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Posts posted by NeilSA1

  1. My rating for both David Cameron and General Prayuth Chan-o-cha has just stepped up a notch, very sensible approach by both men - they have done the right thing and IMO Thailand has restored "face"

    Lets see how this pans out

    I agree. Give credit when credit is due. Very few people are prepared to give General Prayuth any credit regardless of what ever action he takes.

    • Like 1
  2. Rid Thailand of corruption, what a joke. He just rewarded the Koh Tao police for thier activities. He is a huge supporter of corruption and getting what he wants by any means.

    I gotta eat crow on this one. I really thought this guy would bring change. It's like Obama all over again. I should've knownfacepalm.gif

    Personally I feel its still early days yet, BUT I think the litmus test is going to be revealed by the action taken (if any) re; the Koh Tao murders.

  3. What a load of tripe! Let us try and not make this into a somehow 'romantic melodrama'. Your kines; "Not in Command", "Lived in his dreams", and the worst one of all... "was just following orders"? Besides you very poor English, you have shown yourself to be completely ignorant with regards to those who have numbers tattooed on their arms, who after having large families found themselves in '45 all alone. I would love to know from where you are from and how old you for maybe that would explain your arrogance!

    First I'm 48 years old, lost 3 family members under the war, still has family members from that time,my father in laws lost he's brothers, but he has forgiven them. I think it's time to forgive. It's 70 years ago

    About my English skill f$$$ you, I'm proud I'm able to write, speak, read more than one language

    But I will forgive your arrogance

    iamariva1957 ....... "Besides you very poor English" The pot calling the kettle black?

  4. Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

    angry.gif Your response is sickening...

    Why is it sickening, he is speaking the truth

    This article is about the inhumane way in which 2 dogs were apparently killed by strangulation. There is no need to cause such suffering.

    While many will agree that a cull may be justified, it must be handled properly and with empathy by responsible personnel from the relevant authorities. This must excludes members of the public.

  5. Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

    angry.gif Your response is sickening...

    Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.

    With you 100% glasswort & bill014. We humans need to take back control of our streets from the stray dogs. Accidents, deaths, sickness, injuries every day to the tax paying human population caused by stray dogs. If the doggie do-gooders are so much in love with these mutts let them remove them from PUBLIC land & take care of them all TOMORROW. Otherwise shut up and let the cull begin.

    I do not wish to see any animal suffer but the human suffering has gone on long enough.

    Tax paying ???

    Yes. You never heard of VAT or road tax among the many taxes people pay. When did a stray dog ever pay tax?

    " When did a stray dog ever pay tax?" ? when did a pet dog ever pay tax..........

  6. I think the report refers to Oskar Groening, who was in charge of property collection. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oskar_Gr%C3%B6ning

    It is a nonsense to prosecute this man other than as a formality in order to get his account on the formal record of history. He was 23 years old at the time, worked in a clerical function, and (claims to have) attempted to resign in protest. He has expressed remorse in actions, not only words.

    He is also one of the main opponents of Holocaust deniers having made bold, public statements against those, such as Englishoak, above, who attempt to suggest that there were no gas chambers.

    My father signed up for WW2 at age 16 and was wounded. His cousin was killed. I know my father would say that its time to forgive, especially after reading the above wikipedia article.

    • Like 2
  7. What a load of joyless,meàn-spirited, bitter, military boot-licking lot you yellow shirt fanatics are. You hover 24/7 over your machines ready to spit venom at any mention of the Shins or their supporters. Get a frickin life why don't you.

    187 posts in 6 years - and you feel inspired to defend a former PM removed from office for acting illegally?

    Wouldn't want your life.

    Yes, and with a wopping 7 likes, 5 of which were received since July 2014. Regular red supporter.

    2014-07-12 08:26:14 'Great to see someone standing up to the rabid, foaming at the mouth, yellowshirt ® yellowshirt farang on this site.'

  8. I wonder what the General's evening speech will contain once all of the issues reported here by Thai Visa members are already addressed?

    You do understand there is a difference between addressing (by that I presume you mean actually do something about a "problem") and talking about it on a weekly TV show. You may notice that prayuth "urged the relevant authorities to deal with the problem" so expect business as usual.

    I wonder what next weeks "Returning happiness to the people's" populist investigation/crackdown is going to be? coffee1.gif

    It does seem that General Prayuth has had a positive influence. Posted Today, 06:30 Fearing military, Pattaya rushes to eradicate sin.

    PATTAYA: Officials are racing to clean up Pattaya’s beaches and vice spots to try to shake off the “sin city” tag and prevent the military stepping in as they have done in Phuket and Hua Hin.

  9. You are not assessing facts, you are obfuscating to save face.

    1 So why did you "like" the post if you don't agree with it?

    2 It contains an obvious falsehood, namely that the Popcorn Shooter went to Laksi to shoot at people that wanted to cast their votes, do you agree that is a falsehood yes or no?

    3 Did you read my reply yes or no?

    You are scoring pretty badly.

    Obvious falsehood??

