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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. So a cowardly thug is going to get away with it ? These are the people testicular cancer was designed for - sadly nature doesnt always answer my prayers.

    Normally i agree with your comments,but i am a survivor of testicular cancer,and i think you could have worded that better.Have a think before you put things into print.

    I apologise unreservedly to anyone who was offended by my comment - I believe you know it wasnt aimed at the people who have cancer or any other illness. I stopped going in for a checkup (prostate etc) when I was diagnosed with early stage Parkinson's - having seen what it did to my father I wont be hanging around for the 'palliative care' discussed in this Wikipedia entry. Well done on beating the big C.


    Well done for the apology. People can be understandably sensitive when suffering from cancer or a chronic condition. I wish you all the best with your own personal life.

    I looked after my father for 17 years, he had Parkinson's but soldiered on and passed away at age 85.

  2. More people die each year from elephant attack than any other species, approx 500 people world wide per year....

    Next time get your facts straight.. hippos kill far more people. (other animals even more)


    It seems that facts on Google may be incorrect at times. Most Dangerous Animals - Animal Danger www.animaldanger.com/most-dangerous-animals.php

    The article states that Hippos only kill about 300 people a year......
  3. Isn't the Junta and Prayut the self appointed government. Governments don't build roads and bike lanes as gifts they build them because they are required for safety and the people pay for them and don't buy thier own gifts. Somchia just bought himself a new phone as a gift from the government. It's the government's bloody job to do this and by simply doing what you are being paid to do is not a gift to the people.

    *sigh* another poster that has difficulty reading.

    That's not what Kooweerup posted that I replied to.

    That's not even what The Nation posted.

    (I left your misspellings, bad grammar, and lack of punctuation intact so as to leave your entire mishmash quote unedited)


    OMG another qualified English teacher who spoils a conversation. I bet you get pissed with the different accents also compared to your perfect British accent. Nice way to win an argument idiot school teacher. People on here are not your submissive students or have English as a 1st language you stupid fool

    Wow ! ..and a Happy New Year to you as well.

    • Like 1
  4. Perhaps Yingluck's lawyers can crosscheck their own comprehensive list of facts/figures of what is in storage and usable throughout the period of the rice scheme, with those the Military/current "Govt" have and then they can work out the discrepancies ...

    Excellent suggestion. Being on top of the situation, as they were, they will surely have a "comprehensive list of facts/figures of what is in storage and usable throughout the period of the rice scheme" thumbsup.gif

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Wonder if Panadda has got to the bottom of the investigation into the microphone purchase yet? Happened under him so i presume it would be quick and easy to conclude.

    Well, it seemed it was quick and easy to have the order canceled ...

  6. By the way: Hitlers swastika is NOT copied from the Hindhu- symbol. It is based on runes from the Nordic- tales and myths.

    But please... continue, by all means!

    It seems both of you may be correct. smile.png

    I found this on Google- http://www.holocaust-trc.org/the-holocaust-education-program-resource-guide/the-swastika/

    The swastika is a very old symbol with use widespread throughout the world. Sometimes referred to as a “Gammadion” “Hakenkreuz” or a “Flyfot,” it traditionally had been a sign of good fortune and well being The word “swastika” is derived from the Sanskrit “su” meaning “well” and “asti” meaning “being.” It also is considered to be a representation of the sun and is associated with the worship of Aryan sun gods. It is a symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism, as well as a Nordic runic emblem and a Navajo sign.

    Hitler had a convenient but spurious reason for choosing the Hakenkreuz or hooked cross. It had been used by the Aryan nomads of India in the Second Millennium B.C. In Nazi theory, the Aryans were the Germans ancestors, and Hitler concluded that the swastika had been “eternally anti-Semitic.”

  7. OMG the dear leader who claims he is not a Dictator can't be serious. People are supporting this dangerous man who is a fan of Hitler. Now is the time to panic as he has totally lost the plot commissioning Hitler works. Can't wait for his press release where he states the world supports his love and admiration of Hitler.

    Is there any reference to the fact that the PM is a fan of Hitler as asserted by you? Did the PM really commission 'Hitler works" ?

    As Thailiketoo pointed out, and the article states, that apart from the school boy painting of Hitler "there are no other references to the German dictator in the film, which goes on to illustrate a lesson about cheating." This short film does not revere Hitler. I fully agree that other icons should have been used by the director, and not this monster.

    I often wonder if these continual cheap political shots and unsubstantiated political criticism from certain members merely serves as a tool to garner 'likes'.

  8. To OP since you or I are not a legal lawyer in Thailand asking this forum for an answer is like explaining why you can't travel faster than the speed of light to a 2 year old. So my advice is pose you question to Ask a lawyer forum here at this site. And good luck.

    Seems this was tried already - " A question was posted in Ask the Lawyer and answered by the lawyer but this only gave general advice."

  9. They wanted the bag....took the bag and they left. I don't see that his Thai boxing expertise was of any great benefit? I hope his father has a work permit?

    Did they only want the girl friend's bag? If it was an easy target perhaps they would have wanted the guys wallet, cell phones and anything else of value?

    Plus no body became physical with his girlfriend, and he was not hurt further or killed.

  10. Hold on Mrs. Elena Naydina. I have some questions for you?

    Do you ride on the back of taxis in Russia? No! So why do you do it here?

    Did you come to Thailand without any travel insurance? Obviously because you are now complaining you have no money for medical bills.

    Who do you think you are taking a cameraman to interview a Police Chief?

    Even if they find the baht bus driver nothing will happen to him. The driver wont have a pot to piss in and you wont get 1 satang out of him.

    I know from experince that if a Thai injures a foreigner nothing will happen to them. A friend of mine got knocked off my motorbike and got dragged down the road by a Thai drunk driver. At the police station the Thai drunk driver got fined 500 baht. My bike had to be rebuilt through the insurance and my friend was left black and blue with cuts all over hIm.

    "Who do you think you are..." What?

    Who do you think you are reprimanding and interrogating the victims wife?

    Why should the police officer not be photographed? He's only a public servant.

    ... and, why ask the wife a question, and then promptly make assumptions and answer it yourself ?

  11. General Prayuth seems to be ignoring some of the glaring inconsistencies in the application of justice in Thailand. Seems that this guy, like some many before him, is just going to walk free. $97,000 to be allowed to escape justice while the elderly couple found picking mushrooms in a national park got 10 years. Justice Thai style.

    Amazing. This incident happened in September 2012 when the country was under the reign of the PTP. I imagine you voiced your opinion at the time - but did you single out Yingluck specifically? If not, why not?

    People are agitating for the present government to step down as soon as possible, yet it is also expected that the present government has to take responsibility, and remedial action for all past wrongs and injustices of the previous governments. Get real.

    Amazing. Blunder in but don't bother reading any of the thread. The whole point is that the current govt IS taking action over events in the past. This case presents an opportunity for them to show that they are even-handed. However I suspect the concept of balance is alien to you.

    Please don't make incorrect assumptions. I did read the thread.

    Again I ask, at the time (September 2012) if you voiced an opinion, did you single out Yingluck specifically, as you have General Prayuth ?

    The concept of balance is very much in my mind, hence my question.

  12. "If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

    At the time, there were numerous assertions that Suthep was going to hold onto power and become a dictator. Some TV members were absolutely convinced of this despite his statements to the contrary. Suthep is now a monk, and has been a monk for quite a while now.

    If I were to presume, I would imagine that you were one of those members who thought Suthep was planning on becoming a dictator.

    • Like 2
  13. He's not a politician, is he.

    Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

    Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

    Agree with your comments. Unable to 'like' your post - "There was a problem storing your reputation vote."

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