the ranks of all police found involved in the massive corruption scheme

  3. One of Sutherp's demands and aims, when he was fighting to topple the Siwanatra clan was to reform the police.

    This administration is following his footsteps.

    I would like to congratulate them and wish them to keep up the good work.

    History will remember you and your good deeds.

    Yeah sure, fighting corruption with corruption!!

    btw. A google-search of your hero, Suthep+corruption, gave 167.000 results!!

    btw, A google search of 'Suthep' gave = About 6 300 000 results (0.32 seconds)

    A google search of 'Suthep anti corruption'gave = About 379 000 results (0.42 seconds)

  4. Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Issara!

    Whatever happened to him being investigated by the authorities on all the actions he took prior and during the protests six months ago?

    Oh that's right he's a conservative hardliner or in other words a yellow dem who gets a free pass from the powers to be just like his mate sutep who is hiding behind monks robes.

    A conservative hardliner Buddhist monk who is a disgrace to to the religion.

    I hope the Buddhist council disrobes him which they should have done months ago!

    I would have supported your opinion 100%, but the wording of the article makes me rethink this monks actions:

    "Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Buddha Issara previously asked the NRC to draft a law that would allow the Office of Auditor-General to view the bank accounts of all Buddhist temples. Buddha Issara argued that the measure would promote transparency."

    He seems to be the only one who is in the camp of the coup makers who actually wants change/improvement/transparency. They all state they want that, but he is the only one who asks for laws to regulate the field he is in instead of only pointing somewhere else while raising hell when their own turf gets touched.

    I have always had respect for this monk. Perhaps he did not intend to be regarded as a 'yellow' political leader as such, but felt that he could not ignore the prevailing situation at that time and felt compelled to act. South Africa's highly respected Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a considered a political thorn in the side of the Apartheid government but ceased politics when the ANC was unbanned, At the time many people felt that as a religious figure he had no right to act in this way.

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  5. CCTV footage shows suspected 'Bumfights' thieves enter Siriraj Medical Museum

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    BANGKOK: -- Two Americans accused of stealing human body parts can reportedly be seen in security footage visiting the Bangkok hospital museum they are thought to have burglarized.

    As authorities seek international help with apprehending Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner after they fled to Cambodia on Sunday, today’s footage seems to show the two men, wearing backpacks, as they come and go from the Siriraj Medical Museum on Thursday.

    Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/11/19/cctv-footage-shows-suspected-bumfights-thieves-enter-siriraj-medical-museum


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-11-19

    It now seems they 'fled' to Cambodia ("... Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner after they fled to Cambodia..."). A few days ago they merely 'visited' Cambodia. tongue.png

  6. IMO she came across as a dumb immature foul mouth fool coffee1.gif


    What masterpiece the author is talking about nobody knows.

    It was just a dumb kid talking cr.p.

    A while ago my cigarette was taken from my motorcycles compartment.

    Anybody wants to see a video of me cussing like a truck driver?

    She puts her diatribe on youtube, you post yours here. How are you better than her?

    I didn't say i was.

    Can hardly call A1's comment as a diatribe - "a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something." thumbsup.gif

  7. The BIB won't bother to meet the deadline and then what, another of the infamous ' deadline extensions ' then another and ... ?

    I'm sure the junta won't order the National Police Chief to ensure compliance since the PM personally backed the investigators to the hilt.

    The PM surely did what any good 'manager' who is in control of staff is expected to do ... support his staff until / unless, adverse facts come to light.

  8. Interesting subject. As one here commented it's been common knowledge for a long time. As part of my degree I studied Smith's life. An interesting study to say the least and perhaps polygamy was one of his lesser controversies. However it should be noted that Mormons believe that a woman cannot enter their 'highest' heavenly state without first having been sealed ( married ) in a temple. At this time many of the men were being slaughtered by anti-Mormon mobs and leaving widows who may not have undergone this ritual and also a shortage of men for women to marry. It is possible that 'perhaps' Smith took the wives as 'temple wives' only to satisfy their beliefs and when he realised there were going to be far too many to accommodate instructed other church 'officials- ( namely his closest friends) to do the same. This would certainly in their eyes ( if not ours) to be a just reason, and later when there was an abundance of men the practise was discarded. This of course does not explain why he married a 14 year old as she was in no need at that time for such a ritual to be undertaken being too young. Or it could be they were just a bunch of dirty old men. ?

    He also 'married' wives who were still married to their husbands.... Weird morals/beliefs.

  9. Well with nearly 94% of approval I'm surprised he hasn't walked on water yet!

    Surprisingly no opposition .

    He must be doing right thing.

    A lot of announcements but not sure what the junta has actually done.

    Oh getting the street vendors of the streets and tearing down poor peoples homes on in or near forest boundaries.

    Yep I can see why they are so popular.

    "Oh getting the street vendors off the streets and tearing down poor peoples homes", and rich polticians' illegal homes/holiday houses "on in or near forest boundaries". Removal of illegal buildings/businesses on the beach fronts, containing/banning jet ski operators, following up on illegal wood sales and theft, curtailing the yellow/red violence/ deaths, investigating rice stocks..,

  10. Is there any proof he is a fiddler though?

    Maybe there is but that's why I'm asking.

    No proof then your comment is slander.

    ? Considering that " the disgraced entertainer was jailed in July for nearly six years for 12 indecent assaults on four girls'; one imagines there were sufficient grounds/proof that he was guilty of being a fiddler.

    • Like 2
  11. 90% gone bad in just four months??

    And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

    No, it can't just go bad in 4 months, really... Milk can goes bad after a number of days, within hours. It just depends how old the milk is.

    The stockpiled rice is old stock and was bound to go rotten. Much of it was already past the 'best before date' 4 months ago. Surely you cannot honestly be surprised or realistically blame the current government? blink.png

  12. Wonder if they would accept my complaint about a non-elected government running the country??

    Or would the "speedy problem solving" mean an escort to the airport??w00t.gif

    JOC take a look at your post and try to tell me you are a reasonable good thinking guy. No matter what the PM does your going to make snide comments so negative your unbelievable.

    Complaint center ??? after all the propaganda posters are saying about freedom of speech ?? and here we are -the PM setting up centers for problems.

    Wanting to return to an elected government. Nothing unreasonable about that.

    Coming from a democratic country, and supporting tyranny in a country where you are only a guest. Is that reasonable?

    Is this reallyTyranny? Bit harsh........

    • Tyranny - Merriam-Webster Online
      cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others. : a government in which all power belongs to one person : the rule or authority of a tyrant.
  13. "There is only one thing in life that is worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Oscar Wilde.

    Why can't the media ignore Thaksin? He needs to sent to Coventry.

    In 1811 the phrase was described in “Grose's The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue” as “To send one to Coventry; a punishment inflicted by officers of the army on such of their brethren as are testy, or have been guilty of improper behaviour, not worthy the cognizance of a court martial. The person sent to Coventry is considered as absent; no one must speak to or answer any question he asks, except relative to duty, under penalty of being also sent to the same place. On a proper submission, the penitent is recalled, and welcomed by the mess, as just returned from a journey to Coventry.”

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