    A man heads out on election day, takes a loaded weapon, conceals it in a popcorn bag, wears a balaclava to hide his identity, has a spotter accompany him - seems to me he had but one, single, solitary intention - to shoot at people that wanted to cast their vote.

    Surprise, surprise - he actually did shoot and grievously wound voters.

    It never ceases to amaze me how peoples bigotry, prejudices and fanaticism blinds them to even the most OBVIOUS and simple truths.

    What chance has humanity when there exists so many hateful fools amongst us.

    Yes, obvious falsehood.

    Do you know, for a fact, that the gunman went to Laksi with the objective of shooting at voters specifically? Not at the Red Shirts that assembled to confront the PDRC, voters just trying to cast their vote.

    Do keep in mind that there were no other gunman waiting for voters anywhere else, only where a group of Red Shirts moved in with the express intention of facing off with the PDRC (something that had previously ended up in anti-PTP protesters being killed)

    Do you know for a fact that he didn't?

    He went with bad intentions to further a cause - i.e. to prevent the election from occurring because he, like everyone else, knew that if the election went ahead PTP would win handsomely.

    Further - it is quite obvious that whoever chooses to wear a red shirt is pro-democracy so "assembled Red Shirts" and "voters trying to vote" are one in the same, which leads to the conclusion that yes, the popcorn shooter showed up with the intention to shoot at and cause bodily harm to the Red Shirts / Voters

    Were all the voters 'red' supporters ? i understood that voters of other persuasions also went to the polls, albeit to spoil their votes.

  10. What........ you are still 10 years old?

    You might want to consider limiting your online presence to just reading only as this is not adding much.

    biggrin.png I considered keeping my comments short, because i could not believe that you were equating a time honored saying, applicable to children aged 10 years, with the dangerous and life threatening action which was taking place in Thailand at the time.

  11. I abhor theives and unless its to prevent starvation, nobody has the right to take something that belongs to someone else, without providing compensation.

    That being said, Robbing banks is a victimless 'crime'... So let me see if I understand this correctly.

    Banks engage in the use of fractional reserve lending practices. They dont lend their customers' money nor do they lend their own. All money comes into existence

    via a loan and thus is an instrument of debt. They never create the interest for the money they lend, nor do they even print any new money. (think monopoly).. Its simply figures on a screen whereby the

    bank monetizes the loan agreements, adds whatever numbers to your bank account with a few keystrokes, and booooyaaaa... you have money in the bank... At no stage has the bank

    offered up any 'consideration', or anything of value...A contract also requires 'certainty' which cant exist on variable interest loans... another element of the scam.

    They have essentially risked nothing.... and on top of this they charge interest on the money they created (usury) out of thin air, that's not backed by anything of substance or value and have the audacity to cry about it

    when someone fleeces them of their non-existent fiat currency...A classic case of the scammer getting scammed... or rather taking back from the rich, what they stole from the poor..

    sounds like Robin Hood to me....

    So these guys have essentially managed to take back some of the banks ill-gotten gains and spend it back into the economy....something that banks do NOT do... (the billions in profits they have acquired through deception never sees the light of day)...

    Do people realize how much better the world would be, not to mention individual situations if everyone stopped paying back phony credit card 'debts' and fraudulent mortgages, tomorrow??.

    Majority of our societal concerns would be quickly resolved...

    The bankers will get all they deserve in the days ahead....

    "They dont lend their customers' money...." of course they do, customers' money, especially investments are lent out in the form of overdrafts and loans.

    "They have essentially risked nothing..." there is always a risk with every loan or overdraft.

    "The bankers will get all they deserve in the days ahead..." Bankers/staff ? or Bankers/the bank (company) controlled by directors?

  12. The above is a rare acknowledgement that there were people on the yellow side firing weapons - in this case not as an offshoot of some legally-sanctioned popular demonstration or even an armed clash in a neutral space of the city, but to stop people gaining access to ballot boxes stored nearby, and so have a chance to vote in a legitimate election authorised by HM. In the rush to re-write history these little details are forgotten by many.

    You are the one rewriting history, this man showed up after an armed group of Red Shirts assembled by Ko Tee moved in to attack the PDRC protesters at Laksi, the "Popcorn Gunman" was not there to attack people attempting to vote, that's a complete distortion of the facts.

    This shooter should face the law, obviously, but his actions were to defend people from murderous thugs not to attack voters, in case you forgot not long before another PDRC group was ambushed and their leader murdered in plain daylight by Red Shirts, that, surprise surprise, the police failed to prevent and arrest.

    By the way, the same Ko Tee took his merry men to at least one other ambush after the incidents at Laksi, were they murdered one protestor and injured three other. Still police was unable to arrest him or any other member of his band of thugs.

    Now tell us, since the police obviously proved to be ineffective (to put it very mildly, they actually helped Ko Tee escape from Laksi) stopping Red Shirts from murdering anti-PTP protesters, what recourse did they have to protect themselves?

    Your argument reads like: "but they started it", to which my mum would always say: "but you are responsible for how you react to it".

    That is what i was told when i was about 10 years old, and it still applies today.

    What........ you are still 10 years old?

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